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THW provide additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child’s performance at


Talented children in poverty can’t reach full potential <- main point
children don't feel need to perform well -> parents with the benefits can push their children to
their full potential (WEAK POINT)

Children’s performance at school, or what they learn at school, greatly depends on the school
fees their families pay. For wealthier families, these children are given the opportunity to study
in schools with better qualifications, but for the less wealthy, children don’t have the best

Additional benefits to families with high performing children

Talented children in poverty aren’t given many opportunities, given the fact that their families are
not able to pay for school fees most of the time, and they drop out early to support their family,
which leads to wasted talent and ruined potential. The alternative to this that prop is suggesting
here today is to provide additional benefits - this can pay for the talented children’s school fees,
and ensure that they receive the education they need to plan for a more stable, less
impoverished future (also ends generational poverty, gradually??). Better education for these
children will mean better jobs and more stable future.

Government should prioritise people in poverty to improve the quality of life of citizens -
providing additional benefits is an easy way to do so, whereas in the comparative the poor stay
in poverty over generations.

You’d rather have marginally fewer people get welfare but more people be more effectively lifted
out of poverty by it, than have more people get it but these people stay impoverished forever.
Those who grew up poor but through additional benefits gained the opportunity to have better
education and ended up in a position of wealth are more likely to provide financial support to
other less wealthy families.

Well then if you want to prioritise poor why not just provide money to every family in poverty?
- that’s the current welfare system, and it doesn’t help the vast majority of people

If they’re talented enough couldn’t they just get a scholarship?

- Hhuoij

Could let talented children have more money to get to a better school.

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