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HARBERT!l CO·:·,:~..'~:: TY
WrTl~.sO~ AVE,

wmm. BE:;: ;... , .".

... .... . , ...
TO *
, N~RBEjHH,PA" THUR~Df..Y,JUNE 25, 1942
VOL. 28-No.15 . .: i'

list Pupils On
Final Ho,nor Roll
Narberth School Held
Closing Exercises
Friday Morning
The final auditorium program of
the year w~ s hel(j at Narberth PulJ.
lie School on F.-idlY morning. The'
program included a Bible reading
and the Lord's Prayer. led by Shlr·
ley Toole and the Pledge to the
Plag and Scho:>1 Creed, led by Rob·
ert Lewis. Cicio: Mar~'olt plryed a I
Ilo:in sale, "Cz.rdas." by MenU. I..........,
Firsl and s~con:1 honor rolls fa:'
1111' fourth quarter of the scho:>l:
\,rar wrrr II nnounced a, f 11ows: I
Eighth grade first honor roll: I
Jean Dunc~.n and Marl> HJldeman;
l"ghlh grade second honor roll:
James Griffiths. Polly Boyd. Clo-
rinda Capo:erri. Patsy Chase. Rutr.
Obrrdorfer, Norma Salenlus. Joan Members of this year's graduating class at the Narberth Public School. Closing
Trotter. Ruth Waters End Eliza exercises were held at the school last Friday and awards presented for outstanding ser-
beth Wheeler vice, leadership. courage, honor and scholarship. Honor roll students and winners of
Seventh gradr first honors: Rob- Insignia were also announced.

Keightly. Thomas LeWIS, Donald
C01nm;ttees Complete Elaborate Plansfior
Pearson, Joseph Rea, Irene Burns
Demetra Chics. Betsy M3CLeod
7\ T . b h' V
1" a r ert s r OU rt
h D:Jt..+ J U lY ue e rq t Ion
I" l b ·
~:~in~i21~~' :;~~~i~r R~~~'r; ~~~? I There'lI be merriment a-plenty I ! thUd. Judges for this age group
cnth grade second honors: Robert I for young
Hackman. Lynn MI'i1er, Joycr
and old on the Fourth
of July In Narberth. The entire
Want to Be a "'ill be Miss Edltb ficwitt, Miss
Florence Miller. Mrs. Edward
Bcardman. Pal Coopl'r. Florrn: r
Cilrd:ner and Ann MlI1er.
program will be held at the Com-
munlty playground.
Judge for a Day?
Haws, Mrs. WlIllam Henderson a,nd
Mrs. W. W. Pierson.
Sixth grade firsl, honors: Rich· The fun will stlrt at 10 a.m. The Narberth Business Coun- Anyone desitlng to enter any ot
ard Blessing, Alan Kirk. Marion with a Show and Children's cil needs more judges for it~ these contests must register be-
Jcnes. LouiSl' Purring, Margaret Contest. B~bies from two to five Field Day program on the fore July 2 with Mrs. H. J. Egmore,
Robb. Louise Walt.s and William years old will be judged as to Fourth of July. Narberth 2280-W; Mrs. Franklin
Lillis; sixth grade second honors: weight height teeth and other Walter G. Case, chairman. has Hutchinson, Narberth 3732-J, or
John Dabback. Joseph Hutton. health' features' by a committee of called a meeting oc. the Council'~ Mrs. F. Munro Purse, Narberth
Frances Henderson. Libby Riden· judges Including Dr. F. Munr:; July Fourth commIttee for June 2205.
our. Jean Ridge and June Schrep- P O E R D; b d 0 30 at 8 p. m. In the Scout room After these contests, Mrs. John
' - urse, r. . . .s row an 1"1 of the Community BUilding. E. Flynn. president of the Junior
reI . F. B . L h
ana, an. I Anyone who can serve as a '
Ferfe2t attendance awards fOI Children from five to ten years I b Women's community Club of Nar·
the 1941·42 year w{'re presrnted to cld may try for prizes for the I Field Day jUdge 15 asked to e berth. wlll present a puppet show
. W· most modern and the most comic I present at the meetmg.
I tor.t If In t h I' Commun ItY B u ildl ng.
L arry al ner ,iIId Grace Hoffman
fifth gra d e.. Anthony Polo and (ostumes or for the fattest, the I that Cis not posslb
M be 1',h to4812
con ac 'Meanw hi'le, thI' fi I'Id ,a·y
d I' ven t "
L OU IS S 01.Z<' tt'I, SIX
. 'lh gra d 1'; Ed Mc·
Quiston. Virginia Bai,ley and De- ==:.
lhinnest and the most freckled r. ase at Nar rt . II
. rCtml;nrud On Ptlge ,.,0)
J. P.'s Wc,n'l Handle
metra Chlos, seventh 'grade. ,Identification Cards195 Enroll for LoealMerchants
Five Games Played S
'ourses I forUtilityUtility Workers
workers who, because I of
I V·Iet' D·
In Montdel Circuit
Haverford College their occupation. shall be eligible
to be on the stree,ts and perform
·WiII Set Aside
'5 Mins,

No Hit, No Run Game Opens I st Emergency their 'duties dliring i?lackouts .or air Daily to Se Stamps
Pitched by Mc- Summer. Ses$ion whor~lds,· b~ a.r~~~~~ ~ng~~ed l~. ,~~d_rB.9.n~~ ~-._~ ~
.. ,r'
M . . Ie f Sf "0-· One hundred llBd,nlnef,Y·6ve stu· -:firobeetivec-work -as"m~~70f'ti !>o;;"~-~nReiii.l!ers fOr Victory"
on'9 0 . ' enls dents, representing almost two Citizens Defense Corps, are' naW drive from July 1 to July 31, the
There were only five games stag-I'd thirds of the normal w,inter enroll- being issued identification cards for mightiest all-out sales event In
I,n the Montdel League during the ment at Hayerford College, began the Clvll1an Defense' Auxiliary the history 'of' Amerlca's mer-
past week. but those five produced the first emergency Summer ses- Groups,
enough actiOn to add thrills to the sion at th1t institution on M:m-
. chants. will be launched next Wed-
These identification" cards will nesday, and the Nn-rberth Busines~
toughest ??nnanl grind the circuit day. The summer term. part of the permit the members of the. utility Council Is asking all local retailers I I
War Insurance
has had In Its short career. Fea- ~ program of acceleration at Haver· repair squads to _move during a to cooperate In this· great tribute \
tured In. the group was the surprise' ford. will run for nine weeks. blackout or raid in any part of to the natlon31 wa·r effort. R0tary'T·
~-5 verdict turned In by the amaz-I College wa,s officially opened at Pennsylvania for their duties often The drive will be conducted
ng St. Thomas nIne to snap the, 5 :45 p.m.. when Felix Morley, require them to cross community tl:roughout the naUon in every
fiMve-game W\l1 streak of the St.! president of Hllverford. aud Dean and' county lines. village aDd ha,mlet a~d it will Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth
argaret's team. and the no-hit1 ·
. h
no-run game Pltc cd by St. Denis',
. ~ H. TatnaU Brown Welcomed the
, ' ,
Utility companies send the State officially open at noon next Wed·
b PI

. I I S I 1 students at a short assembly. Council of Defense lists of their re- nesday July 1 when every mer·
J ac k Mc·Momg e aga nst t Co - , . , N T d
mans. both of these bei~g on I Intensive Summer courses wlll pall' men who should be appointed chant is asked t.o suspend. busines, ext _ues ay
Thursday night when a full four-' be offered at Haverford for the members of the utility repair squads for a fifteen-mmute per;o:l, and Charles Trout of the Home Insur-
game card was played, ,duration of the war. enabling stu- after first satisfying themselves re- de-vote that time exclusively to the anee Company was the speaker at
No sunday games were played; dents to receive their diplomas in gardlng the responsibility of each sale of War Savings Stamps and the weekly luncheon of the Bala-
and only one of the three listed for slightly less than three calendar person. Bonds. Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club on
Monday was gotten in due to rain. I years. In addition to heavy 1'1" Benjamin H. Namm, chairman Tuesday.
In this single contest St. Denis con-I qUlre~ents In class attendance and
lInued its comeback by nailing 'the e\.enm g study. the summer course
Wanted•• Moreof the Retail ~dvisory Committee Introduced by James Campbell,
of the U. S. Treasury Department, Trout discussed the new War Dam-
St. Laurence champs 5-2 at Upper \ WIll include required physical edu-
Darby High in a five-inning affair. C~UOh for all stUdents: Extra-cur-I
~. 'Blood Donors wired the Narberth Business Coun- age Insurance and pointed out that
ell. on May 23. asking for the sup· under a new ruling the insurance
In the other two Thursday battles ncull?-r activities. except for phys-
Good Counsel handed Jim McCabe. ifal education, have been almost
At least 50 more blood donors
are needed In Narberth, wher~ II
port of Narberth merchants. will be effective as soon as the fidu-
The object at the campaign is to ciary agent receives the application.
Services Held For
leading pitcher of the I!!ague last abandoned.
season. his first setback as the !Bryn Students for the most part will
Red Cross Mobile Unit will come
on July 6 under the sponsorship
[ell one bi1l10n dollars' worth of Previous rulings stated that the in-
stamps and bonds during July, and SUTance would not be effective for
Harold lippincott
Mawr nine jolted St. Laurence 4,3, take three semester-units of work. of the Volunteer Medical ser- America's 1.000,000 ret 1 ilers, la-rge three to five days after flUng the Funeral sen-Ices were held Tucs
day afternoon for Harold M. Lip-
at Upper Darby. while Annuncia- I involving a minimum of ten hours
lion kept on the heels of the lead- of classes each week. Accelerating
vl:e Corps, assisted by the Nar- I and' small believe they can do the application.
berth Canteen and ·the local job. It aho hoped to enroll is
George Kirkpatrick presided at pincott, of Bentley rd., Cynwyd,
The services were conducted by
I' •
Tyson ReSigns Afler
13 Years SerVII."e

ers by nosing out Sacred Heart, of students concentrating on the na,- Gray Ladles. all employees in the Treasury De- the meeting In the absence of Dr.
Manoa. 3-2. at Brookline. tural sciences, however. will have The blood donatloru; will be partment·s. ten per cent payroll Richard Mears, president of the the Rev. Arthur C. Baldwin. pas'
Cokey.O·Kane's relief hurling and as much as 30 hours of classes taken betw~n 1 and 4 p. m. and Il.llotment plan. club. who 15 attending the Rotary tor of the Chestnut Street Br.'Ptist
a battenng first inning featured the each week, The term will 5 and 7 p. m. on that day at the I will International convention In Toron- ~hurch, at funeral home of An, Alter 13 years on the Lower
St. Thomas win over St. Margaret's end on August 22. firehouse, Elm Hall, Narberth. The mont~-long.dr VI' " open to, Canada. Ralph S. Dunne and :lrew J .. Bail' & Son. 3925 Cheotnut \ Merion police force Reginald W,
at Villanova, The Narberth club
had started With a four-run blast In addition to the' Summer term
Donors wlll receive a bronze
emblem and will ,be notified oi
nExt Wednesday WIth the White· D F Munro Purse are also at-
out fos Vktory" from 12 noon un· 'te~dln~ the convention. '
,'t.. PhIladelphia. I
Init'rment was Tyson resigned Tuesday. He llves
{Jrl"'.ate. on Chatham I'd, in Ardmore.
that drove starting hurler Ed for regularly enrolled students, the their blood type. A silver em- til 12.15 p.m., when all merehan- The Rotary Will hold its Sprin~ LlpplncoH. the son of the la te T son glVe no reason for his
,Grimes out of the box. O'Kane college Is offering tra,lnlng coUrses blem 15' presented to anyone dlse .sales will be suspended. and j outing at the Bala Golf Club on Henr~ B. Llppincot, formerly liv~d fUd~en re3il;natlon. supe,rlntendent
carne In to put on the brakes, 101' war Industries. open to quaJi- making his third donation. this time devoted to the· sale at June 30 with golf at 5 p. m. and on S~·blne av., Narberth. ,or Pollee Samuel Gearhart Wab
pitched two-hit ball for the balance fie1 high sehoo1 graduates In the For appointment. call Mrs. L. stamps and bonds only. dinner at 8 p. m. i away at the time.
of game. giving up one run. ne ghborhood and sponsored by the Fielding :Howe, Narberth 2170; JUly 10 will be observed as "Vic· --- _ Defense Control Room 'I Last week whe,n the commls-
Jack McMonigle had the S1. Co1- United States Office of EducatlJn. Mrs. Pauline ~mQre, Narberth tory Corsage Da.y" when a con-

mercy as he pitched' the first no- g. en In mathematics, physics, Narberth 2924.

man's balters completely at his ';:1' Industries eour~s are being 228{)-W, or Mrs. Robert A. Gold, centratedeffort will be made to
push the sale of corsages made of
MessenCJer Service
Mrs. Charles S. Shinn. Bala-
Starting on Tuesday night, the sioners met for their monthiy
time of the dusk-to-dawn blackout. meeting It was announced by Po-
l 24-houl' service was inaugurlLt.ed lice Ohlef GNrha·rt that Michael
hit. no-run game in the history of chemistry, and radio, War Stamps, July 17 wUl be Cynwyd. has ,been appointed co- at the control room of the Narberth Acquaviva had resigned aftet servo
the Montctel League. The south- "American Heroes Day," July 30 elitef of the messenger service of
(Continued on Page Four) Citizenship A wards Presented and Ilnd 31 will be "Victory D1YS," and
the Narberth Defense Council. Mr~.
August 3 wlll be "Victory Report Shinn Is chaIrman of the Bicycle
Defl!nse Council in the Community Ing ten years In tJ:le pollce depart-
Euildlng. A list of volunteers. who ment, Acquaviva is believed to be
wll1 serve In different shifts, will considering a position In a defense
Mrs. Basler Names Horwr RQll Announced Friday at Day in Washington."
Messenger Corps of the Navy
League. be posted later. plant.
Chairmen for p.T.A.
~~~h ca::: ~dsto~;m~::r~~~~
All retailers ,should prepare for
Mrs. Russell S. Basler. new presl-, A,rdmore, Junior Bigh Exercises
dent of the Narberth parent-I Closing cha.pel exercises were mention. their windows. W hen a store
Collegians Give League Shot In Arm;
Teacher Association. has announced held Friday morning at Ardmore The United States history medal. reachesits;.quoto ot tour per cent
the appoIntment of the foU0'flng Junior High School, when represen- presented by the Merion Chapter, (If its. total 'sa!esvolume for July
members of her new board: taUves of the D. A. R., tbe Amerl- Daughters. of the American Revolu- of last year, and also i~s payroll
Narberth Faces Gladwyne Saturday
I of Ardmore's players in their line-
Program, Rev. Cletus Senft; Fin-, can Legion and Its aUXiliaries pre- tlon, went 'to SUe Shirley Althouse. quota of ten per cent of wages. a
ance and Budget, Mrs. Harry Nel- sented the folloWing awards:' with Don McDonough, Barbara Treasury insignia will be presented
Instead of Ardmore's withdrawal
crippling the Main Line Baseball
I MAIN LINE LEAGUE up, ttirned up with an aggressive,
spirited crew that promises to make
Winner .o~ the ~ulloek,-Sanderllon Earnest 'and D/U11.1 Wessells a& to the merchant so that he may
son; Mem'bershlp. Mrs. WilHam League it a·ppears to be the shot Standing of thc Teams
Clear; Health and Summer Round-post's Amertcan L,eglonC1tizenship runners-Up, whlletb.e aame group's show the 'World that he is "making
Up, Mr~ H. D. Sidler; Social ser- medal was William LaClair, ~th Girls' Homem'aker.•wllM went to the grade.for Uncle Sani."
