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(Please write your Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. -‘« END TERM EXAMINATION ‘First SeMesTER [MBA] Novemser-DeceMBER-2018 (Paper Code: MS-101 Subject: Management Process & Organizational | ‘MIB-101 Behavior MBA (FM)-101 MS (FM)-101 Time: 3 Hours __ Maximum Marks: 75 Q2 6 O7 8 Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Write short notes on any three of the following: (a) Barriers to effective communication (b) Work force diversity (c) Johari Window (d) Difference between Organizational Culture and Climate (e) Kurt Lewin’s Model of change Bring out the significance of the statement ‘effective management is always contingency or situational management.’ How does systems approach of management differ from contingency approach? Define Group Dynamics? What are the stages of group development? How does a Group differ from a team? What are different transactions that emerge out of the interpersonal interaction? Discuss the situations under which each transaction is useful. - Critically examine Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory. Make a comparison between the motivation theories propounded by Herzberg and Maslow. Which of these theories would you prefer in the Indian context? Give reasons. Some people say conflict is inherently bad, whereas others believe that some degree of conflict in organizations is desirable. Which view do you subscribe to and why? “Planning is an all-pervasive and continuous function of management”. Discuss the features and role of planning in the light of the foregoing statement. What are the limitations of planning? Suggest suitable remedies. “Management is regarded as an art by some, science by others, and inexact science by many more. The truth seems to be somewhere in between.” In light of this statement, explain the exact nature of management. Also, to what extent has Indian management been professionalized? oo

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