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COM 418E
Artificial intelligence has greatly been used in organizations. This is as a result of organizations
trying to curb challenges by coming up with expert systems mainly the project management
Expert systems are computer programs designed to solve procedural problems. Normally
knowledge gets represented in the expert systems as either frames or data structures and rules which
encode the procedural rules for problem solving.
Here the expert system will be explained on how it will work citing examples. It describes artificial
neural networks and inference engines and offers a set of guidelines for deciding when a problem is
appropriate for an expert solution.
Expert systems are been used in fields like project design and estimation, project cash flow
modeling and medical diagnosis and also in non procedural problems.

Project management system greatly helps in planning, organization, managing resource tools and
develop resource estimates. Depending on the sophistication of the software, it can manage
estimation and planning, scheduling, cost control and budget management, resource allocation
collaboration software, communication, decision making, quality management and documentation
or administration systems.

How AI has revolutionized Project Management systems

1.More accurate estimations

Estimation is the time needed to complete a task and the full project or milestone of budgets based
on this time and other expenses, and the estimation of resources needed- again based on the time
A computer or an expert system doesn't have feelings and thus won’t overestimate or underestimate.
A computer is made to crunch numbers day after day, and will only base its results on previous
experience learned from hard facts and stored data

2.Improving Predictability

This is mainly as a result of better estimations. Prediction of something is based on previous

experiences and estimations. Since AI is able to store everything, remember everything, and process
all the data in a matter of seconds, you have the best possible case to make a justified decision.

Forecast is one example of a resource- and project management solution using AI to improve
estimations. The estimations are continuously improved using previous from across projects, teams,
people, and even organizations following an anonymous processing method. Nothing is shared
across organizations, but everybody benefits from the improved algorithms. This means, that even if
you have no data submitted to the system at all, it will still be able to do some justified estimations
on your time estimates using factors such as labels, words used, and a high and low estimate.

Increased predictability can save you time, resources and money.

3.More reliable Budgets and Road maps.

Time and costs are usually directly connected. Employees are paid by the amount of work in hours,
and clients are billed by the number of hours it takes to complete the projects. That's why more
accurate and more predictable time estimations have direct impact on defining the scope, or
Statement of Work, together with the client, and put forward a proposal that is reliable for both
parties and profitable for your business.
Likewise, having more accurate time estimations allows for a more accurate road map. You can
more easily schedule the right resources to work on your project or milestone. People know what
they're going to work on, and your clients know what they can expect from your work and when to
expect it.
4. Better Scheduling and Utilization of Resources.

Utilizing your resources is paramount to running a stable and profitable business. Having
everything linked in one single system gives you a one-truth hub for the information you need to
take action. Forecast intelligently connects your time, budget, and scheduling to give you the
broader perspective. Allocating and assigning your team members is easier when you know what is
going on, what's coming up, and whether your projects are over- or under allocated. You can easier
take action if a project might suddenly be heading towards a cliff.
Those are some of the benefits you can expect from combining AI and Project Management. As you
may have noticed utilizing AI is all about connecting the dots between every data point to make the
most out of your data. AI is especially useful for managing large amounts of data and make
conclusions and suggestions based on this data. Then based on this, it's up to you to decide how to
act on this new information.

Machine learning in Project management

Machine learning in project management has greatly improved project management systems.
Machine learning has helped in project management in the following ways :

1.Predict and assign tasks to the rightful team members

2.Automatically tag users in comments that are relevant to them

3.Visualize notifications and updates based on their relevancy to a particular user

4.Predict and determine when deadlines aren’t going to be met

5.Correct task time estimates

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