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Matter of Fact 4 Ban Politics
Ad Libs
1 Confident,' Says Vavra T H E SUNDAY P R E S S
•-M&& Section C
._- , v

Oct. 2, 1955
In Matter,
Spell TV Fred J. V a v r a , inde-
pendent n o m i n e e in a
r r • is

Mayor Asks
Disaster Duke's Favorite t h r e e - w a y fight for
Broome County district
at the Nov. 8 election, last EDITORIAL, 'Decision on Mental
Board Vital,' appears on Page 8A.
night said, he felt "en-

HE night Vice President
Richard' Nixon made his
campaign speech on television
Tune: Next One couraged."
He noted that a sub-
stantial number of mem-
bers of the Broome County
The bodrd of directors
of the Broome County So-
cial Planning Council last
night announced its sup-
about his dog, Checkers, the Republican Committee failed
to attend Friday night's com- port of the proposal to set
New York State Republican up a County M e n t a l
mittee convention in which
chairman, Wil- First Assistant District Attor- Health Board.
liam Pfeiffer, ney Louis M. Greenblott re-
was at the Ar- ceived the x GOP nomination for
At the same time, as the
district attorney by an over- issue neared a probable
lington Hotel. showdown in the Board of
whelming vote.
We went up Supervisors tomorrow, . t h e
to t h e hotel Mr. Vavra had sought the office of Democratic Mayor j
Republican nomination and, in Donald W, K r a m e r expressed ,
to watch Mr. anticipation that he might not
Pfeiffer watch hope that "partisan polities"
get it, had filed independent would not block the proposal, v
Mr. Nizon on a nominating petitions Monday
TV screen. Mr. with- the County Board of Elec- Michael N. Scelsi, president
tions. of the Social Planning Council,
v^Nixon, who was announced that the organiia*
running for the In saying last night that he tion's board of directors had
vice presidency was "encouraged" by a lack unanimously adopted a resolu-
ol full attendance at the tion favoring "the creation of a
at the time, GOP convention, Mr. Vavra Mental Board ""to investigate -
MR. CAWXEY said earnestly last night also said that at- the need for mental health serv-
in his speech that he'd never tempts to block his independ- ices in our county."
ent campaign had failed. The resolution noted that the
taken any questionable gratuity
except perhaps tuV dog," Check- council is an association of 78
The third contestant in the public and private health, wel-
ers, and he wasn't going to race is Democratic nominee fare and recreation agencies of
give ^he-dog back to anybody. Harry Margolis, who is serv- the county.
ing as district attorney, until
Mr. Pfeiffer said he thought Dec. 31 by appointment of
x —Sunday Press Photo, The expression of views from
the speech was wonderful and Gov. Averell Harrim-an as the mayor's office came from'
would confound Mr, Nixon's successor to Republican Rob- PUT 'EM UP, SHERIFF OF NOTTINGHAMI-Egidio Mondolfi, 8/of 11 Pine Street, John J. Burns, executive as-
perfidious detractors. ert E. Fischer, who resigned sistant to Mr. Kramer, as the
Sept. 15. , left, in Robin Hood attire, gels the drop on the wicked sheriff. Other "out-
We were reminded of this in- latest of a sequel of exchanges
At Friday night's nominat- laws" backing him vp are Anthony Fiorelli, 10, of 120 Susquehanna Street, with Second Ward Republican
cident the other day by reading ing convention, 170 members H. Chester Larrabee, chairman
a bit of advice Mr. Nixon gave of the County GOP Commit-
center, and Paul Rafuse, 12, of 38 Hawley Street, den chief. All are members of of the Public Health Commit
to Republican leaders about tee were recorded as present. Cub Scout Pack 19,.meeting at the Rafuse home. tee of the Board of Supervisors^
the necessity of adopting a The full strength of the com-
mittee is 308, but it was an- Mr. Larrabee last week pro- I \
sound television technique in nounced that three vacancies posed that any mental health
the 1956 political campaign.
• * •
leave the present membership
at 305.
The nomination of Mr. Green-
Endicott Contractor b Killed,
program set up b y the county
be limited to child guidance.
This view later was attacked
by Mayor Kramer, who said he
Thing to do, Mr. Nixon said, blott was made on a standing believes there is a greater need
Is to avoid giving the television
audience the impression you're
reading your speech. Make It
vote which produced 11 mem-
bers.for Mr. Vavra, one absten-
tion and the rest of the 170 for
Mr. Greenblott.
