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Module 11

1) Food is function with susan Blum

Functional medicine
Focus on the prevention and treatment of chronic disease – food, is the most important
foundation in their toolkit

Food as information
Food and the relationship to the immune system

In one hand, I have an apple (organic) and on the other hand I have a pack of pretzels. But
when I eat the apple, the nutrients are more than just the calories (there are chemicals and
molecules that influence how cell is going to behave). And the pack of pretzels, turns into
sugar in my blood.

All food is not created equal – behave completely differently in the body

The food molecules can change how the cells functions, in a genetic level (good foods can end
up making anti-inflammatory compounds, and the cell from bad molecules can end up making
pro-inflammatory compounds).

Functional Nutrition
Food and nutrients have function in the body, and when you eat them, they bring in
“All calories are not created equal”

Phytonutrients – phyto means plants, it’s an example

Immune System
Is the part of the body mostly made of cells that defend your body from invaders. Basically, is a
surveillance system that it’s in charge to figuring out what’s you and what’s not you

Celulas T – combatem diretamente os invasores, enquanto as Celulas B – combatem de longe,

como atiradores.

Refers to the release of chemicals from immune cells or other cells, that are irritating (it’s
how they kill the invader or to you).

Rule of Tacks
If you are sitting on a tack, the answer is to find that tack and remove it.

First, she go to your food

Food Alergy
Very specific immune response that is measurable by a conventional allergy doctor
Food Sensitivity
You feel better when you don’t eat the food and feel worse when you do.
Testing – elimination diet (remove the top 5 – gluten, dairy, soy, corn, and eggs for 3 weeks);
(reintroduce 1 at a time every 4 days, to see if there’s is any reaction); when you reintroduce,
eat the food several times a day for 2-3 days and observe.

How do you develop a food sensitivity

“Name tag” – every cell of the body and every food has a name tag

If your digestive system, your digestive system is designed to destroy the name tags in the food
you eat

If you have a healthy gut, you are going to digest that food really well – and have a low risk of
food sensitivities.

Leaky Gut Syndrome - the barrier got damaged and the glue between the cells, so bacteria’s
also potentially food that’s on the inside of your intestine, can slip through the holes and get
into the body.

Case study

Nutrients that effect immune function – sugar, fat, vitamin A, selenium, zinc, probiotics
Nutrient deficiencies: vitamin A and D, Zinc, Essential Fatty Acids
Inflammatory food: sugar, saturated/trans fats

2) Prevent Disease Through Optimal Nutrition

How diet affects brain health and brain function.

Diet – we talk about micronutrients and macronutrients;

Fiber: butyrate has been shown to not only profoundly mitigate the inflammatory response in
the body. But its also been shown to boost neurotrophic factors in the brain.

Fats: consuming adequate amounts of DHA has been shown to, dramatically improve
symptoms in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

(nao ouvi o resto, não gostei)

3) Effective Coaching Through Listening

The whole secret is not that there’s a theory out there that works for everybody, but for each
body to figure out what works for them on a bio-individual level.

We don’t need to give a whole lot of advice, just listen to people in a loving and supportive

The speaking process ignites the brain to be able to prioritize where you’re at and what you
need to do next – to be able to move further on your journey.

Just listening relieves you of a lot of responsibility.

4) Get to the why

Humans are mammals and underneath it all, do know what to eat.

The way – they need a reason to want to be healthy. You also want to contribute to the world,
have a passionate life, feel great…

As a counselor we need to know or understand the way – Why do you want to give up coffee?
Why are you coming to see me?

Once you understand the why, what follows next is listening, loving them up, elicit their
responses to speak for longer duration.


“How are you today” – “What’s been happening since our last session?” – “What would you
like to work on today?”

Help them see that all the answers are inside of them

5) Active Listening and Reflection with Christine Hassler

We all listen every day, but the truth is we’re not great listeners

Listening is not:
- Hearing what someone says and thinking about what you’re going to say next
- Giving feedback and advice every time
- Mind wondering
- How you would respond

Listening is:
- Being fully present
- Focusing all your attention and all your awareness on really hearing what the person is

Eye contact is hugely important, not letting your eyes wander.

Reflective listening – is a tool is to make sure that the message sent is the message received –
so, you basically repeat back to the person what you heard them say
We can also add that we notice not only what they say but we notice what they’re

Power of silence – in the space of silence, that’s when clients can also have huge
breakthroughs. Just holding in a heart-centered space and letting the silence do the work.
6) Answers to Health History Questions
In between going “oh” and giving them advice there is a lot of worlds in between.
For example- “what do you mean you’re going through hell?” , keep asking them questions
about instead of saying anything at all.

7) Health History Demo

Take sufficient time at the beginning to build relationship

Module 12

1) Restore the Gut Microbiome – Liz Lipski

Probiotic and Prebiotic – why cultured and fermented foods

Probiotics – usually are bacteria but sometimes yeast that live in our digestive system – inside
of our lungs, our genitourinary tract and even on our skin. They help regulate metabolism,
make vitamins for us, and they regulate our immune system
Probiotics are specific – they are not the same, their functions are different (we have strains
and species)

Tpys of probiotics: - lactobacilli / - bifidobacterial in the colon are responsible for energy
production and maintenance of the cells of the colon / -

Try to eat live food every day –

Make the dose fit what you are looking to do

Prebiotic – is a non-digestible starch that humans can’t digest but these bacteria do and they
make those short chain fatty acids

For many people they cause gas and floating

The things that seem to modulate the gut microbiome the best is diet – even is you don’t eat
ferment foods

Diets for microbiome restoration – fermented foods / specific carbohydrate diet / FODMAP
Diet/ Soluble fiber
They’re not useful as long-term diets, they’re useful as therapeutic diets while somebody
needs to restore their health

Bone Stocks and Bone Broths – they have so much gelatin in them, proline, glutamine,
glucosamine, and all kind of gut-healing nutrients.

Example of cooking some fermented and cultured food:

2) Primary food: relationships

How is your relationship, and them we go to exercise and career and spiritual practice.

Just ask the right questions using the structure of the Primary Food Cicle, and then listeining
and giving them feedback.

“What do you think would work here?”

Its important to understand the scope of your practice

Intimacy and sex – a lot of times what people want is intimacy and the way that they somehow
get that is through sex

The first three months, we can help our clients with food (e no restante do programa,
podemos continuar a trabalhar a alimentacao mas se aprofundar em questões pessoais).



Arguing and fighting – whatever you’re arguing about is not what you think you’re arguing
about. A lot of arguments happen because people are stressed out.
Because people generally want to be polite in public, they save up that anger for the people
who they love.

Anger is related to the liver – if you are very angry, they recommend healing your liver.

Exercise – releasing the anger in a safe way therefore you do not have to take it out on the
Pretend you’re feeling angry and make a growling sound.
Anger is an unacceptable emotion, and when they get a chance to express it, they feel good.

3) Reinvet Love and Relationships

People who are happy in relationship live longer.

You can’t get everything you want from one person – by being able to diversify these needs
across a spectrum.

Broaden your interconnectedness into your cimmunity

4) Simple Coaching

15 simple coaching tools (premise)

1. Listening – be present
2. Breathing – as you listen, quiet your mind through your breath
3. Love them up – understand that you are there for them
4. Allow the client to lead – it’s completely unpredictable what they will say
5. Stay positive – it’s just how humans are, they like to complain and first tell you what’s
not working.
6. Take notes – clients like it when you take notes
7. Ask high-mileage questions – things that make your client think or speak.
8. Respect your reference books – you don’t need to know the answer to very single
9. Stay with the basics
10. Give simple recommendations – only give them one, two or three recommendations
each session. (ou perguntar – dessas tres recomendacoes voce acha que consegue
fazer essa semana)
11. Use humor – trying to find humor in a health setting is good
12. Doing a shoulder massage – give them a five-minute massage, don’t say anything and
make sure they will be the first person to speak.
13. Give gifts – people like to walk away with something
14. Provide tough love – “what’s really going on for you?”
15. Share about your life – it’s important for the client when you opened up a little bit, to
help and inspire

Find a way that you’re being authentic with people and giving them what you want to be giving
them and what they want to be receiving

5) Heal the Coach, Heal the Client

We don’t have to be perfectly healthy to be a Health Coach – you must be able to want
to help people.
We all have odd habits around food or lifestyle.

The magic of mirroring – I would work with people who would randomly come and see
me who are dealing with the kind of situation that I was dealing with

6) Coaching Demo – client Kate

You don’t to miss miss the first thing your client says –

She changes the day shift – and her sleep

Re-visit form

Understand the importance of asking the right questions – it’s not about giving the right

Module 13

1) Walk your talk

Food changes everything.

Joshua explains what makes graduate capable of succeeding in their mission to effect change.

2) Heal Digestive Distress

Digestive disease – we can use food and other healing modalities to bring this epidemic into
Root causes – is the triad of genes, diet and environment (genes load the gun, our lifestyle
pulls the trigger).

Changing Dietary patterns & habits – dramatic drop in fiber consumption, a shift in glycemic
load (more sugar and refined grains), changes in fatty acid composition, and a dramatic decline
in micronutrients.

This changing is causing increase in food allergies and intolerances in early life – caused by
being “overfed, under-nourished, and under-germed”.

Gut health products are increasing significantly – 445 in 2004 and 858 in 2009 (14%)

Your digestive trac is your highway to health or the pathway to pathology.

