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# Import SUMO libraries

import traci
import traci.constants as tc

# Define the agent class

class Agent:
def __init__(self, id, type): = id # agent id
self.type = type # agent type (car, bus, etc.)
self.state = None # agent state (position, speed, etc.)
self.action = None # agent action (acceleration, lane change, etc.)
self.reward = None # agent reward (based on traffic efficiency, safety, etc.)

def get_state(self):
# Get the state of the agent from SUMO
self.state = traci.vehicle.getSubscriptionResults(

def set_action(self, action):

# Set the action of the agent in SUMO
self.action = action
traci.vehicle.slowDown(, action[0], action[1]) # set speed and duration
traci.vehicle.changeLane(, action[2], action[3]) # set target lane and duration

def get_reward(self):
# Get the reward of the agent based on some criteria
self.reward = ... # define your reward function here

# Define the DDPG algorithm

class DDPG:
def __init__(self, agent_num, state_dim, action_dim):
self.agent_num = agent_num # number of agents
self.state_dim = state_dim # dimension of state space
self.action_dim = action_dim # dimension of action space = ... # define your actor network here
self.critic = ... # define your critic network here
self.target_actor = ... # define your target actor network here
self.target_critic = ... # define your target critic network here
self.actor_optimizer = ... # define your actor optimizer here
self.critic_optimizer = ... # define your critic optimizer here
self.replay_buffer = ... # define your replay buffer here
self.noise = ... # define your exploration noise here

def select_action(self, state):

# Select an action for each agent using the actor network and noise
actions = []
for i in range(self.agent_num):
action =[i]) + self.noise()
return actions

def train(self, batch_size):

# Train the actor and critic networks using a batch of transitions from the replay buffer
states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = self.replay_buffer.sample(batch_size)
target_actions = self.target_actor(next_states)
target_q_values = self.target_critic(next_states, target_actions)
target_y = rewards + (1 - dones) * GAMMA * target_q_values
q_values = self.critic(states, actions)
critic_loss = ... # define your critic loss function here
actor_loss = ... # define your actor loss function here
# Update the target networks using soft update
for target_param, param in zip(self.target_actor.parameters(), * + (1 - TAU) *
for target_param, param in zip(self.target_critic.parameters(), self.critic.parameters()): * + (1 - TAU) *

# Define the MADDPG algorithm

class MADDPG:
def __init__(self, agent_num, state_dim, action_dim):
self.agent_num = agent_num # number of agents
self.state_dim = state_dim # dimension of state space
self.action_dim = action_dim # dimension of action space
self.agents = [] # list of DDPG agents
for i in range(agent_num):
agent = DDPG(agent_num, state_dim[i], action_dim[i])

def select_action(self, state):

# Select an action for each agent using their own actor network and noise
actions = []
for i in range(self.agent_num):
action = self.agents[i].select_action(state[i])
return actions

def train(self, batch_size):

# Train each agent's actor and critic networks using a batch of transitions from their own
replay buffer
for i in range(self.agent_num):
states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = self.agents[i].replay_buffer.sample(batch_size)
states =, dim=1) # concatenate states of all agents
actions =, dim=1) # concatenate actions of all agents
next_states =, dim=1) # concatenate next states of all agents
self.agents[i].train(states, actions, rewards[:, i], next_states, dones[:, i])

# Define the attention mechanism

def attention(query, key, value):
# Compute the attention score for each query-key pair
score = torch.matmul(query, key.transpose(-2, -1)) / math.sqrt(key.size(-1))
# Apply a softmax function to get the attention weight for each value
weight = torch.softmax(score, dim=-1)
# Compute the weighted sum of values as the output
output = torch.matmul(weight, value)
return output

# Define the Ft-Attn-MADDPG algorithm

class Ft_Attn_MADDPG:
def __init__(self, agent_num, state_dim, action_dim):
self.agent_num = agent_num # number of agents
self.state_dim = state_dim # dimension of state space
self.action_dim = action_dim # dimension of action space
self.agents = [] # list of MADDPG agents
for i in range(agent_num):
agent = MADDPG(agent_num, state_dim[i], action_dim[i])
self.attention_query = ... # define your attention query network here
self.attention_key = ... # define your attention key network here
self.attention_value = ... # define your attention value network here
def select_action(self, state):
# Select an action for each agent using their own actor network and noise
actions = []
for i in range(self.agent_num):
action = self.agents[i].select_action(state[i])
return actions

def train(self, batch_size):

# Train each agent's actor and critic networks using a batch of transitions from their own
replay buffer
for i in range(self.agent_num):
states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = self.agents[i].replay_buffer.sample(batch_size)
states =, dim=1) # concatenate states of all agents
actions =, dim=1) # concatenate actions of all agents
next_states =, dim=1) # concatenate next states of all agents
# Apply the attention mechanism to get the fault-tolerant state representation for each agent
query = self.attention_query(states[:, i]) # get the query vector for agent i
key = self.attention_key(states) # get the key matrix for all agents
value = self.attention_value(states) # get the value matrix for all agents
ft_state = attention(query, key, value) # get the fault-tolerant state vector for agent i
query = self.attention_query(next_states[:, i]) # get the query vector for agent i
key = self.attention_key(next_states) # get the key matrix for all agents
value = self.attention_value(next_states) # get the value matrix for all agents
ft_next_state = attention(query, key, value) # get the fault-tolerant next state vector for agent i
self.agents[i].train(ft_state, actions, rewards[:, i], ft_next_state, dones[:, i])

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