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Unit (3) Objective Revision

True / False
(1) Materials are the same type of matter that things are made of.
(2) An element is a substance that can be split into anything simpler.
(3) Every elements has its own properties.
(4) The elements on the left of the stepped line are non-metals.
(5) The elements on the right of the stepped line are metals.
(6) Mercury is a metal which is liquid at room temperature, 20°C.
(7) Worldwide, more copper is produced than any other element.
(8) The best conductors of heat are copper and iron.
(9) Metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
(10) Gold conducts electricity well and it is damaged by air.
(11) Every living things is made mostly from non-metal elements.
(12) Most non-metals have low melting and boiling points.
(13) White phosphorus quickly catches fire in air and is a deadly poison.
(14) Diamond forms beautiful crystals and conduct electricity.
(15) Graphite is soft and good conductor of electricity.
(16) Silicon is a semiconductor and conducts electricity better than metals.
(17) Most non-metals are brittle and dull when in the solid state.
(18) Many alloys are harder or stronger than the elements that are in them.
(19) In steel, iron is mixed with small amount of a non-metal, sulfur, and sometimes other
(20) Steel is harder and stronger than pure iron.
(21) The diamonds in jewellery cannot be damaged by scratching.
(22) Materials that do not allow heat to pass through them are heat conductors.
(23) Wool and fur are good heat insulator.
(24) Electricity cannot pass through plastics.
(25) Polypropene is strong and it is not damaged by high temperatures.
(26) Polyethene consists of two elements, carbon and oxygen.
(27) Polychloroethene is also known as polyvinyl chloride, PVC.
(28) Polyethene, polypropene and PVC are synthetic polymers.
(29) Fibres, silk and wool are natural polymers.
(30) Natural polymers are made by plants and animals.
(31) Vinegar is a solution of methanoic acid in water.
(32) Ethanoic acid helps to make bee and stings painful.
(33) Toothpaste and washing powder make acidic solutions.
(34) Seawater is also slightly acidic.
(35) Many acids and alkaline solutions are extremely corrosive.
(36) Sodium hydroxide is used to make paper and detergents.
(37) The pH of an acid solution is greater than 7.
(38) The pH of an alkaline solution is less than 7.
(39) The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution.
(40) The higher the pH, the more alkaline the solution.
(41) The pH of neutral solution is 7.
(42) Universal indicator used to show a solution is acidic or alkaline.
(43) Litmus indicator is used to find the pH of a solution.
(44) Concentrated acids and alkalis are more corrosive than dilute ones.
(45) Acid rain damages some buildings and harms plants and animals that live in lakes.

Fill in the blanks.

(1) An _____ is a substance that cannot be split into anything simpler.
(2) The elements on the left of the stepped line in the periodic table are _____.
(3) The elements on the right of the stepped line in the periodic table are _____.
(4) All metals except _____ are in the solid state at 20°C.
(5) The best conductors of _____ are copper and silver.
(6) The best conductors of _____ are copper and gold.
(7) Gold makes excellent jewellery and coins because it is not damaged by _____.
(8) _____ is used as main metal in ships, cars and tools.
(9) Most metals are shiny and _____.
(10) Metals are _____ conductors of heat and electricity.
(11) Most non-metals have _____ melting and boiling points.
(12) Modern motors with bronze bearings do not need _____.
(13) The plastics is flexible, _____ and tough.
(14) A _____ material breaks easily when bend or hit it.
(15) Diamonds are hard and cannot be _____ by scratching.
(16) Copper heat _____ stop computer overheating.
(17) A ______ material does not allow water through it.
(18) A substance is _____ if it has tiny holes that water can seep into.
(19) _____ are substances that have very long particles.
(20) Polyethene is _____ because it is difficult to break up its particles.
(21) Polyethene is _____ because its particles can slide over each other easily.
(22) _____ polymers are made by plants and animals.
(23) _____ acid in fruit keeps your skin healthy and helps to make bones.
(24) Vinegar is a solution of _____ acid in water.
(25) _____ acid helps to make bee and ant stings painful.
(26) Toothpaste and washing powder make _____ solutions.
(27) Seawater is also slightly _____.
(28) Many alkaline solutions are _____ corrosive.
(29) _____ indicator shows whether a solution is acidic or alkaline.
(30) _____ indicator is used to find the pH of a solution.
(31) The pH of an acidic solution is _____ than 7.
(32) The pH of an alkaline solution is _____ than 7.
(33) The pH of an neutral aqueous solution is _____.
(34) Litmus indicator is _____ in acidic solution.
(35) Litmus indicator is _____ in alkaline solution.
(36) The colour of universal indicator can be used to estimate the pH of a solution.

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