In the arm the circUit needed. \
. For Joe lr\iln's Collegians, hastily I Gladwyne ....... 9
I things quite Interesting for every-
one the rest of the campaign,
vice, Mrs. C. Jones; Hospitality, Conrad Turner and Dl/-niel'\vessells Rebecca Wall~lgli,',with Jane organized late last week to take over I Manoa '......... 7 4 .636 ·1 The lrvinmen wlU be sbooting tor
Mrs. Edwarp .N. Merkel, Jr.; Music. rece"ivlng honqrable' D:1e,nt!bn; 'W1n~ Wheeler and :anbara,Smith reoeiv~ ArdmOre's 'franchise, apcompli5hed j:Ila,rberth ....... 7 4 .636 their third straight Victory when
Mrs, W, J. prennen; Radioandl ner of the John Win~p~ost'll log ~Onora:biemenUb~: ..' Junior Home Nursing tn01'e"'m Its first two gainesla~t .545 they f~ce Brookline n·t 68th st, and
',MOVies,' Mrs. Edward Frankenfield: 'I American,', Leglpn ,clt1Ze.nsblp medal 'I'he.elgh,thgrade 6Ob91 arsbip cup~ A new dass til Jun"lor aome
,Magazine, Mrs. Mabel Hunsicker; was Richard Stad~r,wlthW1iliam p~ntedbythechUlllof .19~"went Nurlilrtg'ftir girls between the ages
weekend than iiily other' t!!Q.m wall
able to ,<!o aU seasOn. The~' set I
I Oollegians
... " .6
....... 3
Overbrook , .. " •. 2
L.ansdowne on Saturday and they
wlll challenge Narberth on the lat·
nss.tprtan, Mrs. Geprge enyder; Reese and Allen~ham receiving to Jean Barsby, wl)06eaverage was ot 15 _ '17 was started June .17 at the Main LiDe abuzZirig as a r,sul\ I Week-end Schedule: . ter's diamond on Sunday.
Publicity. Mrs.' KaN Williams: Pub- honorable mention. t
' 02;1388. Runners.,tip were Richard the .:bryn Mawr Presbyterian, of upsettmg botl'( the pace set~lI1g I SATURDAY-Gladwyne at Nar- However, the feature pmI' of the
I1catlous. Mrs, Oharles Offenhauser; Rebecca Walleigb won the' Bul- Kern With91,olaO and '~rbara GladWYne nilia and the second pi~ berth; Overbrc\>k at Mahoa;
I we'3kend wlIl pit Gladwyne agalns'
Legislation and Procedure, Mrs. lock-Sanderson ,Auxiliary's' citizen- Earneat with "9l.0'140. . Church for the purpose ot carryIng Narberth on tile borough grounds
""""e Peter B~ Ri,'chards Memorial on instruction to the Juniors d'Ur- ~oa Brookline vs Collegians at
-ank Hammer. Jr.,' National De- sh,Ip medal, ,Jean J;>iFel,loe and
,... ..... "
fense, MIs&Mnrgaret White; Par- oeraldine French, hQn~ab.e men~ SCholarsblp awll1'cl tor', seventh
In tb' m' 'ha wh1l scboo"ft are
g. e o n . ,e !",
Narberth had beaten Glad- 6&th and Lansdowne a,v, I on Saturday. Narberth was the
first to beat . Gladwyne this yearr
ent Education. Mrs. E. Lee Golds- tlon; ,Eleanor S~ng received the grade' was presented to ~ 1DUlseclosed•.:Foradultll ,w~o are Inter· wyne previously and Narberth har. SUNI>Ay-overbrook at Glad-
and the clatter will be out for re-
bprough,Jr. Italian Mothers, Mrs. ~oh,n Wli\tbrop AUXUlary'a' citiZen~ LilOla(t:, ",hOlle &ftraae waa 92.80; eatecl'iJ:l, home ·nqrliing, a coursewUl wyne; Coileglans at Narberth;
'o.".IIIi"~~. Pr~o.\pal, l4r. W. J. ~p .~al. Vlh!le "J~lf S~tton !lbJ,le ~.1e, mentiOn, ,1Ve~,,~: ,Itart.:in' ~~.ore, as SOOD. as the
.:~'-"-~".-~~,~"" ::., -,' 'and "Je~'i~el-~iVe~'!i,onti1'i\)le- -\----(ContlD\led~·on:1'&Ij~·~)='-.;c~"lB.:;-~j~~'~"-:"' ;'"'''''';'~',"-'
yetta score its first Victory over
,-,.~tl"CPU~.,_w;ll;h_pPly.~ J_~w.
Brookline at ManOa.
, .'
I VEnge, needing a victory to protect
(O()l1~U~ qnl'aa.e ~~) " y
PAGE TWO==========================;:=====::O UR TP WN===========:.================JUNE 25, 190U
, \Miscue In Air J. S Vi o~'t Handle
• • ere4 . . lecond elal. matter October. 1938. at the Po.t Office at
(Continu~d (Tom PlIIl" OM)
,~ontrol rO::Jm at the Narberth Com-
,nunity Building fr0!V where all de-.
(Continued 'rd'" Page One)
~tatute, permit a 'man to be held
'lll. 'hours for questioning and in·
rtit Main Line Store OF
N .... b.rth. P .... uDd.r tho Act of "arcb J. 1111. [cnsc acti"itlrs were bring din'cted. "esUgaUon. there is 'nothlng In thr
This overloaded the board for a few law which requires him to be ar·
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic AssociatioD minuteR. but normal operation was ralgned for a hea·rlng before the
I resumrd again as soon as the lights justice of the peace.
GEQRG£ A. WALKER. P..bliJlrn \\,l'rl' turnpd on. ~urgpss Richard Pollce heads are objl'ctlng t:> the
~ELEN FlTZPJ1TRlCK, BusiruJS M'lJrJagn I L. Miller <1ll'pctor o[ d('[pnsl' in the change In proeethire becai.LSe they 'sutUl:BAN SQUAll • A'RDMORE"
RUSSELL 'E. FRANZ, AdveTtising Manager I Borough. was in chal"!~e of the con- claim ttlelr "hands -win be tied" If
trol room ·the matter Isn't made a foraull pro- STORE u6l-"'Rs: 9 :30 i() 5 :00 Including WED~ESDAy
published Every Thursday
Deadllne for advertising Rnd neWs Copy-Wednesday, 5 P, M, Ins)lPction of thr operation of cedure before the magfstrate.
BUbil<:rlpilon rate-$2 per year 1n advance ,crvici's and dlrpctiOn of til£' ma- Magistrates are pointing out that
--------- chin!'r:. through which tl1£' black- the only time they are legally '1'1'-
~ . 'Publication Office-Eight Ci'icket Avenue, Mc1more, Pa. Ollt was madr eft"pct.lve was under qulred to sit is wlieh Ii sPecific
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740 Frnnch S Challengpr. chairman of chR,rge has 'beenl6dged against :l
1111' lewa I Df'[l'nse Council. In the defendant.
Boruu"h Joseph L. Kplly Is chief
air ra Id ward('n and Thomas Ml'r- The solicitor fOr the magistrates

CIVILIAN DEFENSE 'kpl. 11Pad o[ the Volu:ltecr Medical

Service Corps.
contends that thej>oUce shbuld act
01' tlielr oWn 'powers and riot
pect the magistrate to shtlte this I
OI1P or more high explosive or Il'sponslbllity with thetiJ, e~clally
ex- Convenient For You!

INFORMATION ~.I~· bomb incidents wpre planned

for 11 spctors ill the Borough. On(' where such a serious point Is in-
o[ thp~l' result cd in the "dpmoli- rl hts.
velved ReS a man's constitutional
Are Sold at the Main Desk
lwn" of the Narberth avo railroad g
ItEASON FOR THE STATE-WIDE bridge which necessltatcd traffic I "NlIturally. I am taking the lIdvlce
bell1g detoun'd at that point. In of our Association's solicitor." de-\
DUSK-TO-DAWN IlACKOUT another Incident thp fire company dared Walter B. Lownes. Jr., who
The State.wide dusk-to-dawn practice blackout which was :In,wI'l't'd ;1 c~ll 111 tile business dis- i" the slttlng magistrate In Lower
:nrt. Where ~as bombs fell volun- 1\1"erion. "We are 8J1xlous to see
called by the State Council of Defense had an important educa-
t('{'rs were rl"qlIlred to idpntify the that residents of the Township are
tional purpose. Its purpose .was to teach the ten million citizens

Fair and
kind of poisonou.s gas It was from given their full measure of police
of Pennsylvania how to carryon their normal duties all night t Ill" odor. protection whether they are In thl'lr
homes or out walking their dogs
long with a minimum ·of light showing. Ilround the block, Also. We belleVe
This practice blackout was called at the request of the U. LEGAL NOTICES that both pollce and maglstmtes
S. Army First Fighter Command, which has the responsibility for '. ,I .. , Ii,,:. "," ,.. d ,,, ,I,.. should live up to the'la·w and not
proteeting 'us for enemy attack by air. They realize that if ".. , , .. ,. ,.., ,,_ ""'~' I""" I altcmpt to pull a common law In·
,,' ,.,."" ,",,',. '". ,'.',:" ":::~.:~I'-.t~',: lcrpret~tlon out of thl' hat just to I

and when our European 'enemy starts to send his bombers over ".. " " " ... ' " , ' I I ' ,'" ,. ~t SUlt thl' occasion or their idea of
our state, it may be necessary for us, to keep in semi-darkness .," .' .' " . '.. ,,' " ' , . 11 ,1",. how certain things should be done"
every night, for night after night - perhaps for weeks at a I'.. '''I':J:\':~'.;'' ,'., ,,;'" ;'.,: ,,:;,: ,'.';""",~:;r :: .• , .
stretch. Cities 'within 50 miles of the coast from ,Maine to 1'.'\: .'~ \"''''<I'~'' :,': ,',i~.',>:;,':~",. h1."n.o\ Sell Merion Home .... •
Florida are already operating on this basis every night. ' :,::",.,',',:': .', I" ;:~"~'" ,:":: " "~:'::~ .. ,"'.~',' J. Ralph Satterthwaite has pur-
It is one thing to shut off our lights for a half hour and keep ,:. cha.~l'd from Mrs. Ethel F. Griffith.
dark and still for that brief period. It is an entir~ly different .. II 10.(·",· .Ill" through Harris & Bunting, a colo~ i"·i:,"'" "'" :.. " ",.,.", Don't let the thermometer worry you
matter to keep our lights off for a whole night, or for a week or 'I' ,. ',,,' I'" ",1 .•. c., ,< 'I"· 1 '"hi ,,, nial style tile home at 559 Heath
this summer. Come to The l\lain Line
a month. Under these latter circumstances we are compelled to, ,I' ,"'.'I~' "r I" ,. 1"'1 ""~ rd .. Merion. The propprty Includps 'II " . , . , . , ,.,

learn how to keep up our normal life in semi-darkness: to run il ";',;:" ~ \ ".,1' ,.,. Till: I,· .1:,.1":111 a two-car garage and about one- ::;:,T,','. ' Store of Stra\\'lJridg-e &: Clotl1icr and
home, prepare meals and care for a family without our lights .. " '" \\. ~I' ,. \ I:T"':Y. half an acre of land.
select the cool comfortahle casuals you
showing outside: to run a store, or hotel. to print a ne ...spaper, '~:I' ~;'.\'~"':I ' .......,,_,_...........:0-.........._ ,....- •••
to process and deliver :milk, to continue industry - with a mini. FOR A SMALl. :DOWN i need for torriri da~'s. the s\\'im suits
mum of light inside, and with little or no light showing outside.
h d k d bl k I
You may nOW purchase a j. and play clothes for leisure, the sheer
That is +h e purpose 0 f t I' us ·to- awn practice ac out - - - I beautifully-located West Laurel,'
_ so • yoU• 'will begin to• learn

by actual
practice how to keep I:'Hll.ll r \'1'1' ",. H"IW1:T ~ll1'T,;lI~ll~nY \
111,' ': :\1·' ,11 :\l\1!lI..:"rnl"\
Hlll lot for as little as 10,/; I I cottons for e"ening.
essenttallights burning ,"Side but With Windows screened so that, ''''''''. "., ,'" ,-", -, " r- T· -, "",'11' down! Choose from a widc 1
the reflection will not show 'outside to guide the enemy. ~ ",~,{:.;' I":" ":,,:;.. ,.._,,,,:-"'I,,"h~';'~'~,~n<h"'~111 varil'ty of locations and prices. i'
Committees III
,., .. " ,,, _", ",'" ".' ,. .,,,.,,.,, '" unhurried. careful sell!.Ctlon.
I'" "'.' "'"'" d, II' 1 """ III lnd II' .... h J\. now saves worry. tlml'. expense ,
(Co"ti"ued fTom PaR" 0" .. ) : Church N ews II ':.,,~ ,:' L'''''- I"
Tlll~' """'1
"".lIl -",", \l,II",," ~~~n~::~i~~e~d 3?~~:;~s~ 'I:

lor chlldrl'n liP to 18. '1'.'111 start .n

li1.30 a.m. lIudrr the sponsorship oj I ." 1..... ~~'I::";::·'
\ \\. \1.'1''''' 1:11:11.

I. .... ,,1'
;".11 .. ,,''''''
T"" "'101,.

· ,'.1
WAEskSrfor ...i'_Al.lusut.rfla.teE.dL fOHld1e.r L
The American Golfer
'. .,ICRION FHIENDS MIU;TINn . I 111",1:\' \ 11:\ I: • CEMETER , Goes To Town: (top)
the Narberth Busmess Counell. I Mo"'gorn.rv ..v. and Meellng 1I.,use 1&.. \\""'11" ." .. t· y ,
\\'altpr G. Case. ('halrman. The' 10 :o~ A. M._FtrsIM~~~DISund ..yl SchoOl -,.~'.r.I' ~ Belmont }\.v~.. bey~nil. <:ll~y _1.I~e.!
!' '" t.

pM )
1·!,II·,oI"I""'. 1':<.
Thl!l c1U!lslc SllOrts drl'ss Is designed for action
ccmplete program for thcse event 1100 A. M.-Me.lln2 for WorshIp. (,,\ •••- - . - - , - , - - - - - , - , •••• and made with all Ihl' IWrll'(·tlon of cXlll'rt
Mo 1-e T 1·nile tallorln!:" It Illlt>ps Its smart Iinl's through 1'1'-

bc fOllnd e]oewhere In this is.
:'\ _,

,\",\. i

..... :.~..

i;-' .. j l : ' .!,:t' '!'(~",


Linwood Athens aVI., Ardmore
'of _ .•C",!T'l('"''
~. - Nt
s ... ·


Or II p£'lltcd laund..rill!:,s and weeks of bord wI'ur.
lUorp and nlOre wornl'n lire !lU)'!ng them lor
town and offlc.. a!! wI'1i us lor !:,olf. Two model!!
In striped chilmhruy in IO\'l'ly l'olor;ng!l. Tpo
111,,,1'1 ..h .. I\·n hutton!l lull I..hgth, the
,.f!: OJ l" l!Ie ,,~alst. Sizes 12 to 22

4.' II JJll1fler
': 1·1. }' .
~ h.H, : ~1 l' ;n .• l~', (1);1\\.," ~ r'"l ~l --T~ "·: 1t1~ tll j'L."

~1"" p~.~;- ~' 1>:" ... H~~.: "~:u'f'h,u4t)a .;.~~~ ·~: ... v \~." ~: :.~~
-.1 ... to 'M. "' .. :,-,.,9,11' -;,-.n, !' .' t~
'v ~ . l." , ...... :. ;,' 't':', r

"~ ·w.l.:l'r~·J)
,. I '.> .,

R. or Mrs L. A. Young. Narbt'rth I NARBERTH PRE!lBY'1 &nIAN CHL:H-':U

\! P l' 1 ~'J Illl "y 'I .1. 1 ' I' ..
