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MAH MUL/03051/2012

ISSN: 2319 9318

V i d ya war ta ®
Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Oct. To Dec. 2021
Issue-40, Vol-05
gender disparities in all spheres of life and cre-
18 ate an egalitarian society.India ranked 147th glo-
bally (out of 189 countries) in terms of women’s
Women Representation in Indian representation in parliament as per the report
published by the Inter-Parliamentary Union.1
Politics: Gender Imbalance
The political space is dominated and
reserved by political parties instead of women.
Dr.Gurdeep Kaur
As per the law, the numerical strength of women
Associate Professor,
is definitely not an indication of quality;however,
Sri Guru Nanak DevKhalsa College
there is distinction in their viability and
University of Delhi Delhi
adequacy.The political upliftment of women isn’t
the premise of women’s economic status.2Social
Vaishali Bhatia
obstructions can be defeated when the founda-
tions of women are brought and initiated up in
==============***********=============== legislative issues.
Abstract Objective of the Paper
Politics can be a crucial tool for emanci- The objective of the research article is
pating and empowering women. The presence to discuss the problems faced by Indian
of females in Parliament is a positive effort but women,analyse role of reservation bill in
still due representation cannot be seen in prac- women’s political involvement;to check the im-
ticality. The number of Prominent Women Lead- pact of mobilisation of women and feminisation
ers in India is very less. This paper focuses on of politics and to find some effectiveways to
this very issue. Is the problem relates to inad- achieve gender parity in women representation
equate awareness, lack of consistency, inher- in Indian Politics.
ent patriarchy or all of them? This paper also Methodology
throws a light on the role of reservation bill in I have used descriptive and analytical
women empowerment. The research findings study method.Several internet sources and ar-
also suggest the ways that needs to be done to ticles & Journals of research scholars are used
achieve gender parity in political representation in order to make it more comprehensive in na-
and what can be done to avoid women being ture including primary and secondary sources.
used as proxy representatives of a male family Reservation Bill
member in politics. The National commission of women was
Keywords: Women Representation, Reservation set up by an act of Parliament in 1990 to safe-
Quota, Proxy Politics,Mobilization of Women. guard the rights and legal entitlements of
Introduction women.73 rd. and 74th Amendments to the con-
To address gender inequities in coun- stitution of India have made provision of 33%
tries, women’s increased engagement in gov- reservation seats compulsory for women in the
erning systems is essential.Since women are Panchayati Raj institutions and urban local bod-
more sensitive to women’s issues than males, ies. This laid a strong foundation for women’s
they will bring female values to politics and help participation in decision making process at the
society embrace women as an equal and nec- local levels. This has been executed without
essary element of society.Therefore, it is cru- summoning any aggression or resistance from
cial to create female leaders through women’s male lawmakers or society overall3. In 1995, the
reservations in politics in order to eradicate subject of governmental policy regarding minori-
[dÚmdmVm© : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journal Impact Factor 3.102
MAH MUL/03051/2012
ISSN: 2319 9318
V i d ya war ta ®
Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Oct. To Dec. 2021
Issue-40, Vol-05
ties in society for women was raised once more direct impact on the hiring process to increase
and zeroed in on reservation for women in the the representation of women which further has
Parliament. At first, most ideological groups con- an impact in increasing the number of women
sented to this interest on a fundamental level. voters at grassroots level. Such experiment can
But when the Bill tending to this issue was pre- open a great path towards politics for women
sented in the 11th Parliament in 1997, a few which as a result can lead to diversify future of
ideological groups brought up criticisms with female candidacy.Discriminatory gendered na-
respect to issues of elitism and for lower posi- ture in political recruitment process can be seen
tion women. Lack of significant numbers of whichfurther plays a key role in sustaining gen-
women representative in Parliament can also der disparity. Such experiment can open a great
be a case in point for the failure of enacting path towards politics for women which as a re-
this bill. If there were enough women represen- sult can lead to diversify future of female can-
tative, they might have been a key factor in pass- didacy.
