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 What challenges do ambiguous instructions or information pose in your daily life?
 Can you think of an example of a situation where ambiguous communication caused
confusion or misunderstanding?
2. Controversial:
 How do you think controversial topics impact societal discussions and public
 Can you discuss a controversial issue that you feel strongly about, and why it's
3. Desperate:
 In what situations might people feel desperate, and how do they typically respond to
these feelings?
 What measures can communities take to support individuals facing desperate
4. Fundamental:
 Why are fundamental rights important in society, and how do they contribute to a fair
and just community?
 Discuss a fundamental skill or principle you believe is crucial for success in life.
5. Notorious:
 Can you explain why some people or places become notorious, and what
consequences this notoriety might have?
 Share your thoughts on the media's role in making individuals or events notorious.
6. Permanent:
 How do you think technology has affected the concept of permanence in today's
 Discuss the difference between temporary solutions and permanent resolutions to
societal issues.
7. Profound:
 Describe an experience or moment in your life that had a profound impact on you.
 Share your thoughts on how profound emotions like love or loss shape individuals'
8. Proper:
 Why is it essential to follow proper etiquette or behavior in different social settings?
 Discuss the importance of using proper language or communication in professional
9. Vulnerable:
 What factors contribute to making certain groups or individuals vulnerable in society?
 How can communities support vulnerable populations and protect their rights?
10. Widespread:
 Can you think of a widespread social issue that requires immediate attention and
 Discuss the impact of widespread misinformation in today's digital age.

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