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Agriculture has a wide range of effects on society, including

supporting livelihood through food, habitat and employment;
providing raw materials for food and other products. Fostering
strong economies through trade. The vast majority of people work
in agriculture. Improving rural employment is another important
feature of producing food primarily through agriculture. Agriculture
is more than just a source of income for farmers. It encompasses
a broader range of occupations, including machinery
manufacturing, food processing, distribution, transportation and
among others. Agriculture drives the Philippine economy. Based
on my research; It employs approximately 3 million people, or
thoroughly 60% of all gainfully employed workers. Agricultural
operations generate 40 to 45 percent of total national income and
75 to 80 percent of exports.
The difference between cropping and farming is that cropping
system mitigates adverse effects of abnormal weather by
following crop residue recycling. Furthermore, cropping system
refers to how the farmer’s various crops are combined in his farm.
The crops could be grown sequentially or in combination. On the
other hand, the farming system does not mitigate the negative
effects of unusual weather, Rice-based cropping system, Wheat-
based cropping system, Oil-seed cropping system and sugar-
cane based cropping are some examples of farming system.
Lastly, the farming system consists of the farmer, his farm the
crops he grows, the livestock he raises, and the farming
techniques he employs.
Health and safety precautions during harvesting provide safety
training before harvesting to create awareness for safety risks.
During harvesting ensures that the operators should be tight
clothing and secure their hair to avoid engagement, never clean,
maintain, adjust or clear jams when the machine is on. While
working around livestock they include using personal protective
equipment such as safety glasses gloves, long trousers, steel-
toed shoes or boots, shin guards and a hard hat, depending on
the activity and type of livestock being handled. Also, safety
measures important in fish farm operations; every business has
an element of risk- the aquaculture business is no different.
Whether the operation cultures mussels or oysters or grows
finfish, the business will have potential hazards that could impact
the health and safety of all workers. Good hygienic practices in
the handling, manufacturing and transportation of fish and fish
products, and adequate refrigeration throughout, can greatly
reduce outbreaks of fish borne illnesses. Measures that ensure
high standards of quality and safety, by implication, will also
reduce post-harvest losses.

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