~ 11
L' .... 6" '1 T: .. · .: l:nior Miss
• '1 :. is-Up Mood
3912. Judges will be Dr R M 1I Rev. Wlnd.or and Grayling avo
Brya.nt M. KIrkland, Pastor
o • •

Staley, Jcspph White and Mis~ John Van N •••. D.D.. Pulor Emerllu. Tak.. a tallorpd thl'ml' and al'slgn a frock with
\ollthflll varlatlolls. Add hrlght ('mhroldl'r)',
Emma Mueller. '1 ' - " \ :\1 _Hd~~:~~},\r~I~'1\ f"r :111 A,L::'·!'l. tI There is no reason ·1 Hpsult. a dllt(, dr.'ss that a junior miss choos.''!
\I •. " , Il""" ~,,, ..,,' on slJ{ht. It Is III natural. whit.· uf h('wltching
A hobby shrw is also schrduled. ", ''''.\
11 11".\
:'\f :\I.,rr :11:"': \\""1''':11)'
t., follew the pet show. There will,; ,., I'. ~t -'1"'"'' Y"UM" 1·... "\0-·, ~"·d-

to curtail your pleasure shad.. of Cplan"!ll·· \\'illg-!lpr('lld rUlon
crl'pp. in sizes !J to l.i, . . "
be two classes--one for those Ul=' i 1~, 1', ~1 ~:.~~~·tllnJ: "·nr.. ldp. and that of your fam. • nl'~. ". s. ))at. Of1ir«'
to 16 yl'r.n old. the otlwr [or those \\,!·:P,E><P.\\,
o\'l'r 16. Judges will bl' Burgess 'li,) P. ~I - I'ra,-p,' ~lp",'n" i1y's, by having two
Hichard L. Miiler, Ralph S. Dunne. NARBEmTH METHODIST CIJUR<:H days each week taken
Mrs. W. J. Drl'nnen. the Rev ES!t6Z and PrIce &vs.
up with washing and
H,'\·. ('all H, IlallllUf·rl.\. ~1:IlI",tl'r
J ames Toner. the Rev. Robert E.
Kfighton. the Rev. Carl Hammer· 119 ,45
~W:-;D.\ y
A. M.--Church Bchool. ironing. Relax and en· Truly Rural
'011 A ;\1-· ~lol"lllng' \\·urloolhlp.
Iy and George Schroeder. To en· G:t.·, ]'. M.-YlIulh Fi JlilW~IJiJl. Smart )'oung persons are choosing dirndls 01
t.el. exhibitors must register before ""Elt:"I·::--:1JAY
joy the Cjlorious sum-
biaek cotton lor u country !lummer. IUekrllck
July 2 with Mrs. W. H, Boxman,
8:01) p, ~t.-~tld-\\·t·t"k ~pr\'I{'t'.
mer days ahead. Let edg.. s th.. h"m and till' ga)' culleo
bow. Sizes 12 t{) Ill. . .
Narberth 2451, or Mrs. Arthur DA1'Tt~T ('III:n"1l OF TilE E\·.\"nEL
QQldsmlth. Narberth 3674. ne\'. noht'rt .E. }\.dght<"'ll. I'llslor us relieve you oj the
S'al·lwrth. I1a.
A baseba,ll game between Nar, f'\':-:nAT burden of washdays.
~:~ ... A. M.-Thc I'!lur('h ~dH10I.
berth and Brookllne will bt' a 11 nn .\. ~t,-\\·"r'olhll' Sl'n·h','.
major attraction of the aftt'rnoon TIII'H~D,\Y

and Immediately afterwn-rd a jit- 7 :SO P. hf.-HC'd Crof'S cln~~.

terbug cont1!st \\'111 be held on
Woodbine ..nd N.,.l;>,jrth ·kV8.
The women's cominittee. hC3ded R.v. CI.tu~lJ~'D,~~ntt. ·pa.tor . JUST CALL ARDMORE 4400
by Mrs, Eberhardt Mueller. Is sug. 9:n,f\. M.-nthlp f','hon) for all o~ ••. WHEN YOU WJ..HT WORK DOME WlLlL
gf'stlng that Narberth house"'ives II "" .\. ~1-~I,,"l'"" ".·",1,'" ""l11m,·,.
"' ,'olllllllln!lItl "nil rt'('I'l'litJll
dispense with cooking on the nr 'h'" I1wIllI,,·r•.
Fourth, At the community play· ST. MAltGARIDT'S CATHOLIC C'RUnCH
ground, the eommlttee will serve, 'R~v, Jam•• F, TOD~r. R••tor
I ST. MARY'S ·LAUN'D-kY; For Water Nymphs
ReYil .. ;b"'J'~~•. "T. ~1~~~t'lO~.
at very reasonable prices, homl'
made .food donated by the memo Elall)' mo••ps; 7. and 8 A. M.
bers bf Narberth's various organl. f'und'nr rna •••• ' 8;30. 7:30. 9. 10,15 an<!
AROM 01l' 1
Two bathing suits !Ihowon will give )'0\1 an Idl'u
IIf the won4er1uI collection of colorlul cottons
th"l hln'1! jU!lt come In. Two-p:('O('e models In
IIlzes 10 to 18 ond one.pll'ce In !llzl's 10 to 20,
1\ A. M.
OO~~& d"il~ ~p, h~ ~~~Ai'~M~'!~~~!~~~~i~~~i~~~~i~i~ii~ii-~'iiii~iiii~~iiii~;1
zatlons. Thete will be sandwiches. Holy Day rna'••• ; 6. 7. 8. 9 and 10 Beftutllully eut and lined wah rayon
jprse)·. E\'l'r 80 many colors and desi/:'ns.
potato salad, soft ctrlnks. milk,'
c&ndies, pretzels and lee cream,' .""'"-<I., ..... , .. ~- ."- s:-~~:..\yr.:mDGE & CLOTHIEIl-
And a nickel will buy a paper

Second Floor, The Mllin Line Store
plate, cup, fork, spoon and nap·.
km. all wrapped together.
funds derived from the sale of the
food wm be kept for clCpenses of
- NABBartII,DlIY ...
another "Narberth Day" on July
4, 1943.
In the evching, umler the spon-
sorship of the Harold D. Speak·
man Post of the American 'Legion, .
I'oadh 01 .1.11',19\41
a band concert is planned. to I
start at 8 p.m, and last for 45 min· C'OMMUN'ITY PLAYGROUMD
utes. Following a short intermis-'
s!on, moving pictures of current ENTeR YOUR 'CH·ILD....
Interest and patriotic events will . Ages 2· 5 - To 'Be Judged tor Hi!alth
be shown on Ii.n· outdbor screen" Ages 5 - 10 - Most Patriotic, Most Modern. Most COmic Costume
at. the playground. 'and Narberth" Ages 5 - 10 - Fattest. 'Thinnest, Most Freckled
Day will Wind up with street· To Register, Call Mrs. Egmbr~,. Nar.bert~ 2280·W. Mrs. Hutchinson. Narberth 3732·J
danclng,to the music of the 'ba:i1ci', or Mft. 'purse. 'Narberth 2205
.cn Windsor llv, Which will be ·toped)
of!· for the occasion. 'Burns D., 'ENTER Y·OUR PET-
Best,Commander of the Spea.ktnan . Open to C~ildren 1 to 16 Years Old
Post, Is chl!:l11nJ!Xl of ·tne committee j
In charlf~'o~ the evening portlo~ i
To Register, Call Mrs. Mc!CII:r.~"e>:, N!'rbertlt .22!!~,
br MiS. Young, Narberth 391~
Staples, Narberth 3670·R
of the qaY'$prog~am. . "


sofarGoi':,i... 'PMiIiv
..'. ••
: J. ~ Class [or Those Up to 16, Olass f.or Those 16 and Over
School is planning a plciUc par~:' Mrs.~I&mitb, .Narbertb
The Mothers Ohib.ofSt. Matthfas. ,
To Beglster. Call Mrs. Bomian, IN'arbet'th,2451 or CJ674
for UfI! ~arly par~ jj~ ;ruly to ·beheld. . AU REGistRATioNS MUST 'BE 'RECEiYED,IIEFORE JilLY ·2
at the Tnomas Van.Cliver .~er~~~l!·: . . ..
LegionP-Ost. . Mrs. 1Vlmam lI4yers. Come Jlt 10 A. M. aDd f;Pe~ :tlie Dal ~riiJ Ev«1iJliir - Events lOr ~e
, 'is c~frriianqfllie 'lhub .a.od ·Mis~ 'Ligbt LUb~ilies anll :Soh 'Drlt'ks Wilt 'Be ,SHId At tHe "~aYrroUlld . .
Alexander lIS .cn~itmBn 'of't'heways;
~i.!~L~·.•..i _,~:. .i,.:.i.i.Ji_:i:~i_-:i&;.]iil·•...j,il~:i~~;C•.I.'=';".,• • iiiviii".,ii'irinieliiiiisl.=
..•"..••..•'.':.·• •:;.;.'~n
.'·,,;,-,.. .. ,.. ":.1: iii"·
.... ,;

• TOW N = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ? A G E THREe
JUNE 25,
, un lors a n
. 1942 PI
FIR SID E :, A' UR TIT. •.f S h l h
nnOUllce Vy inne1"S OJ C 0 ars ips I
'U n
I W'~'lty, while In the St3te as a
""loll' the
,college percentage
men and women E
was numbered
only 8.1
I ,
TU rogra111s i and Special Prizes at L . M . H igh: CO'IfNn y
22.73,3 In*Montga;er c;unt .

CI b 7\PText 'Tea 1·
.l~1;'01. 1" I-~rj. riC
I Priz," aw Irned al 11w commpnc:' ; - . - . -- - - - . - - ..- - . - - A
~,ll,rt Guest.~ r~~'~~: ~'cXI~'c::~,~"'I:'l'r~,1 :1:o~l~i;]\\~Prtoll!lta ian harities
I .L I j :'Ifr- Cll.lrll" :\[ontgomery, Tupsday pvpning in honor of hpr pproximately 1.500
'lng Meet'lng Set Ap". N.H.)('r:ll. h.1S rpturned, husband's bIrthday. 1nclud ff£WS 'IT£MS .
In MOntgomery County went undel

Open FOb B ~ * * *
Il'olJl :1 1111"'" -.\'t'I'I:; l'I,lt 10 Cllicago 'C'ri Mr. and Mrs. John E FI\'nn
,M' 0'" Me> H. B,,,,,m T",", , 110, Anhnm,' W",Hen, Clnb pn" Plan Benefit for Bro",", .u,tlnn"" and propel,- I
' the hnmmer at SHIes condupted thl<;
by Cnun'y T""nm Mory H
or e+o er 8; 00 1'11\111' HIl'll.Hl1 :\1 C.,bn'v. son'Mr and Mrs Dr:\'id Grf'pr. MI' en,I'II, alHoi IlI"cll.I:II', to 1-I11"h C!nk. tors of theatres a·nd amusempntl'Beprer. in Court Room D at thc'
Club +0 Continue ",l MI' :11111 \11'.' Jdllll ,J C:1brpy' Mrs. Ch~rl •. s Curtis. Mr :1nll MI" I II,p (1111), pro ',. III I; IIIc' t'1'I,nom,,'~ Bryn Mawr ·Hosp'etal have been notified by County Trt"as ,Montgomery County Court Hou,,/".
~ 1 \VIIJI!"II' ,1\'. Narbprllt. 113~ Ipfl: Ha,lr\' E Bannntt c' a,lld ", ,v, I' allel MI'. 10 M,lr:.· (;1.1111 l..tll'. :ll:' B.1U',·ll ThC' Itallfm Fpderatlon of Charl- urer . Mary ' H Beer!'r that mprCln-1 Properties' dlSj) . (IS, d 0 f \\'erc tlo 1 'e
ArtllJ .. n
til". I,nr .. will ho:d its ninth annual Jul~' 1. After that dat.e a pnn~.. II,'1 pat'd for 1937 a'nd pl'I'or "ear"
till' F'H'ld Hrpla,of'tnrnl S H;J1ml:' Brown. Jr. wei [,Olll\) PI"/" :11 '1 :,'11 r 101 Elm'l till' taxI'S must be paid on or lx'fore on whIch rount\' taxe<; rrm11n un-
1'11" .T1l1ll":· WIlllH'I1', (""m 111 1111: t \ N C t -, \"1 I If" J

* * * :' ", * * "

(":111) (11 ~:lrt'tr:h \\;;1 11;)(':1 It-- (','11',.1' :1, '01': :,;g. t,l a _ pI" 'I "n I) • " " ' . nIOI r ,,,': J ' J J .,

1!14:2-43 I lub . . 1' I . . l!l \1.1t l ) .1 1111' +IT:~ .

:'11' Olftcrr
co " Okl
ClIldll\'l11' School'
W.Wl"f' 1" WI, I a ,uI'prlse
Mpmbpr.' of Ill'r bridge club gavp i 'h.' Ill'f'I]III pc'! I p"'/" o!r,'r,,<l bv I.'nrfll for Br,'n M1wr Hospital at of 10 per cent wlll be added.
h~us,,\\'arm:ng MI< F" K " t l 1 ( ' Ol'\'on Hr,rsr Show grounds IrVin I * * * I Mr
I' *
R b' Ph' C I
1,1',. :t I'.I\lrs' III tllr dutll" ", ~ flrlcl, d .• y c\'cntng for Mrs Rus<;pll Linton I Allcr Wc"" I r. Illl' dhlr,b\lll\l' u~' . Information just publ1shed by the \·illr. \\'a,~ e]f'clf'd Pres\d!'nt cf Mont·
,'1 Ol'tolJl'r B. \\ i"'ll 'I," Il"lll' D' oJ' I. "I" ",:." . fI Iflst Tups I' .. ' ,,11 "IIC" 1':'1" 111 lu ,v, Ill', J 28 t J I 5 s. 0 mson IpPS. 0 lege·
W:lIl~:n ~tt:artlons
il n . . . p
Cdlllllq·t, ,.
(11 1:111,.11.
11':,.\1'1\ ot!lc,'r l" 11).1 ,,,c,,nel'L: 11Pr new 110me on Sunny Hill: '11111'::11111 :t\\'lld I" TW.I')- ,SJ:rrlal will be a fire: Census Bureau on the number of gomery·Bucks BI·Count\· Counrll of I
\"'11:1'11.111" 1'.llllmISSll)n i : . Rldgpwood Park. Ha\'erf:"lrd lit'; I!II' DOII::- 'lll' f(OJ' tlH' mlsl \\"dlspla, onthpF'ourthofJuh "C'hool ye.lfs completed by person<!thp Amrrican Legion AUXiliary fit
1'.11 '"' (I[ IIH' 1;1 C'~: ,1111 * * * L lI1r
110wnshlp Mrs. Linton forllll'ril 111'1p:1I1 "i:: I" !\ll 11 " ;\1:1:!"I'\. thl', ,net thl' Borce Tournament for the 2::: ,y!'ars find over 111 1940 shows th3.t tllP rpgular nlPPtlllg of the council
11' ~Iuller: Il\'rd on Dudlp\, a\' .. Narb~rth I Ppl'l"f':ra ;,'.01' I' 1": 1'-';" ,J< 1\['" III J '''ph Mflnclps ~il\'pr trophy whl~h :l smaller pprrentage of thIs agop' !lpld la't Thul'scta,' 1t the Trlnlt\·
~l1'i Churcl~
CClIl1l11lttf\(' {'ll'llnnl'!} 1l1t" :'Ii" :vi 1'-. H"I1f\
\(./"dli{'..,d~l~ ,It 1111' lInlnl' oj t:'ll' ;>)I':Tf'. of :'<1"\1' "Nk
\V"'!pOl". , *' * * pI1\'11,J p'; I' -:1"11 I" :\1:1:.al1 :\111- \\'I:i b,' pl3y"d off on Sund3Y· group In Montgomery County had i EvnngpllPal and Rrlormpd
1.1I'l""ll'lll. :'\1:'- ,J"hll F Fl\ 1111 );,
,( \: :1 \ t ,J OIl: 1.1:r t lIt'
rn:~". ll~\'p
(()!l'lill \
'11' 11' [Il '<r
:1nnl)un['f'd 111P rngagr-' :vIrs Harry Walt, .. Dllcllp\' av II'I all:l ,JII,I iii r.,., 1\'I'o'rl: ,,: tl1l'.J
Plrrr'.', c1.HlghIPr 1 Narbprth. Will pllt,'rt <In 11£'1' bllcl~p :>:!)'UI: :\lrI "111, ,,: ';' 11)1' r-';II':'''n'', :11 Ill., clo<p of the bpnpflt. and state as a whole.
