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________, an artistic COMBINATION of Social Dancing can be lots of great fun

BODY MOVEMENTS, with or without exercise as well. Knowledge and
script or score, is rich with symbolism and appropriate couple dance positions, terms,
significance. and steps, are essential because it allows
the dancer's freedom to move, and steps
- It will REMOVE the OBSTACLE can be improvised or put together in
between ethnicity, social status, random sequences. It also allows you to
religion, and language as standard lead and follow gracefully while looking
communication mode. excellent. Fundamental in all these are
good body carriage; the body must always
- should be a symbol for all, be naturally erect and graceful.
regardless of religion, race, color,
who we are, and where we come

self-expression Basic
Dance is a natural form of_________: the It is a STANDARDIZED group of STEPS,
body expresses itself naturally, and so, which together with other patterns,
therefore does the spirit. constitute the foundation of a dance.

Through dance, our body expresses how Frame

free we are while also highlighting our ______ refers to the POSTION of the
minds' restrictions on it. Similarly, social arms and torso while in dance positions.
dance ought to be enjoyable and allow for
some freedom of expression.
Social Dance One of the most important elements of
_________ is a type of a social dancing is the ________ between
RECREATIONAL DANCING frequently you and your partner.
done with a partner and in a group or as a - If your center is not aligned in the
community activity for pleasure and middle of your body, you will distort
enjoyment. all of your blocks of weight.

- It can derive from or be an activity To find the center or the core of your
within many different genres. body;
- It may be a standard and latin imagine a straight line running from front
dance, or even salsa or rock n to back and another line from side to side
roll, or any contemporary dance through your body. Where the two lines
performed for public enjoyment or intersect is your center or core. It's not on
an exhibition with numerous the exterior of your body, rather, it's found
physical, mental and social health in the interior of the body.
benefits. It may also have
ceremonial, competitive, and erotic The objective when dancing is to keep
functions. Generally, it is a non your center or core aligned in the center of
competitive version of ballroom your body.
and latin dancing.
Body Alignment Open Position
________ refers to FOUR BLOCKS of ___________ refers to any dance position
weight, the head, the torso, the hips, where the man and lady STAND APART
and the legs. or slightly apart, with one or two hands in
- Your head should be sitting directly contact.
over your shoulders and ribs,
which are situated directly over Apart Position
your hips and legs. Use your __________ is when a man and lady have
partner or mirror to check your NO BODY CONTACT.
alignment and make adjustments
accordingly. Right and Left Side Position
__________ is an OPEN POSITION
FIVE FEET POSITIONS where the lady is to the right or the left of
the gentlemen.



CW - clockwise

CCW - counterclockwise

LOD - line of direction, counterclockwise

on the dancing area

RLOD - reverse line of direction,

clockwise on the dancing area

L - left foot, left arm or hand, left shoulder,

left side of direction
Dance Positions:
1. Closed Positions R - right foot, right arm or hand, right
2. Promenade Position shoulder, right side of direction
3. Open Position
4. Apart Position G- girl, girls, girl's, girls
5. Right and Left Side Position
B - boy, boys, boy's, boys
Closed Positions
_________ is the NORMAL HOLD where M - measure (of music)
man and lady stand facing each other with
the arms lifted together in frames. ct/cts - count or counts

Promenade Position ft - foot or feet

___________ is a V-SHAPED dance
position where both the man and lady fwd - forward
move forward in the same direction.
swd - sideward
Ballroom dancing
bwd - backward __________ is a PARTNERSHIP dance
where couples, using step-patterns, move
upwd - upward rhythmically, expressing the
characteristics of music.
dnwd - downward

twd - toward Ballroom dancing consists of two

opp - opposite 1. The Smooth or Standard
2. The Rhythm or Latin
hd - hand or hands
Smooth, Standard style
pos - position The __________ focuses on the
ptr - partner movement.

cpl - couple or couples - Dancers rotate in a counter-

clockwise direction, moving
ctr - center around the entire floor.

wt - weight - The couple is constantly moving

on the dance floor, transitioning
diag - diagonally from one place to the next in a
fixed pattern.
Fig - figure
- The Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango,
Viennese Waltz and Quickstep are
danced in this manner.

Rhythm, Latin style

The ____________ focuses on a display
of VIBRANT ENERGY and a personal

- The couple's dancing pattern is

syncopated to the rhythm of the

- The couple usually dances in one

spot of the dance floor.