ing the Bill establishing a 33% female quota in Obstacles in Women’s Political Participation
state legislatures and in the Parliament.4 India’s More than 74 years of independence has
failure to pass the Women’s Reservation Bill not been able to ensure reasonable space for
reflect lack of seriousness among political par- women in the representative bodies. Therefore,
ties in taking better account of women’s increas- there is need for affirmative action in the form
ing electoral participation. Its opponents argued of reservation for women. Participation of
that preferential treatment to women in India is women in parliament is limited because of sev-
a discrimination against them. But they have eral problems and challenges they face while
forgotten that if reservation given on caste ba- representing them in administration. They don’t
sis is right due to their past experience of caste- get many opportunities to raise their interests
based exploitation, then women are also not less or advance their participation in politics because
exploited if compared to those backward of the lack of women in decision making bod-
classes. Therefore, it is necessary to implement ies. Women are not seen with respect if they go
reservation bill at all levels in order to get due against family situations and fight for their
recognition to women candidate; otherwise rights.6 Apart from this,Ideological groups don’t
women will merely be a proxy-representatives uphold the political strengthening of women nor
and can never be able to hold decision making give them legitimate tickets. Parties have the
power in their hands. preconceived notion that women can’t admin-
Mobilisation Effects on Women Representa- ister and lack decision making power. Questions
tion are raised on the triumph of the female appli-
The absence of women from the Parlia- cant. Otherpolitical impedimentslike absence of
ment, as well as from other levels of party party support, absence of supported contact and
organisations and political activities, has con- participation with other public associations like
tributed to the persistence of male superiority trade unions and women groups, absence of
in these areas. Political gender gap can be re- access to well-developed education, the char-
duced only through women representation. acter of electoral framework which is unlikely
Mostly female workers are recruited in female to favour women candidate, the double burden
constituencies and engaged in door-to-door of domestic work and expert commitments also
campaigns leading to growing political involve- obstruct women.7
ment.55. Active Gender Parity in Political Representa-
Additionally, women candidates have a tion
[dÚmdmVm© : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journal Impact Factor 3.102
MAH MUL/03051/2012
ISSN: 2319 9318
V i d ya war ta ®
Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Oct. To Dec. 2021
Issue-40, Vol-05
From the very beginning a family should political work, discrimination during political
give equal opportunities to both male and fe- meetings, lack of support from local community,
male children.8 So, in order to achieve gender Few economic incentives,Illiteracy, societies in-
parity,change needs to be brought in way of different attitude towards women and depen-
parenting by educating families at grass root dence on men for financial and emotional sup-
level.Most of the mothers of Indian families port etc.
taught their girl child to follow patriarchy norms. In order to avoid the proxy representa-
They themselves accepted the norms of ideal tives, the government should bring laws to curb
woman i.e. a woman need to be sensitive, emo- the practice of PradhanPati by ensuring that
tional, and patient, learn to adjust. So,there is women representatives are not only for name’s
need for each and every Girl toget educated to sake.
be aware of her calibre to take step for her free- Mere representation would not give
dom and rights.9 power to women in rural areas. Furthermore, the
Moreover, gender parity can be achieved government should start mentoring programs
in political representation by destroying the and in-built confidence in rural areas. Reserva-
myth regarding politics in minds of people such tion not only empowers women representatives;
as ‘politics as dirty game’, ‘corrupted politics’, it should also empower those who are casting
‘dirty politics’, ‘selfish politics’ etc. If people’s votes and being active in local governance.
perceptions regarding politics changed and they Empowerment should not only be political but
realised the scope of making career in politics, it should also be social, economic and cultural.
then there might be a possibility that the family Thus, grooming of women leaders is very much
would allow their children, particularly girls, to important.
