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1. This is a strong position, both front and rear feet are offensive and defensive.?

2. Swing your punch upwards to strike the bottom of the jaw or into the ribs.

3. Use the tips of your fingers (on an open hand with fingers together) to strike soft areas such as an
opponent’s neck.
4. Use the bottom of your palm (the “padded” part) to strike an opponent’s chin, nose, etc.

5. Use your elbow to strike targets such as an opponent’s head. This is a devastating Taekwondo strike
when used in-close (because your elbow is made of much thicker bone than the bones in your fist).

6. This mode is widely used in the defense, but for the offensive stand also useful. The front foot is in
place to give a kick.
7. This tenet is extremely important inside and outside of the do-jang, whether conducting oneself in
free-sparring or in one's personal affairs.
8. This is a very stable position for a lateral movement. This mode is also widely used for
impact/punching exercises and for the legs muscle development.

10. AHN-JO

True or False 2 points each

16. A tenet is a Suggested, principle or doctrine that a person not holds and maintains
as true.
17. Love, Peace, Integrity, Perseverance and Skill are the Five Tenets of Taekwondo.
18. Taekwondo, or literally the Way (do) of the foot (tae) and the fist (kwon), is a Korean
martial art whose origins can be traced back over two millennia.
19. Self-Control is the tenet that is extremely important inside and outside of the do-
jang, whether conducting oneself in free-sparring or in one's personal affairs
20. Kicking is used to raise the foot and attack the opponent's target with a part of the

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