1111' Dp\'on Cottage will bp dr.1wn received no schooling than ..1 the * *
Pia liS fol' thp annual Summer
~(ar·.' pl'll' :\1" n'rb.lra .J"111 PI"l"" and En-: e!ub Iwxt TIIPsde,\' p\'"nlll" f(J~h\\ .11 \\""11',1<:1',:111' I R:llph n,,;li,lo Ilck"I' me.,' b2 bought on the In Pennsylvania the mpdlan-num, rutlng WPfr d!srusspd last Thurs,
O! llf'!" 111 'et .n"~ ~ <.; l.,( !H'd'lkd i:l '1"11 n n VIIlPrnl L\'Oll Jr. U. S ' ing a club dilllwr 'parl\, at ~11l' T~lI'
G['n l.'III!·" I' ::--: \" \ 1,1,1(' III 't'i'!1l1c!' ber of school years completpd wa; day at the fin II meeting of thc
, [:1 ;l1lr". .1 I'" a· [nll'.II' 0;'1 1)"1 .' n .'011 of ])1' ~nd :'I~r' n B crnl Wa\'nC' I n n ' '1'11'1,' to Di'l" D,l \11(' t~~(' Low!'1 C"mmlltcp rhairmen include Lou- :l.2, While In Montgomery County it; MontgomPfY County Poltce Chipf~
'~2 Erl~IC~:ll)n CCllini];'f'f' :\11 ...... '\'I::r'n: I \"111. of :'<I.1I'\)":·lh. ~~IS I * * . * !\l!'lJnt: AllIlI:\l1 !\' .,: ,:,1\l pIli'" I.' Phlllips. drawing; Emidio RossI wa,~ 8.8 for the males and 8.9 fOI I ASSOCIatIOn at tIlt' Pennsburg Fire
,1 ,III Slapl," ell'lllll111. ]\1)\ ('1lJ!ll'j PI,'1'.'r \\'.1'. (!r~c!\lalrcl from tll£'! :vIl'S Mllnrpd Odlornr. 210 Gra\,- ill 1'{IlJJlIll'l'l: ,I 1101';. H""'lIl"r. 'lid Emilio NUll. program; Alfonso the fpmales, Company.
S~hool III HH~ Enslgl~' :~ncl a\'. Nnl'borth WI I' a l'l'rpnl I;"rbrl. 1:1 Ell .':.11 K.I";:,·\II IlI\ :'I~."-rt:1n::!plo, rl'fre<;hmcnts; An- Montgamer" Count'·
\\'n~ ]"~' J~lne~
'. \\'l'~fnrf\ CCl!lJllll: ~pr. 1\11' S:t 11- '-;,. " II,,, Chlpf Harr,' \Vhltp of Bryn
Il:~ CII,.IIl; "1)\'l'llIiJ"r 1!1 \1[11-1: ;,","::"['1'
(.'1.111111111" ;\11" J.,II1I" ]"'.".ll; I).,
L.. o:I III ;:1'.1:i111\('cl anel frelll
h,' I \,,1 t or
1 '\tlantlc Cilv.
Cl1:1 If DIlIp
. H:H!:!O\l H:dl ''Inc! ~ . , A' II p • • I"l.,( .... ,. ::11:1 "';".1:'1'1' [I.. rn\ Dlrnno , .. sandWiches' .,.
. \\ 11.1'111 r!l\. "lld 111 111:',' ;.111 '11' F,<pos!to find Alfred Mandl'S. pn' whom 4.284 constltutlnC7 2.4 'pel 1:1 committpp to sp]rrt a sHe and
rpsldents 25 Jyears oldJ or hadoldpr
o[ Atllyn was r:ppolntpd . chaIrman of

* l ~.
'l'~];JJ :;;:;;::::-:::~;;;::;:;~~;:;,;;;:;;;:;;::;:::;:=-
c' mlll'l' :l, Pr"s" C"llIll:i1'"" :'III', '('llllll'-'IOIl ,,: I l ' IT S 1\'a, *..... e,1' '\\1:1.'. ".::11' I' S '."1" :1:" :,1\1111'1 :rnamlllPllt; Rlc!l[.rd DIVirgIliO and . I dnte.
:\1 H"bb . .11'. J). (. 11\::"1' 1. A, 'd"I11\ AII 1),IlI'. \IIINr I1£' I" T • I . cent report('d they had rrccIVPd 110

~n2 I~c'tl!. .~
",'I'II'II"[! 1l1III I'.'." I'", ['1111\'1' dP-; :\11'. lnd :\lrs Hrn rl' C. Kp:m. 111"111'1: k 1.1 .'''.1 I ,: I "Ill'1 a'l
,S:I!Jlual DIV.ll'.'I·111.
IJiodato. amUS,'mellt.e',
b:ngo g.lme; Mr." Rln· srho.oltng . . what('vpr. ' F.or Ppnn<yl· I '. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. ... ; -
EI'lr D'I~nazlO, coA'en b.'otI1
LlIHa!,II!' ('"m:n:':,·,· :\11' .T \\. !, Duell ..,' a\. NllrlwrtlJ. r.l'l' at 1\C'1"k I" \Vc'.I1" 1:1" 1"'1111\ ,.1" - , \.·anla til£' pt>rcentage With no schao]· - -
IIl);l1\1'111' l.t and
l .l(-!ldll1~ Ihp Ppnll,,'l\'al1I:1 11I'I,tllll' F:I PIli' "'1' 'III' 1,\' '~l' lI:n·; 1:1'lpf:" b:n
Flt!f'nlH':"'I.:; J 111'1:1: \. '.
:vIL MinnlP Ricci 11, ice· " Ing was 40 . 6.
" I ' - E\nn Rl1,<,r:1 ~lIel M:r, .Tnmr<; I 01 Arc~nlltants 1'011\"'1111011 nt 81:\ I ,rt~,,1' S, \, I'. :;1' 1':11 13,'11 K::,l;ll ' 's
Ilc'\I:d R"::lIl"ll' C"111m:II"'·. :'111',
\\ II:l:l1ll E\"rl\.II" .1:'; ,1. llU;lI'~' :.'1 *
I'IIH' Alt·. ;\11" \\"I:T,II S V.III·h. 1'.11\11 ,'II:rl":1I11Pc! I~'! Wl'dI1P,d~v I tup 111 till' P,){'OIlO,
* * Narberth Releases
," In the State, 60.4 pl'r cent of

I' 11 hIll'.' ,lJ,,\\','r 11: Mr' Rll""I'!l',: , * * *

Illl' 1\"I'k I Aso('['.;I,·Il'l: I: ('IHlllel 'lp:I:' ,)\\:lI"j
(I, KIILII .'11 1):1\ ;1'," " dl'll" 111'171'
the age group hr:d gon!' to gram
mar schoo\. In Mnnt.I;omery thr I,
.'11. P"IJIIl.I·\ 4 J)r I:'a (':I':I"n:;
1'111'(','1; :llIrI :'I!<'Il,lJ"I'lnp. :'Ii:" \\',:-
'I m" "1 S'hill" 1'" \'.lll1£'rtl1. 'or'
\! .. , Wil:,'):ll F' F\'rrl,11'l. '1'. 0' wood 11\'. Na1'bl'l'lh. \\'111 'Jl"nk (111
Dr F, MUl1ro Pur!;f'. 12. F;Ill- I 1,,1' P-';' '-::'!H" :11 ';J.j I' C' I I .J.« k
relmons and How':le'tt
) I
!Jprcentnge was 50 per crnl. repre· I'
f-fntlng 86.761 pprsans. This group':
I'.:ll F (';"'1 .11. F"I)I,I:1I\ l:t
.D:S~':lSI'S. Pr,.~tlrt',
.111 . ,
]'."n,'II',\'['."I! ., , "",
1.'lln. I 'PrI'S('l1tllioll CII11II'.< bpfor,' tl1<", SCl1"J.,r,i.:p, 1\"'" a" .1·(i('.1 t IrJ.;pcl b,' t.hp poor dl'fpnsivr pl.a\,· II1C ] u d es t h ose ' \II 10 wrnt to one ".
III \I"". :\11'- (,1'( ~ I' \V·l·f". :\1.'11:)
Arutf' Art oi Rl'" FilII ''', I,,:' (i' 'l\ 'h,:l'" C, ;1''':'': ': hi;; t['am I~st wppk. Gene Davis. )'far of grnmmer schoo\. as well a~ I I
4 L"~:·I.III'·11 \1: R: !'a:d (;1:1.·
\f:1l'h IH. F, 110\\' 1:11'. :\11" Ii .J
* ~lld
\'. ,_ R lr!nl',n.. "111111)
* p.

Alfrr[!' ., '
·.co KIl1',Jl).
1,.I\1"111rl' 0' t P,'cll:ttnr<; Sprtl"n of Ihp Ampric:lIl ' lil \\·.1111'l' fjll:l:t'It! :, I 1..111",111 Uill 31'
505: O,ltop~lh1r ASSOClallUI1 at It, 4Gtl' ""1",'\. I" p"I), 1': [". 11.111 I I
lllallanPl' of thr Narbt'rth t h OSI' Who conpl<'ted the dght "
Ba'l'ball Club. announced ypster. rrars but wpnt no farthpr. Scientifically Done
S'~"I; Aprtl 1. B:·.IJJI,' :I'll" ('I'I)I'~'
., . j,ly thp uncondltlon.ll rplense of Those wIth some secondary I'd·
S'~\'pns CI11ca'.~D.
Ii Ban!.""\: Apr.! 1~, CI)I1,·,·:\.1 n"I'rlJwoo'l In. 11". '.\1'1: 11",)\'" '\11\' II 1I,nual cOI1\'l'ntlon Jui\' 1:1 te: I. III, PIIII-"!OI1 {;11l\['r,ll·.; !, :111'\ !,')' • ;>ltrllPr Buddy Simons and infielder l:cr.tloll but no coll!'ge n\Jmberpd I • Prpscrlption f1IUng is our
A;ll'l: " '!In:lrl :1. n1[1I1:ll \j'lt:lH' IlI'r al1l1t I tllC HotC'\. I Fowpll fer RII",·tlll·lI· Co!. .. 'f': li . job. YOli and your phY,<;lcian
t:lIll. ;\II' Cllarl," C'Ii'lI-;
2!J C:II!' rll'l'lwll': :'11.1\ .', :\1,,111":'.. ..\11" Hnb~:'! ~I P!~n- ~
10 H':-clln" * * *
01111' L T :'IIi." Yn.1PP \\',1- ['l'.ld\l. . Mr alld Mrs. R. D. TlJonlls. 10:1 11\'; t, nord'"] :\ll1l'p: \. jor Ill .. VII: 11311z7
' RIl'lJIlI'cl La 11 :l\" 'IClo1l:1' {Tn \PI'
1\1',) nrw HOWlettpla~'C'I's. nnd the signing 01 J
. 04 in J\l{cntgomery
3·J.2 per cpntCounty. of the rpp-agr' I II
can drpplld 011 us for accur-
a~y alway:i. C:J1l u<;.
J),.\' iJ,lllq:1 '1. JIIlI" ~. II,,'I'\" IJ.l1l
", c! ,111'1' I~ from !.'"lwrr 1\1 'noll ,Avon I'd.. NI:rb:'rtll. ha\'p bPI'11 l·pl."t\ Ilj PI'''I''\ ,\"111111. :0!J ,,1aFr McDol1npll. former ViIla- group Inur".ented. In Penllsylvallia 1.!
qill'! .
Thl' nook Club \\'11 (01111111:1':'"1
1:lr.·t 0:1 :llI' !'1I1!'1:: :\1.1]111.1\ 01
'L"II Sellnn\.
* * *
iI"'~:'i~ T rll1kr .Jr ..s'n nf :vIr I N Ph B k
I ,pending somp 11m!' al Clla!fr,lItl' .."rtll" "-fill I' [1.1' \'f:S, I: CoJ!pef': t IHI\'I\ pllrher. and Frank Cooney 'hI' perce"tage was 26.3.
I Hnddon Hall. Atlantic Cll\·.
.,].Irl:lll MI,II'I' j,,:' \\',-:II'sf'\' Col IJl otltfleldpr wllo has bern pln\'-
1,·~I': 1:1 ]';"'\1'\ "'111"[1:1 101' \\'I"Il'I'll II,~ \11111 B:lrtram III thn Sout'lll
.. TI' llrtern and one·tenth prr cent:
~ Of those 25 and O\'pr in Montgom-"
1:1'11 ml)lI'll lid ::d' n"'I1!"~ III
.~":'<" ~O'Lall'-' ew one' 0'05 I~ri rJlIl:.df'I',;hta Lpll",'tl o. \\'111 makpI rrr CO'lllty had attpndpd or "bpel1 '

Narb~h 21138-~.s39
iI.'llllr! r.)I1kf' .,].11'11 C',i," :1',1 :01 1I11!)('1'I '
\\'r·;:, t r y,l:' l~n:, . t..:'" ~
If (:' r, \\ 1:1 nH'l' II:. : Lt· flr ... ~ :\Tllll- \\'Y:'
H 1., P III
:.lnt' !'\l.r1)"rth
Til,' !.I': "f',': 'In ':1 In 1'.0:, b":1!ln::
J: 1". 11':ll'l1 blr'III!:1\', H" ~lIr't'
Will Be Distributed
f't'ltnrt.lll1f'rll -

I~i;; ' "'1\

11l<'lr bow With Narberth on Satur· f.(rrtdllF tpd from or romp!rtpd post I.
granl,ate work In a rJllpge or unl. I - - - - - - - .... - - - • ,
11~f" dlrp~ton 1.1I'~"
I ,'II.:'''! T' ;lcI'.- Cn];f'1 "n J AI _ In thr n('II' trlrphonp TIll' lr.·."c l L "I, I'" t and I Jcc :\1.lhalir, former Villanova I --- --- ----:....---- . ----,. -
List Chairmen ':I:tr P ..... I:I D:I,'r. Rj(,"lJ'(j Sl"a- 1"ltl1 dlstnbulion schpdulC'f! to bf'~;n I..,' .. 1'. 1 ~,. ,:
'11' ". rlu:'" nl(',<;ln~ D:ck Gill.- n(xt TIIPoday thC' Bpll Tplf'phrnr 11":1''; 11":11'; .1 " J"'-\"" \\l'lghtng
'i':' ,·.,,''I,·:lO [,01 lH'r wllo playpd witll Ardmorp
1:IlI:l 111(' latiN dropped from U1r
"~\1agin afl\i{~ 0;· t'\\1 of :10(("
P. 11 '.".... ":1 Il'ld H,l~T\' Se'l\
I'n GOP Council * * *
COlllpall\' plans to no p\'pn' l hll1:;; .11,,"t 2,:;10 J" ::lll- It-1.Que. joinpj the borough club
"'-Howard Johnson's----,
pl'lclirablp to rfff':t ('s,Pllthl II'ar ::'sl wPpk·('nd.