The biological door – our gut functions beyond digestion and absorption

1) (BRAIN)Focus on the how – learn how to eat, instead of jumping right to the what
you’re eating.
Everything begins in the head (the thought of food, the smell of food…) YOU’RE
2) (MOUTH) Dysfunctional mastication – saliva is liquid gold; it carries so many secretions
3) (GASTRIC) When your stomach acid is in order, it’s part of your defense system against

Recap – three core concepts:

1. Enteric nervous system: 2nd brain

2. Immune System: homeland security
3. Microbiota: multi-tasking organ

How can we get thing back on track? Three different tracks:

1. Foundational Plan – help clean up and get back to a whole food diet, crowding out the
sugar laden foods, refined grains, feedlot meats, unsafe fish, high sodium foods.
2. Exclusion Plan – remove irritants, offensive foods and then repopulate the gut with the
right types of foods. (Could it be gluten?)
3. Few foods trial – short term trial after removing some foods.

3) Elimination Diet

In short, is not about eliminating foods, it’s about eliminating symptoms and dise-ease.

Most of the diseases people are suffering from today are coming from their intestinal tract.

Disease is basically a balance or an imbalance – do you have many things in your life that
are irritating you and you don’t have enough things in life that are nourishing you.

The most common irritant is the most common nutrient

O corpo precisa se proteger – therefore, it concentrates over 70% of your body’s immune
cells on the intestinal lining.

Chemicals shift the immune cell function.

Completing the Self – os microrganismos desde o nascimento, completam o self.

Os microrganismos produzem substâncias para nós e também “constantly, communicate

with us”

Digestion – o corpo entra em contato com a proteína, gordura e carboidratos, quando

estes estão em pedaços pequenos – se não tiver, o corpo terá dificuldade em reconhecer.
O que pode fazer com que o organismo não reconheça e intérprete essas moléculas como
vírus e bactérias.

The elimination diet – 4R program: Remove irritants, Replace digestive function,

Reinoclate with beneficial microbes, and repair the gut.

Remove food first, for minimum of two weeks (he loves to leave the big dogs: gluten,
dairy, eggs, corn and soy out for a minimum of 28 days)

How to do it?

1. Be conscious of a client stage of change – dependendo da motivacao, nao retira tudo

so sugar and dairy.
2. Find your client a community

4) Advanced Course Preview

Focusing on the microbiome and gut health – critical point is having an abundance of
diverse bacteria.

While an imbalance of these bacteria can cause health issues, their presence in the correct
balance is required for the gut to function optimally.

Stress: is a huge culprit for digestive issues and gut imbalances. Stress increase cortisol in
the body (its estimated that nearly 75 to 90% of visits to the doctor can be attributed to a
stress related condition).

Sugar: can seriously hinger your gut health.

What we can add in to feed the good gut bacteria:

Probiotics: are strains of good bacteria.

Fermented foods: are loaded with probiotics

Fiber: it supports digestion and health bowel movements

5) Primary food – Physical Activity

It’s anything that gets your body moving – increasing your blood flow and heart rate.

Can include – taking a walk in the park, playing sports or lifting weights.

Questions: What does physical activity mean to you?

Have you found that certain types of physical activity helped you at different times in your
Does your current exercise routine support your emotional and physical health?
Is physical activity something you look forward to or does it feel like a chore?
6) Bio Individuality of Exercise

Just having the conversation is tremendously helpful

7) Expanding Fitness

Fitting out of fit – meaning, looking for the big picture and figuring out what makes you
feel good and what adds to overall quality of life

Somehow fitness become associated with aesthetics above physical performance.

Once you understand what fitness means to a particular client, you can help expand that

8) Fitness and Health Coaching

“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live”

Choosing to move or exercise is one of many ways to put yourself first.

How to help? Ask high-mileage questions, listen actively, create awareness, communicate
about health

9) Ground Rules of Coaching

Ethical guidelines –

What a coach is not: don’t treat or prescribe (we offer up options for them and ask them
to choose what they’re most interested in)

What a coach is: “I’ll be your guide on the side for your wild ride” – o coach é como o
treinador, voce nao vee le entrando no campo e fazendo o papel do jogador.

Create sustainable accountability

Module 14

1) The Wellness Zone

Inflammation – how the food we eat can either turn on or turn out.

- Why do we gain weight?

- Why do we get sick?
- Why do we age faster?
The answer for this tree questions is – increased levels of inflammation

A ZONE – if it is too little injuries never heal/ if it is too much it begins to attack our own
body. So, we have to keep that inflammatory response in the zone

Events that turn on inflammatory responses: microbial invasion, injuries, diet

Phases of inflammation:
There’s some type of initiating factor that may turn on the inflammatory response. And
that will be continued to be turned on until there’s a separate response – the resolution
response that turns it off

Cellular inflammation – is a mismatch between the initiation and resolution of

inflammation, resulting a chronic activation of innate immune system.

Nuclear factor-kappa B – it is the master genetic switch that eighter turns on or turns off

Turn on cellular inflammation – omega 6 fatty acids (oil, soybean oil, safflower oil,
sunflower oil), saturated fatty acids and excess of carbs.

Turn off cellular inflammation, causing resolution of the inflammation – omega 3 fatty
acids and polyphenols.

Stages of Disease – wellness/ cellular inflammation/ chronic disease.

The zone diet is based upon on the balance of the protein-to-glycemic load – at each meal
you divide your plate into three equal sections; one-third of the plate for low-fat protein;
the rest of the plate you fill it until it’s overflowing with colorful carbohydrates (fruits and
vegetables); add a dash of fats like olive oil, guacamole, or nuts.

Evitar alimentos com ômega 6 como fonte de gordura.

How many omega-3 fats do you need?

Maintaining wellness – 2,5g/day

Treat obesity or diabetes – 5g/day
Treat chronic pain – 7,5g/day
Treat neurological disease – >10g/day

2) Allergy and Inflammation

Autoimmune disease, allergies, immunity, and inflammation.

We have two interfaces with the outside world: your skin and your digestive tract.

To understand the allergy, you must go beyond what’s happening right now at this
moment. And you must look at the biography of you – “what is your story?”

How have you born? Medications used during your infancy. Stress level

Our immune system is an ecosystem

3) Coaching Supports Self-Healing

Purely listening causes healing and release for the person who is complaining

I’m the vehicle for their healing

4) Get Grounded with Eye Contact

To be able to be intimate with people, we want to be able to enhance our own intimacy
with ourselves
Exercise – have eye contact with someone for 5 seconds, repeat the exercise for 10
seconds. (Voices in your head?); this exercise will help to drop down into your heart, being
present in the moment

5) Powerful Questions and Communication

Communication – what we say and the energy it rides on.

More powerful than what you say to your client is the energy inside that’s coming from

Have a tone of curiosity – “when I’ve heard you say that I notice that your face kind of did
this...Do you know what that’s about?”

Have a tone of compassion – “I really hear what you’re saying, I’m really with you”

Telling a story – help the client see their experience from a different perspective

6) Coaching Demo

Segunda consulta: Falar das mudanças feitas até o momento– e como foram feitas com

7) Primary Food: Creativity

Creativity – is the ability to crate things. It’s the capacity to make connections between
existing ideas and to come up with fresh solutions to problems.

The best ideas are often those that are fresh takes on a familiar concept.

The act of creating builds new neurological pathways, which allows you to see situations in
new ways


What does creativity mean to you?

Do you consider yourself to be a creative person?
What kind of self-expressive, creative activities have you invested your time in?
How can an exploration of creativity improve your life?

8) Create Space for Creative Expression

We are profoundly creative.

We have a height that is determined by the childhood that we had and by the education
that we received – if your work with artist’s tools, it’s as if you’re tapping that ceiling and
moving to another side that you have another eight feet of space.

Morning Pages – each day we sort of collect our worries, anxieties, and occasionally, a
good creative idea.
(criar um espaço para escrever suas preocupações – não precisa ser um espaço para fazer
uma arte/ algo bonito/ qualquer coisa do tipo)
--- escreva três páginas completas de um caderno, tudo o que estiver na sua mente (com
objetivo de dar voz as suas vontades reprimidas e assim, deixar seu artista se expressar).
Artist’s Date – once a week festive, solo expedition to do something that interests or
enchants you.

Module 15

1) What is the 6-Month Program?

6 moth programs will cover topic such as primary and secondary foods

It not scripted or preplanned – is unique to each induvial client and their goals

6 – moth program: two 50-minute coaching sessions per month for 6 months
Each session will include a discussion of the client’s progress, one to three
recommendations and optional handouts and giveaways that relate to what was discussed
during the session
Aside from your two meetings a month, your program will also include and additional
offerings that are unique to your business (such as handouts, recipes, books, giveaways)

“Why 6-moth” – is truly the sweet spot for helping clients make lasting dietary and lifestyle
But ALWAYS TRUST AND HONOR YOUR INTUITION for what works best for you and your

2) 6 Month Program Significance

(it’s the duration that people need to build habits into their life)

3) 6 Month Program Forms

End of a Health History session – close the deal (explain the payments, program
agreements, and schedule the session)

Program Agreement: form serve as a disclaimer and a legal waiver

By phone – you’ll tell your client that you have a program agreement, and you’ll verbally
walk them through it.

Program Schedule: lists dates that you are going to meet throughout the 6- Month

Welcome form: is the client’s commitment to themselves throughout the program.

Goals Form: a list of a client’s one-month, three-month, and six-month goals.

