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Acute inflammation is a rapid response to tissue injury that occurs within minutes to hours
after the injury. The morphological types of acute inflammation refer to the different patterns
of inflammation that can be observed under a microscope. There are three main types of
acute inflammation: serous, fibrinous, and suppurative.

1. Serous inflammation:

Serous inflammation is characterized by the exudation of a watery, protein-rich fluid. This type
of inflammation is typically seen in mild cases of injury, such as a blister or sunburn. The fluid
that is exuded is clear and straw-colored. Microscopically, serous inflammation is
characterized by the presence of fluid-filled spaces within the tissue. Macroscopically, the
affected area appears swollen, shiny, and red.

2. Fibrinous inflammation:

Fibrinous inflammation is characterized by the exudation of a fibrin-rich fluid. Fibrin is a

protein that is involved in blood clotting and wound healing. This type of inflammation is
typically seen in more severe cases of injury, such as pneumonia or pericarditis.
Microscopically, fibrinous inflammation is characterized by the presence of fibrin deposits
within the tissue. Macroscopically, the affected area appears yellowish-white and may be
covered with a fibrinous membrane.

3. Suppurative inflammation:

Suppurative inflammation is characterized by the exudation of pus. Pus is a thick, opaque

fluid that contains dead cells, debris, and bacteria. This type of inflammation is typically seen
in cases of bacterial infection, such as an abscess or cellulitis. Microscopically, suppurative
inflammation is characterized by the presence of large numbers of neutrophils (a type of white
blood cell) within the tissue. Macroscopically, the affected area appears swollen, red, and
may be discharging pus.

In conclusion, the morphological types of acute inflammation reflect the severity of tissue
injury and the resulting response of the immune system. Serous inflammation is the mildest
form and is characterized by a watery exudate, fibrinous inflammation is more severe and is
characterized by a fibrin-rich exudate, while suppurative inflammation is the most severe and
is characterized by the presence of pus.

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