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The Cultural Revolution, also known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, was a sociopolitical movement that

took place in China from 1966 to 1976. The Revolution was led by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Communist
Party of China, and aimed to purge capitalist and traditional elements from society and to impose a Maoist form of

The Revolution began in May 1966, when Mao called for a campaign to criticize and eliminate the "Four Olds" - old
customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas - which were seen as obstacles to socialist progress. The movement
quickly gained momentum, with mass meetings, rallies, and protests erupting across the country. Many schools and
universities were closed, and millions of young people were sent to the countryside to work in agriculture and to
undergo "re-education" by the peasants.

The Revolution was marked by widespread violence, with many people being beaten, imprisoned, or killed for
perceived counter-revolutionary activities. The Red Guards, a paramilitary group made up of young people, were
responsible for much of the violence and were encouraged by Mao to attack anyone seen as a threat to the

The Cultural Revolution had a profound impact on Chinese society. The education system was severely disrupted,
with many intellectuals and artists being persecuted and forced to denounce their work. The economy suffered
greatly, with many factories and businesses being shut down or taken over by the government. The healthcare
system was also severely affected, with many doctors and medical professionals being targeted and killed.

The Revolution also had significant impacts outside of China. The country became increasingly isolated from the
rest of the world, with diplomatic relations being severed with many countries. The United States, in particular, was
seen as a major enemy, and the two countries had a tense relationship throughout the period.

The Cultural Revolution ended with the death of Mao Zedong in 1976. His successor, Deng Xiaoping, took steps to
reverse many of the policies of the Revolution, introducing market-oriented reforms and reopening the country to
the world. The period is still remembered in China today, with many people still bearing scars from the events of that
time. While the exact number of deaths during the period is not known, it is estimated that millions of people died as
a result of the violence and upheaval.

Here are some of the key amendments: Constitution (1982)

1. 1988: The first amendment to the Constitution was made in 1988, when the National People's Congress
(NPC) added a new paragraph to Article 12 of the Constitution, which established the State's policy of
promoting the development of the capitalist economy.

2. 1993: The second amendment to the Constitution was made in 1993, when the NPC added a new article,
Article 88, which established the State's policy of promoting the development of the non-public sector of
the economy.

3. 1999: The third amendment to the Constitution was made in 1999, when the NPC added a new chapter,
Chapter 13, which established the State's policy of promoting the development of the western regions of

4. 2004: The fourth amendment to the Constitution was made in 2004, when the NPC added a new article,
Article 13, which established the State's policy of promoting the development of the socialist market

5. 2018: The fifth amendment to the Constitution was made in 2018, when the NPC removed the term limit
for the presidency, allowing President Xi Jinping to serve more than two terms.

6. 2020: The sixth amendment to the Constitution was made in 2020, when the NPC added a new chapter,
Chapter 14, which established the State's policy of promoting the development of the rural areas and the

7. 2022: The seventh amendment to the Constitution was made in 2022, when the NPC added a new article,
Article 15, which established the State's policy of promoting the development of the digital economy.

It's worth noting that the Chinese Constitution has been amended several times, but the amendments have been
relatively limited in scope, and the basic framework of the Constitution has remained unchanged.

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