- Included in this style are the East

Coast Swing, Jive, Rumba, Bolero,
Cha-cha, Mambo, Samba and
Paso Doble.
Steps spot dances
All dance figures are series of ______, In ___________, as the Lindy and Cha-
with each step representing a CHANGE cha, it is customary to "STAKE-OUT" a
OF WEIGHT. small area on the dance floor where
partners remain throughout the dance
- All directions are given with number.
reference to the supporting foot
and steps may be forward, Waltz
backward, to the side, diagonally The _______ is an attractive and graceful
forward or diagonally backward. ¾ time dance distinguished by the
The DEGREE of ______ IS often
MODIFIED during a dance, depending on - is one of the most popular social
the position of other couples in the dance dances of all time.
floor, or the amount of progression
desired, and on line of dance. - "Mother of Present-Day Dances"

Steps in Ballroom Dancing - "backbone dance" of the ballroom

1. Arch turn dancing arena
2. Loop turn
3. Solo turn - the basis for many dances.

Arch Turn - A truly romantic dance, it is

A FULL-TURN L for the MAN and full-turn comprised of soft, round, flowing
R for the woman, either individually or movements.
- It is made through an ARCH earlier folk and peasant dances
FORMED by the woman's R arm According to most dance historians, waltz
and the man's L arm. developed from _________ and
Loop Turn
A FULL-TURN L for the WOMAN or a full- Germany
turn R for the man. The roots of the refined and elegant
WALTZ were implanted firmly in the not-
Solo Turn so-refined round dances POPULAR in
A full-turn made WITHOUT CONTACT __________ from the 15 to the 18th
with the partner. centuries.

Line of dance or line of direction wooing dances

______________, is an IMAGINARY LINE The popular round dances also called
running COUNTER-CLOCWISE around "__________" included frenzied versions
OUTSIDE of the dance floor. as the "Landler", "Weller", "Spinner" and
progressive or moving dances
For the _____________ as the waltz, fox- Austrian courts
trot, polka, and tango, it is CUSTOMARY Waltz was INTRODUCED to _________
always to FOLLOW LINE of dance. as early as 17 century, was considered
VULGAR by those who were accustomed - Partners glance over their own R
to the dignity and control of the Minuet shoulders before they take a step.

By the late 18th and early 19th century, Forward Progressive Step
waltz gained acceptability and the forward It REPEATS THE PATTERN of the first
and backward leap (which was part of the half of the basic left box step.
early waltz) were modified into smoother,
smaller and more graceful looking steps. - The partners progress around the
A gliding motion was introduced which dance floor by continuing to do the
eliminated the jumps, leaps and kicks. "Forward Waltz Step".

¾ time - To progress in a smooth counter-

Waltz Timing: clockwise direction, partners make
The waltz is performed in_______, which dual L turns.
means that the beat is 1-2-3-1-2-3. It is
typically SLUGGISH, with the Backward Progressive Step
DOWNBEAT on the 1. It REVERSES the direction of the
- Dancers must be able to hear and
count the beat. - On step I and 4 (beat 1 and 4), the
man steps back and the woman
Basic Steps in Waltz: steps forward. Each back step
1. Basic Box Step in Waltz taken by the man and each
2. Right Box Turns in Waltz forward step taken by the woman,
3. Forward Progressive Step is followed with a chasse (side
4. Backward Progressive Step step and close).
5. Hesitation waltz pattern - Partners turn gradually to their R
6. Balance side hesitation by making dual R turns clockwise.
7. Hesitation right turn
Hesitation Waltz Pattern
Basic Box Step in Waltz The hesitation balance steps in waltz,
- This is composed of 6 steps in 6 maybe taken forward, backward or
beats (2 measures) of music. either side.
- This step forms a box or square - What makes it unique is that, after
configuration on the floor. partners take a step on the first
beat count, weight remains
left box step consist of two parts: balanced on the same foot for the
1. Forward waltz step next two beat counts.
2. Backward waltz step
Balance Side Hesitation
Partners move from SIDE TO SIDE,
Right Box Turns in Waltz instead of forward and backward.
The REVERSE of the left box, figure still
makes a square configuration and each - The same basic movement step is
forward or backward step is followed with followed, (step, brush close, and
a chasse and partner turn gradually to the hold).
- In the first half of pattern, "Left 2. Moves the hips horizontally while
Side Hesitation", the man keeps keeping the upper torso relaxed,
his weight balance on the L foot, but motionless.
and the woman keeps her weight
balance on the R foot. 3. Hip sway to the Cuban motion
(pronounced flexing of the knees).
Hesitation Right Turn
The forward hesitation with right turn Forward Progressive Rumba Step
combines the first half of the pattern for It combines a combination of walk steps in
the Forward hesitation with the last half of which the man moves forward, as the
the pattern for R box turn. woman moves backward.

