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This House calls on the government to implement more measures to address issues

facing youth, including but not limited to: mental health; socialization difficulties; the
transition between schooling to the real world.

Prime minister (prop)

Strategic flow: gov is not doing enough for the youth, they need to do more

Main ideas: purpose of gov, social instability stems from youth

Definition & Characterization:

Youth = teens and young adults
Measures to address issues → government funded programs, public service announcements, campaigns
(for awareness or offer help etc.), not laws/policies

Imperative/problem + Why just the youth - Youth have a lot to handle in their transition to adult
life, hormones are still raging, their brains still aren’t fully developed, looming considerations of
their entire futures. Government should help them in these unstable times more, should invest
more in the youth who are our futures

● Purpose of the government:

○ Government’s duty is to serve society - they should be serving the public, and in
particular the youth since they require the most help and are an investment for
our futures
● Why is the gov the best stakeholder to do this
○ They have strong authority to implement actual changes for the long term, as
well as having sufficient resources to fund these measures that other NGO or
third parties may lack.
○ Other services (e.g mental health organizations, youth centers) are not enough
(+ their impact would be so much smaller than the government’s). In school
measures implemented to combat issues addressing youth may be limited.
■ As these issues facing youth are not talked about often, it leaves them to
keep it to themselves personally without getting the help they need.
● Mental health is a big issue in youth, “the youth are our futures” so the government
should be investing more into helping the youth get through these struggles
○ The Government cannot fulfill their purpose of maintaining social order if youth are
struggling to get jobs, apply for colleges, etc. On a local scale → unhappy youth means
that their grades will go down = worse economy in the future.
○ It is important to support the government so that it creates measures and raises
awareness about mental health and to integrate it into our society. Mental
disorders in itself have been shown to lead to poverty and differentially affect the
poor. Furthermore, the stigmatization of people with these issues will naturally
lead to lack of resources, morale and leadership. This is where the government
comes in.
● Socialization difficulties can leave detrimental traces in one's future if it is not solved
early on in their life, obviously helping the youth with this at their age would be a lifelong
help to them. (especially as they head on to adulthood + acquiring these skills are
needed within the workforce)
○ Not just a personal issue with an individual, socialization difficulty would impact
the people around them because socialization difficulty is essentially anxiety and
insufficient communication skill, detrimental to any jobs they want to hold and
would lead to future mental health struggles, just cut the problem at the root
● Youth also face discrimination issues regarding for example race and gender.
○ to fix this for the future, the government should teach them lessons that will be
passed down and last for the rest of their life, and only way to do this is by having
them change their minds by themselves - use campaigns and other stuff to
persuade them

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