In the first session: session notes, the revisit form, the circle of life, client progress, the
completion of your program, and the program summary.

Begins the session by asking “What’s new and good?” – focus on what is going well.
- Goals form: road map for their journey
Session notes to jot down and important notes.
For the rest of the program, give the client the Revisit Form – to fill out as a starting point
for subsequent sessions.

Circle of life – to the client assess where he is with his primary food goals. (Share this in the
1,6 and 12 session)

Session 6: Halfway revisit form – the client can reflect on the first half of the program.

(não terminei de ouvir – parte final, aproximadamente no tempo de 10min)

4) Closing the Deal

“How is the session going for you so far?”

“Do you want to hear about what I have to offer?”
- Explicar sobre o programa e sobre primary and secondary food.

Price – rate sheet; “basically tells you is that the cost of my program is $150 a month or
$900 for the whole program. And I want to tell you how you pay for it:”

The first appointment as soon as possible.

Give a copy of the contract, welcome letter, poem

5) An Intuitive Approach to Closing the Deal

Successful sale starts in your heart, not in your head

When you say yes to yourself, your client will say yes too – set your intention prior to each
Health History session (10 minutes to ground and center yourself).

Before each session say an affirmation or pray: “Great Spirt, God, Universe… please help
me to be in my highest self – my highest vibration – so that I may guide this person to
break through any blocks that may have to their well-being and health. Please help me to
hold a container of safety and unconditional love for this person”.

Let go of that expectation and just let it flow and let go any outcome – then it becomes a
transformative experience for you too.

Explain the Health History – “Thank you for calling. I’m so happy you’re here. And we’ve
got about 30 minutes together on the phone today. The purpose of this call is for me to
ask lots of questions and get to know you and try to understand what’s going on for you so
that I can share how I might be able to help you or point you in the right direction”.

6 step to closing the deal, an intuitive heart-centered approach:

1) Be a detective – you’re an investigator gathering the details. (it’s important to be able
to share from your own life, what you’ve experienced, the wounded healer)
2) “What do you want to change? Or What are your main health concerns?” – after
you’ve gathered the information, you’re going to ask and check in to get clear what the
client want to change.
3) “Why do you want this?” – make conscious what may have been unconscious, and this
question provides the visioning necessary for your client to create transformation.
4) Reflect back verbally what they said they want – “Is this right? Did I hear you
5) “Imagine that you have ALREADY achieved it… what does it feel like? Look like?” –
bringing them through this exercise to help them visualize that they’ve already
achieved their goal.
6) “I can help you with this. Would you like to hear how we will do it together?”
And them offer the program.

6) Health History Demo

Is the first real point of connection with the potential client.

The first step is to set the stage – to great them, make sure that person feels warm and

The goals: “Tell me why you want…?”

Mirror body language: if they lean back, you lean back, so on…

You don’t have to offer your services to everyone. – “ok, it was really great meeting you
and finding out more about you”

Offer – asking permission: “Would you be interested in hearing about some of my


Ofereça pacotes, para ele ter opção de escolha – and which of those feels best for you?

At the end – are there any other questions that you may have, that I may help you with?”

7) Grupo Share: Health History Reflections

Paired share – what was something that you learned or something that you found
Perguntas dos alunos.

Module 16

1) A lesson on listening

Listen to people – not every symptom falls in a category, not every disease will show the
same signs.

The body is going to tell you exactly what it wants, you just have to listen.
The body is always trying to tell you something – It’s whether or not we’re listening.

Nervous System – 95% of the serotonin in the body is created in the gut
2) Gluten free living

Helping people how to eat safely

What is gluten? – is the collective term for a bunch of storage proteins that are found in
three grains (wheat, rye, and barley) and any food or derivative of a grain that comes from
It gives a doughy kind of elastic structure to baked goods – thickening agent or flavor
Celiac disease – is an autoimmune disorder, in which the body triggers an immune
response and attacks a certain part of the body. And the trigger is gluten.
The villi of the intestines become damaged, and because the nutrients are absorbed in
those sites, can lead to malnourishment and other serious chronic conditions.

Gluten sensitivity – the symptoms may be like celiac disease porem, sem os mesmos
efeitos no organismo.

Gluten-related Disorders: classification in three areas based on pathogenesis.

1) Autoimmune – where the body is attacking itself in the presence of gluten
2) Allergic – where you’re seeing that classic allergic response; hives and itching
3) Not Autoimmune/Not Allergic – Gluten sensitivity; is not autoimmune in nature nor is
it allergic.

Nem todos os pacientes têm os mesmos sintomas com a doença celíaca – é uma doença
sistêmica que afeta todo o corpo.

Who is eating gluten-free? It’s estimated that about 30% of the population is eating gluten
free – and 23% of that population are following gluten-free lifestyle and have health
Celiac disease – 1% of population
Gluten sensitivity – 6% of population
Less than 1% have other gluten related disorders.

Exame de doença celíaca é feita por exame genético e o de sensibilidade a glúten é feita
por dieta de exclusão.

Gluten free food choices – focusing on food that are natural gluten free as fruits and
vegetables, plant-based protein, lean meats, dairy, gluten free whole grains

The advice comes into helping them how to avoid gluten from a safety perspective

Cross contact – when you’re eating out at a restaurant you have no idea what’s going on in
the kitchen. So, when it’s possible choose restaurants that are recommended by the
gluten-free community. Call ahead the restaurant and let them know that you have
specific gluten-free needs or review the menu online.
Think positively – living gluten-free is not a culinary death sentence. It may even expand
your culinary horizons.
3) Against the grain

Every species has a style of eating that is unique to that species. And has a very long
history of adapting to a very specific style of eating.

Explores the history of grains – genetic modification and chemical mutagenesis (the
purposeful induction of mutations) and gene splicing (the process by which the DNA of an
organism is cut and a gene, from another organism, is inserted or deleted.

Aumento dos números de doença celíaca – due to the changes introduced into wheat; a
gene called glia-alpha 9.

What’s in the seeds of grasses that humans mistakenly turn to and regarded as food:
1) Gliadin: is one of the crucial components of the seeds of grasses. It’s a subcomponent
of gluten
When you consume the gliadin protein of wheat you break it down into pieces – peptides
– and you get opioids (the affect depends on your unique susceptibility)

Gliadin-derived opiate: behavioral outbursts, abbreviates your attention span, mental fog,
food obsession…

2) Lectins: wheat germ agglutinin (it blocks the hormone cholecystokinin – so bile stasis
resulting gallstones)

3) Amylopectin A:

4) The magic and mystery of the 6-month program

The value of what we do, is in the fact that it’s a program – people are enrolling with you
for a program.

O programa tem começo, meio e fim – claro e concreto. Por isso, é importante ter
compromisso (o cliente) e já marcar os horários (“tenho disponível para atendimento
quarta feira as 11:00 ou as 15:00. Então marcaremos 13 consultas nesse horário, certo?”)

Categories of goals – food and eating habits shifts/ improvements in family eating and
other habits, other patterns/ overall feelings of improved wellbeing/ physical health

Would you be able to make changes in your diet?

5) Accountability coach application

How you can apply the 6-Month Program to your accountability coaching experience.
Module 17

1) The perception of stress

The way that stress impact on our body shape and size

Nervous system – there are different parts to that system; CNS (central nervous system)/
ANS (autonomic nervous system)

Muitos pacientes, acabam ficando sob influência do sistema autônomo relacionado ao

sistema de luta ou fuga

The fuel your body uses – glucose or fat; when you’re under stress your body is always
going to chose glucose as fuel (blood sugar goes up, ready to power us to get out of this
danger)- e quando nao esta sob stress o corpo utiliza gordura

Uma pessoa de peso médio – two-and-a-half Thousand calories glucose and 130,000
calories of fat

2) Basic Breathing

Two different forms of breathing – 1. Soft belly breathing (to relax the nervous system) /
2. Nadi Shodhan breathing (balances the hemispheres of the brain and helps you to
achieve tasks from both sides of your brain) / 3. ‘So-hum’ meditation (a mantra that means
“I am that” in Sanskrit)

3) The benefits of meditation

Medicine and mediation come actually from the same Latin root

Benefits – How can we strike at the root

a. Changes gene expression (mindfulness) – promoting anti-inflammatory genes and

also, turns down our proinflammatory genes
b. Change brain function – In eight weeks
c. Immune response – three times
d. Stress response – reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol

4) Relaxation response meditation

The Relaxation Response – it invokes the opposite of the stress response.

Do it ideally for 5-10 minutes at a time – induces the relaxation response to slow your
heart rate

Close your eyes and silently repeat to yourself the word ‘one’

Leads a guided meditation

6) Navigate your inner experience

Look at a partner or in the mirror for five seconds, then for 10 seconds

Say something nice about the person or to yourself while looking in the mirror
Our brain is firing off millions of messages every second – and sometimes the voices inside
your head. You have then, be able to get a grip on that voice so that who’s in control of
you is you not the voice.

Turn down the volume

Sometimes, that voice in your head is helpful. But a lot of times it’s not – so getting a grip
on the voice and having it not control you but you controlling it is helpful

6) Wise and witty stress solutions

Stress has become an epidemic

Stress is something that we need in our life – so we get us up of the bed in the morning

The problem is that we’re constantly being assaulted by messages that we must be on
alert status about something

Symptoms of stress – find yourself crying easily, experiencing extreme highs and lows, find
yourself unable to remember recent events or conversations

A lot of stress comes by way of interpreting our reality – what is going on is interpreted by
the mind.

