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TI 1006618. Edgar Rivera

1.- Explain problem identification and problem-solving research in details. Are these two types
of researches related?

Problem identification research is the process of identifying a problem or opportunity, often used
in the early stages of a project or when there is a need to identify new business opportunities.
This process helps define the problem and provides a basis for developing possible solutions.

Problem-solving research is the process of identifying possible solutions to a problem that has
already. This type of research is used to determine the most effective solution to a problem. This
seeks to develop a solution that is practical, effective and efficient, and that addresses the causes
of the problem. It helps provide the basis for making a decision and taking action to solve a

These two types of investigation are related because the problem-solving investigation is usually
carried out after the problem-identification investigation has been completed. Therefore,
problem-identification research provides the foundation for problem-solving research.

2.- What are the limitations of marketing research?

Cost: Marketing research can be expensive and small businesses may not be able to afford it.

Time: Marketing research can take a long time, and the delay can mean that competitors gain a
competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Sample bias – If the people surveyed are not representative of the target market, the research
may not be accurate.

Unreliable data – If people are not honest or accurate in their responses, the research may not be

Changing Markets: Markets can change rapidly and research can become out of date.

Limited scope: Marketing research may not be able to answer all questions or provide
information on all aspects of a business.
TI 1006618. Edgar Rivera

3.- Explain in details the process of marketing research.

Define the problem: The first step in marketing research is to define the problem or opportunity
that needs to. Identify the objectives of the investigation, determine the information, and develop
a research plan.

Conduct a literature review: This helps provide context for the research and can help identify
research gaps or opportunities.

Designing the Research: Research design is deciding the research method, sampling plan, and
data collection instruments. The research approach can be qualitative or quantitative, depending
on the research objectives and the type of information needed. The research method can be
surveys, focus groups, interviews or observational studies.

Collect data: Data collection involves collecting primary data through surveys, interviews, or
other methods. Data collection instruments should be pre-tested to ensure that they are effective
in collecting the required information.

Analyze data: Once the data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed. This involves
summarizing the data, identifying patterns and trends, and drawing conclusions from the data.

Drawing Conclusions: Based on the analysis, conclusions can be drawn regarding the objectives of
the research. These conclusions must be actionable and must help address the problem or
opportunity identified at the beginning of the investigation process.

Prepare the report: Finally, the results of the investigation must be reported. The report should
include a summary of the research objectives, research design, data collection methods, analysis,
and conclusions. The report must be clear, concise and easy to understand, and it must provide
actionable information for the business.

4.- When converting management dilemma into research questions, what issues should be
considered and why?

When turning a management dilemma into research questions, it is important to consider several
issues to ensure that the resulting questions are clear, relevant, and effective. These issues
include clarity, feasibility, relevance, importance, scope, and objectivity. The questions must be
clear, easy to understand and capable of being answered through research. They must also be
relevant to the management dilemma and important to the business. In addition, the scope of
the questions must be appropriate, and they must be objective and unbiased.
TI 1006618. Edgar Rivera

5.- What is the major difference between qualitative and quantitative research techniques?
Why is qualitative research techniques termed as exploratory research by many?

The main difference between qualitative and quantitative research techniques is the type of data
that is collected. Quantitative research collects numerical data that can be analyzed using
statistical methods, while qualitative research collects non-numerical data, such as opinions,
attitudes, and behaviours, through methods such as interviews, focus groups, and observation.

6.-What are the advantages of using projective techniques in comparison to focus groups and
in-depth interviews?

Projective techniques are research methods that involve presenting respondents with ambiguous
or unstructured stimuli and asking them to project their thoughts, feelings, and attitudes onto the
incentives. Projective techniques can be more advantageous than focus groups and in-depth
interviews in several ways.
1.- they can reduce social desirability bias by allowing respondents to express their thoughts and
feelings indirectly.
2.- they can explore deeper emotions and attitudes that may not be easily accessible through
direct questioning.
3.-they can enhance creativity and encourage imaginative responses from respondents.
4.- projective techniques can be used in various research settings, making them more flexible
than focus groups. However, they should be used with other research methods to provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

7.-Compare the advantages of experiments with the advantages of survey and observational

Experiments are fine for testing cause-and-effect relationships and controlling variables, while
surveys are better for collecting large amounts of data quickly, and observational methods are
good for studying consumer behavior in natural settings. Each method has its advantages and
the choice of method depends on the research question and the type of data needed. Wendy's
used an experiment to test Black Label burgers because it allowed them to control variables and
test specific ingredients and techniques. However, surveys and observation methods could also be
useful in other aspects of your research.

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