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Submitted by
ROLL NO. 511911520048

For minor project of 5th semester


Under the Supervision of



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This is to certify that the project titled "An alternative approach for the partial replacement
of natural fine aggregate by Marble dust powder" done by ABHISHEK KUMAR SINGH
(ROLL NO. 511911520048) for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course of
Diploma in CIVIL Engineering is a record of thestudent's own work carried out at department of
supervision and guidance.

Prof. Bharat Bhushan

Head of the Department
Department of Civil Engineering
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I feel immense pleasure and privilege to express my deep sense of gratude, indebtedness
and thankfulness towards my supervisor PROF. BHARAT BHUSHAN for his
invaluable guidance ,constant supervision, continuous encouragement and support
throughout this work. This mini project would never have been completed without his
contant help & encouragement. The blessing, help and guidance given by him time to
time shall carry us a long way in the journey of my life.

I feel most obliged to my parents and all my family members for the affection
and constant support for my education and overall wellbeing. Lastly I express thanks
to the almighty for his generous blessing and giving us courage to complete the
project with great satisfaction.
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Topics No Pages


Introduction 8

1.1 Physical Properties of Marble Powder & Natural Sand 9-10

1.2 Use of Marble Powder as Fine Aggregates in Industry 11

1.3 Research Significance 12

1.4 Scope of Thesis


2.1 Performance on Partial Replacement of Aggregate with fine Marble dust Powder 13


Material for Experimental Investigation 14-16

3.1 Aggregate
3.1.1 Coarse Aggregate 17
3.1.2 Fine Aggregate 18
3.1.3 Properties of fine Aggregate 19
3.2 Cement

3.3 Marble Powder 20

3.4 Chemical Admixtures. 20

3.5 Experimental Investigation 20-21

3.6 Blended Fine Aggregate Grading 21-22

3.7 Combined Coarse & fine aggregate grading 22

3.8 Mix Proportioning 22-23

3.8.1 Control Mix

3.8.2 Mix for Fine Aggregate Blends Study

3.9. Fresh Concrete Testing Procedure 24

3.9.1 Workability

3.10. Hardened Concrete Testing Procedure 25

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A. Compressive strength

B. Materials

C. Experimental Procedure


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Due to excess cost of transportation from natural sources natural sand is expensive & large
scale depletion of these sources creates environmental problems. A substitute or replacement
product for concrete industry needs to be found because environment, transportation and
other constraints make the availability and use of natural sand less feasible in mix design.
Natural sand used as fine aggregates in production of concrete poses the problem of acute
shortage in all parts of country.

In this study, the possibility of using marble powder in concrete production was examined by
studying the effects of blending of marble powder with natural sand on the performance of
fresh and hardened concrete.

This study represents the results of experimental investigation carried out to determine
compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete mixes i.e. M25 &M30 in whichnatural
sand was partially replaced with varying percentage of marble powder in equal amount
ranging from 2.5% to 15% of natural sand by weight. A total of eighteen trial mixes along
with universal &compatibility mix were prepared for both grades of concrete. The tests for
compressive strength and flexural strength were conducted for each mix at 7 &28 days and 28
days respectively.

Test results indicated significant increment in the strength of concrete with addition of marble
powder up to a certain percentage replacement of natural sand. However after further increasing
the percentage of marble powder a drop in strength of concrete was noted.

The concrete technology become advanced which wants to reduce the consumption of
natural sources & to improve the quality of environment by using the waste generated from
thermal plants &industries.
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Concrete is a material synonymous with strength and longevity. It has emerged as the
dominant construction material for the infrastructure needs of the twenty-first century. In
addition to being durable, concrete is easily prepared and fabricated from readily available
constituents and is therefore widely used in all types of structural systems. The challenge for
the civil engineering community in the near future is to realize projects in harmony with the
concept of sustainable development and this involves the use of high performance material
sand products manufactured at reasonable cost with the lowest possible environmental impact.