How we can handle it – think about how you respond when people ask you questions, do
anything you can to get those endorphins rolling

Module 18

1) Self-care
2) Quality Sleep for better health

There is an increasing epidemic of insomnia – people are also having problems to sleep,
and the quality of the sleep has change.

People used to talk slowly and today we talk really fast (isso tambem acontece com o
pensamento, ações…)

We have a rush through life today

There is a very strong correlation between sleep and weight loss

For those who have insomnia – keep a diary and look for patterns between your daily
activities and food intake and sleep quality and quantity.

3) The sleep secrets

4) Honor your natural rhythms

Health – what it their level of exhaustion?

The more you are in rhythm with nature, the more you will be in the right place – because
nature provides everything to keep everything in order.
5) Caffeine and adrenals

Three and a half cups of coffee a day – the average of consumption.

Who would that person be if the try to detox off of the caffeine?

Side effect – there is no energy in caffeine (it pumps adrenaline into the body or gets the
adrenal glands working in a way that they wouldn’t work naturally; because of that people
have adrenal exhaustion).

The coffee consumption is bio-individual – some people can deal with a lot of caffeine in a
day and their adrenals or kidney works fine. And for other people, that exact amount of
coffee a day would end them up in the hospital.

How much caffeine do you have, is that working for you, are you able to sleep at night?

Phytonutrients – they help stabilize free radicals in the body, help assimilate vitamin C.

6) Group share: caffeine

Students sharing their experiences with coffee and caffeine

7) Primary food: social life

Social Life – is your engagement with others, it’s the larger group of people you spend time
with and the activities that you do with them

When your social life is in balance you feel a sense of connection and belonging to
something outside of yourself.

Honor yourself and choose the appropriate level of solitude and social interaction that
brings you the most joy and balance in your life

- What sort of social activities lift you the most? Perhaps engaging with others in
creative projects, participating in sports or recreational activities, or planning events or
- Is socializing something you look forward to or does it seem like a chore?

8) Nourish your social life

Techniques to improve your social life as an adult – “some of the biggest challenges in
relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get
something. They’re trying to find someone who is going to make them feel good. In reality,
the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place to go to give
and not as a place to go to take.”

What holds us back? Laziness/ Compare and despair/ fear of not being liked.

How do we make friends? Vulnerability/ Courage to share who you truly are/ Openness/
Module 19

1) Cravings
2) Sugar 101

Harms of sugar – fructose; is metabolized predominantly in the liver, while on the other
hand, glucose is metabolized by most of the cells in our body.

Fructose is not used as energy, so we eat more of it because we’re not getting energy from

Attention to the hidden sugar -

3) Sugar and Hormones

How quitting sugar is non-negotiable if you have an autoimmune disease.

Sugar causes inflammation and compromises the ability of our white cells to destroy toxins
(which leads to inflammation)

Sugar also causes hormone imbalances

Low carbs diet triggers the conversion of T4 to reverse T3 which can create thyroid

4) Strategies to Reduce Sugar

Some pointers on how to try it for yourself and then guide your clients to do the same.

- Quitting sugar effectively means quitting processed food – 80/90% of processed food
contains added sugar
- 8 weeks program – you required around 60 days to get over an addiction, allows you
make shifts and changes
- Stop eating fruit for about 6 weeks
- Eat fat –

Start with 2 weeks

Safe sweeteners – Xylitol(ok)/ Stevia (good)/ coconut milk (best); coconut flesh (best);
whole fruit (best); sweet potato (best)

Don’t drink fruit juice ever again

Recomendacao maxima de 6 colheres de cha de açúcar por dia

5) Empower your health

6) Focus on primary food

Teaches the importance of a coaching program that focuses on primary food.

Focus on both their food and their primary food

Some diet works because people are not eating what they used to be eating.

7) The circle of life

How to use the circle of life with clients – go point by point, spoke by spoke to notice
where your life is in balance and where your life is out of balance.
Your client fills it out before the session – than you should ask: “So how was it filling this
out and what did you notice? Did you notice in that exercise that it was helpful for you?”

8) Coach through primary food

Tips for coaching clients through primary food

- Trust your intuition: “You are not the sage on the stage. You’re the guide on the side”
- Embrace the gray
- Come back to the Circle of life: use it as a foundation and guide through the program.
- Remember that everything is connected: look for patterns that tie these symptoms
- Let your client lead
- Tune in to your client’s nonverbal cues: pay attention to their subtle mannerisms as
well as the energy between and behind their words.

9) Student success

Test 2 – 11 ao modulo 20.

Tip – spend more time practicing skills

Module 20

1) Reboot your health

The big disconnect is we’ve got this world telling people what to do

2) The hallway points

a. People start getting confused about what to eat (stop doing food consumption
automatically and you start making all kinds of different choices made from the inside
b. Changes are occurring for them in their own life (this is a change for you to live your
c. People get caught up in comparing themselves to other people – wherever you are
now, it’s ok

3) Stay on Financial Track

Seven common mistakes – 1. Ignoring your personal finances as a businessperson

How to deal with:

pay your bills on time / established at least a $2,000 emergency fund / contributing to your
employer’s retirement plan / paying down credit card debt / any additional savings spread
across your emergency found, intermediate term savings, and long-term retirement

3. Thinking you’re the market

4. Selling to needs not wants
5. Not investing enough as you a brand
4) Check-in

Take time to look over each section and put a dot on the line to indicate your level of
satisfaction in each area.

Compare with the least one – are these areas the same or different?

Dissatisfaction – few ideas about the root cause of your physical and emotional symptoms
(what small changes you can make right now)

5) Voice of Experience

Where you are rooted really matters – anything that we want to cultivate takes patience
faith, and an ideal environment for growth

a. Where is my growing edge?

b. How can I better nurture myself?
c. What seed goals am I planting?
d. Where do I see grounding and anchoring in my life?
e. In what ways do I need to repot myself in new setting or new surroundings?
f. Who, in my life, serves as fertilizer and nourishers and helps me to grow?
g. And what in my life is ready for harvest?

Learn to mother yourselves first, so that you can be a powerful source of hope, love,
healing, and learning for those that you serve

6) Create an Online Presence

Four platforms recommended for building your brand online –

1. Website – is the center of a wheel

2. Newsletters – creates a relationship with your clients – STAY CONSTITENCE (ONCE A
3. Blog post – não precisa ser temas diferentes dos newsletters, pode ser um tema igual
aos newsletters, porém com maior quantidade de detalhes – it’s the same as free
4. Social Media (Facebook and twitter)

Sharing information that support your target markets’ needs

7) Why websites still matter

Websites is the face of your company offering you different advantages than any other
online tool out there including social media sites

Are the stormfront for your business, help establish and showcase professionalism and

Give credibility

Module 21

1) A different approach to health

I don’ know what anyone else is thinking, I’ve got to figure out this thing for me – what
food work for me, what foods work for me on the plate, and what foods work for me in
primary food

We are in the pill period of life – people have been hypnotized into, you can do whatever
you want, and then take a pill or two and it will all disappear

2) Coach Through secondary food

Both primary food and secondary food help to nourish us

a. Offer support – diet is often one of the last things that people are usually willing to
change about themselves
b. Don’t prescribe a diet – help towards a diet based on whole foods, but let your client
decide which style of eating is right for them.
c. Use the Integrative Nutrition Plate as a guide – keep the big picture in mind
d. Keep it simple
e. Accept when you don’t know something
f. Keep bio-individuality in mind – be respectful and understand that your client knows
their body best just like you know your body best
g. Gather evidence – three days of consumption to understand best your client’s typical
eating habits.
h. Ask high-mileage questions
i. Help clients crowd out less-nutritious foods – rather than encouraging the client to
remove these foods from their diets, encourage them to add more nutritious foods in

3) Treat the cause, not the symptom

Tune into the core underlying issues rather than getting caught up in the surface-level

Symptoms are the result of an underlying issue or cause – don’t focus on what happened,
instead focus on why it happened (the cause)

Metaphor Tack Theory – Imagine that you’re standing on a tack, how would you treat the
pain? Take the tack out of your food is the obvious answer

Using the circle of life as a tool you may find that a symptom is rooted in more than just on
of their primary food

4) Coach through nutrition details

News coaches face a lot of unknowns

Knowing more doesn’t bring about change, your secret weapon in changing the world is by
motivating behavioral shifts.

Your value as a coach is in crating space for the client to develop self-awareness around
their likes, dislikes, habits, patterns…
“What is it about this detail that you feel will help you reach your goal?” – get to the
source of the desire information (as vezes o cliente, não precisa saber todas as
informações. Quando ele quiser saber informações específicas, nós devemos ir para a
motivação por trás dessa necessidade)

5) Coach clients through cravings demo

“I don’t crave anything” – well, what about in primary food, what do you crave?

6) 6-month program add-ons

Healthy Pantry Makeover – first step; open your fridge and cabinets and explore where
you would like to make changes

Supermarket tour – become an expert food detective

7) Healthy pantry makeover

Exemplo do Healthy pantry na casa de uma paciente.

8) Accountability coach application: coach through primary and secondary food

Compare the client’s plate to the Integrative Nutrition Plate – refer to the integrative
Nutrition plate in practice tool for help.