IBM Worker Hurt in Crash for facilities for adults. He ex-
pressed doubt that the city of
Binghamton would participate
in a program limited to chil-
off-the-cuff, with formal help C l a r e n c e C. E c k e r t ; 5 1 , dren.
In his statement last night,
from nothing but maybe some Mr. Vavra, a former first as- Endicott electrical con- In reply, Mr. Larrabee on
notes in front of you. sistant district attorney, said: tractor, was killed instant- Friday said the mayor's com-
, * —Sunday Press Photo. ly yesterday and H i r a m B. ments had "crippled" the
This, with all due respect for "The outcome of the vote at chances for a favorable vote in
Mr. Nixon's grasp of How to DUKE ELLINGTON the Republican county conven- L a c e y , 4 4 , -of R o s s C o r - the Board of Supervisors.
Make a Television Speech, we Warming up last night at IBM Field House tion was not surprising but had ners, who was riding with him,
some significant aspects. was injured in a highway ac- In tomorrow's expected vote,
don't think is sound advice. By JERRY HANDTE "One of real interest and im- 3 •
cident near Dushore, Pa. the supervisors will not be de-
There is nothing more pitiful
than an ad libber who has run
Sunday Press Writer portance was the fact that after
much direct contact and urg- Mr. Lacey, an IBM employe,
ciding on the scope of a mental
health program. For the time
out of ad libs. T H E bandstand was a quiet shuffle of sheet music and ings for personal attendance at was admitted to Ideal Hospital being, the decision is whether
the meeting, only 170 out of at 8 o'clock last night for ob-
It's like trying to beat the 1 sliding of metal music racks into position, with a 308 committee people appeared. servation and X-rays. Hospital
or not to set up a Mental
piano player softly noodling around in a rambling fan- Health Board which would
horses. All ad libbers die This is slightly more than one- attendants said he was brought study community' needs, make
Speechless. tasy when a big man with tired, mournful eyes turned half of the membership. to the hospital by private car recommendations to the Board
to await an approaching pho- and walked in with assistance. of Supervisors, and then ad-
tographer and reporter. "For this and other reasons,
• • • room. Or a train, The bed- I am more encouraged. Mr. Eckert's brother, Bruce minister any program set up
He was Duke Ellington, setting

r room is good. "The date for objections to Eckert of Endicott, said the by the county. :•',
'D like to add to Mr. up for a one-nighter last night
at the IBM field house, the latest my candidacy for district attor- electrical contractor and Mr.
Nixon's advice taken from "If you get into good writing ney on the independent ticket Lacey were en route home from In a statement last night,
stop in 27 years of velvet and jag it won't let you sleep, you'll Mr. Burns said the public ami
his personal experience a little pepper music-making in jazz. has passed. An attempt was Dushore when Mr. Eckert's
hop out of bed, jot down your made to prevent my entry but truck hit a guardrail, side- the supervisors "should realize
advice of our own. We once ideas. Writing is my biggest that the issue at this time is
Thinking of hits like "Mood was unsuccessful. swiped a car, struck another
started an ad lib sentence that kick. Keeping the band to- guardrail and overturned. merely whether a M e n t a l "
Indigo," "Solitude" and "Sophis- gether is proof of it, because "My name shall appear on
went like this before a TV ticated Lady" composed by the Health Board should be ap-
camera and an open micro- you can hear what you write. the ballot Nov. 8." Mr. Vavra Mr. Eckert, who lived at 404 pointed by the Board of Super-
big man, the reporter asked the I'll never get tired of it." continued. "I shall be a candi- North Page Avenue. Endicott, visors." *
phone: Duke what his own favorite is. date for district attorney. is believed to have been driv- "Mr. Larrabee's statements j
"Well, I think that, uh, of ^'Always the one coming up.
