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As a college student and a future teacher, I've learned a lot about creating, giving, and
reflecting through assessment as I've gone through several. However, based on my
learning experiences, there are some assessments that are very significant to me as both a
student and a potential instructor.

First, the formative assessments. It is very helpful to know what level of knowledge
you have and how much you know about the topic. As well as what they learned after one
discussion of a certain topic. Aside from that, it helps teachers understand students'
learning while they are teaching. It also helps the teachers adjust their teaching strategies
based on their students capabilities. Examples of formative assessments are quizzes, pre-
class open-ended questions, feedback forms, diagnostic tests, and so on.

Another one is the project-based assessment. Project-based assessments provide

students with a more concrete opportunity to connect with their learning than traditional
testing. This evaluation required us to conduct research and provide information on a topic
of our choice connected to the subject we were studying. This assessment differed from
standard tests or quizzes in that it allowed us to dig deeply into a topic and present our
findings creatively. We were able to choose a topic that interests us, making the
assessment more engaging and enjoyable. What made this assessment significant to me
was that it went beyond memorization and repetition of facts. We had to apply what we had
studied in a real-world environment and present our creativity. This not only improved our
understanding of the topic but also raised our confidence in public speaking and research.
This allows teachers to better understand and assess their students' skills and talents, as
well as how much they have learned from you.

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