9) Single-pointed focus

Just breathing and trusting

Trust yourself and trust the process to find what really works for you

Single pointed focus – staying concentrated on your big-picture mission and consistently
taking aligned action toward it

10) Leverage your strengths

Its crucial to pinpoint the areas where you are most confident and then leverage those

Asses your perceived weaknesses:

What do you put off or dread doing?
What aspects of coaching or developing your business make you feel nervous?
What feedback have you received that helped illuminate any areas of perceived

11) Business structure 101 notes

- What motivated me to sign up for IIN?
- What personal transformations have I experienced since starting the program?
- What to do you see yourself doing?

Familiarize yourself with research groups or support networks

Tipos de estruturas de negócios –

Where do you want to work – meet clients in person? Virtually?

Considered your financial goals – what services will you offer and what will you charge?
12) Organize your business and turn contact into clients
a. Set a clear intention and take consistent action toward making your dream life your
b. Have organizational tools in place
c. Track client forms using a virtual filing system (paper less)

Module 22

1) An unhealthy obsession

Orthorexia Nervosa – is a condition where people have an unhealthy obsession with the
quality or purity of their food

“Am I healthy enough? / Will people judge me based on what I put in my mouth? /”

Why do people become orthorexic?

There are many instances of why this happens (it’s really fear based)

The fine line between healthy eating and orthorexia – we are really concerned about food,
but when you start dealing with food in such an intense way

Strategy: meditation / “90/10 lifestyle” – eating healthy 90% of the time and enjoying life
the other 10% of the time/ mix primary and secondary food/ enjoy your life!!

2) Understand binge eating disorder

BED (Binge eating disorder) – recurrent episodes of “binge eating”: eating in a discrete
period of time (e.g., 2 hours) an amount of food larger than most people would eat in a
similar period under similar circumstances/ a sense of a lack of control over the eating
during the episode (out of control, can’t stop eating…)

To classification need to complete at least 3 of the following:

- Eat more rapidly than normal

- Eating until feeling uncomfortably full
- Eating large amounts of food when not hungry
- Secretive eating
- Feeling disgusted, depressed, or guilty after binge

More important than the clinical definition is how the person feels about it

Afeta mais os homens e é subdiagnosticado

Often viewed not as a legitimate eating disorder.

Is impacted by the stigma around obesity

Shame does not create sustainable healthful change (when people feel badly about their
body or a particular behavior, they’re not going to seek help)

Parte da Amidala relacionada com o “binge eating” tem relação com a agressão/
problemas de nervoso

The role of food in the lives of binge eaters: emotion regulation, self-punishment,
distraction, boundary setting, soothing (trauma activation), rebellion and body as billboard.

(visão de rebeldia e comer alimentos – se proibir, reforça aspectos de rebeldia no paciente

“você não pode comer”)

You can lead Where you haven’t been…

3) Your world is on your plate

The way you eat is the way you live

The food on your plate is an indication of what you believe about nourishment, shame,
deprivation, joy, whether you feel like you can trust yourself or not.

“The world is on your plate” – everything you believe about life and being alive shows up
on your plate every time you eat.

Diário alimentar – antes de realizar a refeição montar o prato e escrever como se sente, o
que colocou no prato...

“Know what enough is” – there isn’t a feeling of what enough is. we are always thinking
ahead, we are not focus on the present moment. Enough has to do with when you keep on
eating because you don’t have enough, you keep on trying to fill up something that can’t
be filled ever by something physical.

“Enough cannot be in something we can touch or buy or have, enough isn’t an amount, it’s
a relationship to what you already have”.

“Appreciate what you have: take in the good” – taste the food that in your mouth.

“Stop criticizing yourself, blaming anybody else, or complaining about anything” –

“Let yourself stop waiting for your life to begin” –

4) Coach clients affected by body image and disordered eating

“Maybe people are looking for what is not available”.

If you’re 5’2”, you are never going to be 5’8”.

Open up the communication: “Did you ever go through a time in your life where you felt
like you had disordered eating? A time where you felt like you were overeating?”

Conversar sobre Primary Food, e não necessariamente sobre comida.

“What starts as a devotion to healthy eating can evolve into a pattern of incredibly strict
diets. Victims become so focused on eating a pure diet that planning and preparation of
food come to play the dominant role in their lives”.

5) Group Share: body image and disordered eating

Students share about body image and disordered eating.

Tell your story is the important part.

6) Advanced Course preview: emotional eating

Emotional eating means using food for purposes other than nourishment, usually to help
cope with difficult feelings.

Emotions are hard and we all enjoy food as a reward or a pick-me-up from time to time.

When food becomes the number one coping mechanism or the tool for distraction, it can
start sliding into a harmful realm

There’s clearly a connection between food and emotions.

7) Target market intensive

Now who you want to work with and what you have to offer (target market)

Concept = 1. figure out what you have to sell and what kinds of people want it/ 2. Create a
marketing campaign that speaks to them, so they feel like your product was created just
for them, and is exactly what they need

Identifying your core business:

a. What are you selling?

b. What business are you in?
c. Who do you want to serve?
d. What do you want to do?

Target Market Activities:

1. Demographics – the quantifiable statistics about a given population (include age, life
stage, income, gender, relationship status, level of education, career)
2. Psychographics – gives another view of your client by telling you about the culture of a
specific population (personality, values, attitudes, interests, hobbies, motivations,
lifestyle behaviors)
8) The time is now – get clear on your target market

Target market – who is looking for us

Sometimes your target market is obvious and you’re not seeing it

Hit – you’ve already got your foot in the door/ it’s a health concern that you have
successfully or relatively successfully conquered/ it’s a hobby or passion that you enjoy/ is
the profession that you are in (somewhere you are known)/ your spiritual community

9) Group share: target market

Students share where they are in developing their target market.

Module 23

1) (1) Introduction and Preferences

Jung Myers – theory of personality type

“People have specific differences in how they direct and receive energy, take in
information, and make decisions”.

Myers-Briggs-Type indicator – provide us an understanding of how we might respond in a

situation as well as offer insights into other responses.

Preferences – how we prefer to do something.

Type theory tells us that these preferences are natural, we didn’t have to learn

Jung Myers type preferences: a. Extroversion or Introversion; our preferred way to direct
and receive energy
b. Sensing or Intuition; our preferred way to take in information
c. Thinking or Feeling; our preferred way to make decisions
d. Judging or Perceiving; our preferred way to approach the outside world

Combining them give 16 possible preferences leading to 16 different personality types

2) (2) Personal Preferences

Each preference pair has a specific focus, which makes it distinct from the other pairs.

a. Extraversion and Introversion: the outer world that energizes us (the extraversion
prefer to talk to people, to bounce ideas off others…)/ the inner world that energizes
us (the introversion prefer to go inward to ponder)
b. Sensing and Intuition: sensing prefers to take in information through our five senses /
intuition we prefer to take in information through our imagination (what could be in
the future?)
c. Thinking and Feeling: thinking prefers to make decisions based on logically analyzing a
situation/ feeling prefer to make decisions based on values, weighing the impact on
people as they decide. (Feeling is about making decision that focus on the impact on
the people involved)
d. Judging and Perceiving: prefer to interact with the outer world in a more structured
orderly fashion/ perceiving tend to interact with the outer world in a more
spontaneous casual way, looking around and see possibilities to explore.
3) (3) Interacting with Others

Communication Style – our type of personality impact how we communicate with others

a. Extraversion – prefer to talk directly to people/ Introversion – need processing time

b. Sensing – tend to give facts and details, focus on the here and now and provide
specific information / Intuition – love to brainstorm and vision into the future
c. Thinking – step back and analyze, provide direct-to-the-point feedback / Feeling – put
people and values first, step into a situation and assess the needs of the individuals
d. Judging – tend to communicate in an organized and structured style, focus on
completing the task and typically have clear expectations and goals that guide them /
Perceiving – have a more casual, spontaneous approach, communicate in a flexible and
unstructured style.

Coaching Style – our natural preferences often provide insights into our coaching
a. Extraversion – group or team coaching and sessions in a setting that allow for
interaction with the outer world /Introversion – attracted to one-on-one coaching or
prefer to have a quiet space for sessions
b. Sensing – may excel when there are opportunities to provide a wealth of information,
focus on the tress not the forest and focus on past and present realities to move a
client forward /Intuition – tend to focus on the forest, noticing realities may not be
natural for you but offering possibilities is.
c. Thinking – bring a logical perspective to your coaching and the approach may be to
step back and offer an objective perspective. / Feeling – may tend to emphasize
people and the values they hold; strength may be in helping individuals find a path
that fits their personal situation
d. Judging – accountability, organization may be a highlight of your coaching style
/Perceiving – your coaching style is likely more fluid and help your clients let go of rigid
structures that are limiting them

Coaching Preferences of Others (understanding how others may want to be coached)

a. Extraversion – client may appreciate in-person sessions or actions steps that involve
interacting with others / Introversion – may prefer given ample time to reflect on next
steps (researching options on the internet or writing personal reflections)
b. Sensing – likely appreciate clear and detailed information, bringing in specific past
experiences / Intuition – may thriven on opportunities to brainstorm possible
solutions, the like when we honor their insights and hunches
c. Thinking – appreciate an objective perspective, analyzing the pros and cons of a choice
or a pointing out of potential problems / Feeling – likely be thankful for a more
compassionate approach, celebrating their work towards accomplishments rather than
the actual goal achievement
d. Judging – thrive in an environment that provides structure and organization /
Perceiving – do well in a flexible low pressure coaching relationship

4) The Highly Sensitive Person

Food changes your mood -

5) Being Highly Sensitive

The term was coined by Dr. Elaine Aron – defined as a person who has increased sensitivity
to stimulation; means you have heightened sensory abilities and tend to feel things more

There is a wide range of type and amount of sensitivity that everyone feels.