Nowadays, some industrial wastes are also used as blending material to produce economic &
efficient concrete. Most common blending materials used in concrete production are marble
powder, silica fume, , pumice powder and ground granulated blast furnace slag. This is due to
the fact that recycling of industrial wastes as blending materials has technical, Economical
and environmental benefits. On Indian scenario it is observed that at very few places good
quality of sand may be available in plenty. All metro and mega cities in Indiaare facing acute
shortages of good quality of sand. At some places sand available is coarser than Zone I sand
and hence not suitable for construction work. In contrast to the sand, bottom ash is available
in huge quantity due to more and more thermal power plants in India.

The technical importance of using wastes and by-products in concrete production is

expressed byperformance improvement of concrete. The economical benefit usually attributes
to the reduction of the amount of expensive and or scarce ingredients with cheap materials.
Environmentally, when industrial wastes are recycled not only the CO2 emissions are
reduced but residual products from other industries are reused and therefore less material is
dumped as landfill and more natural resources are saved.

In addition to pozzolanas, other inert by-products and waste materials have been used in
Concrete and mortar production as inert filler for similar reasons. Among these, , by-product
of coal based thermal power plant &marble waste powder which is a by-product of marble
processing factory was studied by many researchers for their use in concrete and mortar
production as sand replacing or cement replacing materials. Most of the researches showed
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positive results and benefits. This study explores the possibility of replacing part of fine
aggregate with &marble powder as a means of incorporating significant amounts. In this
literature review, formation and properties of both and marble powder are presented.

Table1.1 Physical Properties of , Marble Powder & Natural Sand

Property % Natural Sand Marble Powder

2.15 2.64 2.8±0.069

Specific Gravity
0.86% 1.41% 14.28±2.369

Nil Nil Nil

Moisture Content
34% residue on 45 06% 56.0±14.992
Fine particles
less than
2.507 2.70

Sieve analysis

Marble Powder have advantages and disadvantages over natural sand. They are easily
available and in cheaper rates remunerating a cost effective project. Their use also protects
delicate fluvial environments from disruption due to sand mining. Environmental limitation
has restricted dredging of rivers beds for sand.
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The main disadvantage of Marble Powder is related to shape. They are angular and flaky
due to the crushing process, which tend to increase the paste content of concrete because
additional lubrication is required for particles with sharp corners.

They also increase percentage of voids within concrete mix, and it requires additional paste
to fill these voids. Natural sand has a much ideal shape for use as fine aggregate in concrete.

If the micro-fines are well shaped and have an acceptable fine particle size distribution they
can help to improve several properties of the concrete, including workability and permeability.

Table 1.2 Chemical Composition of , Marble Powder & Natural Sand

(%) Natural Marble Powder


25-60 80.78 0.37±0.185

10-30 10.52 0.72±0.554

5-25 1.75 0.07±0.011

2.23-3 3.21 14.21±1.49

0.32 0.77 2.77±2.27

0.5 1.37 0.094±0.012
K2O 1.3 1.23 0.114+0.057
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TiO2 0.6 Nil 0.097±0.011

4.17 0.37 44.18±1.77

Loss of

The Use of Marble Powder as Fine Aggregates in Industry

According to IS 1489, is used up to 35% in place of Cement. A lot of research has already done
on replacement of cement or sand by but there is very few research on replacement of cement or
sand by marble powder. is more common in concrete structure work due to environmental

The continuous reduction of natural resources and the environmental hazards posed by the
disposal of has reached alarming proportion such that the use of in concrete manufacture is a
necessity than a desire.

The use of in normal strength concrete is a new dimension in concrete mix design and if applied
on large scale would revolutionize the construction industry, by economizing the construction
cost and decreasing the ash content. Marble has been commonly used as a building material
since the ancient times.
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Rajasthan produces over 95% of the marble produced in India. That is why Rajasthan is the
State of India for stone based product. The industry's disposal of the marble powder material,
consisting of very fine powder, today constitutes one of the environmental problems around
the world.

Research Significance

The Purpose of the experimental program was to determine how fresh and hardened concrete
properties might be affected by the type, grading and amount of & marble powder included
in mixture.

