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Listen to the audio and answer the questions 1-6. 7. Choose the correct tense form.
Betty watched him ... the gate and ... down the street.
1. The passage is mainly about .... A) passed, walked
A) how Mendeleev met Stanislao Cannizzaro. B) to pass, walk
B) The place where Mendeleev studied. C) to pass, walking
C) Mendeleev and the periodic table. D) passing, walked
D) name of the elements which Mendeleev developed. E) pass, walk
E) Mendeleev's childhood experience.
8. Choose the correct preposition.
2. Which statement is true according to the passage? ... the 1st of August he arrived ... Moscow.
A) Existence of all elements had been discovered. A) In, in
B) The atomic number has no equality to the amount of B) At, to
protons. C) On, in
C) Mendeleev was born in Sicilia, Italy. D) On, at
D) When Mendeleev wrote the book, he classified the E) On, to
elements to their chemical properties.
E) Elements gallium, germanium, and scandium were 9. Choose the correct exclamatory sentence.
discovered by Stanislao Cannizzaro. A) What a warm blanket it is!
B) How warm blanket it is!
3. Choose the correct answer according to the passage. C) What warm blanket she's bought!
What did Mendeleev do in 1871? D) How warmly the blanket is!
A) He published his first version known as the periodic E) What a warm blanket is it!
B) He discovered the element of germanium and gallium. 10. Complete the sentence.
C) He was sent to study at the University of Heidelberg. Ask Helen ...
D) He met the Italian chemist Cannizzaro. A) what did trouble her last night.
E) He published an improved version of the periodic table B) when she has bought the hat.
C) if she know his address.
4. Write your answer to the question. D) if she recognized the man.
Which book did Mendeleev write that became a classic? E) if is it easy to learn the poem.

11. Choose the correct variant.

1. Some other boys besides Mike have been invited to the
__________________________ party.
2. All the news were published in today's newspaper.
5. Complete the sentence according to the passage. 3. The girl with blue eyes are my close friend.
He studied chemistry at... 4. The message from my parents has encouraged me.
A) 1, 4
B) 2, 3
C) 2, 4
__________________________ D) 3, 4
E) 1, 3
6. Complete the sentence with one word according to the
passage. 12. Choose the correct variant.
Dmitry Mendeleev was a Russian ..... I wanted to go to the consert ... all the tickets were already
A) and B) if C) so
__________________________ D) but E) because

Aynura Hamidova 051 586 77 27


13. Choose the correct variant. 18. Choose the correct variant in Genetive Case.
... made you buy a new equipment? 1. the police's responsibility
1. Why 2. The Black's house
2. How 3. tomorrows' weather
3. What 4. two weeks' holiday
4. Who A) 1,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,2
A) 2, 3 D) 2,3 E) 1,4
B) 3, 4
C) 1, 2 19. Choose the correct variant.
D) 1, 4 They needn't ...
E) 1, 3 1. sweep the carpet.
2. any more advice.
14. Choose the correct variant. 3. begin early.
He's travelled around Australia. ... 4. a holiday.
1. David also has. A) 1,4 B) 1,2 C) 2,4
2. David also is. D) 1,3 E) 3,4
3. So has David.
4. So is David.
A) 1, 3 20. Choose the correct variant.
B) 2, 4 When Betty..., the wind ... .
C) 1, 2 A) go out, has stopped
D) 3, 4 B) went out, had been stopped
E) 1, 4 C) went out, had stopped
D) goes out, has stopped
15. Choose the correct variant in the Passive Voice. E) went out, was stopped
Our granny often tells us fairy tales.
A) Fairy tales often told to us by granny. 21. Choose the correct variant.
B) Fairy tales are often told to our granny. These chairs were ... than the others.
C) Our granny is often told fairy tales. A) the most comfortable
D) We are often told fairy tales by our granny. B) most comfortable
E) We were often told fairy tales to our granny. C) comfortable
D) more comfortable
16. Choose the correct articles. E) a more comfortable
... people in ... village told them that there was ... school
there, but it was ... small one.
A) the, the, a, - 22. Make up a sentence.
B) -, the, -, - 1. need
C) -, the, the, at 2. tell
D) the, the, a, a 3. you
E) the, -, the, the 4. me
5. what
17. Match the words with their definitions A) 2,4,5,3,1
1. riches a. a large amount of money B) 3,5,4,1,2
2. ground b. not weighing a lot C) 5,2,4,1,3
3. light c. solid surface of the earth D) 3,1,5,4,2
A) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b E) 5,3,1,2,3
B) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
C) 1-a ,2-c, 3-b
D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
E) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a

Aynura Hamidova 051 586 77 27

Read the passage and answer questions 23-30.
25. Which statement is true according to the passage?
1. Fatima Jibrell is an inspiring environmentalist. She was A) In the early 1990s, Jibrell went back to Spain
born and raised in Somalia. Somalia is a country on the B) Jibrell saw that many people were planting down lots of
east coast of Africa. Jibrell immigrated to the United States trees.
during high school. She studied there and became an C) Jibrell founded the company that is today known as
American citizen. In the early 1990s, Jibrell went back to Adeso.
Somalia. She saw that many Somali people were cutting D) Jibrell and Adeso also pushed the Somali government to
down lots of trees. They burned these trees to make start the charcoal trade.
charcoal. Charcoal is a type of fuel. Many people and E) Jibrell immigrated to the United Kingdom during high
businesses use it. Somalis sold charcoal to other parts of school.
the world, and considerarsonier
2. The charcoal business hurt Somalia's environment. 26. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
Animals lost their habitats. The land became very dry The land became very arid as ...
because there were no trees to hold water in the ground. A) There were hardly any trees to help the earth retain
Somalia had bad droughts. Droughts are periods of time water.
with very little rain. They can lead to a shortage of water. B) Only some trees could have kept water in the ground.
3. Jibrell took action. She created an organization that is C) To keep water in the ground, there were a few trees.
now called Adeso. This group educated Somali people D) There were no trees to rest under them.
about the dangers of making charcoal. She also helped E) There were no trees to water them.
start a group that gave Somalis solar cookers. These solar
cookers use the sun's energy to cook food. These 27. Complete the sentence according to the passage by
communities now do not need to use charcoal or wood to changing at least two words.
cook. The solar cookers use ...
4. Jibrell and Adeso also pushed the Somali government
to stop the charcoal trade. In 2012, the Somali government
agreed. Jibrell and the people in Adeso still travel to many __________________________
villages in Somalia. They teach Somali communities how to
save water during droughts. They also teach people about 28. Write the answer to the question by expressing your
how they can help save Somalia's natural environment. opinion according to the passage. Write at least three
23. The passage is mainly about? How can the youth influence the environmental problems?
A) an inspiring environmentalist
B) animal habitats other __________________________
C) organization in Somali
D) the charcoal business 29. Choose the correct adjective that describes
E) the Somali government "environment".

24. Choose the correct answer to the question according to

the passage. __________________________
Why do Jibrell and the people in Adeso still travel to many
villages in Somalia? 30. Which word from paragraph 4 best fits the following
A) to tell people how to create the charcoal business definition "to use physical pressure or force, especially
B) to instruct Somali populations on how to save water in with your hands, in order to move something"?
times of droughts.
C) to teach Somali people how to use solar power to avoid
droughts. __________________________
D) to educate Somali tribes about water waste during
E) to start an organization to save animals a med deb brow
od to gains

Aynura Hamidova 051 586 77 27

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