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Diagnosis: Submental Abscess Secondary To Buccal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Date: 02/01/2024
Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for aspiration related to excessive saliva.
Expected Outcome: Patient able to prevent aspiration and maintain respiratory functions.
Nursing Intervention with Rationales:
1. Elevate the head of the bed.
Rationale: To reduce risk of aspiration by promoting proper swallowing.
2. Monitor respiratory status frequently.
Rationale: To detect any signs of respiratory distress/pneumonia.
3. Maintain proper oral care of the patient.
Rationale: To reduce the risk of respiratory infections related to aspiration.
4. Encourage patient to engage with speech therapist.
Rationale: To improve swallowing function.
5. Utilize therapeutic positioning techniques like chin-tuck
Rationale: To assist in safe swallowing.
6. Administer medication as prescribed by doctor.
Rationale: To manage underlying conditions that may contribute to excessive saliva.
7. Provide thorough education to the patient on recognizing signs of aspiration and
importance of following recommended feeding practices.
Rationale: To avoid the risk of aspiration.

Evaluation: Patient has able to prevent aspiration and maintain respiratory functions.

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