Statistic shows that one in five people is considered a highly sensitive person.

Benefits: better at noticing mistakes and avoiding making errors/ tend to be more right-
brain thinkers and have a stronger inclination for creativity.

Drawbacks: have more heightened experience/ more affected by other people’s mood and

Strategies to deal with – 1. Check in with yourself throughout the day (if you need, step
away and find solitude wherever you can)/ 2. Plan ahead and set loving boundaries (have
an exit plan in place when going out/ 3. Accept yourself fully (ask yourself what works and
what does not)/ 4. Make self-care a top priority (is vital for HSPs)/ 5. Remind yourself that
it's safe to feel your feelings (rather than shutting down your emotion or numbing out with
alcohol explore healthy outlets for expressing your feelings)/ 6. Set bedtime and morning

6) Target Your Target Market

Getting inside the mind of your client – the biggest mistake is trying to sell to your clients
what you think they want or what you think they should want rather than what your
clients do want.

O que as pessoas se preocupam: A – finances / B – relationship / C – health; even if thing is

already great, we are activity think about something that could be better.

People are thinking about very specific problems – “I need more money”, “I want to be in a

Do not talk about general things – people don’t tend to walk around thinking in general

What specific audience you want to talk to?

Get inside the mind of your potential client: 1. Write an autobiography of your potential
client (describing who this person is, general lifestyle). 2. Give this person a name. 3. Ask
this person questions: what are this person’s fears? List 25 different things. What are this
person’s frustrations? List 25 annoyances that your prospect faces. What is the trigger
point issues that riled up the person? List. What your prospect is going to get after they do
your program? (Based on a specific problem)

What is your proof? What can you say that would make, client listen to you? (Go beyond
just talking about your credentials) An example of proof is testimonials from clients, results
that you’ve gotten.

What are your client’s biggest dreams? Consider both the rational dreams and the
irrational ones

Make a list of who your program is for and who is not for

After all this list, write an email to this person – “I have a specialty in helping people with
such and such problem.” Then talk about the proof that you listed.

Module 24

1) The Atkins Diet

The twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes

The dietary goal for the United States tells to increase consumption of carbohydrates to
more than 50% of the calories, wholegrains, fruits and vegetables, polyunsaturated fats,
poultry, and fish.
Carbohydrates in the right nutrient-dense are great options – is not about the quality, it’s
about the quantity.

The constant raising of the blood sugar is correlated with the obesity and diabetes

Insulin resistance is a carbohydrate intolerant state or an inability to properly metabolize


The best way to a low-carbohydrate approach – the secret is finding the point that the
body burns fat by finding the carbohydrate balance.

The Atkins diet promotes the most efficient fat burning by starting low and add more
carbo in each phase until they start gaining weigh again.

4 phases

a. Induction (1): 20g of net carbs a day (8 -10 servings of vegetables) for 2 weeks/ protein
lean cuts – four to six ounces a day
b. Add five net grams: starting with the lowest glycemic impact carbohydrates (by adding
berries with nuts or nut butter or Greek yogurt)
c. Add in 10 grams: including whole grains like quinoa, brown rice or starchy vegetables
like yam or potato.

2) The primal blueprint

A way of eating that looks at aligning our food with the expectations of our genes

Common goals: burn off stored fat, build or preserve muscle, increase energy, and improve

Major epiphany: we all posses a recipe at birth for a perfect, happy, healthy human being
call DNA

Strategies based in the Primal Blueprint is eating plan on adequate amounts of protein and
healthy fat. Recognizing that fat is the preferred fuel source and carbohydrates as an
elective macronutrient.

The process to improve fat burn is by controlling insulin (a fat storage hormone)
150 grams a day is the most calories anybody needs to
take in a day from their diet

Grains are totally unnecessary and whole grains might be the worst nutrient

Basic primal meal strategies: eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re not/ fat leads
the way, then protein, then carbs/ snacks to the rescue/ hydrate by thirst/ intermittent

3) Blood type

4 types:

a. O blood – is the “oldest” one. In Japan culture you are strong, aggressive, and a leader.
Their digestive enzymes are stronger.
b. A blood – is when humans started to become “Agricultural” – In Japan culture you are
community oriented, the perfect type of mom, build a family, and good with the in-
c. B blood – is called “Balanced”. In theory, is more able to digest dairy.
d. AB blood – is called “Abstract”. Very small percentage of the population

4) Identify DiSC Personality Styles

You have to be confident that you deserve to make money

“Treat people the way you want to be treated” – its bushtit the truth is: Treat them the
way them want to be treated”, but you can only do that when you know who there are.

DiSC – four quadrants of behavior: dominant, influential, steady, and conscientiousness

We are made up of all four, but everybody has a primary and secondary behavior style

a. Dominant – they are motivated by the bottom-line results, don’t care about the
journey. They fear losing control and wasting time. Behavior: self-assured, direct,
forceful, time sensitive and, impatient
To connect with them you cannot be afraid to sale – less emotion and storytelling,
they only care about how quick, how much and, the results.
b. Influential or socializer – they are motivated by smile, hug, touch. They need your
approval or their friend’s approval (“Who have you worked in the past?”). They fear
rejection. Behavior: animated, verbose, charming, persuasive, emotional ups and
To connect with them you have to smile, be optimistic, be helpful, make it visual and
emotional, make it a fun process, DON’T GET TOO SPECIFIC,
c. Steady – they are motivated by supportive behavior and love to working together in a
team. They fear change, they make it in a very slow process.
To connect with them you have to talk calm, patient and, relaxed. Be an active listener,
born counselor and, easy going. Setting deadlines to them is not motivational for
them, they will back off. Everyone else’s needs are before their own.
You connect with them when you slow it down, map out each step, be empathetic,
hold their hand each step.
d. Conscientiousness – the compliant thinker is motivated by accuracy and specifics (give
them facts and figures). They are the least talkative and their fear are conflict and
criticism. Don’t tell them, just show! He is a worrier.
You connect with them giving details, space to think

Think about your client and then break it down north and south first, then go east and

5) 6-month program FAQs

Initial visit – Lobby of Luxury Hotel, Coffee Shop, Library or rent office space.

Do not go to other people’s homes

Exercise – make a list of all the people you can work with and the date for when you will
approach them by.

6) Voice of Experience

Intuition and the role it played in helping create and build a business.
Follow your purpose – it meant to guide us here in lifetime, intuitive hits that are meant to
guide us

Mailings to small groups first, instead of sending it to 80 people all at once – the best one
is sent individually to personalize it.

7) Leverage your value and set your rates

Your work does not equal your worth and what you do does not determine your worth

You must have confidence in and truly value what you do in your business

Making money is not bad or dirty – what do you need for your baseline living?

Instead of charging super low rates or giving discounts – increase value: text and email
support, specific PDF’s, or meal plans.

Module 25

1) A Review of Plant-Based Diets

Vegetarian Diets – fishetarian diet (are vegetarian but eat fish)/ chickentarian diet (eat
chicken)/ lacto-ovo vegetarian diet (continue to eat dairy and eggs)/ lacto-vegetarian diet
(eat milk, cheese, yogurt, ice-cream, pizza)/ vegan diet (not only do not eat animal food of
any sort but also, they don’t wear leather, don’t consume honey products)/ Fruitarian Diet
(don’t eat vegetables, eat only fruit)/ Breatharian Diet (don’t eat)/ Raw food diet (don’t
cook anything)/ Raw meat diet

The body will get itself well by itself, as long as the individual can prioritize their wellbeing
over other factors in their life.

2) Food for life (1)

Alto consumo de açúcar, frango e queijo pelos americanos.

The more the animal products come into our routine, the higher our body weight, and the
higher our risk of diabetes.

Fiber – tells the brain you’re full

3) Food for life (2)

The power plate – fruits, grains, vegetable, and legumes.

Protein when you are vegetarian – beans, grains, broccolis

Fish – have some omega 3 (70% is not omega 3)

Soy – isoflavone (genistein) in soybeans. The chemical structure of these isoflavones is

similar to human hormone, estrogens.

Sugar triggers the release of opiates in the brain and hits the dopamine (the pleasure
chemical and the brain’s reward system)

Cheese – casomorphins; casein breaks apart in the digestive tract in opiate-like

compounds-which attach to the same receptor that heroin attaches to

Meat –
4) Raw Vitality (1) – David Wolfe (cara doido)

“Genius is self-bestowed. Mediocrity is self-inflicted”.

Teach you how to think, not what to think – you got to come to your own conclusions.

5) Raw Vitality (2)

Adding in living foods and row foods (vitality), then superfood to make sure, superherbs as
a immunological component and, living spring water

Chaga mushroom – anticancer, powerful immunological substance

Raw cacao beans – cuts risk of heart attack in half

6) Health histories branch out

Time to reach out to people outside of class to practice Health Histories

7) Tips for scheduling and pricing

Location – where to do Health Histories. You can find a place that works for you

Scheduling – choose one night a week to focus on coaching clients

Pricing – while you are in the school the goal is to get experience (100 a 150 dolares
enquanto esta no curso, depois de 150 a 195 dolares)

Try to get one person enrolled in you 6-month program each month

8) The karmic flow of money

Finances – when you work, you are expending your life’s energy in the universe and in
exchange you are earing an income. And when you don’t charge sufficient rates and
service that you are putting in the world, you’re breaking that karmic cycle.