The surface finish of blended concrete is much better than the concrete obtained from control

The importance of considering the micro-fines as part of the paste instead of aggregate and
the influence of and marble powder as a supplementary cementing material were also
examined during the research program. The ultimate goal of the research was to establish a set
of guidelines for using and marble powder in Pavement and building concrete work based on
grading blend ratio and Percentage of micro-fines.

The research work done on two grade of concrete M-25 &M-30.

Scope of Thesis

The current study was conducted in view of the need for fines in the production of concrete
and the possibility of using non-standard materials. Its goal was to identify possible
byproducts that can suit the production of concrete and to study the resulting properties. The
aim of this project was to determine the feasibility of incorporating low- carbon and marble
powder in concrete.

The following work was completed for this project:

Measurement of slump.
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Measurement of compressive strength.

Measurement of flexure strength.

Measurement of density.

Performance on Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Marble

Dust Powder as well as tensile strength by using compression test and split tensile strength for 7
days and 28 days.

KEYWORDS- Water Cement ratio, Cement Content, Gradation of the Aggregate,

Consistency, marble dust
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NOW a day's marble ABSTRACT-The construction buildings which are present in and around
coastal area are severely facing lot of problems. This is due to penetration of sea salts. This leads
to damage of structure fast. The average NACL Concentration of sea water is about3.5%. In this
study, Marble Dust powder as been taken to analyze the chemical and physical properties of the
concrete which is partial replaced with marble dust powder as fine aggregate by
10%,20%,30%,40% and 50% by weight of fine Aggregate. After replacing this marble dust
powder as fine aggregate, cylinders and cubes are casted. After casting this cubes and cylinders,
they are using to know its both compressive powder is a source which a cause lot of problems to
the environment[1]. It is necessary to maximum utilization of marble waste in a range of sectors,
especially the construction, agriculture, glass and paper industries would help to save the
environment. Concrete generally used in construction projects in the civil construction work
because of its huge structural strength and firmness[2]. The over use of river sand for
construction has a variety of unwanted social and eco-logical penalty, fine aggregate is main
constituents of concrete and mortar in construction industry as there is a huge demand of sand it
is becoming a limited material [3]. As natural sand deposits are depleting it is necessary to
replace partially or fully of fine aggregate with alternative. As a solution for this various
alternative are explored [4]. Before this study, different experiments are found the solutions on
concrete composite materials. Natural resources are decreasing day by day from earth and rising
wastes from industries generated simultaneously[5]. The eco friendly and consistent
improvement for construction includes the use of non conventional and unusual waste materials,
and use of waste material for reducing emissions in environments and decreasing the utilization
of environmental resources [6].
Sand is ordinary form of fine aggregate used in concrete production. Marble powder is the
waste which is generated from Marble finishing industries in construction which has similar
physical and chemical actions of sand [7-9]. Marble powder is the byproduct of Marble
factories; the sludge or wet powder is obtained from the

sprucing, dressing, and cutting of the marble stones, and also the fine marble powder that is left
when dressing sprucing and cutting of the marble, is dropped into the landfills, watersheds,
rivers, blind wells and also the seasonal rivers that are then administered by the rainwater to the
agriculture lands so inflicting adverse effects on the soil and reducing the fertility of the soil, so
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by reducing the production of the annual crop [10-12]. The marble waste principally consists of
boulders that are used as aggregates relying upon the sizes, and also the fine powder that isn't
employed regionally and drops directly into the streams, wells, and watersheds that are then
washed away by the rainwater) [13] it absolutely was complete that out of fifty tons raw stone of
marble the twenty tones it been waste whereas the thirty tones is the finished product. The
waste marble powder may be a waste product [14-15].

A. Cement


The cement used in this work is ordinary portland cement(43 grade). The specific gravity of
cement is 3.15 [16]

B. Waste Marble Dust

Fig. 1 shows the sample of marble dust. Wastes generated in the marble stone industry is
proclaimed and used as Waste Marble Dust [17].

