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#40WomenUnder40 : Meet Immy Nakyeyune (35): Founder and Lead of Mkazipreneur


8 March 2024, Third Women In FinTech Magazine!


Meet Immy Nakyeyune (35): Founder and Lead of Mkazipreneur, an impactful women's enterprise
support organization that has successfully unlocked over $900,000 in seed funding for women-owned
businesses in Uganda. Immy passionately advocates for gender equality, equity, and women's
empowerment through entrepreneurship. Leveraging her extensive experience in service management
analysis and a proven track record in the telecommunications industry, Immy has guided Mkazipreneur
to provide pro bono training to over 8,000 female entrepreneurs. The organization has not only
transformed non-tech-enabled women-led SMEs into technologically advanced businesses but has also
connected them to markets through technology, fostering valuable partnerships and funding that have
been pivotal to their success.

#LevelOneProject #IncludeEveryone

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