be part of their politics. Now analysing the cur- Conclusion
rent scenario in the context of gender parity, no A key strategy to bring an end to politi-
doubt that positive change has come. Many cal gender gaps is to increase the representa-
Women are now coming into politics; they are tion of women.Despite the fact that a sizable
becoming part of government jobs, serving as number of national and state political parties
civil servants (IAS, IPS officers) and in the army are led by women;still the overall representa-
too. Increasing the number of women voters is tion of women within political parties remains
also an example of women participation in poli- dismal11.Sincere attempts have been made
tics. However, there is still a far journey ahead since 1996 to introduce the Reservation Bill into
in achieving gender Parity as issues mentioned Parliament, but the many parties have consis-
away still existed in one way or the other di- tently opposed it. Hopefully the law will be ap-
rectly or indirectly. proved sooner or later. People who opposed to
Avoid Women being used as a Proxy Repre- the bill should keep in mind that the reservation
sentatives of a Male family member in poli- for women would increase awareness in Indian
tics political life and assist in eradicating the crimi-
Growing proxy politics in rural local bod- nal-politician connectionswhich is the actual
ies is becoming one of the key factors in dis- threat to Indian democracy.Women’s represen-
torting rural democracy in India.10The concept tation in politics in India has grown significantly,
of “Proxy Women” has been used as a descrip- and some of them have succeeded in achieving
tion of elected women with only formal power. top positions. Still, much more needs to be done
Few reasons for these are opposition from fam- to strengthen their presence and to bring India
ily of elected women, husbands interfering in at par with other developed nations.The current
[dÚmdmVm© : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journal Impact Factor 3.102
MAH MUL/03051/2012
ISSN: 2319 9318
V i d ya war ta ®
Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Oct. To Dec. 2021
Issue-40, Vol-05
government has given a positive sign for women Press,London,1994)
comprehensive legislative issues raising expec- 12. Rai Praveen, “Women’s Participation
tations that it would construct an all-party in Electoral Politics in India: Silent Feminisation”,
agreement and pass the long-standing Bill at Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
the appropriate time.12 (Delhi, 2017).
Reference 13. Shvedova, N.,”Obstacles to women’s
1. Arora, Banarsi, “Women in Politics: participation in parliament, Women in parlia-
Governance in Patriarchal and Non-participatory ment: beyond numbers”(2005)
Culture”, (Guru Nanak Journal of Sociology, 14. UN Women Annual Report 2012-13
1999). “Gender equality and women empowerment,
2. Banoth,”Women as Proxies in Gram United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and
Panchayat Did Affirmative action in Local bod- the Empowerment of Women”(UN Women pub-
ies empower Women in rural India?” (Research lications,2012-2013).
Gate publication, New Delhi,2020). Footnotes:
3. BaselineReport, “Women and Politi- 1 See IPU Parline, Global data on Na-
cal Participation in India”,National institute of tional Parliament [online: web] https://
Advanced Studies, (Unedited Version,1998). d a t a . ip u. o rg /w om e n- ra nk in g ?m on t h =
4. ”National Perspective Plan for 10&year=2021South Sudan(28.5%), Pakistan
Women”, Department of Women and Child (20.2%) and Bangladesh have better women
Development,(New Delhi,1988–2000). representation than India.
5. Goyal Tanushree, “How women 2 Kumar, Pankaj 2017.Many women
mobilise women into politics: A natural experi- waited since long for their representation in
ment in India”, Department of Politics and In- politics despite of their strong economic status
ternational Relations, (oxford university press, because earlier majority of parties do not give
2019). a chance to women in politics.
6. IPUParline, Global data on National 3 .Kishwar, Madhu ‘Women and Politics:
Parliament. /women- Beyond Quotas’, Economic and Political Weekly,
ranking?month=10&year=2021 31(43): 2867–74.(1996).
7. Kishwar, Madhu, ‘Women and Politics: 4.Rai Praveen," Women’s Participation in
Beyond Quotas’, Economic and Political Weekly, Electoral Politics in India: Silent Feminisation",
1996. Centre for the Study of Developing Societies,
8————————,Off The Beaten (Delhi, 2017).
Track: Rethinking gender Justice for Indian 5. Goyal Tanushree, "How women
Women”,(Oxford University Press, New mobilise women into politics: A natural experi-
Delhi,1999). ment in India" Department of Politics and Inter-
9. Krook M.L. and O’Brien “The Politics national Relations, (oxford university press.,
of Group Representation Quotas for Women and 2019).