Figure 1: Marble dust powder

C. Graded Fine Aggregate

Sand grains passing through a 4.75 mm sieve are called fine aggregates [18]. Natural sand is used
as fine aggregate. Regionally available river sand compliant with zone II of IS: 383-19707 was
used as fine aggregate having a specific gravity of 2.54 [19]. Table 1 shows the Sieve analysis of
sand. Particle size distribution curve is shown in Fig. 2
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Material for Experimental Investigation :

Concrete is a versatile material composed of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate & water
which is used extensively worldwide.

It is an important construction material of the twenty-first century for the infrastructure required.
Concrete can be widely used in all type of structural element. Concrete required in present
scenario at reasonable cost with the lowest possible environmental impact.

It is the material of choice where strength, performance, durability, impermeability, fire

resistance and abrasion resistance are required. It is so closely associated now with every
human activity that it touches every human being in his day to day living.

In any country, construction accounts for about 60 percent of the plan outlay. Out of this, cement
& cement product would account for more than 50 percent.

Today in India the annual consumption of cement is in the order of 22 million tonnes. It is
estimated that the cost of mortar and concrete made from 22 millions tons of cement would work
out to about 4000 crore rupees.


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Coarse Aggregate

In this experimental program two size coarse aggregate is used

a) 20mm coarse aggregate

b) 10mm coarse aggregate.

The following code is used in coarse aggregate

i. Table-2 of IS-383-1970

ii.Table-3 of IS-383-1970, For Mass Concrete

iii.Table-5 of IS-2386 (Part-I)-1963, For Combined Aggregate

iv.IS-2386 (Part-I)-1963, For Testing of Aggregate

v. IS-236 (Part-III)-1963, For Specific Gravity & Density of Aggregate

Shape, angularity and texture of aggregate is also measured by visual

The Coarse aggregate is obtained from Hathipura, Jaipur.

The shape factor is a qualitative, visual grading of the aggregate. A value of 1 indicates that
aggregate is well shaped and a value of 5 indicates that an aggregate is poorly shaped.

The shape factor is high for coarse aggregate and Intermediate aggregate. They contained
Rounded and rough surfaces and sometimes angular in shape.
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Fine Aggregate

There is four grading zone of fine aggregate as per Table 4 of IS-383:1970 i.e. Grading Zone I,
Grading Zone II, Grading Zone III &Grading Zone IV. This grading zone classified as per
pecentage passing material from 600 micron sieve.Pecentage passing material from 600 micron
sieve are:

i. For Grading Zone I

15% to 34%

ii. For Grading Zone II

35% to 59%

iii. For Grading Zone III

60% to 79%

iv. For Grading Zone IV

80% to 100%

The fine aggregates included the mixture of Banas Sand from Tonk area in Rajasthan.

The properties as Sieving are taken from Table-4 (IS-383-1970) for percentage passing from
designated IS- Sieve for the material passing through Zone-II
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Table 3.2 Properties For Fine Aggregate Properties

Property Test Natural Sand (Banas)

1600 kg/m3

Density (OD)
1650 kg/m3

Density (SSD)

Sp. Gravity (OD)


Sp. Gravity (SSD)


Sp. Gravity (Apparent)

1.41 %

Water Absorption
1600 kg/m3

Bulk Density (Dry)

1650 kg/m3

Bulk Density (SSD)


Cement used in the experiemental procedure was a Portland Cement 43-Grade as per IS-8112.

The properties of cement provided by manufacture are as per table 3.3. The manufacture also
gives weeklycertificate for Chemical and Physical Properties to get desired results as per IS-
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This is taken as Per IS -1489 CODE recommendation from Min. 15% to Max. 35%
which includes pulverized coal from Kota Thermal Power Plant.

In Rajasthan Class I &II type is available. In this study the sample from Kota ThermalPower
Plant is taken and by passing 45 micron sieve it was found residue percentage lies in range of
12% to 15% which is in limit.

3.5 Marble Powder

Rajasthan is known for marble stone based products. The major sources of environmental
degradation in the areas where marble quarries and marble processing units are located are solid
marble waste, powder and slurry.

