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Section A [1x8- 8M]

I- Multiple choice questions

a) Contractile vacuoles take part in

i) Absorption of water from outside ii) Osmoregulation iii) Excretion iv)
Both (ii) and (ii)

b) Which of the following tissues are composed of mainly dead cells?

i) Phloem ii) Epidermis iii) Xylem iv) Endodermis

(c) Largest blood cells are

i) Monocytes ii) Neutrophils iii) Lymphocytes iv) Basophils

d) Fungal cell wall is mainly consist of

i) Cellulose ii) Chitin iii) Amino Acid Sugar iv) None of these

e) Tendon is a structure which connects :

i) a bone with another bone ii) a muscle with a bone iii) a nerve with a
muscle iv) a muscle with a muscle

f) Double membrane is absent in

i) Chloroplast ii) Mitochondria iii) Nucleus iv) Lysosome

g) Which tissue is known as “packing tissue” which is present in nearly all

organs of the plants ?
i) Collenchyma ii) Parenchyma iii) Sclemenchyma iv) Chlorenchyma

h) The Nodes of Ranvier are found in-

i) Heart cells ii) Nerve cell iii) Liver cells iv) All of the above

Section B [2x3- 6M]

1) What will happen if apical meristem is damaged or cut?

2) Write the difference between active transport and passive transport.
3) Write down the function of each : (a) Ligament (b) Ribosomes

Section C [3x2- 6M]

1) Describe blood and their component and function.

2) Explain xylem with the help of diagram

Section D [1x5- 5M]

1) a) Draw the diagram of stomata and mention their function and where it is
b) Identify the type of tissue in the following: skin, bark of tree, bone, lining of
kidney, vascular bundle.

Section E [1x4- 4M]

 Case Based study question answer :-

Muscular tissue consists of elongated cells, also Called muscles fibres. This
tissue is responsible for movement in our body. Muscles contain" Special
proteins called contractile proteins, which contract and relax to cause
We can move some muscles by conscious will. Such muscles are called voluntary
muscles. These muscles are also called Skeletal muscles as they are mostly
attached to bones and help in body movement. Under the microscope, these
muscles show alternate light and dark bands or striations, hence, they are also
called striated muscles. The cells of this! tissue are long, cylindrical, unbranched
and multinucleate.
The movement of food in the alimentary canal or the contraction and relaxation
of blood vessels are involuntary movements. The smooth muscles or involuntary
muscles control such movements. They are also found in the iris of the eye, in
uterus and in the bronchi of the lungs.

1. Which of the following muscle tissue are voluntary in nature ?

i) Cardiac muscle ii)
Smooth muscle iii)
Autorhythmic muscle
iv) None of these

2. The muscles whose contraction is under our control are know as :

i) Voluntary muscles ii)
Involuntary muscles iii)
Cardiac muscles iv)
Unstrained muscle

3. Give the characteristic of striated muscles.

4. Give the features of unstriated muscles.

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