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#40WomenUnder40 -Doreen Orishaba

#40WomenUnder40 | Day 32

Doreen Orishaba: Leading the charge as Country Lead at BasiGo Rwanda, Doreen spearheads the
promotion of a pioneering pilot project involving electronic buses in Rwanda. With a background in
electrical engineering, Doreen boasts over a decade of experience, including notable roles at Kira
Motors Uganda Limited and Ford Motor Company. Her expertise has earned praise from industry
leaders, with BasiGo CEO/Co-founder, Jit Bhattacharya, commending her as one of the region's foremost
professionals in the electrification of public transport. With her rich experience from Kiira Motors and
BasiGo, Orishaba stands as the ideal leader to drive Rwanda towards its ambitious goals for sustainable
public transport.
#LevelOneProject #IncludeEveryone

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