The marble powder used in this work is taken from makrana.

Ten type of marble is available on the basis of colour.

3.6 Chemical Admixtures

As per specification of IS code, the various types of admixture are there like water reducing,
retarder and water reducing and retarding admixture.

When used in large dosage, it can have a negative effect on setting times.

Experimental Investigation:

The first portion of the experimental program was devoted to examine the effects of fine
aggregate type, grading and blend ratio on fresh and hardened concrete properties. The second
part of the experimental program focused on optimization of selected mixture.Fine Aggregate
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As per IS-383 and Morth Table,the Banas Sand of zone - II was recommended for optimization of
concrete mix.

The Sieves recommended for Gradation of Banas Sand are 4.75mm, 2.36mm,
1.18mm, 600 micron, 300 micron and 150 micron.

3.7.2 Blended Fine Aggregate Grading

Natural Banas sand along with &marble powder were mixed. Each eight sets of replacement
for each M-25 and M-30 grade as per IS-383/2386 are taken.


A mixture of 97.5% Natural Banas Sand + 1.25% +1.25% marble powder.

A mixture of 95% Natural Banas Sand + 2.5% +2.5% marble powder.

A mixture of 92.5% Natural Banas Sand + 3.75% +3.75% marble powder.

A mixture of 90% Natural Banas Sand + 5% +5% marble powder.

A mixture of 87.5% Natural Banas Sand + 6.25% +6.25% marble powder.

A mixture of 85% Natural Banas Sand +7.5% +7.5% marble powder.

A mixture of 90% Natural Banas Sand + 10% .
A mixture of 90% Natural Banas Sand + 10% marble powder.
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3.7.3 Combined Coarse and fine aggregate grading

The Aggregate in each test consisted of 36% caorse aggregate (20mm) and 24% coarse
aggregate (10mm) and 40% fine aggregate.

The curves are shown as figure no. 3.1&3.2 for combined gradation showing lower limit and upper
All these curves show the plot in between % passing v/s IS Sieve size in mm as per IS 383 and
Mort Table 1 & 2.


Mix Proportioning

3.8.1 Control Mix

For comparision the concrete mix was based on a single universal mix called control mix.

The control mixes were expected to achieve the target workability for all types of concrete with
min. slump of 100-110mm in pumpable concrete. It accomodates the wide range of aggregate
(well shaped natural sand to poorly shaped crushed stone sand) and reach the appropriate
compressive strength for residential &commercial concrete. The control mix was established
through several trial mix.

The paste contents for the trial mixes were based on the void contents of the
combination of coarse, intermediate and fine aggregates.

The IS-2386 Part-3, 1963 is Standard to determine the voids & Bulk density.

Each mix needed enough paste to fill the voids between aggregate and provide adequate

lubrication of the aggregate particles.

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Various trial mixes were tested in order to establish a suitable control mix. Water reducing
admixture was added to the trial mixtures as needed to increase the workability increasing
water content.without

Table 3.6 Trial Mix Proportion

Trial Mixture No.

S. No.
M-25(Pure OPC)

M-30(Pure OPC)
W/C ratio

0.48 0.45

3.8.2 Mix for Fine Aggregate Blends Study

The control mix served as the basis for comparision of the test mix in both parts of
experiemental program. The first part of Experiemental Program the sand blends study
was here

The mixing water was then added while the mixture was rotating. The concrete was mixed for a
period of 3 min. left to rest for 3 min. and then mixed again for 2 min. The mix was visually
examined and if necessary, high range water reducing admixture was added toward the end of
rest period.
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A slump test was made after the last 2 min. mixing period. If the Ideal Slump has not been met,

additional high range water reducing admixture was added to the concrete and the concrete was
mixed again for a short period of time.

Another slump test was made and the procedure was repeated untill the target slump was achieved.

3.10 Fresh Concrete Testing Procedure

3.10.1 Workability

The Slump as per trial mix when done as per IS-7320 was 100mm to 120mm in range which
was satisfactory for pumping at site.