RUMBA - They may progress in a straight

The ________, a dance imported from line as well as to their right or left
CUBA to the UNITED STATES in the late on each forward or backward step.
1920’s combined African and Caribbean
rhythms which is an "EXPRESSIVE Fifth Position Breaks
PANTOMIME" danced by the natives 1. Closed position with small steps
under the hypnotic spell of elemental and slight turns of the body.
music. 2. Promenade or Conversation
Position if larger steps are taken
Box Step during the turn.
The basic step in Rumba is the _______. 3. An open Conversation dance
position if partners take larger
chasse steps while turning further away
Unlike the Waltz (begins with a backward from each other.
step), the Rumba begins with a ________
(side step followed with a closed step), but Right Underarm Turn
concludes with a forward or backward It adds EXCITEMENT to the basic
step. RUMBA pattern.

Rumba Box Tango

_________ contains 6 steps, completed _______, a SENSUAL BALLROOM
within 8 beats (2 measures) of music. dance that began in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, in the early twentieth century is
- In "dance time” the Rumba is one of the most interesting dances.
counted, quick, quick, slow.
- It is typically done by a man and a
- Each side or close step takes one woman, expressing romance
beat of the music and each through their synchronized
forward or backward step, takes movements.
two beats of music.
- Its music has become one of the
Body Motion of Rumba: BEST of all MUSIC GENRES
1. Effortless floating created by the globally, and early tango forms
body motion which is concentrated substantially affected how we
on the hips. dance today.
- This was first introduced to the True
New World by SPANISH True or False:
SETTLERS. Tango dancers must attempt to
established a deep connection with both
the music and their audience to be
2/4 time
Tango is dance in _______ signature. DANCE STEPS OF TANGO:
1. Two walks - LF Walk & RF Walk - SS
2. Progressive Side Step - QQS
WAYS TO COUNT TANGO: 3. Natural Rock Turn - SQQS QQS
1. We can count the beats through 4. Progressive Link - Q0
eight beats, the slows, the quicks 5. Open promenade - SQQS
2. spell the word T-A-N-G-O.If your 6. Two Walks - LF Walk & RF Walk to PP
words using slow (S) and quicks - SS
(O), remember, a slow is equal to 7. Closed Promenade - SQQS
two beats and a quick is equal to 8. Back Corte - SQQS
one beat. 9. Two Walks - SS
10. Basic Reverse Turn - QQS QQS
wind instruments and percussion
The initial tango music aspect was the Legend: S - slow, Q - quick, LF - left foot,
absence of _______ and _________. RF - right foot,

Tango music can be performed by: Cha-cha

1. guitar quartet The _________ is an exciting latin dance
2. guitar duo best known for it's lively and PLAYFULLY
3. bandoneon (important instrument) CHEEKY character, syncopated footwork,
4. bandoneon trio and quick rotating Cuban motion.
5. piano
6. bass. Cuba
In ________ in the late 1940's, you'd find
people dancing the Rumba and the
Tangos are also played on the: Mambo in clubs and in streets.
1. flute
2. violin Triple Mambo, Cha-cha-cha
3. cello One figure in the Mambo was called the
4. viola ________, and by 1954 this figure had
developed into a new dance, known as
the ___________.
16 or 32
Tango is performed to a rhythmic style of
music with either _____ or ____ beats per TRUE
minute. TRUE OR FALSE:
The Cha-cha of today is slightly modified
version of this dance with three
syncopated steps and rock step.
___________ is danced to authentic
Cuban music, although in ballroom
competition it is often danced to latin pop
or latin rock.

complex polyrhythms
The music for the international ballroom
cha-cha-cha is energetic and with a
steady beat. The music may involved

street version
A "__________" comes about because
many social dancers count "one, two, cha-
cha-cha" and thus shift the timing of the
dance by a full beat of music.

The dance known as ______ is the result
of a similar timing shift of Mambo.

Dance Steps of Salsa

1. Open Basic - 2,3,4&1/2,3,4,&1
2. Shoulder to Shoulder - 2,3,4&1 /2,3,4&1
3. Underarm Turn turning to L - 2,3,4&1
4. Fan - 2,3,4&1
5. Alemana - 2,3,4&1/2,3,4&1
6. New York to R - 2,3,4&1
7. New York to L - 2,3,4&1
8. Spot Turn to R - 2,3,4&1
9. Spot Turn to L - 2,3,4&1
10. Hand to Hand to L - 2,3,4&1
11. Hand to Hand to R - 2,3,4&1
12. ½ Closed Basic Movement - 2,3,4&1
13. Underarm Turn Turning to R - 2,3,4&1

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