Y:' lnrJ \fr, A >.,1111':11](! tol- lImp "lI'tn~< 1\111101lt imp:rll'lllg ;.11\ S,mons.s Il'a~:up leading pitcher
Lower Merion-Narberth '11" i01 S N'.l1"1£'I·I:1 :11' N.lI'b nr:1l Indlsp!'nsablC' dlrpC'lOl'\' s('rl'lrl' J't
Haverford Avenue and City Line
!I\'O YI'·lr . WCIl oll:y two games in
Women Outline l:l!1"I:~lP' III" 1),1' 11 n[ .1 'Oil \':11-! ,,·~s announcpd this I~'r('k by Hpr 11'111' SI:rrls n Howlett was one of PLA HER LUNCHEONS FROM 45c
1::\111 '1d']IIH! n'I'Om'. I'll .Jllnr l~. bNt ,J. BrIl8Pl'. district man~"pr thp ('Iub's Il 1\'lPr hitt:'rs. ha\'in~ DINNERS FROM 60c
Plans For Next Year " ]"':""'''.'''1'.111 Hn'lli:nl Phil 1(1(·;-' Thp 11£'\1' books 11'111 not ~~'Il;:llll Narberth 2430 'Il :l\rr:l~(' of .3.9 ~nd Ipading thl'

'l\Cr- Jf'I1'l Y rIll" I' .'1' I'" -:<1"1" ,":: I '1: _ Po ':'Clm.' IS II~,' lorm''!' on, of til:' N"I\' Jrr'PI liQln", 1"Il~III' d .ublps With eight to hi~ SPECIAL PARTIES .:. LUNCHEON BRIDGE
M till' l,c·.\,':'-\II'1'I'11 :-':.lllJ,lIi; \:'" 1 "~lI~" Kr:1 iJl'l ci~\lc!l' "I' 11~ 1\ illcl1 wI'rp Pl'1\llpj 111 p:'c~no:ls 1,(1, Jeddo-Highland ;:oal I Ipdll Thp Flnrst Food. Attractive],' Se[\'('d
COllncil of H"j1tl!J:IC"1I \\'1I11;:·1. .111- \!r :11:c! :'1<' .J .. h'l S 1-:111'\),,1 11-, i tlOIlS For thp IP!at1le!)' fpw '\lb· Socony-Vacuum Fuel 0,'1 .----...;-;;;-,;;..,;;.-,;;;;..;;;-;;...;.;-~;..;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;. in An Atmospl1pre of Good Tast('.
llOllnCl'd 011 \\"("lrll'sr) '1 \ :11" ~,J!i"\I'­ T,:1'1 J\' NJ:'!wrl1J ! .<;cribprs wilo fr('quclltly 1'011>1111 i W i l b u r S. Muffet
IlL!. ;ljlPOll'lt;1lf'I~r..,

rhairnll'll to '1'1'1'1' f I' Ii", 1'11·1IJ:.C

,J... I.'\Y~:J;;I· . PI'
pc'''r hn311J1.
* *
,on of I
lIP 1I'b,' Ncw Jl'I'sry 1L<;tJIll'S tIL Koppers Coke r-
Phone: Grt', 2737
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~nIlmit~_~~klng
L. S. Paulmier, Mgr,
.. .. _:\fr and . :\11" ' Bpll CJIllP'Il\' " .plall ' ~ t 0 lS,tH'I a SiJP • - :::::::::.-
Mr., H. L. Sp1Jw~rtz. 1\1'<1111(11'1' !\~fl'l'rl S .10.1 Brp~l1w[)[)(1 i ~ial dirertor,' rontain;~lg ltstmgs ill
two '·P.ll'~:
lPgi,]ali\'r anc! natio:lal; :'I~r~ C:1r: 1"11£'. Will ]p~\'r "Ull' 4 to <;jlrnel a'i U:e same Ncw Jersey rC'ntr:11 officI' 258 HAVE"RFORD AVE, ~. 101 l"Ollllt;ST A\·F..
. Ip. · fB~'vn
He1l'n G. LI'I'enwocj.
IIClty; Mrs. Harold Collllls. wnl:\i'-I M
Mawr progT3lJl; Mrs f-rd
pub-:" *
Illflnt!l1'1 a: 1 C.1mp Ork.1ntkon. :vIcd- a"eas

* *
L C k
207 l I t

. ,tlla'
. , h a,d '--
III the directory for thiS tpr-

vcl'n cJIT1Pj 11£'1'1'· XARBEUTII. 1',\.

-but for many years to come. YOU'll be usIng LUMBER for the
wood. mrmbprshlp: :vir.'. S~lJlUpl . I' 1'1 l~lr . 00 '1'. "a1 - SAFEGV:\:tD YOt"!t VAJ.UABLES ' • ~.
iucs' r<'
P r I In \",,\'nnr po Il11ral
G" C L'
. al'llv- I \\'\'n lanp. . Narberth
follo\\'Ul!! ~n oprratlO n at Bryn
'. 1<; rpcllprr:Jtll1gSpeakman Post to IU:~T A S.-\FE DEPOSIT BOX
building of:-
Storage Clost't." - Screens and Stonn Sash
.,PDlgp PWI'. B:'\'11 \<,Iwr HJ,pilal
• .:IS .
Ma\\T. 110.<pllalttv: \irs JUll11 P
T\\'aci~jpJI. HlI\'('rf.1rd r:.I"I",II::mcn'· * .
* * ld
Meet 'Monday Nelght R~pa.lrs t~ your Por('h and Su-ps

!\frs. Charlrs SCld,'I. Bn'n :,I'\\IT. I:l~ . ~ Fn~n,h. of Mr< SIlt', on :\~vpr,: The last meeting of the ser,son ,. Fo~ the Duration of Summer Wc arc m,1king SPF..cIAL PRICES
dll,trit'll rpsPHr1J; :vir' F H C'"lpk- "hlr]<',' Clrrlr .. N~rbprlh. pntPrUI~-! Jf the Harald D Sppakman P " I,
. "I l ' n qn'HI,p hlr:hda\' p'I'I\' In . ' (), , on Picture Frames
rtl\. N.ll'lwrtl1. ronfprPllcr ' . , . . ,AmPllcan L£'glDn. WIll be hpld on i
MIS' B13nche ~~OP'N. Brvn :\1.1\\'1" * *' *
Iwr honnr on SundaY f'vrnlllg. 'I :\'1 d '
,1. n ,1~ at
R 0
.3 :). m. ill tllP Lpgion ,
bU~l11e~' and profr,siol131 WOllWll:' "'1'1" Alfl'pd S --'lal)]1 -h Bonch- RtloIn.
YO\'lng of the
plctur Cc,mmunily
·'11 b BUllclJngI I.
. fl~. C\wn J. T,1,llJlIi. Wl'nnrwoor! '.\ood 1.1~'r Nnrbprtll. pntprtainpc!
, • ., 1\ ". " .:>. , I

national , elnfD>lsa 'II' <; Har" ,l~ Roo ., r.I ' la.'1 \\',,<1nf"O:1\' aftPrnoon in h o n o Ihls
r ' ,\tal~ Mpmol'lal Dav
PS \\1 C S lOwn of' "
'. pal'ad 1"1' Shall "umber Companl'
hOll"m~: ~1r'. hl1'lhd~v Nar~,rth.
, ,L .. , . "
Ha\'pl'ford. A Giraud af Illr of Mrs. Lp<;1Jp B ' as well as the paradps r,f, !
"I'. "
Footp. Mpl'lon. \\.,'1f~I'I': Mr' Edl!al, "~oxon. nl ppn~ Vallpy. prelio11s ypars. . . ,
C. Fplton. Jr .. Ha'''P1'ford. bud~Pt nnd
finanrp; Mrs l\'j'OITi, M Gr('pn. Arcl-
* * *
B,lh' Pirl'C\'. ~rn of Mr. and Mrs ~]JPolllted to repOl·t at tlw Post·s "
A nomlllntlllg commlttl'e Will b~ I 29 Bala Ayenue BALA·CYNWYD Cynwyd 662
Open Saturdays until 3 P, M.
morf'. sal\'.1gp; Mr, .T C S'·lll'r'., Lpon ·PII'ITV. '104' . Fort'rst ae Nar· (,::>cptember mel"lJng. whpn officpr, 1 . ME M BE R 0 F T H
~pnade. Harrl~burg. ':'~-~-:::-~~~'-:.:"-:-':-:':'-:.:':-:'-:-:.~'-~-~':'-:":-:;"-~~"-~~'-~'~'-~"~-~'-~~'-~';'~--~~';~~-i~~'~"~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;:~~~~~~~~~~~;;:~~~~~~~~~
Mprion rdupation' :\11<;'< :\1l1'carp' - -. . 11\'111 be elected tJ br installed ;'1 E FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
. . ' . . ' , . I',prt 11. rpll'!Jrr.trd hi' nllltll blrthdav .. .
]Jublir rt'la-' \\'ltll a parlv on Frida\' aftPrnoonIOctobel'... ;
Mrs. Ed\\'m Vogpl. BrYIl H'
b I[
r~ .J
IS V llng f';UPS s mr 11
. t · · 1 ded J k
I At M:ondays mrelmg. a dplcgate'
a~ ~'ill b. I' e Ipc I c d to at t en d the Stale .i
- . - ,-- --- ,.,

1\ awr. Ii rary; 1 Bpnjamin . hI, brotllpr" Rustv Chain
Stra\\'bridge. lpgls]ativp discus.'lon D . d' d H . d
group. . 1\1 an
D o\\ar
'J' N' .. American
UN. pan. alS' C'ltt:;burgh In August.
Legion convention in:
Thp executlYe bJarcl wa~ pntpr- ( ~'l'" J nCkiPMcD·lttrr. IGl\,pH Huns lckl'r'l Tribute Will be paId to two mem- I
-111' 1p\, C onag!' w all
tained bv Mrs. Hubpr ~t a 111nchPon; '.'
I h •... 'h' I ' bers of the Post who havc died I
at her h~me on WpdllPsd3y. A bl1'I-' :nQIP Wa s . Sklpptr Taw. Ra ph since the last mrpting - \\'altrr P.
n('ss mreting followrd Rnd thp pro-' BlPsslllg. EdwlIl MpDprmon. John I Hlmps and Earl Dicklp.
gram ror npxt ypar wa, di!'ru!',rd ; Purnng. Barb~ra Dupr and Jon Stuart Witman, of Narbrook Park. A~WEEKLY GUIDE to Ltctures, I:xhibi-
Two evpning meetings will br lwlrl I pptf'rs.
A candidates' mcrting i, sclwctulpd I * * *
Adjutant of the Post. whJ has bern
III at his homp. has bepn removcd
t~O'I5, Th~atres,
Sports, Music, Motion
for Octobpr. and a dpbate unc!pr tlj('
direction of Mrs. Slrnwbrldgl' In 511 Bepch\\ood L!ll]£,. Nnrbrlth, an- vatlOn.
Mr. Rnd, Mrs., Jamrs P .. Deasy. to the Naval Hospital for obsel'- Pletures, 'Resliaill'Gnts, and Cafese
March. !nounrc thp bIrth of a daughter. su,1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mrs. Twaddcll rpportpd ~ profit of ',111 EUl!pnla. on May 19 at Bryn MUSte riONS Ill' \\. ,11.1 111 ·.Il MlIIIll\"""
1. "TIL.' ;--:11I1
1\, Cll1lltll~ ,Itll,
1:,11'1' "" 1'111\, I 1,"1100;" It, 111-
Huhin lIuncl 1).-11 .11111'- 2'1, ";to p ~1,
Atwatf'r 'Xent 'Mi/,jpu,ih, 1;; S, 7tb flt.- \l11"llal'<lI1~ 1'\1'1' ,I.~\ HI.: alld ' :(1 1':\1.
$11947 from thp card party lwld at Mnwr Hospital.
the Deanpr\·. Thp r~kr a;)d cand\ I
table unde~ thp chairmanshIp ~f I
* *
Mr~. FredNlrk M Robb. 215 Hav·
* Fussy "bout . I. ,~, III 1;· ... "'..::1'1100; 1'''lld\l('fjl1~: .'11UI" null·
.111111 ':11. ~ '11). ..~, Ill-
"Phtlatlolphr" FlghtB for Vlclory," ex, !,,,Ira l-lh,,\\ .. '1\ I I', )1 ~1l11".1\ .uld at
hibltlon trnc1nJ{ 1'I0"s llart In nnUon's 11 .\ :\1 Htld I P :\1 !-'alulIl.I\ . •'\d-
W3t'S. Al80 eXhibits on "~t\lghl.>orhoof1R l11li~!'i loll :: 1\(' ,

your FOO'd? S
or t'hllnitelphln." "~farillmo Ill<lory"
I nl1l1 ··R.rlklng In Philadelphia." DallY 9 Ij__iiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiiiiii_iiiii;;
1·:U!.:I'I1I\ I :'ln~'l:I\).I~
Mrs. Cockrll1 turnrd in $3\.47. prford a\'., Narbt'rth. cntertained on
toG;~un,.2t5. t~
Mrs. Grpen was appointrd to Iwad
a council to revise thr bv-I~ws wi til : ~ STOP IN \ r~d
- 11111\ 111-\ 1I1'l!
tl·l Ill' 17.
'.:111 I'
Il'Th.'rt pr. l gl;lll1. 'PellnB)·I..anIB Arad.. my of th.. Fine '\'rlo.
.John 11,,,",1 fll. nh,.. e An·h. ~'I"'·I"'"" rrom
Wynnewood HGUSe
~ ~
1<' " " .. 1,11\,1\11 lillg.
Mrs. Dl'ap!'r. Wynnewood, and Mrs IWrlnan('nt pl'llIt C'olh.ll'llon. Tllllluch !CUlll·
AT THE J ' j ' l I,,, T\IO'lIl \", h'lItIHIlI' llll'r cllHll1 wl'l"(da\~ In .\ ~l to :-. 1236 MnST(HI~II~It\· J\\'''~,
Reed as m('mlx'rs. i Urrurcl (OoO('t "tM with C'ommflntary by :.:,.,.,~f (l0,1 011 ~un.I" ... , I 'n :, I' ~I Organ Music for Dinner & Suppe
AIR-CONDITIONED ./ lr.hark~ 'Yc~tf'\. at Y. M. and YWHA,
.\....eJ.'II.\· or Xdl"r"l ""·Ipn.·,,o. "" h nn,l - New Marine Bar -
Lesson-Sermon ,I'll'()'ld nnd Pin", SU.. Tuesda)'s and
NARti th 9282 f R
lilt" 1'.llk\\a)' - Fl'" f'xltdJ\ll'lI .. I 1111'

"Christian Sclencc" Is the sub- I

ject of the Lesson-Srrmon in all
'11_'". "r ,I,.. "'oli,1.
"ut t Ill' ~Unlll1l'r
,\rt Alnnn('.·, :!'";t
1'11l ~t
- ,\n- !


Churches of Christ, Sd('ntist. on LlTTL'E THEATRE nua! l'xhlhltlnn or I'htlaUdphla \Yntt'l . ' "
FOR FINE MEATS OF GASOLINE 1I,'.II:.. row Thpatte, 1I10)'lnn, p(\.-n.p- I'ol"r 1·luh. June 4 10 2< Illlll'·. 10.30 Arcadia Chlos • .
WedneBc!"j' through ~(llurdny. ,\.. 111. 10 U 1'. M. Sun .. I to 11. F"'e.
Sunday, June 28. The Golden Text
11\: "Laying asIde' all msllce, and
all gUile., nnd hypocrlsics, and en-
and Cocktail Lounge
0. rl "0')'

,'urtaln nl '.30 <hnrp. Sehrdule ..li0r week: I

111~hirl So..lrl)· or I','nn o, '"onla, 1~lhM
'TIII' PI',ll's PI~fIIJt:," .Junp and Locust StR.-Exhlhlt .of 60 pnllltlnt:
hJ' Sully reale. ~lU'" I. \\ ,'"1 11Ilil "0I'I'·j·.