The slump was achieved by adding high range water reducing admixture to the concrete mix and
performing a slump test.

The slump test is however not useful for extremely stiff or extremely Fluid concretes..

The test is valid mainly for concrete with medium plastic highly plastic consistency (Popovics,


It can be argued that two mix with the same slump may have completely different properties.

For example one mix may lose all cohesiveness upon vibration (Quiroga and Fowler). Other
means must be established for comparing the workability of low mix.

Tatter sall (1973) suggested that workability test should focus on flow-ability, compact-ability,
stability, finish- ability, pump-ability and extrudability.

The water reducing admixture demands can also be an indicator of workability. High
admixture demand indicates a stiff mixture and low adixture demand indicates a more fluid
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3.11 Hardened Concrete Testing Procedure

3.11.1 Compressive Strength

The compressive strength of every mixwas measured with 150mm cube.The specimen were

tested after curing in chamber for 7 days and 28 days as per IS-456 standard code for plain &

reinforced cement concrete.

3.11.1 Flexural Strength

The Flexural strength of every mixwas measured with 700mm x 150mm x 150mm beam.

The specimen were tested after curing in chamber for 28 days as per IS-456 standard
code for plain & reinforced cement concrete. The central point loading method was used
in testing.

3.11.2 Density

The density of specimen was determined before testing. Initially the density of hardened concrete
is decreased compare to the density of control mix but as replacement of natural sand by &marble
powder is increased upto 10% the density also increases. After 10% replacement of natural sand
by & marble powder the density of hardened concrete is decreased.
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4.1 Introduction

The purpose of Blending of Fine Aggregate study was to determine how partial replacement
of sand by varying pecentage of Marble Powder affect fresh and hardened concrete properties.

The replacement of sand by Marble Powder has been done from 5% to 100%, including the
control mixes & mix of sand with either one of marble powder.

concrete mixes were tested of experimental procedure during the phase.

4.2 Result of Fresh Concrete

Workability (Slump Test Results)

The Slump for the mixes tested are tabulated below in table.

The control mix is desinged for the slump 100mm±10mm.

The slump of blended mixes is increasedup to 10% replacement of Natural Sand by Marble Powder
and after that it will decrease.
The slump was highly dependent on the amount of admixture added in the mix.
The slump of M-25 control mix is 110mm &that of M-30 mix is 105mm.

Hardened Concrete Properties

Compressive Strength

Sixteen trials with sand blend study, along with two trials on Pure Sand were carried out.
The compressive strength for 7 days and 28 days are tabulated along with graphs.

All mixes with varying percentage of Marble Powder along with Natural Sand achieved the

target mean strength and the mixes with either one of Marble Powder along with Natural Sand

showed strength greater than the target mean strength.

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Normal consistency of cement:-

Mixing of all the ingredients like cement, fine aggregate like sand and marble powder, coarse
aggregate and water for some specified proportions is nothing but casting.

In the project our main aim is to compare the compressive strength for concrete cubes made with
fine aggregates and its replacement as marble powder. As we are aware of the casting of concrete
cubes in the below process.

Firstly we need to test the samples of cement, aggregates so as if needs to reach the minimum
required measures. Now our particular proportion of concrete is taken according so that
proportions, we need to cast the concrete cubes. Proportion of concrete:Mix proportion adopted by
nominal mix as per IS 456:2000M20: 1:1.5:3 (Cement: Fine aggregate: coarse aggregate)
Proportions with fine aggre- gate:To prepare the concrete cubes, the general ingredients used are
cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregate with suitable proportion of water. As in this project
we are preparing the concrete cubes for 7, 14, and 28 days for M20

This deals with the various test results conducted on constituents of concrete such as test on
cement, fine aggregate(sand and marble powder) and coarse aggregate, and tests on fresh concrete
and compression test.


From the test result the following conclusion can be drawn:

The compressive strength of concrete is increased when the 5% of fine aggregate (sand) is
partially replaced with marble powder and by further increasing the percentage of marble powder
the compressive strength gradually decreases. Compressive strength of 5% marble powder
partially re- placed with fine aggregate at 28 days water curing is found to be 40.88 N/mm2.