The Duke said touring is not
too tiring "if you duck out on
"My trust and faith in the
people of Broome County who
ing. on helping children sound typi- 1
course, most people, uh, con- Without that dream, the rest Word of the fatality was cal of a man up for reelection,"
the extra-curricular stuff and believe in fair play is my source
sider that their—or his, as the would be nothing. When you get your sleep." not received until afternoon the mayor's assistant contin-
think last year's song is better of confidence/' ued.
case may be, because circum- The Negro band leader said When asked b,y a reporter to when Pennsylvania State Po-
than the one you are going to lice teletyped state police at - "He doesn't seem to want
stances alter cases, you under- write, then you are done," the he does not encounter much elaborate on his statement that
race prejudice on the road any "an attempt was made to pre- Vestal Zone Headquarters and such a board, if appointed, to
stand — own personal prefer- Duke said, throwing away the asked them to notify Mr, have a free hand in making, any
lines in a resonant, quiet voice. more. vent my entry" as an independ-
ences in political matters are ent, Mr. Vavra said: Eckert's wife, Lela M. Eckert. recommendations that it sees
Mr. Ellington, with his interest "Last spring we toured col- Mr. Eckert's body was taken fit to. Evidently he wants it to
concentrated in future combina- leges and army camps in the "The petitions were carefully to the Coleman & Daniels Fu- limit its recommendations to
tions of notes, was not sure South. The college students examined for discrepancies and neral Home, 300 East Main taking care of children.'
which of his past hits has been couldn't have been more graci- errors by those who sought to Street, where" the funeral will
the biggest. ous, more hospitable. It has file objections to my candidacy "Mayor K r a m e r has con-
be held Tuesday at 3 p. m. tended that the board should
cooled down a lot. Of course, as an independent nominee. Burial will be in Vestal Hills
" 'Don't Get Around Much Any if you run out of gas on the The petitions were found to be not be limited but should con-
Memorial Park. duct a thorough survey of our
More' and 'I'm Beginning to road and have to look for a in order." Besides his wife and brother,
See the Light' were real big in ^-Sunday Press Photo. county's needs and make rec-
place to eat, It can be un- Bruce, Mr. Eckert is survived ommendations w i t h o u t any
1943 and 1944," he said, "but pleasant." Mr. Vavra also said that a
some of those old ones like Republican leader, whom he by two other brothers. Robert CONKLIN 'ROYALTY'-Charles Woodworth, 8, of 20 (prior) limitations," Mr. Burns
did not identify, asked him to and Roy of California; two said.
'Mood Indigo' have been selling
for years and years. 'Caravan'
"It has to cool down, that
"withhold my entry as an in- sisters, Mrs. Anna Shockley of j Norman Road, Chenango Bridge, and Judy Geist, 7, i
race business. The world has Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs. of Pierce Creek Road, Binghamton RD 1, reign yes- ! As to Mr. Larrabee's state-
has been up three times, In 1937 become too small for it." dependent for the sake of party
when I wrote it, about three harmony." Ruth Huntington of Oxnard, | ment that the comments of
paramount, as against the rela- The Duke said he works "52 "I stated." Mr. Vavra said, Cal. terday as king and queen of "Kids Day," annua! : Mayor Kramer have possiblv
tive merits of so-called issues years ago and then again last weeks a year'' and "never has "killed" or "at least crippled"
year." had a vacation."
"that I did withdraw in 1952 Mr. Eckert, a native of Penn- party for children sponsored by Conklin Kiwanis
that are placed before the, uh, for that very reason, and did -sylvania, had been an electrical the chances»of a favorable vote,
people, and it might be, uh, "If music wasn't my busi- not feel it just to step aside contractor in Endicott for many Club at Julius Rogers School. Mr. Burns declared:
The Duke still uses the ness, it would be my hobby. I
standard instrumentation of again for a position I was and years. "Mayor Kramer has neither
such a set of circumstances love it. I have no other hob- said nor done anything that
the swing bands which set the am in all respects qualified to
that gives, uh, everybody the
impressioYi that, uh. . . ."
youngsters on fire in the 30s
— five saxes, four trombones,
bies.'' he said quietly*
"Right now I'm working on
"Finally," he cpntinued, "a George E. Bailey Mikolasko Default of Bail should in any Way kill the pro-
gram. Evidently Mr. Larrabee
doesn't like the mayor's posi-
If Ed Scala hadn't kicked us three trumpets and four rhy- a musical show, 'Man With further attempt was made to
Four Sides,' '' the old master compel me to withdraw and dis- tion on this matter, so he's
in the shins, out of camera
range, and pinched our ribs,
thm men.
Except for being "larger,
heavier"' In tone, he said his
told the reporter.