Minorities Worldwide” in comparative politics 6. As per UN Women Annual report 2013,
(Oxford University Press, New York,2010). Women in governmental issues likewise face
10. Nair, Janaki, “Women and Law in many sorts of brutality in India.
Colonial India: A Social History”. (New Delhi, 7. Shvedova, N. ,“Obstacles to women’s
1996) participation in parliament. Women in parlia-
11. Nelson, B. & Chowdhury, N. (Eds) ment: beyond numbers”, (2005).
Women and Politics Worldwide,(Yale University 8. Female are victim of segregation in
[dÚmdmVm© : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journal Impact Factor 3.102
MAH MUL/03051/2012
ISSN: 2319 9318
V i d ya war ta ®
Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Oct. To Dec. 2021
Issue-40, Vol-05
their own family; they are relied upon to remain
only at home, men belittle women to keep up 19
with their predominance. Women can't find sup-
port from their families for participation in po-
litical arena, that's the reason they can't ad- ek/;ekarj% lkfgR; vkf.k fp=iV
dress their views as much they need to do in
çk-M‚-lw; Zdkar vktxkodj
9. Muni, S.D., ‘Women in the Electoral
Process.A Statistical Analysis of the LokSabha çeq[k] ejkBh foHkkx]
Elections’. In VinaMazumdar (Ed.) Symbols of xq# ukud [kkylk egkfo|ky; ekVqxa k] eqc a bZ
Power: Studies on the Political Status of Women
in India (pp. 24–50). (Bombay, Allied Publish- ==============***********===============
,dk oLrqruw nqljh oLrw fuekZ.k dj.ks gh
10. The example of Bihar where in 2006,
50% seats were reserved for women in three ek.klkph tUekiklwuph lo; vkgs- nxM dks:u
layers of PRI’s. Also, here we can take reference ewrhZ ?kMfo.ks- ykdMkP;k ykac ljG [kksMkiklwu
from ‘Maharani’ Web Series where it is exactly gksMh cufo.ks- ckaci w klwu Vksiyh cufo.ks- gh lxGh
showcased the condition where a woman is ek/;ekarjsvkgsr- dkykarjkus fopkj d:u ek/;ekarjkr
forced as a proxy representative by her husband cny dsyk xsyk-mnk- ykdMk,soth Qk;cjph gksMh-
unwillingly and then in her name real politics is
jkek;.kkP;k dkGkr jkedFkk yo& vad'q k ;kauh
played by her injured husband and his secre-
tary. However effective power in these PRI’s is xhrkP;k Lo:ikr dFku dj.ks gs ek/;ekarjkps mÙke
surrounded by a range of hindering factors. mnkgj.k vkgs- egkHkkjr ;k egkdkO;krhy ?kVuk&
11. Rai Praveen "Women’s Participation çlaxkoj vk/kkjysyh ikSjkf.kd ukVds lq)k ek/;ekarjkph
in Electoral Politics in India: Silent Feminisation”, mnkgj.ks vkgsr-
Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, çkphu dkGkiklwu vkti;arZ vusd çdkjph
(Delhi, 2017)
ek/;ekarjsdks.kR;k uk dks.kR;k xjtsrwu >kysyh
12. It's Time BJP Walks the Talk on the
Women's Reservation Bill vkgsr]gs y{kkr ?ksrys ikfgts- dkgh ek/;ekarjs
women/interview-its-time-bjp-walks-the-talk- lkekftd vkf.k dykRed xjtsru w >kysyh vkgsr
on-the-womens-reservation-bill vls fnlwu ;sr-s dFkk&dknacjh ;kaP;k okpd oxkZi{s kk
R;kp dFkk&dknacjhojhy ukVd] fp=iV ;kauk
 vf/kd iVhus çs { kd oxZ ykHkys y k vlrks -
vf/kdkf/kd yksdkai;arZ iksgksp.;kP;k lkekftd xjtsruw
ek/;ekarj >kysys fnlwu ;sr-s
dykoa r] lkfgfR;d ;kau h fuoMys y k
dykçdkj] lkfgR;çdkj R;kP;k eukrhy vk'k;
iw.kZi.ks O;ä dj.;kl vleFkZ Bjrks- fdaok iw.kZi.ks
O;ä djhr ukgh] vls y{kkr ;srs rsOgk vk'k;kyk
l{kei.ks O;ä dj.kkj~;k ek/;ekph fuoM dsyh
tkrs- gsdykRed xjtsruw ek/;ekarj gksrkuk fnlwu
;sr-s O;kogkfjd xjt Eg.kts vkfFkZd Qk;|klkBh
[dÚmdmVm© : Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journal Impact Factor 3.102

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