Partial replacement of fine aggregate with marble powder in a concrete mix boosts the
compressive strength of concrete mixes with various percentages of marble powder.
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Test also indicates that the waste marble powder can be successively utilized as partial
replacement of fine aggregate in concrete production.

As marble powder easily contaminates air and water and pollutes the environment their use in
concrete will alleviate the problem of their disposal and environmental pollution.

Cost of concrete production reduces when marble powder is used, as marble powder is a low
cost material, hence it is economical.20 mm


The final output results for different sample groups regarding slump values for fresh concrete are
listed in table.The slump test was also conducted after 15 minutes to measure the slump loss
from the time of original batching [21]. Results of workability shown in Table 2 below:
by using the procedure referring to IS 4031: part 4 (1988):

300 gram of sample coarser than 150μ sieve is taken. After applying oil to the surface of mould,
paste was filled in the vicat's mould and was placed under the needle of vicat's apparatus.

Release quickly the needle allowing it to sink in the paste and note down the penetration reading
when the needle becomes stable.


For each series, five-set were cast to determine compressive strength. Each set comprises of eleven
standard cubes out of which nine cubes were cast to measurethe compressive strength after 07,14
and 28 days
The size of the cube is as per the IS code 10086 – 1982.

The results of compressive strength testing of laboratory cured cubes are presented below for First
series with 30% cement replacement, Second series with 25% cement replacement third series
20% and fourth series 15% respectively. The compressive strength shown in Table below
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Compressive strength Test indicates that the waste marble powder can be used or utilized as
partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete.

The marble powder is easily contaminates air and water and it pollutes environment if we use
this in concrete will ease the problem of their disposal and environmental pollution.

Cost of the concrete is also reduced when we use marble powder as partially. Hence its becomes
economical The over use of river sand for construction has various unwanted social and
ecological penalty, fine aggregate is one of the important constituents of concrete and mortar in
construction industry as there is a huge demand of sand it is becoming a scarce material.


I wish to express our sincere appreciation to Professor Bharat Bhushan sir for giving me the
opportunity to conduct this research. I am deeply appreciative of his guidance, encouragement
and steady support during our time at R.P.S.I.T PATNA.
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The compressive strength of concrete is increased when we replace 5% of fine aggregate with
marble dust powder and when we increase futher the compressive strength start decreasing.

When we add 5% of marble dust in partially replacing of fine aggregate and at 28 days after
curing the compressive strength is to be found 40.68N/mm2.

In replacement of fine aggregate with marble dust powder in concrete mix it boosts the
compressive strength of the concrete.impacts significantly on the socio-economic development
of developing countries, such as Pakistan, by providing jobs to thousands of people, as well as
contributing to the GDP of the country.

According to TDAP it is estimated that Pakistan has marble reserves of approximately 300 billion
tons, mainly in three provinces (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Baluchistan). The finally
generated waste material (MP) is usually dumped at open grounds. With industrial growth, waste
has also tremendously grown which is a serious threat to the environment and people.

So, to overcome this serious problem we can use several types of waste coming from the industry,
e.g. by replacing or partially replacing the constituents of concrete (cement, sand or aggregates)
thus conserving natural resources.

Marble industry is producing a huge amount of waste. As a fine aggregate which is very
important component of concrete, natural river sand is mostly used. Marble waste can be
utilized in various ways and marble slurry can be used as fine aggregates in concrete replacing,
at least partially, river sand. The utilization of marble dust powder (MDP) as cement
replacement was studied in [12]. The cement was partially replaced with MDP up to 20% by
weight with an increment of 5%. It was determined that 10% to 15% MDP achieved maximum
higher strength compared to control sample, suggesting that MDP could be potentially be used
as supplementary cementitious material, reducing the cement content in concrete. also
conducted an experiment on MP as partial cement replacement. Their findings agreed with
determining 10% to be the optimum replacement.
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The MP has been reported to be used as partial cement replacement in [18-20], with the optimum
dosage ranging from 5% to 15%. Though MP has been studied by various researchers as partial
cement replacement material, the study on the utilization of MP as fine aggregate replacement is
limited to certain dosage, maximum 50% Therefore, in this experimental work, the effect of MP
as fine aggregates on the strength properties of concrete is studied.