When I live my life from a position of financial strength, I will ….

9) Choose your first client wisely

Is best to close the deal with people who are really ready to join and having the experience
of working with you.

Avoid people who have very serious disease or multiple medication – is beyond your scope
of practice.

Do the basic and evolve it further from there

Module 26

1) Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the world’s oldest health system.

Yoga is a spiritual practice and Ayurveda is the science of life (it is always changing)

Doshas are the mind-body types and understanding how these Doshas are connected to
In Ayurveda we don’t say you are what you eat but rather you are what you digest and
assimilate (you can be eating but still have digestive issues)

Ayurveda helps to understand how the body changes with the seasons – as a natural
change that our body does.

2) Ayurvedic Doshas

We are the three Doshas in varying amounts, not just one.


a) Vata – air. Light side: creative, big picture, eccentric, visionary. Shadow side: doesn’t
know where to start.

Bring Vata in balance with grounded, rooted, warm, and soft foods (such as vegetables
that grown under the ground).

b) Pitta – fire. Light side: disciplined, organized, goal setters, and have very
entrepreneurial type of personalities. Shadow side: impatient, angry, and frustrated.

Often men tend to have higher Pitta in them naturally and it’s more likely to show up if
you’re stressed out.

Bring Pitta in balance with cooling, hydrating, and refreshing foods (such as foods that
harvest in the summer). Spice foods, coffee, tomatoes, and garlic bring pitta out of balance

c) Kapha – earth. Light side: Grounding, restoring, connecting. Shadow side: Resistant,
toward movement, new habits, change.

Is very related to the throat.

Bring Kapha in balance with stimulated foods, light, and bitter foods (such as food that
grow in the spring)

3) Ayurvedic Prakriti and Vikruti

The word Prakriti means natural-born constitution (your DNA and natural characteristics) –
you are a unique combination of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in varying amounts.


Vikruti is your current Doshic constitution – so we work with our Vikruti (what is currently
out of balance)

4) Ayurvedic Dharma

Dharma – has over 16 meaning in Sanskrit, one of them is: soul’s purpose (“What is the
meaning to my life?”)

When you are living in alignment with your Dharma, you begin to experience flow (or
Kriya; that is the effortless experience you feel when you’re living in alignment with your

Karma is the world for the bounded action by the universe, the protection for when we are
out of our path.
5) Regional Diets

Explores diets across regions and climates of the world.

A regional way of eating – what is important is how to eat for your climate, your
background, your region, your time.

Take the principles of those different ways of eating and then apply them to the individual
way of eating. As opposed to taking the wholesale foods and saying: “now you need to eat
these foods to be healthy”.

6) Faith-Based Diets

The connections between faith and diet.

Relate spiritual teachings with diet.

Every spiritual tradition is very interrelated and each of them has dietary
recommendations, has fasting and staying away from food.

Religion and spirituality, and food are all interlinked – every meal is a spiritual experience.

7) Information Versus Transformation

Difference between a consultant and a Coach – giving tons of information and solving
other people’s problems is the role of a consultant; a consultant has expertise in one
specific area.

The coach, on the other hand, will provide a sacred space needed for a client to do his

The coach serves as a mirror for clients, an objective party looking in with no bias or

8) The importance of transformation

Information is abundant, cheap, and free. So, if you’re going to try to compete on
providing information to your clients, it’s a losing proposition (you are competing with

Your competitive advantage is transformation – you can have all the information you need
and if it doesn’t get turned into transformation it’s worth exactly diddly-squat.

People can be told they’re in danger of dying and still doing the same thing.

There’s a difference between absence of evidence and evidence of absence.

Professional encouragers – you can’t learn about courage in a book

We think of encourage as a motivational speaking, but what really causes the changes are
the stories.

The distinct between credential and credibility – your credibility comes from your stories,
and it doesn’t matter what credential you have.

9) Financial Literacy
“Will I have enough money to…” – life the life that makes my heart sing today/ to feel
financially calm in the future…

Investing – feel likes a foreign language, lots of new information’s and, overwhelming.

The inevitable ups and downs come in the market, makes jump in your fear and you do the
exact opposite of what you should do. The antidote to that is training yourself to focus on
the intersection of the handful of things that truly matter and the handful of things that
you can control.

7 principles (thinks we can control):

a. Your “number” – the number you are aiming for in terms of retirement savings.

Stepping on the scale, just knowing where you’re starting and having a framework in your
mind for where you want to head.

b. Saving and spending rates – 50/30/20 rule. 50% of your take-home pay goes toward
NEEDS (like housing, transportation, food…), 30% goes toward WANTS (brings you joy)
and, 20% goals toward SAVINGS.
c. Investment behavior – when you invest, you have a choice, and most people have no
idea how to make that choice. There are two styles of investing:
d. Asset allocation – there are two broad kinds of investments: stocks and bonds.
Investing in stocks is related with growth and bonds for stability.
e. Diversification – “not putting all your eggs in one basket”.
f. Fees and taxes – every incremental 1% in fees that you pay over the course of your
lifetime in expenses will eat up 20% of your ending portfolio value
g. Governance standard – suitability (a broker is not obligated to serve your best
interests, its suitable for you and not necessarily the absolute best) and fiduciary (have
a legal obligation to put the client’s best interest first)

Module 27

1) Macrobiotics

Modern macrobiotics – is a way of living

The idea of yin and yang is to figure out how are these foods going to affect me? – if you
are trying to get more yin you should try more light and airy foods, like fruit. But if you are
trying to get more yang you should think about cooked food.

Macrobiotic pros – only eat when hungry, it based on whole grains, yin/yang concept, food
for fuel not entertainment, avoid nightshade vegetables
2) A Health Awakening

Alicia Silverstone shares her journey to health and encourages you to embrace your own
health awakening.

Nao anotei muito

3) Seaweed

Less conventional forms of protein – green peas, quinoa, nuts, nut butter, tempeh, and

Seaweed grows in the ocean, it’s very rooted into the ground –good for osteoporosis

4) Reclaim Yourself

Nothing in the past has to define the future

Freedom is moving beyond constraints, moving past those old ways of being so you can
stand and empower the way of being.

What are you doing in this moment to stand in the truth of who you are?

Seven steps to developing freedom and self-trust

a. Release your story – the story takes us back to the same place ‘I can win’ (or any other
core beliefs). So how can you move back to your original state of being, the truth of
who you came here to be.
- How long have you been telling the same story?
- How long have you been telling that story that you can’t move to the place you came
here to be?

If you really get clear about this, you will understand how you feel when you tell the story.

b. Find your voice – Is not just about speaking, it’s about authenticity.
c. Realize the mind-body connection – your mental health depends on the way that you
Think about something that’s challenging you – you can feel it in your body. Where
does it show up?
d. Surrender secrets – ‘shame is about dishonoring we and moving into states of regret’.
Guilt stops us from be who we are, who we came to be, and it blocks trust. If you let go
of those secrets, you can move into a state of forgiveness.
e. Move into a state of forgiveness – is a powerful way of being, allows you to open and
move out of the thinking you have to be magnanimous
f. Reclaim Yourself – there is nothing wrong with you
- How often do you give your power away?
- How often do you say, yes, when you mean no?
- How often are you playing small?
g. Implement radical self-care – by standing in your power, you model authenticity,
creativity, and power. If you do not put yourself first, what you do stop the flow of energy.

5) Connect to Universal Energy

Exercise to focus and unify your energy

6) Voice of Experience

Heart-centered business – following our heart and soul with action steps and tangible

a. Stay the course – it’s about resilience and persistence

b. Accept your humanness – “I would do, but I don’t have everything figured out in my
life yet”
c. Embrace your authentic path – listen to your intuition and go your way
d. It’s all about fun – adding more fun in choosing services that you love.
e. Marketing is sharing – “lighthouse don’t go running all over an island looking for boats
to save, they just stand there shining”

7) Find your seed of purpose

How real our stories can feel – and sometimes, that feel like the only truth

The seed of purpose is planted inside the heart over your story

Purpose – although it’s a beautiful thing

“Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety”

When you have your purpose, it’s meant to be achieved

8) What’s true for you

Joshua leads through a visualization exercise

What is true for you about being a health counselor?

Where would you want to take this?
What are your thoughts and feelings about prosperity and abundance?

Module 28

1) Holistic Nourishment (1)

How you were fed in utero, what was your mother eating – the impact of pregnancy goes
through your entire life.

Food and love: when a baby is nursing ‘on face’. That impacts in immunity, digestion and in
everything. Breastfeeding improves the mother’s health (protecting against breast cancer
and ovarian cancer), promotes a sense of safety and security in the baby, promotes
optimal facial and jaw development, promotes optimal breathing and is neuroprotective.

When there’s a problem with food or with intimacy, that problem began in your childhood.

The impact of shame – “I AM a mistake”

Addiction isn’t the problem; they are the solution to the problem of unresolved pain.

Contagion Theory of Lifestyle behaviors – among mutual close friends, if one becomes
obese, the other chances increase by 171%.
2) Holistic Nourishment (2)

80% of the diet should be: basic food, prepared at home, directly related to the land or
sea, fresh, whole, and unprocessed.