Restaurant I .:, >
Jr,oitablillbeci ltU
Narbertb ' P••
VIes, and all evll speaklngs. as nl'w-
born babes. desire the sIncere milk
Mof" Conc~ur8e
P. R. R. Sub",b"n Starlan "
l'ill" ".
1'1111.t1~ FIlII
IIf 1'IIIm",," .Tun" ~Ij, Ullll)'. t~('.
Sun. and 1\10n .. 9 tt) :'. SEA FOOD OUR It: ~
You'll thoroughly enioy our care- Til, \'11 \ "1,'1:111 In :-:plt.\ .,r lfinl'oIl'lf," ll'oodrilere Art Onllpr,·. 9201 Ol'rnllln- SPECIALTY
of the word. thn-t ye may grow I FOOD MARKET fully select~d load, skillfully pre- I I""" ." . ,'",,01101":" .1,,'" \, "TIIl'p"'" 10Wn ",·e. - I~,hlhillon "r "huII,q K Complete Full CourseDlliner. 60e ....-.
thereby" <I Peter 2:1.2). I To . grt just the right
mixture of gas and aIr
pared from the Anest recipe. 1111' 1:,,\ ' .1111\ _. "I'u11111nl-: FilII nf ~~nl~~~l ~~~'.l,'~lil(:~, f/ unt
' 1 to :.!". DRII~·. In

lunch from 55c • Dlnne, from '5c Amerlran fih~pdl~h '1IIotorl<'al \lhl'''~lm.
1'111111 4 • , I

1 T" h"I". It 'I. 11.21 & 710 n\'nllahto At

whlch means efficient.
19th ~t. and [Ilttl~on .\\,,,-(lIlR tty (nil
Cock'.. '11 Timo-3 10 6 P. M. th"II " nf at nimh!"'. nrol' DINE & DANCE '~1

~Ild"chor,,; drn\\'ln~s
economical operation of I II Uf'I I,.. C' nunt~ 1'1 Il~ ItOllhr-( :,\:p.w '·i
' 10('3· nnKI~)', 111uRtrntin.:
",en Am" Onki""'M "~I·f\n·
b,' Thnrlltuu
WAR DAMAGE INSURANCE your car, it Is necessary
to have the carburetor
I 111"1 1t:l~II'''''" pf. 1111' nl'lll\\',ll~.~llatr~ln'
11,1: I. 1 hill"'.IP1.lI,~I~.Il1nl' !l,. .~,pl'nll1~
(lInnvln nnckbon('''; Iw,:tnEllwnt' rolll'eltun
or mnterlal relntlnlt to ~wpdlqh~AI1If'rl~
will' Ihe
FIMBl Nllthl ctub
nnnd In the Ell.t
B,ROOKLINE ,\lth HUlh l hl1ttt'l~ cnn,,' tonlrlbution~ to our nntlontll lit,·

"f t 11\ II' 1.1\"'1

adjusted properly, Our
skl1\ed mechanics will
check 'and repair for you.
l"ll ,Ill,t H 111111 F.)rllf'JO Dally, 10 to 5; Su~,. 1 to 5.

And III. 0'1'00
AT NARBERTH StATION .' OrEN TO THE PUBLIC • ExhtlJlt of'thr !\tnnth: "Lo('ul ('I :1f',"

are soliciting appliea(lons for ;War Dam~ge

Insurance lil
the , Wa~ Damage Corporation. representing the ~orpora­
tion 8 numerous agents. ApplIcation forms will /lOOn be
in our hands.
• DANCING, S'AT., June 27
" .' 'I KERNS
. lUld His
orcbestra .
1l0n"lnlf-nrookline CounlrY Club, Mill mnll,'I" or ",\rIO"s t\ 1'('< or hon\~. II all
n.l. Brookline.
10lUpendeDre Hllll, 'tb .n4 ,Che.tllut ·
Sis-Open l:!allY and BlIlld'a», '1:.5 'A, 14. prlnO
to 4 :30 P. M. Frbe. .,
' or ~lnl"ln(\ TI·anRPol·tntfon.
b~' .\urdfuB H(lnzl'lll, InstrU!'\"r
at the 'Rchool or Inllustl"illl ..A rl.
",..Ion: One.Man F:hnw- TWICE:' NIG"TLY, 8 NIGHTS A WEEK
THE RATES 'MAIN ,LINE Ad.pisslon, $2 C~lUple, Plus tax
Tltll Aquarium" I\o,th. lir .,:,rt, ."Iu,,,ylll, blt"of 11,IhethieB ·COflIouflla,"
on Easl bank of tliit SeluJ,lldll-opeD teellVQ 'eQlo"allon aB round III nalure and
eJnll,. 9 A .. M. 10 ~:U P. Jl.; Buod., a. lioed tb '1ilUe vital objeelh'eo Ironl 9)'ee
tor Clvllh", l)efe08-..xhl·
and appl!eallon ot pro' & M .&·..·014· IN'N
DwellinCJs, private CJClraCJes ol'ld ·BAtTERY AND '.. ' dl'U Im,U'T••":'" {)1"fllOou 9 A. M. to 5 p. 1II. V,ti.. .
Weotcbeotet, Pike Rod £aCle Road
or enomy o\rplanCB, HaU of Graphic Arl8, llao.08, P..
contents...." . , . 1Ocper $100 SERVICE ~TATJON OI'I~S
'H'E TO"~EM.,ER'E~B~E'·A' ~e(pn I.;;~~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;:;
I'OUI. .'" :SIlW • ' J., • 'Seoobd Floor.
Apartments, office buildings, Churches, hospItals, publio'
rE!NNls 01'·RA"·' ofCIr-lIIan
tully etj\}hlPod .... 10 rQfugQ
the 11 11II', room,rxhlblt
ele. 11
warehouses, 15c per $100 for fire buUdIngs, 100 per '$100 for ,fire
When 'Your Car 'Won't Start, 12 "It:.... KICI'T l'I·UI.I(' ('ol'wr",
1IIIIInl' Illnn T ( ~s.F.Q.n..
Ground noor nell.r rlnnf'tnrlum luhby.
1'lr... GUM and In"POlllal',' Itlill.h ",hm...
, .
call ARDMORE 1825 '
resIstive construction; 20c per resistive construction; .l5c per .CD&"G
"W'_ M
S t ~atu,'dl1YM ~nrl RundayM.
~ 'tn. nil 1J14~I'llIn ,11.lJIO".,
2 1'. M. OIIl'Il
Montgomery Ave., Cynwyd, i>.,
$100 for ordinary construction. $100 for ordinary construction.
Ave. CRfc E 'PL.' 5 . lIIui'elim1,autll \rlJl!oday, WI!itneoday,
304 W. Lancaster the manager
.saw It. Usted In
y~u ~ .
-r.ounln o"'I!';rllt'e' '.
ThU,ll1ay. Friday llnd Bunday, 1 10 •
P, M.l SalUrday. 10' A. M. to • 1'. M
A dJtW\g rootn and bar
of 'unusual 'distinction,
,.~~ ..~ar~ 2~9~· .orlF~er W~q.··".. . " Atcllilore • ."Is
co~ ,__. 'r.luet-g"Olh 'or iitv<i;/'.Jd A~t'.l I -.<i{Vlilil·ltlll.. Ih IiJllfotitl",~lI e.bbl. ~"I\II."
. :" '" . 1 t 1 ... C I NO.., .. N..... 0I00e4' !olondaya, Admillolon, 2. ('enlll.
" ... \. E"..,luirt. Proprlilltor
::~~.-..==~~ ~~"';';';"_.
.......-...-.... In tbe Fel. I'lanetarlum
I .
",\round , . _..._ _,..._ _......_ _IliJIl_.....i,
.. - .. " ._. , .....- - -- ...:..... ,-' r·'--·,·


'];~~~~i:;;~;LJt~~~,.f;;.,;~;~;;j~~~:~\~~~~d;~~~~;i~~'i~~~ l~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~

.... ~~ ..

TOW N=:::::s' ======================== JUNE 25, 1942
PAGE fOUR============================O U R Citizenship II ValloranL
FIELD DAY PROGRAM , Robert Press and Harry Gill 1'1'- ,
(Contln,,~d b'om Pag~ One) 'celved honor roll monograms for
Narberth Day - July 4, 1942 Jane. Clark with 92.18 and Doris I having been on the scholastic honor
Cherksey with 91.43. roll ten times In their three years
Seventy students were placed on at Ardmore Junior High, whlleBer-
Boys Girls Boys Girls
Time of 16-18 16-18
There probably was lleHr a \\ hlll tlH' mOlley no 101lC\er IS C1m- 12 & under 12 & under 13-15 13-15 the honor roll for the final quarter nice Uberman, Elizabeth Abernethy,
of tt.. 'school year. T~ey were:,
more dr ,mati, I haplpr ill til!' 10llg 11Ig In at thc gat('," , Ninlta Barkman, Ellen Fanslow and
f.lld glamorous hlstorv o( Malll: ('onfrcnted witb this unsdfish i Three-legged Dash,
Rope skipptng ,pe~., Comfort, Marygray Orcutt. Athalla Jamison received the Ar-
'Ill rt-manlik,' aet, :\1 a n a ~ I' r 10.30 ... Dash nce Potato Race race ra-ce
c,l!1e Leagllf' baseball tlnn Ihal Ellen ,Fanslow, Mafalda Reglnelll" lhur G. Unversag"t Award for hav-
writtrn by Jo.' In In. Sr.. List
Frank :\Ialthew reillilly a~reed
to ke,'p Manoa in th.. ace,
! Rope skipping Three-legged
Ruth Riddle, Athalia Jamison, Nlnl-! Ing b?en on the honor roll 12 times
I ta Barkman, Betty Abernethy, Frank I or every quarter durln<> their three
~pp~ a II th~ I R~.eves, B~_r'nard Hargadon, Bill years.
10,45 ...... Sack ra:e Dash Potato race race
. " race <>
Inill. a ,t,,{'k), spa rs{' 1111J'l'd III mue I I t 0 th .. ~ , .. \", ,
,jllidudl wllo Is srldoll1 S'ell \\Itll- lIa"l'rforrl Town"hip fans. * •
* II.OG ..
Spoon and Low Blow Sack race
Rope skipping Potato race
Three· legged
t!arry Gill, Sally Ernest Dellar- I:
Cook. Rose
~~t cq~r c~nll'r
a crammed III a
,)1 hiS moutll. hilS bel II ('lIIlIH'ctPj' *
1.001' WOS'T "'01.1>
Marble Race Balloon Race
Spoon and Rop2 skipping
CBlplllretRe, JeanJ SkteeB, rnFrancJof's F1D: njt" ...-
Blow Potato race
,':lth the le""u' for qu:tp a 11'1\ (;l.lIlw)'llt' ('!::Inll'd
. II!S' crllwdsi I 11.15 .... LowBallocn Race Marble Race
Dash ~ack race
race Felice. eese, ac
Geraldine u s,
Cone, canBetly -!i
\ l'.lt':'l, but 111" ro:' w I~ ;n(·un~.p;(·u
\', t'rt· t Ii l ' poo. t~~1 III
1111111 1",11" \\'I1I'kt'd IllIn 1111' li"11 it ('()'I!dld pO.--lIJ:) COIl1:11Il.' ,1130
'l1e spotl.ght Il\tr II1iL
l.llt' :,h' til :Ill' !""'Ill' :1 :1 11',d III pIlI'
11.' .. ory an I
. Shoe race Shoe race
D3Sl1 Sack race Isack race
I Barnes, John Rogers,
Tim Mallov. Arthur Callahan.
I I ----------------

week, [)(JIl! S,lll1'(j", .'Ild SlIllda\' a: DJrls Gang. Kennrth. Ruhl. DJris'
1.. 1\," "WI' 1:111 slllHI ,11:" tile Cherksey, Nancy Wedge, Sarah
H:3ndicap Bicycle Iacp lor girls '1ll1 ages)
co mnnag~r :
1145 I T:l1ow, Mary LaClair, Jine Clark.
A 1l"1!',[, u1 Smltll J,'r,," 1((\\\ i l ' I I," d,II'" '.lld Custom
II'Sljlllg III Olerb;ook, 111111 Wil' (;'Oi'.I' /«1'1:111'0', Wll" lIn,pd lil't I, .Jane' Ro.<;s, Mary A~ne Ziegler, Pat
'.'~1 tant lll:lnagpt" ()1 t};(· LJl"l'~I'l
12.00 ...1
H:llldlcap Bicy'Cle rilCe for boy's Ia II ages' i G Ib A H d Made,
" ~
t'Illb .' ''It'I'al )'(' r .• ,1"11 ... ,111'\ III l1,i ,1.111'
t p:.,\' I 1m:" I e ! j b.111 Rees, Betty Siman,
i Geraldine I ert, Ed,ward
nne arga on.
1.1ll'I' Sl'l'\ I'd as a :d". to Ed ~ulll ', .. :I'i' (' I" "I I' - I iI,11 '.11 \\'\'ll~' WUliam Ball, Barb~ra Benedict. Ann
• I , l I t ' , . ',1 (:111:,
"all sPa. SJIl and W .. st Pllih 1:\11- I C,,'!Io-. ,,\., "II (I 0" ::)i'a ,k
:11 t,;,t.\ ,ll'~ Drl)uk~iIH'
1215 . . ., H,1l1d;cap :;tl1 t race (Jr girl3 lall ages) -
C0ntestants must supply own stilts
Seideman Jane Katzenbach. Grace

II~I' Ub~rman,
Ets. III Illldd]I' 01 I",t ," .. ' ,1.\ ' '111'1'" ILlIl'ltn" t, >Ill'. ,il C;l:ldw\'ll"
II \'Ill dr"pprd 11\' ('[,1111 'cll ,11' Wltl1
,,'I, E:, 1111'0,1 I· :II: 011· : ,oj :'lln''-'
1~.30 I
H:llldiC3jJ sUt l'J:e for b:Jys lall a~:~s) -
Contestants must supply own stilts
Ph tJI is, Benllce
I Heidelbaugh.
1~obert Press, B Irbara Earn:-!.
- Abo -
C:ulli"'lll to bf'cuml'
'~S st:lIll ,It Ardm,'r!'
lin .. IIISUil', .1,(: N:ll!>.. !'lll III I,k,' :IIC l' to I! Ill'
: (:"1 I' 1111',
Irl'.n I, a 11,1\:-1111[; rl V'" il'a :\1:11":. . Illd ]\;a;l., :':11 IWlll': 1':'.
11'1l1ll (;)It!II'T,I' t,
12.15 Tug·of-Wa,l' Tug.of-War Dodgeball Dodgeba·ll I Ball Sue Althousr, Jean B.usby, Rl~h-
ard Myers, Dick Kern, S;<>lla Tron- ~P",h

By the \ard
t:\'.' 01 a me:,t CUlll' l'l1 .. :,:1 'x ...' I Ill' '<I
',ut 01 t,)WI1 wllt'iI olfll 1 Ii· "I l'lt' i' Tn" _,11 0:,).111 \1,1 1'1111 d 11.\1 In
IOU Docigebflll Dodgeball Tug-oi· W·3r Tug-of-War Push I
~elliti. Mrrle Bril1ton. Joseph S'1n-
toler I. Gertrude Siman, patricia
Ardmore c;ub dl'L'I(lt-d III drllp Oil! i.!.
'I tile I""~lll' 1.l,1 wp,'k \\']:"11 It· i III~
111:'1'1' 1:'a\Tlnl". I ':lms :ii'''P,'
t: 'I ,lilt! .. iI expl'\'s.', JlI (;Ite! Tug-of-Wnr !TUg-O[.war
i Cavanaugh. Mary Janr Harl1well.
Maxine Snyder, Lorraine Cucuruilo,
HOBSON & co.
