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Put correct form of the words in the box to the suitable blanks. Write the Vietnamese meaning of these
words as well.
whisk marinate tender chop peel slice

To prepare a delicious stir-fry, first (1) ____________ up all your ingredients, including your protein of
choice and your favorite vegetables. Then, (2) ____________ the protein in a flavorful mixture of soy
sauce, garlic, and ginger for at least thirty minutes. While the protein is marinating, (3) ____________
and (4) ____________ your vegetables into thin pieces. Once the protein is ready, heat up some oil
in a pan and stir-fry it until it's cooked through. Add in the vegetables and simmer everything together
until the vegetables are (5) ____________. In the meantime, (6) ____________ together a tasty sauce
made from soy sauce, honey, and chili flakes. Once the stir-fry is done, pour the sauce over everything
and give it a final stir. Serve hot and enjoy!

Put correct form of the words in the box to the suitable blanks. Write the Vietnamese meaning of these
words as well.
bake dip garnish oven ingredients

mixture grate sprinke puree spread

To make a delicious dessert, start by gathering your (1) ____________. Peel and chop up some fresh
fruit, like strawberries or bananas, and (2) ____________ them in a blender until smooth. Preheat
your (3) ____________ to 350°F and (4) ____________ the puree evenly into the surface of the cake.
Next, whisk together a (5) ______ of melted butter, flour, and sugar, and pour it on top of the cake. (6)
______ some chocolate and (7) __________________ it over the top as well, then (8) ____________
the dessert in the oven for 20-25 minutes until it's golden brown and crispy on top. Once the dessert
is done, let it cool for a few minutes before slicing it into shapes of choice. For an extra special touch,
(9) ____________ each square into some melted chocolate and (10) ____________ with a sprinkle
of chopped nuts or fresh fruit. Delicious!

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