What is the norm is not necessarily optimal, in the medicine indices.

HDL cholesterol is an amazing marker of glycemic stress

PMS – the menstrual cycle is associated with the moon and with our creativity. The further
out of your own creativity and inner dialogue you are, the louder your body has to speak in
the PMS (“pre-menstrual truth”)

Become the person who, when you walk in a room, everyone is blessed – Tosha Silver

Find people who understand the profound connection between food, love, and community

Divine love – with our spirits and the angel’s help we focus divine love throughout our
systems. We ask our spirits to identify every cause and every situation that separates us
from the creator. And we ask that our systems be healed with divine love according to the
Creator’s will.

3) Heal Yourself by yourself

The purpose of the curriculum is to understand this evolving profession called health
coaching - human beings heal themselves by themselves through their own speaking and
through high-mileage questions, and through the basic principles of primary food and bio-

There’s just one disease – the body is out of balance.

Where fire can occur in the body

a. Genetic weakness from the parent

b. Being abusive through diet and lifestyle to a particular organ in their body

4) Constitution and condition

Constitution is made up before birth, it’s what you have in your ancestry – what is called
genetics. YOU CAN’T CHANGE

- Parents and grandparents emotional, mental, and spiritual states
- Reproductive cell quality of the father’s sperm and the mothers’ eggs
- Date of conception and birth
- Place of birth (cold vs hot climate/ urban vs. rural)
- Factors affecting constitution of child while in the womb

Condition is what’s acquired after birth. You change that day to day, meal to meal

5) Student success check-in

Reviews and what’s coming up

6) Branding strategy
Clear goals and creativity

a. Establish a consistent message – core mission that you continuously reinforce through
your content.
- What makes your brand unique?
- Does your business solve a problem for people?
b. Create great content that is consumable, shareable, and valuable

7) DIY Professional Headshots

What picture you would like to represent

- Do dress appropriately
- Don’t use flash
- Do use a neutral background – non-distracting wall, without windows or mirrors
- Don’t focus on angles
- Don’t use filters – clean and natural.

Module 29

1) Menstrual Wellness
2) Nutrition for the Menstrual Cycle

Is a profound cleansing process (it’s a chance to clear out the old and bring in the new).

5 ways to balance your cycle

a. Remove processed foods from your diet (what percentage of your food has no label at
b. Take synthetic hormones off your plate (hormones from food can lead to heavier flow
and more cramping, mood swings, and even ovarian cysts).
c. Evaluate dairy products in your diet
d. Pick your proteins wisely (when choosing protein make sure it’s always grass-fed, local,
and free of hormones)
e. Get honest about fat (lack of high-quality fat is linked to poor skin health, lack of
period, hormonal imbalance).

3) Balance your Hormones Through Primary Food

Going against your natural rhythm might be an issue

Mindset: women feel like need to keep up with other people but, ignoring your body
signals is not helpful. Signs that you’re pushing yourself too hard – exhaustion, lack of sex
drive, intense PMS and feelings of guilt or depression for no reason.

5 ways to balance

a. Empower yourself
b. Get real about rest (sleep enough)
c. Balance your nervous system
d. Evaluate exercise (certain forms of rigorous exercise trigger the stress response)
e. Embrace the power of community
4) Advanced Course Preview: Hormone Health

Healing and harmful foods for hormone health –

Hormones are chemical messengers that send signals that allow for communication across
the body, are what regulate critical functions like sleep, stress, and reproduction.

Foods to maintain a good balance of hormones – fruits and veggies, organic foods, local

Foods that should be avoided – processed foods, sugar, caffeine, excessive amounts of

5) Mind-Body Medicine (1)

6) Mind-Body Medicine (2)
7) The power of social media

Everyone agrees we need to use social media, but there’s still a lot of confusion as WHY!
One of the biggest reasons to utilize social media is: networking potential, connect with
people who can boost your career. Also because of the surround sound effect (people
need to hear your business name at least seven times before doing business with you).
And is a way to get customers and clients (your website is the best avenue for converting
people into paying customers).

interact with other people, not faceless businesses (the exception is if you have a catchy
business title), your professional life last as long as you last (if you change interests or
develop a new passion).

Biggest mistake – only broadcasting offers, only give offers for your business. SOCIAL

Your brand is what people think when they hear your name

Twitter – Types of tweets – retweets (just find something that someone else has tweeted),
create public dialogue, share deep thoughts, and commenting on other people’s content.

Facebook – business page feels like an advertisement and people want to interact.

LinkedIn – is more amenable to having a long bio, link your name to other recognizable
brands, emphasize actual results (your metric in your field)

The purpose of social media is to have people remember and recognize your name and
what you stand for.


Module 30
1) The Power of a Therapeutic Approach for Autoimmune Disease

Treating multiple sclerosis

Multimodal Intervention

a. Stress management (mantra-based meditation)

b. Vitamins and nutritional supplements
c. Modified paleolithic diet (3 cups of cooked greens/ 3 cups of cabbage, onion,
mushroom/ 3 cups of intensely colored fruits and vegetables/ oils rich in omega 3s/ 4
ounces meat or fish/ exclude gluten, casein and eggs)
d. Home exercise program + neuromuscular electrical stimulation

2) Nine elements of a sexually empowered life

Sexually is often pushed over to the side – sex is a piece of sexuality

As a practitioner, lots of times the clients are not going to feel comfortable bringing it
forward and they are going to wait for you to invite that conversation.

What are your limits at this point in your career and what are the places where you do feel
comfortable – it’s not about not asking, it’s about “I can handle whatever the answer is”.

Women tend to work with sex in their 30s/40s/50s Tend to be creative women

Nine elements of a sexually empowered life

a. Rewrite your inspired sexual story: a lot of time, this story are not serving people
anymore. Honor our tender places, the path and then create a newer.
- What is your sexual story?
- Identify harmful truths
- Honor our tender places
- Is this story helpful
- Rewrite an inspired sexual story

b. Release Sexual Shame & Shed Old Skin: where are the places where I’ve been shamed
about sexuality? – part of why this shame and guilt stay with us, is because we stay
quiet about it.
- Shame keeps us small
- Used as a means of control
- Release shame to live fully
- Create sexual freedom
- Rewire the beliefs

c. Nurture & Increase Your dynamic sexual energy: is the core of who we are
- Sexual energy is your core energy
- Develop and nurture
- Energy to create the life you want
- Create sexual freedom
- Authentic experience
d. Show Up Emotionally Powerful: we learn lots of poor habits about how to express our
emotion, how to deal with difficult emotions. As you look at the patterns that show up
in food, relationships, work, sexually
- What does it mean?
- Shift emotional patterns
- Mature emotional response
- Take care of yourself
- Stable intimate relationships

e. Activating Desire & Create your sexual practice: meaning things that really connect
people to their bodies, to their own desire (if someone is working on accepting their
body the practice should involves their body like dancing naked) – but you have to
decide that it is a priority for you.
- Make ritual and practice a priority
- What is a sexual practice?
- Develop and maintain it
- Active your own desire – there is ways to nourish it and as we give it energy it will
- Give yourself permission to explore

f. Radically Accept Your Body – accepting the changes that happen over age
- Body image can hold us back
- Your body as a sexual playground
- Break patterns of body abuse – it impacts on how we treat our bodies
- Learn how sexual pleasure works
- Knowledge = acceptance

g. Develop Sexual Skills & Remember How to Play; is knowing how your body works,
understanding your own desire and being able to ask for the things you want.
- Sex is a skill
- Improve and expand
- Adults need play too
- Where can I improve?
- More skills = more satisfaction

h. Give yourself permission to develop real erotic authenticity

- Challenge compulsory ideas
- Learn what you really want
- Explore power
- Develop a sexual identity
- What is your erotic language?

i. Build Sexual confidence & come home to you (homecoming)

- What is sexual confidence
- Use the elements for development
- Learn how to come home to yourself
- Attract the relationships that serve you
- Be fully expressed and intentional
Sex is a normal and natural part of our lives, every person is sexual regardless of body,
ethnicity, gender, ability, age.

3) Coaching around intimacy

For the first time it’s just a quick conversation, sometimes it’s the whole rest of the

Relationship is a part of sexuality

“So how is that with you, with your husband, like, are you intimate?” Does that feel
comfortable for you?

4) Group share: intimacy

When you got to the area of relationship, ask: “Well, just honestly, in the area of intimacy
and sexuality, how are things going?”

5) Check-in primary food 3

The goal is to develop an inner sense of when an area of primary food is out of alignment,
and then be able to identify the next steps that you need to take to get you on track.

Start with one category that you’re dissatisfied with – “how you do anything is, how you
do everything.”

6) Voice of experience

Primary food, adding daily and monthly rest (at that moment, where you can really sit and
rest, that’s where you found the sweet spot of equity and abundance in your life)

Research is the step one in healthcare and must be followed up by action

The practitioner and the client are connected in an energetic circle

7) Powerful presence in social media

Social media is a way to connect with people all over the world

You want to find your voice, to be you, have an area which is your niche market – JUST

Be professional, be brief, engage your audience, ask questions, create dialogue.

8) Build awareness for your brand

Social media and its role in marketing

Social media: creating awareness, building relationships, driving traffic to website

Options and strategy

Pick one to two platforms that your target market uses the most and utilize those
platforms to drive traffic back to your main hub – the website.

You can theme the days – post recipe on Friday

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