'nl\'pd 1101111' 1 sl W, (111' sdal' lie ',"\'1:1' Ill' ('1.'1' make '.:T,t1IC('Ilh'llt.
1.15 1 : Feltce Delli-Pizzi, Ruth Heideman, 105 N. NARBERTH AVE.
:oulld a I'ttrr wlth lilt' IJ",1 I1CW., III' pla'.llIe: III:' e:am' , "ISP\;'ll,'rr.
L I I III I i C. JEannette Plechol, William
all Ldl \.' Page for their five runs straight victory for G!3dwyne as he I, ner, Ann Harnwl'11. Nancy Anne I Narberth 2340
I'ad was
b\"'ll SIIl:,I\I'(
110 Illdl"all'll (' .(. I ,trai~ht!l1
;c: '.. ,.,' 1,1 all\ "'ith thl'~e ..d <:ut,various it isprnbl:'msto be I- 0 C II e gians Ive
,in the first Innlng3, but couldn't turned back Brookline, 7-2, with I Hentz, JanE' Kandlp. MarjJrlp R~i- I
I II Ila d illlt'n"
Irvin f"lt
e! d
tlwre was
'II 11 d \,lstlC lllO\(' III I ,11' ,\t"


m I
hOIl/'d thaI till' ra.", will pro-
(""'d "'1'11111111 fllrtll"r
"tlrtunatel~', tllfre

apl)"ars no
(Co.,t,·n,,('d fro," Pan .. 0" .. )
- It',',I"II". I(,od,
11. '
" "
,".I,".II.I'll"e Gl", dW)'lle ~,
, IOU: h relief hurler Bob Allison for, six hils on Sunday.
KuC'heruk tel'. Sally Anne Burdpn, Abramo, u,,
O\·'.'I·bl'ook \\'iII' <. >inglr hit the rest of the way. paced the Keynels with four hits ~ ----.. .-- .. ---. -'
011 SundflY at Howel'rr, no additional hits were ne- i'1 four times at bat. A five-run v •• • • •
i (pss:uy a') Frank Carter, forme I rr.lly in the third Inning cha.';ed,

. . - - . - - - . ' --- -
• • • •• • • • ••••
- - -- .
•••••• •
U !
f/a ....-----~---
~ (jw~ ;g
- ....
~tralghtway twir~er.
obligation to till' ."ague. and to d.lngf'r of Ih,' lI'ague folding '(,I:,dwyne.
the pla)'l'rs and this ""ar. Hal'ing (ailed to break its second: CiTxel ke)t M3noa at bay. Brookline's Steuber and sewed up i .•
I'on!arted WaU"r "pros;-' : pJ I(!, II' with Narberth last week! Ikr Wooley, second ba-seman,. got the game. I
.\ i Five Cames Played
dent of thl' leag :\lilnl'a will entertain Ol:erbrook on I four triPS to the prate in a va1n, On S.lturday Brookline kept Over- I
qUilter," growle" I : '::ill urday' ::nd Broekllne on Sunday effon t:l keep Manoa brook In the cellar by handing the I ANNOUNCES THREE YEAR COURSES -
to that elTeet, ' II O.i! Pla,_)1!"I):I~.~,n"I~'!
al'l' q i klr ","
".1\\ (Continued lli" . ;ll:d ' 1',1' I11 Ill' "11
_ 11()p','s of g',ll'll',nn-h I'alu"bl
n ~n . . ~':: ~.
ThIS setback dropnto" MllhOl b""'k
Lions a 5-2 defeat at Manoa • Bob
ing m,' Ardn, ,n w" w'.,'r In can" l' ll:, lllall": ~1(,llnd In til(' race. lllt~ e. seccnd plaOO'."t;le ,~;fter they Martin, former Haverford High, SOME ADVANCED SU8JECTS -
I'll put a tr,"" 'a '." !llln ,"'i 1 ", '11'1"':: ,,', ,rin;: Dlie to l11e sUI pr:s:ng brilli Illce of had tempor;~liY ta~~~ ~spoIS~~~ l~:ltr~c~~i:re~ve:~~oo~: el~=; hlt~
\ ;'. '." :~ ~~ ~:;:;~I, t'~; )I~~;~\I ~;,
: ~ ~ ':::::,~~
v II; l!l\(' :~.:ll .~.l'j b\'llllill InlIl'~ Colhgiilll:-- 1h(1 position:'! of po~..s:~sslon 0 1e ru~w~ J> ~.. . s . .er 11 T1I
may have I.- ',I: l'I·lltl'"".'. l'Fl"'-"I·: J:I·" 1lI.:'I11 .... !'I:Y
outfit, but " "1,,:'11 i\l' \\ dk'd III 1\I'llll'[ ,'a1<'~.\ 1111' It','ld"rs reIllaine:! \II 1('h'm'ed , ~ .!. beiltJll~ N~rb~rth,. . . 4-9, . a~'Narbertl1l d I olfficulty after the third 111 l1lng , 1'1FF'1·;IlI·;'TI.'1.
FI"'" \'1'1\".\1. I·Fll' \'11"'"
.... ' ,'lll'I,lll;Y 1,1 H.!' ,-rltl \I, I:TIlI",";

'" C III1P'\I'li 1":"11 ,," ::ll' l1Iound (;!, dW\'1l1'. Narbl'rtll and Manoa on Satuld,1Y· In thiS game, E 1'·1'I-:1".'TI<'-";\I.I:I-:I.ITI"'- \( \1'''1:11'';
SI'IRI1 ~" I F :,,: "11' 1,",,1'. b,lt ',\", \\1;,1 TIl!', .t( '1'1"1'1"
l . p II ll~ III .:-- weekend's "'Ill'S
-.' ... II Cr::Hwell
. held the usuary hard . hit·
. I Mulieres Met ~I'·III";~l.-\TII·"
\111\'F'Y :\\.11 IL\\.h:I"; "F 1,1'1'-""; ~II-.II."I:'
•• ... Tt:lli."';Y I."':Y
Han!,,)' ... 1(1 '" 1"lI'l'- l'lJil"':I'u 1\\" 1'1111' III til<" II' I k d J tlll~ bcrough club to five hits whIle The Nal'berth l\8ull·ere." Ileld th",'1 I
~ j'IIy"j '\1 "II"'~II"TI'Y \'I1\-I'';'''.\'
" I sel'en ar ~r 1 errors le PI'
,I' W.1't' 1111' Co egl.I1\S pc e on no CS', N b tl 1 ] d M ' " ,', .. '. . d
11\111 StH 1,"-' '1.111 .... 1 .. (;tl>·l! :llllJ'j::'r I" :Ill', '11 O'D- Gl d " 3noa monthly meeting on Tuesday to! For Catalogue and mformallon ad rrss
IL~~n "\\~Kl~e.
1<: C:lll' ,\\ H ',1',' >I,d I)":or,' P,"I,I,-('I I .... 1111 Ill. .,B . . ' .11111(,,,' ,a ,scort' two rUlls cach in the first and' THE REGISTRAR - 54th STREET and CITY LINE AVENUE
.,t~rter' ' I.,. 1,.l:1 AI 1)llell:n~ IWlJ ,,'ur";,.' _(',_ ,t pl,thel. III 1I0SlIl o out t j1, ,~. I fourth illnin"s Bob Allison eo1- discuss their paN In plans for Nar- i «.. ,." •• « •• """
'leen 1'1.,\ \',,::1 -III;> P.'ll<lC ':u I'.i" b,'li1;l':1 lor l:c]s, :]-2, :11 a lO·innlng thriller three ~t I k'ct~d bl1~g:e~
to pd I' a nine- berth Day on JUly 4. II~~==-='=-=-=-:::-:::-='-:::-==::=~=-=-:::-=-=-'-====================jl
Ard1 I :I I'Clll,ll,' tll;l'" Cl;I1('1111~J::
rl1ll.s III :ill' Ilflll c;l"dwYllc l.1st S ,turd.!y. Fit:m:;,) Illit attack r.~almt pllch~rs T~mlin.
Mrs. H. F, Dames, president of i
",;' . . J. ""'\ ·r;),. II ::11', :"
,;:,.;. Jln Iii' flllir 1]11' bu'
('(0\11,1 "';1" ': Oil>' '.'Ill,ll:.dl a S:I1t;le by Joe In lll. Jr. SOli SOil and Koch.
:lllt! Ji( ~dl!\"
,: till' 1ll.1nil c:t'l'. drOll' home Jo,': 'Bp~ore
its Sunday game M;i,noa Ing.
the Mulleres, presldrd at the meet-
--7,305 DAYS-
( r 1.1,1:1\ "Ii ilt "ii' '.' ":t!('[1 111 I:ll' 'co; Ille: KI dllt d\'. who Ilad doablecL Will]: allllcunced to f;.ns that it would th~ ,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.~ JUST ANOTHER WAY OF SAYING
II~:' :Ill:! (tj,l:I'- 1',:('111 I' .~.llJ HI 'f:y _ ,-:1.':' wll::'ll Ih' 11'llllllllg Co:le~l:\l1 run III thE i be pl,y;n; independent opponents
E K:lIll:il';·t!I.' ,W' ,,: lilro"e:I, c: 1I11·r·li, ;(],'r Jo' I'i'l I,xtra Irame. I thcrra!ter. However after thr game
Ar]nult' cldll D '1."\ .:11 I _1 :I ),,11: d-'npp 'I' \":1' (;,'1::' C"IlW.I)', the soldit'r on fur·! till' clUb drcided to remain In the BAIoA - CYNWYD
d): .. llJ IJv ,':IOII'lil. '11I' (I 1'1111" 1.1l"(T :V, J:'I L.illrt'IH 1011,11 11'0111 the C .. n:ll Zonp who I IeHf\Ul'.1 When WI' first "t~rtrd bll.~in('-" ill JUlll' In2. II was
TIII·H~ .. FlU., ~.\T -.II·~·": :!:,.;': •• ~,
our aim to gl\c the BEST III SERVICE alld in QUAL-
01 Ardllwr(''s (,UI IJowt'tI III G:iod C"lll,·''; u( B!sn r l ,I\.. l! ,elt'rnl g1lnlPs III the out·: Nar~lth bOUllded back the next I. y.",1.1t: III1W,\JU)
ITY of work. We believe that tIlt' tholl~al1ds "I \l~oplt'
~'!:I 1\1'. 4-3, ,tt UPI"'!' 0,11 IJ)' Thul'~- Ol':ll (or Ardmore. pitched for the: d 'y to outslug 'Overbrook, 18·9, at; "MISTER V " that we've served have bern satisfied. that'.; why tlll'Y
lld t·] iJ .. 11')I1('S' abcllt 1.,)' C<l\,t;l:llls and tUrJlPd III olle 01: NHrbertll. A fix run rally in the! continue to be our customers,
"ur otllt ;t!s, ,'xpri'l";1 i Clllr,lt' Gt!h~,l11" trJpll' aIlPI' .. lilli' sl'as~n's finrst mound perform-: fifth tUllled the tide after over-[
:--1·:"l).\Y·~I():\I)Ar - .11':\1<: ':'.':~I
IllS. as 11\ In decI(1:'d t i!:u:(' bl' Don Corllcl~' ami w,ilk;, t') f,I1C;'S, He fanned seven and 11111- I bl'oGk hr.d scored ,'Ix in the fourth, liar)' {"CM)'I)''''' • :\ntlrt"1l Lf",'d",
If you insist on the besl in dry cleaning, repairs.
II club. to b' a mcdlo 1'1' ,T,;n K,JI10n and Frank Cornely I i!ecl Gladwyne to just three hib , to c!laS2 Bud~y Simon and take a ,; \"onr (·nmh·,.trllt J.nuK'hmakcor remodeling and custom tailoring, you, too, will come to
r.' 'ClJ1Iy tllt' first Werk-l'Ild '~i~Vt' th' 11:Jlllrstl'l'~ Iht'lr 1hr('(' t31-' Both Gladwyne runs were unearned.: 9-7 lead. Harry Fox, one of four "PRIl~'ftOSJmPf't .. smm"
11,.,;.;.ll,t then their delll;htful SllT-: Lei III the src:Jl:d. In thr fourth., co:ning in the first Inning on a Narberth pllyers tJ get three hits
,~ "'hen the In inn]' n \\'~'Ill out; pi:ch~r . Jim HlekE'v. struck au'! wfllk and three errors, tJof'd a league record by hitting for
1 ""


1 .. 1"
1'1"·;" .. ,I I'.l, I'; 31\,· "'"r 8<tod Night -IIDELIZZI BROTHERS-
~nocked off the two leading p,nch-hltter Ed Galvll1 with th~ I Not content with his mcund role. two bases in eacll instance. Only ,Jo~n b~,~.i~J1- JoilJl Way... TAILORS .:. C'LEANERS .:. FURRIERS- .:. DYERS
,;. Gladwyne ane! Manoa. in: ba,~' fu'] to turn b:\C:k the final St.' CCll\oy also banged out three 01 t\\O ethel' players 'in league hist:>ry
~., l

\\'10:1>'-";"0,\ \'-1'I1I'I~':;, -. JC~.Y I.~ 102 FORREST AVE" NARBERTH .:.228 BALA AVE., CYNWYD
essh'e days, thereby becoming' Laure:lcl' threa.l. . 'Ihe Collpgian;;' 14 hits which ac·! had hit three dcubles in one game. JOHN nOl.l':1'I Narberth 2602 Cynwyd 0928
first team to beat both thps.'Jll1l Kl'llv s Illl\' pltcllJ1:g and hi.' cotlnl~d for the second defe;:t of: Tt,ey w;,re Mickey Gwln, Jr., with "TIO:~AlYT.f)lIlAPPlNEgS"
ubs this ye II'. III I 'II!!: Il'alurpd 111<' Jct:! Gl.ldl\'\'ne alld O'DlJl11ie~1. I N.lrberU In 1936, and Gordon 01
The \'Ictories Wl'rp n0 accident 3-2 vprdICt o\'Pr S:1l're:! H art, Tn I Tilt· C2]le'gians fcllowed up thi;: Hart's Vets, In 1932. '
-------- --- - ~._._.--

T I iey werp \\,on on pltl'hlllg t h a t , , a d d i t i o n to pllchlllg
. . SIX-hit ba'i .
. \l('\·.:ry by upsetting Manoa. 5·2, at I Ray Persulli 18·year-<Jld Bala-

bOldpred on th" b'II.'1·' I<.nt ilt 1!!lll'S- Kr,lv '. tnp!Ptl III thl' fllth and scoree! Ml!IlIJ' on Sunday. They hopped I' Cvnwyd. youth' chalked up hiS . third
t:m~lv llittllli-: <lnd s;.Jilrkllng flold On a Wild tluuw to account lor the -:.. - .--- ..- .-.-----:- .-------.. - '._ .. -- ------~-
Ulg backed uv all a,,~n's~ilr will l·tI:] whl,'il \\:;11 1111' Cnllll', A ,lou;),,' eo - - - - - ... _ ..... - ...... - . . . . . . - - '. . . . "jj; - - - - -
I' - :)',' J:m :'c1'C;lI:ghn iliHI Bill Ash,
o \\'111. ,in"It', pill' ;111 1'1'1','1' n.: Ke]]I", SIMONIZING
It wa, Just another example '
~rolllld"r .,hurt pr()dU~l e! t\\'11
o f you t
d "t
spIn 1:00ng 0
. t III
tawn. (;nqulst!ollably the ('01- rUll.' III tllt' In,1 .stall:'" Tilt· Malloa , ! -:----~.........- - - - - - - - - - r,
1"lUll "c:Jn'e! ~lIlt-:,l' nll\,'i III t hl' flr:-I UP I'll: I ....... ; , ;, I': !' ... h :0'. I ,I ,,01· t
Iegians will be an assl't to the \VAL.."t:tI: .Bl·;nH()()~f ~l'ITE, , JlJt'd'S :, '1\1';1';':0-: 111.1,1, to • 'I • I. r. I ~" r.:: 1\1 .1 1 1,_, ~I.t.".~~ " · ' I · t . :,,1":_11 1.11,':'lt..;.·
, " ,Illd tiw .. l'v('lllh loal/.:' fPlllgl'rat'H III l'l'II.,,·t I'ondl- 11l.lJI 01 hit:! "1/." :\ !1"I) I'''t \ II Sl I' It
\\'111;.1111 I I. I .LIIl\, 1'1 :11' ll •. Ll 'l.d"UI.·1I1
league. Here s WlSlung them IInw Thl' ' Stand Protect the finish of your car, li":l, all Ilot·nl.tlll IrlMld,· alld (lut :, I I·IH· .... ~"'UI. ~ Fl"" E ... \ 11IPIt'·~. l'h"II'
1.1'11'1. ,I.' II '!l"I' ... ".
