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Comparing and Contrasting Closings in Speeches

Quick Write

Directions: You will compare and contrast the impact of the closings from
three famous speeches. You will use JFK’s Inaugural Address and two other
speeches of your choice from the Canvas assignment. Below, list the name of
the two other speeches you selected.

Speech 1: JFK’s Inaugural Address

Speech 2: Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream"

1. What were the main ideas each speaker was trying to convey? Is there
one speech that stood out above the rest? If so, use evidence to discuss
why this is the case for you.
The main idea of The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln was to honor
the sacrifices made by soldiers in the Civil War and emphasize the
importance of preserving the principles of equality and freedom. Martin
Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech aimed to advocate for racial
equality and justice, while inspiring hope and unity among all Americans.
John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech focused on the responsibility of each
citizen to contribute to the betterment of society and the world, promoting
peace, freedom, and democracy. Among these speeches, Martin Luther
King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech stands out as its powerful words and
passionate delivery continue to resonate with people, reminding us of the
ongoing fight for racial equality and the dream of a harmonious society.

2. In a paragraph response, compare and contrast the similarities and

differences in how the three speakers ended their speeches. Use specific
evidence to talk about how particular stylistic choices impacted you as the
reader, and informed the message of the speech.
The three speeches, the Gettysburg Address, MLK's "I Have a Dream," and
JFK's Inaugural Address, shared a common goal of inspiring and uniting
their audiences towards a greater cause. However, their endings showcased
distinct stylistic choices that greatly impacted the reader's experience and

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reinforced the messages of their respective speeches. In Lincoln's
Gettysburg Address, he utilizes a powerful and succinct conclusion,
emphasizing the need for unity and dedication to the ideals of equality and
freedom. Martin Luther King Jr., in "I Have a Dream," employs repetition and
anaphora, creating a captivating and memorable finale that calls for a
future where racial discrimination is eradicated. In JFK's Inaugural Address,
he employs a strong call to action and an optimistic tone, urging individuals
to take responsibility and contribute towards a better nation and world.
These various stylistic choices prompted different emotional responses
within me as a reader and effectively conveyed the core messages of each

3. In one paragraph, compare and contrast the historical context of the

three speeches. This may require approximately two sentences per speech
to address this fully. Use the five speeches in the Canvas lesson for some
background information.
The historical context of the three speeches, the Gettysburg Address, Martin
Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream," and John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address,
provide a rich backdrop to understand the different challenges and
aspirations faced by the United States during these significant periods.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was delivered in 1863, amidst the American
Civil War, as he reflected on the sacrifice of soldiers to preserve the Union
and the struggle for equality. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream"
speech, delivered in 1963, was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights
Movement, calling for an end to racial segregation and discrimination. JFK's
Inaugural Address, delivered in 1961, took place during the Cold War era,
showcasing America's commitment to international cooperation and
highlighting the threats posed by communism. These speeches capture key
moments of American history, each with its unique set of challenges and
aims for progress.

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