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ANtiglobulin Testing (Coomb’s Test)

Detects non-agglutinating antibody by means of coupling with a second antibody

Positive: agglutination

Color reagent: green

Attach to Fc portion of IgG

DAT TEST: In vivo (inside the body) sensitization of RBC

a. Investigation of Hemolytic Disease of Newborn

b. Investigation of HTR (Hemolytic Transfusion reaction)
c. Diagnosis of AIHA (Autoimmune haemolytic anemia)
d. Diagnosis of drug-induced haemolytic anemia

Drug absorption (Penicillin)

Membrane modification (Cephalosporin)

Immune Complex (Quinidine, phenacetin

Autoantibody formation (methyldopa aldomet)

Hereditary spherocytosis: elevated OFT, elevated MCHC , - DAT

Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia : elevated OFT and MCHC, + DAT


 In vivo sensitization of px rbc

 Px RBC
 Anticoagulant: EDTA (pink)

Indirect Antiglobulin Test – detect in vitro sensitization

 Presence of a particular ab in px, or can be used to type patient rbc for specific blood
group antigens
A. Crossmatching (IAT)
B. Antibody detection
C. Antibody Identification
D. RBC antigen phenotyping (test for weak D Du)

Specimen: serum (red stopper)

2-step process

1. Washed rbc and ab are combine at 37C

2. Cells are carefully washed again to remove any unbound ab; when antihuman globulin is
added, a visible reaction occurs where ab has been specifically bound

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