"For Broadway' 7 "
courage me by another Repub-
lican leader who cited that over
Promoted to New Funeral Jails Driver being unduly critical of the
we'd still be trying to get out "All we need is some loot 100 lawyers were supporting the
band has not changed much in "We hope," added Mr. Burn*,
of THAT little bit of incom- style, except for "differences (money for the production)." other candidate. Post at Ansco To Be Tuesday Of Death Car "the Board of Supervisors will
prehensibility. From then on. tailored to fit new personalities the Duke said. "It's a crazy vote on this issue on its merits,
little thing. I hope you can "However, knowing that there
we started research on our own in tfrt> band." are about 280 attorneys In George E. Bailey. 5 South and that partisan politics will
The Ellington band, he said, come down and see it. I think Mountain Road, has been ap- Robert Mikolasko, 23. of Sunday Press Bureau not enter into the supervisors'
little invention: A p o c k e t you'd like it." Broome County, an equal num- Owego—Ernest L. Smith, 33- decision."
still ranges the extremes from ber if not more have refused pointed assistant manager of West Corners, who was electro-
Braille card to guide the foot- hot jaz7. to dreamy mood music. It was time for the Duke to the Ansco Warehousing De- year-old Binghamtonian who was
less tongue on the air. get back to his music. (Continued on P«Rf 2 C) partment. Harold Harsh, Ansco cuted while engaged in con- driving the car in which a John- I Criticism of Mr. Larrabee
Asked if the band hadn't i also came from another mem-
quieted down some since the production struction work at East Vestal son City shoeworker was killed
era of "The Mooche." 'East St. manager, an- yesterday, will be buried in St. in Route 17 near here early yes- ber of the Kramer administra-
terday, is being held in default tion, William E. Gorton, sec-
It never would do for a solid
Republican candidate to stand
Louis Toodle-oo" and "Ring
Dem Bells." the Duke com- Miss Eagan, Miss Donohue nounced l a t e
Michael's Greek Catholic Cem-
etery after funeral services
of bail at the Tioga County Jail. ond deputy corporation counsel,
who is the Democratic nominee
plained gently that: An A n s c o Mr. Smith, a plasterer, who for Mr. Larrabee's seat on the
'before a TV camera, being Tuesday.
watched from coast to coast,
• nd suddenly come down with
"People listen to one record,
or one album, and form an
To Alternate in Opera Role employe
last 27
y e a r s, M r.
There will be a brief service
at 9 a. m. at the home of the
lives at 144 Washington Street,
is accused of driving without an
operator's license by sheriff's
Board of Supervisors in the
N'ov. 8 election. Like Mayor
Kramer. Mr. Gorton last week
Impression of the band. The victim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. men who are continuing inves-
what- Is known as "camera band is too big to contain in Mary Lou F.agan of Deposit Bailey began had crossed swords with Mr.
John Mikolasko. S r , 22 Mather tigation. Larrabee on the question of
freeze," hypnotized by the lit- one record or one album. You and Patricia Donohue of Bing- In t h e Ac-
Street, followed hy the funeral limiting a county mental health
tle red tally lights on the mon- have to come out to one of ! hamton will alternate in the counting D e- He was unable to post $250 program to child guidance.
•ter eye, saying: these things and hear It." ' soprano role of Inez in Verdi's partmont a n d in St. Michael's Greek Catholic bail. Because he had no attor-
i "II Trovatore,"' to bo staged by Mr. Gorton last night said
later worked Church. ney, Town of Owego Justice of lie holieves the Board of
And, furthermore, my rrlends, The Duke said he drifted the Tri-Citios Opera Workshop the Peace Howard W. Robinson
in expense
my opponent Is a man who, or into his musical career by at the Masonic Temple the supplies, r a w
Mr. Mikolasko was electro- postponed the formal arraign- Supervisors should create the
"picking it up hv ear as a nights of Oct. 2ft and 29 and cuted and his employer, John I mcnl until 4 p.m. tomorrow. Mental Health Board and later
whom, or to whom one can material qual- should follow any recommen-
ascribe certain underhandeh kid." Nov. 4. 5 and 6. J. State. 39. of Endicott RD 1.
