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(Verse 1)

Yo, it's a tale of love and war, a story to unfold,

In the battlefield of hearts, where emotions are bold.
She was a queen in camouflage, a soldier in the night,
Fighting for love's freedom, under the moonlight.

I met her in the chaos, where bullets kissed the air,

Eyes locked like targets, a connection rare.
Her love was like a weapon, sharp and deadly keen,
A battle worth fighting, in this love machine.

Love and war, a dance on the edge,
Heartbeats like gunshots, every word is pledged.
In the trenches of passion, where emotions collide,
We fight for forever, side by side.

(Verse 2)
Through the smoke and fire, our love emerged,
A symphony of passion, a melody surged.
In the ruins of doubt, we built our castle high,
A fortress of emotions that touched the sky.

She was my soldier, fighting battles unseen,

A warrior of the heart, in love's ravine.
We faced the storms, weathered every scar,
In the war of love, we traveled far.

Love and war, a dance on the edge,
Heartbeats like gunshots, every word is pledged.
In the trenches of passion, where emotions collide,
We fight for forever, side by side.

But love, like war, can be a dangerous game,
Sometimes it's the victory, sometimes the pain.
In the echoes of gunfire, we found our serenade,
A love story written in the grenade.

(Verse 3)
As the battle raged on, and the smoke cleared,
Our love stood victorious, as we persevered.
Through the scars and wounds, our hearts beat strong,
In the rhythm of love, we proved them wrong.

In the aftermath of the war, we found our peace,

A love so deep, the pain would cease.
Hand in hand, we walked through the debris,
A love and war story, forever free.

Love and war, a dance on the edge,
Heartbeats like gunshots, every word is pledged.
In the trenches of passion, where emotions collide,
We fight for forever, side by side.

So here's our anthem, a love and war decree,
In the battlefield of hearts, where love is the key.
Through the battles and scars, we rise above,
A symphony of love, an anthem of love.

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