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#40WomenUnder40 | Day 31

Marjorine Nantambi

Marjorine Nantambi: Marjorine is a personal growth and finance coach with Unravel Wealth Wellness
Garage. In her role, Marjorine has empowered countless individuals to reach their full potential through
a coaching methodology centred around fostering a mindset of continuous improvement and financial
literacy. Marjorine's clients appreciate her ability to provide personalized guidance, equipping them with
the tools to make informed decisions and achieve their personal and financial goals. She has had
engagements with prestigious institutions such as the World Bank, Uganda Development Bank (UDB),
Centenary Bank, Pepsi, Pride Microfinance, Roswell Hospital, Reproductive Health Uganda, and various
Rotary Clubs.

#LevelOneProject #IncludeEveryone

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