"Then I Rot into a position i Performance of the tragic
ity control and MR. R A I I . K Y
owner of the Stage Construc- Killed in the accident was dations of the now agency In
connivances that leave the de- of prominence," he said with | opera will .start at 8.30 p. m. film finishing. He had been tion Co., was burned and suf- i Arthur Ferdinand Szowczk, 44, sotting up a mental health pro-
cent, law-abiding citizen asking a smile, "where I had to learn general supervisor of the Film fered electrical shock. Mr. : of 109 Rutland Street. Johnson gram. He said ho favors a pro-
himself the question—uh. ask- to read notes to protect my- The sinister Count DiLuna Finishing Department since Stage's condition at City Hos- City, for whom funeral arrange- gram which would include
self. | will bo portrayed alternately 1935. pital last night was reported ments w e r e completed last adults and children in Its
ing, that is, the question as to by baritones Carmen S. Savoca night. scope.
"I like to write things down, A native of Sodalla. Mo., he to be serious.
Just why can't we ascrloc these and Robert J. Tarbeaux, both worked for Nestle's Foods, the A second passenger in the
and come back and hear them "I do not know what the
connivances of ours, I mean in the band. That's a real of Binghamton. - Wilkinson Manufacturing Co. The two nien, according to car. Mrs. Joanne Barlow, 48. of
iheirs. . . ." thing," he said of his com- and Brewer-Titehcner Corn, in state police at the Vestal Zone 41 Moore Avenue, Binghamton, needs of Broome County are
Mr. Savoea Is workshop stage Binghamton before joining Headquarters, were standing in suffered facial cuts and bruises, in reference to mental health,"
Our advice is: Get It written posing. director and a former voice Mr. Gorton safd, "and I think
Ansco. - a pit guiding the placement of and bruises of the left hand
down and never tear your eyes "I prefer to think It Is art. student of the famous Madame He is a former governor of a two-ton reinforced concrete and wrist. . Mr. Larrabee will agree with
loose from the script. At least, I have no Interest In the money Conrad of the Berlin Slate manhole being lowered on a She was listed In* fair condi- me that likewise he cannot
Opera. He studied opera stag- the Ansco Recreation Associa- give an opinion as to the
you'll get off on time. involved," he added, with a soft tion. steel cable attached to the boon tion last night in Wilson Me-
chuckle. "Does that sound ing; under Professor Tornau of of a crane when the crane morial Hospital, Johnson City, mental health needs of Broome
It is possible to blow an ad good?" the Vienna State Opera. where she was taken in the County.
canie into contact with a high
lib question, even. Worst night
Miss Donohue. a veteran of
Vcsser Class Meeting voltage line on a nearby util- Owogo Fire Department's Emer-
"I therefore feel that the
we ever spent was the night Writing, he explained, is ity pole. gency Squad ambulance.
something for "when you're several major roles in work- The one-car accident occurred determination of what the
we asked a man a question on Mary Vissor Class of Endicott mental health needs of Broome
alone, late at night. When you shop productions, also has star- Electricity shot down the m the Triple Cities residents
the air and he said suavely: MARY LOU EAGAN First Presbyterian Church will
finally get rid of everyone. Or red as a straight dramatic ac- moot at 8 p. m. Thursday-in steel cable. The crane oper- wore proceeding east in Route County are should be left to
"You just asked me that, and they get rid of you." tress for the Binghamton Civic s\mg Kate Pinkertfm in "Ma- ator told the troopers that Mr. 17. a board of experts in this
the home of Mrs. William D. field of mental health."
I just answered it." "I prefer to work in the Theatre in "The Little Foxes" dame Butterfly" and parts in Howe, 104 Jefferson Avenue, Mikolasko apparently had pre-
kitchen." the„ Duke said. "I and is slated for a lead role "Cosi Fan Tulti" and "Car- Endicott. The program will viously grapsod the cable in Ramming a guard post, the Mr. Gorton added that
If only the wind would have in "The Late George Apley." his effort to direct the man- j car continued along the south neither he nor Mr. Larrabee
get into someplace that's not men" for the workshop. She include a talk on prewar life
blown down the antenna tower too comfortable. A hotel room hole's placement. Mr. Stage ap- t. shoulder of the road. Right should "undertake to tell this
Miss Kagan. regular accom- is a Deposit choir director and in Manila, P. L, bv Mrs. George
Just before that. is good, not a suite, just a panist for. the workshop, has organist. Sewell. (Contlnurd on r*c* 2C) i (Continued, on PA** 2 C) (Continued on Puge 2 C) \
1 t < f .t... v

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