A. Compressive Strength

The results of average compressive strength tests of concrete incorporating MP as fine aggregate
replacement are shown in Table III. MP25 and MP50 showed increase in comparison with
control (MPO). However, as the percentage of MP increased to 75% and 100%, the samples
showed a decline in compressive strength. The rise was observed to be 13.52% on MP50 while
declination of 28.22% was noted at MP100 in comparison to control. The results are in line with
the findings in [26-28]. Powdered material contains the characteristic of a filler thus could
increase the strength of concrete up to a certain level. It can be said that the desired result can be
achieved in concrete with smaller amounts of MP, due to its filler role, because slight increments
in the total amount of cement help achieving the targeted compressive strength levels.


Compressive Strength (MPa)

A. Materials

In this study, the mix ratio of 1:2:4 was utilized with water- cement ratio of 0.55. Marble waste
was obtained from the Karachi Marble factory situated in Khairpur Mirs', Pakistan. To achieve
MP, the obtained marble waste was crushed into powder form. The fine aggregates were
replaced using MP from 0% to 100% with an increment of 25% as shown in Table I. The MP
chemical composition is shown in Table II.
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B. Experimental Procedure

To determine the effect of MP on the strength properties of concrete, when utilized as fine
aggregate, cubes of 150mm dimension were cast and tested for compressive strength according
to ASTM C39/C39M-18 [24]. Also, beams of 100mm×100mm×500mm were cast and tested for
flexural strength in accorance to ASTM C78/C78M-18 [25]. Every batch contained 3 cubes and 3
beams. The concrete was taken out of the moulds after 24h and was taken for curing. After the
curing process, the specimens were tested at the age of 7, 14 and 28 days to check the strength at
different ages.


The conclusions that can be drawn from the results of our experimental work are:

• Compressive strength of concrete tends to increase initially with increasing replacement

percentage up to an optimum limit, but then it continuously decreases.

• Flexural tensile strength did also show similar trend. It continually increases up to an optimum
limit, and from there it decreases.
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The optimum limit for MP was observed to be 50% replacement of sand where it resulted in
13.52% and 35.54% increase in compressive and flexural strength of concrete respectively in
comparison with the control sample.

The strength gain of concrete when sand was partially replaced with MP showed that it can be
effectively utilized in the manufacturing of concrete and thus contribute to the reduction of
naturalresources utilization in concrete.
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The main objective of this project is to explore sustainable, cost-effective construction


The future scope of using marble powder as a partial replacement for natural fine aggregate
in concrete lies in sustainable construction practices. Research and development in this
area could focus on optimizing the proportion of marble powder, assessing long-term
durability, conducting life cycle assessments, and exploring cost-effective production
methods. Implementation of such alternative approaches has the potential to reduce
environmental impact, conserve natural resources, and enhance the overall sustainability of
construction materials.
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[1] R. Malpani, S. K. Jegarkal, R. Shepur, R. H. N. Kiran, V. K. Adi, “Effect of Marble

Sludge Powder and Quarry Rock Dust as Partial Replacement for Fine Aggregates on
Properties of Concrete”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring
Engineering, Vol. 4

[2] N. M. Soliman, “Effect of using Marble Powder in Concrete Mixes on the Behavior and
Strength of R.C. Slabs”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology,
Vol. 3, No. 5

[3] C. Vaidevi, “Study on marble dust as partial replacement of cement in concrete”, Indian
Journal of Engineering, Vol. 4, pp. 14-16

[4] R. Baboo, N. H. Khan, K. Abhishek, R. S. Tabin, S. K. Duggal, “Influence of Marble

powder/granules in Concrete mix”, International Journal of Civil and Structural
Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 827-834, 2011
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