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16/01/2024, 13:00 Arduino Keypad and LCD Interfacing with Code | ee-diary

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Arduino Keypad and LCD

Interfacing with Code
by ee-diary • September 21, 2020 •  3 min read 0

In this Arduino electronics tutorial, you will learn how

to interface Arduino with keypad and LCD, how to use
Arduino Keypad library and how to code Arduino
Keypad with LCD. Here we will be using 4x3 Keypad
and 16x2 LCD. Also at the end you will find video
demonstration of how it works.

 Contents 

4x3 Keypad, LCD and Arduino on Breadboard

Below picture shows 4x3 membrane keypad, 16x2

LCD with Arduino UNO on a breadboard.

The interfacing is explained using wiring diagram


4x3 Membrane Keypad 1/5
16/01/2024, 13:00 Arduino Keypad and LCD Interfacing with Code | ee-diary

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We will be using 4x3 Keypad as shown in the figure

below. This type of keypad is called membrane
keypad and are inexpensive and popular among
hobbies. The surface of membrane keypad are soft
and flexible and when pressed create a connection
with the underlying circuit. Underneath each key is a
coil shaped are inductors which induces
current/voltage signal when a key is pressed.

Membrane keypad are build using 3 layers. The top

and bottom layer are made up of conductive
materials while the middle one is non-conductive.
When key is not pressed or that is key is open, the
middle layer prevents the top and bottom from
coming into contract. But when key is pressed and
closed, the middle layer creates a small hole that
allows the top and bottom layer to come into contact
and induce current/voltage.

As you can see from the figure, the keypad has 7 pins
with 4 rows and 3 columns. The keypad starts with
rows and ends with the column. In the figure, the first
4 rows are labelled as R1, R2, R3 and R4 and the 3
columns are labelled as C1, C2 and C3.

Interfacing Keypad and LCD with Arduino

In the picture below you can see how to interface 4x3
Keypad and LCD with Arduino.

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16/01/2024, 13:00 Arduino Keypad and LCD Interfacing with Code | ee-diary

In the schematic diagram above, we have connected

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the pins 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Arduino to the four row pins
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R1, R2, R3 and R4 of the 4x3 keypad. Similarly, the

Arduino pins 11, 12 and 13 are connected to the three January 10, 2023

columns C1, C2 and C3 of the keypad. Differences between Depletion and

Enhancement MOSFET

We have used the pins A5, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to connect Basic BJT Differential
Arduino to the 16x2 LCD. The pin A5 and 2 are Amplifier Construction and
connected to the RS and E pins of the LCD March 19, 2023

respectively. The pins 3, 4, 5 and 6 are connected to

Arduino PID Controller -
the D4, D5, D6 and D7 of the LCD. The R/W pin of the Temperature PID Controller
April 11, 2023
LCD is grounded. A 10KOhm potentiometer is
connected to the LCD with its middle pin to the Vee. what is phase shifter circuit
and how to build it?
The other sides of the POT is connected to +5V and
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ground respectively. The Vss and Vdd of LCD are
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connected to the ground and +5V supply.
mode Programming
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The program code for Arduino to work with 4x3 Simple Amplitude
Modulation (AM) circuit
membrane keypad and LCD is provided below. In this 
using Single Diode
simple code example, we monitor for any key press Modulator
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and when a key is pressed we sent that key pressed
to the LCD. Audio Amplifier design with
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#include <Keypad.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> AD

// initialize the LCD

LiquidCrystal lcd(A5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
const byte rows = 4; // set display to 4 rows


const byte cols = 3; // set display to 3 columns
Network 4GB 64GB Android
10 4G...
char keys[rows][cols] =


{'4','5','6'}, Topics

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16/01/2024, 13:00 Arduino Keypad and LCD Interfacing with Code | ee-diary
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char key = keypad.getKey(); Designer phototransistor

if (key != NO_KEY){

lcd.print(key); Latest Tutorials


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In this program we have used the Arduino Keypad
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Library. You can install the keypad library by going to
Arduino IDE > Tools > Manage Libraries and search
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 Figure: keypad library

Video Demonstration of 4x3 Membrane

Keypad Interfacing with LCD and Arduino
Below video shows demo.

membrane 4x3 keypad and LCD with Arduino…


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16/01/2024, 13:00 Arduino Keypad and LCD Interfacing with Code | ee-diary

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