:-:' J,,,,,
pll'('(' l,p akl"~1 lUUrn :'-"l J'tillfll~ 11111 [ :--.u 1117

Wouldn't it be "'t
"tl"garc :.;, ) 5 I .833 it will have to last a long time . 1"11 :: ..... ; 1.L11 ;·1','

If they should happen to wind Good Coun,l'1 4 1 .800 I


up on top? Annul.elation 3 1 .~50 \\'.\;-;111.'\(; :'ot.\".HI;"l·;-I,.lllll tll l', (lIlll I t, f III ... I 'I t.~ .1 ,\11I' 1',

* *
:-: l; 111111' 1
\·E.,t":T!.\;" J:I.I'II ...:. $.: ,". \\ 'no! 1\\
S'.. LllUr('ll('r
51. Denis
~. al!'!
11\4 It I
I' rl t
Ij·,,,11 l·olldtll"".
:0. ~'. Ill!. tll It
If III t" I' I
~hadf'!l, ·l"t· Ill'
\'1,' ul'
I .•
111111;.: 11\"
.\::-:', clo-.t:,
~I \ I:' ; \ [: "." .... ,:1 11'1:
:--Tl'\)lt , - ;'1. ,;1:.\ \ 1.1 , . ; \ \'1:
1111-,1 I"r HPI''IllltIlH'llt ill 1"1',· • d. (jul. k "" I \ I I' I··ull 1.1,.· "\ 1111'" '-"alh'ftll, J'a, .',I:!'''111 ~1+l'I_r

. .. ......... ,.,. . ..... ............ ... . ... .... -

(Iltn .;_:::.1 I h~ -tit t;· :: .• I
In t:le cplnlJn of Walter Hanh y. St Thoma., 2 3 .400 NAR, 2202 h.-urn and 1l.'t1r 1"\ ,'1 ill I-: I.,'" t·!'\ 1111 ' ,.:-
ie1gue president. the Main Line S.lcrpd Heart o 3 .000
36 N. NARBERTH AVE. • ~al :i~".:. l,tll,
B:\HY'~ (·(IAt'H. I {'et) full ~IZ1·. Duh·
o 3 Ibll,'s 1'1If1;,hlt, 1l,·IIIJ,tI·rat 11 r.' ---~---------- _._-' SITUATIONS WANTED
L"agu~ went through Its most cl'lli- SI. Coiman
t n: period o( the last t\\'o d{'cadl'
,000 1'1l'1\f',
Hlh":,- ILtrllllll'!lI·. lolo11tlL:" 1f'J.;~.
:OM,'nlh:,' I'" tjult'k 80110-. f'h"U<- Hililop
p,{\P«~nHA:":lil~(r A:"1l l'.\I;\:TI:\·(j·-.\1I
worK J,:ualalllt'l"!f Klld (.'0\"1(',) II\' 1"0111'
"ollll , .. \! ,1 'II Y \\. ,I! h I.' ,I '
lr.~t week. ;:~Il;. lhln fi.I .... I!IJt.Ilt'iltion Inl'Urall't'. 1-:01\\111 J 11"1- ,.I 1:, .01 1<1' 1'11"',, \ d'l "I" t.,
ht'rt. l~~O ~ldllur HUlld. Hruol,IIIl" ". ,'::t\ I:.
Ardmore's withdrawal. of cJurse Bl'lt'l, UII"'I)~1..\:-:TEH I~I,:~I-l':xl'dl,'nl 1I1l110r"! 3;.;3. hlll-4-;:" ,nIl "': I
was common knowl('rlue, but ani)' I ('on<lliioli. " J,:flod IIII·tI. "·nt'· Bnx lL~ - _
a lew knew that Mano~ aJW had, ill caH' 01 ttltS 1,"pt'l".
--------\811 li.J'" , r"LAtj:-,'('Il='E Ytll H 1I()~IE-:"'lJlllll1f'1 I.. II PETS AND SUPPLIES
\'cted to dn p from the leltgul an j : BI·ll·K. 1 :1;:; :"'l'd;tll. I't'rl(,('t ('ondlt 1"11.
hl·lt·, 11f'1\\l111\
1'"1 dH>foI,
hI lilli' '1"1'11.1":-'.
\\ 1111<
----,-------- --- - - - - - - - -
Ih;;t G13dwyne had 1l1dicated It: IjC)\.IJ) \\hltl' \\HII {lr'S, T\\'o I'Pulf··~.1
11l11'n,ll eSI''lI''r
(·!Jpln;.: It'udlI, .lll\ll,ll\;': 111 II,q.'::-Ill1ll1-
\\'.\"fl·:l: 1.1 1.1 I'::-:-.tll I I,~"r::l
TI:, H·I. '.\ I. I-'I .... ll. all
e:I.I1.I) nnl'
IT.lght do likewise if it had ~o con· \
;\" It'U"RtbL $;;:j;, lIn. PhUn~ :O:UJ1fo1l·t w" ha\"!' It. ~:-<tllH.ltt ~ glitlll~ ~1\l1l
\\'11.01. l".l1o' lid r, \.111 11.111,'11 1-, ;t,jiJ 1 ,t
;!:II~-IL .\llllll~tI III :\1,\1,"1, :.!I;I ":. l'IlUIlI\
.' ;.111 .":1. 1')1" I ,'tl l 1:1 _ '171'7
tinue to pll,ly home OIl S lwrd,I\S ' (htn Ii 1\ HI LIIlU nd. ArtlJllul'· . .\nl .11 ....
lall li·l"
Manea decided to \\'I~hdraw.;
~ I ' \11> I: " \ r ... I IlL".' 1',011-
reputedly because It wr:s more -MISCELLANEOUS \\'I.'\"IH)\\· l'OHP:-: HE:"t-;,Y!-:P 1'''1'\''
:...,. d ,t· 1'11\'1"11 ~"" h I: .'il
than $400 In the red, but, unllke: ",nloth', :10\·, ('!lIIII'll II' $1,
::\1<.1\\ I 1 ',.",. I

Ardmore, gave the 1l'.g.up ten day~

\\ IlId"w,


flJlrln~8 or 3· Jlh'ce 8ultes rt"pa I rf"d ,
.'I1"ln, ,,111,1.:11' :: ,I', ('lIlupl, t ... \\ IlIdl'\\.
$1.:! ',. :'01 1111111 II III l' h,tI gl', f 1.110. t ·,i11
tllll 1,,":.01

1;{lt!CC. The defending champions, $10,00: chairH recovered. S5~OO, nu ,sl1llfwl 7Ufi~-\\'. .\ .... \ It tr·::-- J:. II" I >I,. Ill'" 1 I ,11,,(" \-, ',J

Iln)'whl're, Call Lcwls, 'Vsyne 14:tR llltl! I;.':'" I. ", I ; , rd:,- "I ,I ~ '" ", t " il :..: '0l-.
expected to play th!':r la"t league!

217 Jj;lUIl Lanea.\er A "~., Wayne, ra ~III'I' ..... \\'l ·1"'·11 .\ 1:"1.1 " :--1111'
Bame last Sundr..y and announced, all,I.9·11 ;111\\\II'LIr J. \.1111 .:1" \\ ttl.. ,"

th:s Intention to the crowd. GARAGES FOR RENT :--1 1~li \\ 1111"\' ' I ' \1'1 ..: 1

How~\'er, the Manol player.; WANTED - --------_. I: :" ------

.".\ltnl.:HTII·--c~alu.c' I'" r. lIt . . . . . 1110.:1,
headed by the veteran Bob All1s~n 1
got together and offered to play, A PENNY \\'.\'>'T1';P-lI'JY'''; 13\1'\'<'1.1:;, c'all Hill·
t()1' J:::' t.
(htn ti-:::,I
hil,tli. .).-,
"'rill' Id I~,.:\ II.'"
;\ .\ r .:" I ::.
1" I 111"11111 :<11;
Fill '.:ot

pl,,'n t •

-- 1~1':I-'I:II;I;1: \TIII~:--: I I; , ,

----_. ----- ----

, for nothing. "We want to play bu,1I : \\'.\.''1'1':11 \\' \:-:'11·
1:1:..;, \ .\' I I :'11 1·1.I·:.\~J-:H"" ,\11" "u- t
ond we w,lnl t:J stav ill the' BEJIHlltl:'\l. :-;ITTI:..:q Itl'(l~t. IIlld pri· .1111"11 ' I l l u" J "I tIL" llt:.::II ... t '111 i. I't>
]l'lg'Ue," said Allison. ':You'v(' al.! \nlt' hlth. l·nlul'nl~hl·". BIIUfti. :-;,'ml·
111\ aliol. \'\I'lntIY tic. Hlllllklilw 01' I'I'n·
GARAGES FOR RENT , \ .. 11 ,II "11",· "'''I .d ;11L.'\\III'I·f> \·It·.
7 ;;:: . .\ II, l' II" l' :\1. \\ a \ 10 I'i\'. t,
ways been square with us and we I 1I,.ld, \\'lltt> BoX 14:1, lIlt.\tuttll"ll Tnw'lJ- . l.11I ';' - ~II
l'lhL}I :"::I'\\'~. 1.1;tnt·ITh, J'n, I htn tt·:!:, I l'IlI\',\TI': IL\It.\c'E, l;nf1\t'1l11'Ilt"y I·" ,II,d
think it Is only right thr,t we

n1al' ;\~r'l!'1111 ~tullllr1. 1t"lIt'll ~., I~'I

. should go along with you now m"nth. I'holh· ;"lllhf'lth ;;:;:'P'. . :T, 1\'1:-'; - I; \:'1, • ' " 11. 1<, lilt<' Il"

THLS :"EI,:l)El) hy I Ill' Aml'I·It'an ned (' .. n~!'!. :...t III , 1"",,'

_._-------- \\'.'!lhln~
1111\('hln,', HIIlJ.:lt~ hl,lI
C~H.Jl H'd elllSS
H'.'adqualll TK .
mal· .\ ;~.I.~ (,tI.;.:':,-
,I', L
\ .UIlIt!"!'t
,I~ .1'1,1
\\a .. tl
I ·..dl

.\ I'll mol't' 3100. ttOME FURNISHINGS H,';,,:. IIO~L). 41111 1;_1" I

4- .

~ 1':(';llEI) h~' lht· :\laln LIJ1t' VI,111'1 HIllin

"r ('hUrl !ll'!Il:, I\\"o l1pllnIHIC'rl·tI ..:haIIM. "'mtloW !'Illil'tI~;~l':I•. ~~;:~It·tl'lll Hlllld~ PERSONAL SERViCES
I • rll~ or ull ~IZI'P, !'lI'WIIlg' rll.lchllll', 1·df'·1
lJhon,' AnlnlOre- ~3:d, Jtnn~()~ k U\\·t:Sl'" :--1'1:, L 1.1111101' " \\'1111< 1I11+'1l~,
•• ". J:..d'••• It's both practical and patriotic to make 1111:,,11111 L.\:\"t'.\,"TI':H .\\'E.. Hl\n ~tawl
II fl.·
II I "~"":". ~I :1<" ,,, "
1'1.,:1 l"" \\ 111~
."-i"." J'hune BI":'o"Il :\1.1\\f 11:';1} or 11:.;1


Same price (17 cents) as ordina.,

your electric helpers last for the duration. In MIRRORS & GLASS t 1111 ;.:,: I ,lllti 111"lIdlll:':
I '.'·II\\" \ d ll~".: \\'.

Grade "A" this way, you conserve vital metals for war (jLA:-;~ ~Jf()P. ,lnH~ ~. TAtiYE, 11:1:1
Greater In Quality industries and help your pocketbook, too. ""'Nt ('ht'sll'r 1'1k.', CPIH'r Dluhr. t 'Ut{-
.~ --- ------ - --------
lH!1I IIIlld,' mlnUl"il; fl.·tolln'rin.,;; remud·
Double Trade-marked ,'llnf.:,; 1'lelurl'l (ranu'tl;, fUrl\~t.ur(> lnpM. I
BROOKMEAD "B" MILK Here ore two simple rules to remember: Ut']l1n'na\t' "oUl' hum£' :-';O\\'. l'RI1 Blwt. l'l';:":" v ..\ I. I. 1': y '.\ n· \\. 1"'11\'. " III d·

;;0"'1. tl'ltll ;-0) l"1lfllll"'. :t Iii t It:- 11111111. \' U I 1l11l.... l'lLt.. 1 I.'.

14 cents 1. Use all your appliances, but learn to do it with economy. FEMAI,E HELP WANTED
ht autlrll1 "'1111'1110011111.:1"

Superior - yei priced sau
as otbera
2. Keep all your appliances in flrst-class condition,
~ "'"(l)l..\S ttl .dn PR.1't llmc l'lt-',inlnll tn
CALL ARDMORE 5720 .:,1"11 C', n\\"~'t1 ;t;,OR
B('uUI~· ~hup, ll.\ :o:O'~, \'811 :>:Ii"·
Write today for yobr 'free copy of "The Care and Use of TO PLACE A

, l:!iO, LOST
Electric Appliances i, t~e Home'" It's just full of helpfvl. sug- " PfH~KI':TUtl(l" MIIl.1I1 11.1" 11'11' h":lll


gestions ,that will add years of life to your home helpers. PIANO~ ICllqll'oI, I.'" 111'.1' I ''II /1"111 III ~lJh­

I', Address card to: Advertising Dept., 900 Sansom St., Philo, OrR nd.

Qulnk n"mo\'al
& Il,.rllthU'·
j IIlIJ,HI '1'111'111"'. \!",IUlllr.· . .ILII"::ll
\\ al'" I'~.. I' tll"I1"\
"'"11" .,nol ,11111"111:'1.
IlllL 1"1111 " p'" I,· \'
c' III ,', 111\ \" II.;:, '"

GO....,-. ·cWIINIEY '
West· LCincasterav~. w••


Buy War $Gvii? 's,.",. anel Ionds .
. Planoa BoUlllt
" Careful
PIauo MoviDC
WRITE& ! I O N . ' "
1', IICOllE!!
M.a l\IMkllt st,
,.30 "'.ot
OR {'"A 1.1·. '
l i t O . · . . . . '.,' : .,.. .
liB :':
----- -----_.

:-;J'\:,\II·:I •.
h,u'l( I'IIPI"" ,"',11
hll.h 11'401 "nl
I·: ;qlll,tl1 TIII-lll"',
.'hun,' ;\ll"rl
Illll Ii_::'-.,

" Phone Wayne I , 21 f

A •• L
Un, mil •
,_.:. _ _~:_.

• ~'"
••• :..~

•••• , , J. , :-,.";:':.:. _•.... _":... ._',_.:'.,:.. __ • :_.: .... _.' '- ••, •

," .
• ..,', •. ~ ;~;'." "ttl,' ~;':"~~: !>i'i" ':(f '.~, ::. ~~:,<~:>o{,

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