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Positive and Negative

Messages Conveyed in a
Text or Conversation
Learning Competency
Recognize positive and
negative messages
conveyed in a text or
Choices for Title of the Story
A. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
B. Peter Pan
C. Frozen
D. Sleeping Beauty
E. The Lion King
Positive Message
 inspiring, motivating and uplifting.
 It contains facts or information that are
relevant and helpful.
 In conversation, it is usually expressed
using polite expression, compliment,
and apology or put in a context that
boost people’s morale.
Negative Message
 is hurtful and degrading.
 It affects the emotions so much that could
eventually create an impact on how a person sees
life and the things around him or her.
 Negative messages contain facts and information
that are unpleasant.
 Examples of negative messages are gossips,
misinformation, rejection, defamation, criticisms
and statements containing impolite expressions
and unpleasant news.
Conversations between the café Area
Manager and the café crew applicant:
Context: Inside the Manager’s Office
Conversation #1
Café Crew Applicant: Good morning, sir!
Café Area Manager: We cannot hire you. You are not tall and do not
have a pleasing personality. Also, your credentials do not fit the kind
of employee that we want.
Conversation #2
Café Crew Applicant: Good morning, sir!
Café Area Manager: Hi, good morning! We appreciate your interest to
be part of our company and you did a great job during the hiring
process. We are in need of a worker who can communicate well in
English since most of our customers are foreigners and sadly, that skill
is something that you need to improve on. Thank you for your time.
Conflict Resolution means working out a problem or
disagreement without fighting, running away or going
against your feelings. Knowing how to handle conflicts
in a positive way can help people stay safe from
violence, feel good about themselves, and learn to
respect others. Physical violence, name-calling,
threats, bullying, teasing, and other forms of negative
communication often escalate conflicts and leads to
serious consequences, including physical injury,
lowered self-esteem, and punishment. Good
communication involves being a good listener,
considering and respecting the other person’s point of
view, working together to think of solutions, and
learning to relax the body and calm the mind during
high tension situations. Practicing these positive
communication skills can help people make
responsible choices during high-tension situations and
avoid violence and further problems.
Scenario 1
Carmina overhears a group of
students making fun of her and
she clearly heard someone
saying, “I do not like that ugly
Carmina!” If you were Carmina,
what would you do?
Scenario 2
John and Jessica have been good
friends for ten years since their
childhood. One day, Jessica saw
John talking with Jamie, the
competitor of Jessica in all school
activities. Since then, Jessica did
not talk to John. If you were John,
what would you do?

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