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Name: Sophia L.

Datumanong Subject: Educ 500 Advanced Educational Research

Doing Research for Development

By Dr. Flor Lacanilao

Dr. Flor Lacanilao's paper about research for development provides a unique perspective on the
essential function of research in promoting development. The article skillfully illustrates how
interconnected research, science, technology, and development are. Dr. Lacanilao's emphasis on this
process highlights the importance of research as an engine for advancement in society. This perspective
encourages researchers and policymakers to see research as a vital component of a larger development
framework, illustrating the importance of collaboration among different aspects.

The article additionally addresses several difficulties that are essentially found in Philippine research
procedures, such as the concept that research is often employed to fulfill academic requirements rather
than to generate practical suggestions for development. This result can contribute to a reconsideration of
the goals and outcomes of national research initiatives. It encourages an evolution in focus by
emphasizing the relevance and practical use of research findings. Dr. Lacanilao's findings serve as an
example that we must give attention to research that truly improves the country, rather than merely as an
intellectual endeavor but as a crucial agent of change.

To windup, Dr. Flor Lacanilao's work offers a capturing narrative that illustrates the relationship of
research, science, technology, and development throughout the end of the study. It advocates the vitality
of global standards, flexibility, and practicality in research, numerous of which are key elements for
encouraging advancement, not just in the Philippines but also globally. This essay serves as an inspiration
for those involved in research and development, encouraging them to work together and achieve
excellence in every aspect of what they do.

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