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In colloquial language (and often in medical language) terms such as drug addict, drug addict,
addict... are used very frequently to refer to any drug use, the term dependency refers to a clinical
picture whose criteria are very strict and statistically rare.

The use of drugs, as opposed to abuse, is that pattern of consumption in which there are no
negative consequences for health, individual problems or dependence do not appear. The
problems associated with the use of drugs are of a social nature (fines for possession or
consumption in public) and of a social nature.

The use of some drugs such as alcohol and, to a lesser extent, tobacco and cannabis, enjoy greater
social tolerance in the general population.

Drug addiction, drug dependence or drug dependence is a condition that consists of the need to
consume repeated doses of a drug to feel good or not feel bad. The dependence is evidenced in a
group of cognitive, physiological and behavioral symptoms that are related to the lack of control
over the consumption of the drug, which continues to be consumed despite its adverse effects.

The dependence produced by drugs can be of two types:

Physiological or physical dependence: The body becomes in need of the drug, acquiring tolerance,
which is why increasing doses or frequency of consumption are required and when its
consumption is interrupted, strong physiological disorders occur, which is known as withdrawal

Psychological or psychic dependence: It is the deterioration of control over the use of the drug,
which leads to seek consumption again to avoid discomfort or obtain pleasure. The individual feels
an imperious and pressing need to consume the drug.

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