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Research paper by : - PIYUSH PURBA

In this research paper, the focus is on customer service analytics and
community management analytics, highlighting their importance in enhancing
customer satisfaction and community engagement.

Customer service analytics involve analyzing data related to customer

interactions with support services. Key metrics include first response time,
resolution time, customer satisfaction scores, ticket volume, and customer
effort score. By examining these metrics, businesses can gain insights into the
efficiency and effectiveness of their customer service operations, enabling them
to make informed decisions to improve the customer experience.

On the other hand, community management analytics focus on metrics related

to community engagement and growth. This includes analyzing engagement
rate data, sentiment analysis, and tracking community growth metrics. By
understanding these metrics, businesses can identify trends, address concerns,
and capitalize on positive feedback within their online communities, ultimately
fostering a strong and loyal community around the brand.

This paper also discusses the similarities and differences between social
customer service and community management. While both roles aim to ensure
positive interactions and user satisfaction, they have distinct responsibilities in
managing customer inquiries and fostering community engagement.
Overall, the insights provided in the document emphasize the importance of
data analysis in driving improvements in customer satisfaction, community
engagement, and overall business success in the digital age.


Customer service analytics involves the collection and analysis of data related
to customer interactions with a company's support services.
This includes data from various channels such as phone calls, emails, live chats,
and social media. The goal of customer service analytics is to gain insights into
customer behavior, preferences, and satisfaction levels in order to improve the
overall customer experience.

Key metrics in customer service analytics include:

1. First response time: The time it takes for a customer to receive an initial
response from a support agent.

2. Resolution time: The time it takes to resolve a customer issue or inquiry.

3. Customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores: Feedback provided by customers to

measure their satisfaction with the support they received.

4. Ticket volume: The number of support tickets or inquiries received over a

specific period.

5. Customer effort score (CES): A measure of how much effort a customer has
to put into resolving an issue.

By analyzing these metrics, companies can identify trends, pain points, and
areas for improvement in their customer service operations. This can lead to
more efficient support processes, higher customer satisfaction, and ultimately,
increased customer loyalty and retention.


Community management analytics involves the monitoring and analysis of data

related to a company's online community or social media presence.
This includes tracking engagement metrics, sentiment analysis, and community

Key metrics in community management analytics include:

1. Engagement rate: The level of interaction and participation within the

community, such as likes, comments, and shares.

2. Sentiment analysis: The analysis of user-generated content to determine the

overall sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) towards the brand or

3. Community growth: Tracking the growth of the community in terms of new

members, followers, or subscribers.

4. Response time: The time it takes for the community manager to respond to
user inquiries or comments.

5. Influencer impact: Measuring the impact of influential community members

or brand advocates on the community.

By analyzing these metrics, companies can gain insights into the effectiveness
of their community management efforts, identify opportunities for engagement,
and address any issues or concerns raised by community members. This can
help in building a strong and loyal community around the brand, fostering
positive brand sentiment, and driving advocacy and word-of-mouth marketing.


The purpose of a thesis on customer service could be to explore and analyze
various aspects of customer service operations within an organization.
This could include studying customer service strategies, the use of technology
in customer service, customer satisfaction metrics, the impact of customer
service on customer loyalty and retention, and the role of customer service in
overall business success.

The thesis might aim to identify best practices in customer service, analyze the
effectiveness of different customer service channels, and explore the impact of
customer service on brand reputation.
It could also delve into the role of employee training and motivation in
delivering exceptional customer service, as well as the influence of cultural and
regional differences on customer service expectations and experiences.

Ultimately, the purpose of the thesis on customer service would be to

contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field, provide insights and
recommendations for improving customer service practices, and offer valuable
information for businesses seeking to enhance their customer service
operations and ultimately, their overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.


This is an explanatory thesis. Primary objective is to give a clear understanding

of community management and how it fits in the business model.
Therefore, the research question to be answered is:
- What is the purpose of community management in a business?

BraveNewTalent will be used as a case study to answer the primary research

question. Modern business structures and strategies will be analysed with
community management at the centre.
Consequently community managers will also be put under the microscope,
hence pursuing further questions:

- What is the role of a community manager in a business? - What are the gaps
in business community management operations?

Figure 2, portrays the framework of this paper. If we dissect the findings of the
three research questions mentioned above the results can be divided into three
parts. It will provide a deeper understanding of community management, it’s
place in the business model.
Secondly identify the common problems in community management. Oracle
Eloqua published a guide on community management which states community
management is one of the least understood concepts.


Customer Service Analytics:

In customer service analytics, the data analysis process involves a

comprehensive examination of various key metrics.
For instance, analyzing first response time data can reveal patterns in customer
wait times and help identify peak periods of customer inquiries.
This analysis can inform staffing and resource allocation decisions to ensure
timely responses.
Similarly, studying resolution time data can uncover trends in issue complexity
and the effectiveness of support processes. Understanding customer
satisfaction scores through in-depth analysis can provide insights into the
factors that contribute to high or low satisfaction levels, enabling businesses to
make targeted improvements.
Furthermore, analyzing ticket volume over time can help identify seasonal
trends, product issues, or areas requiring additional customer education or self-
service options.
Lastly, examining customer effort scores can shed light on the ease or difficulty
customers experience when seeking support, guiding efforts to streamline the
customer service experience.

Community Management Analytics:

In community management analytics, the data analysis process involves a

thorough examination of various metrics related to community engagement
and growth.
For example, analyzing engagement rate data can reveal the impact of content,
discussions, and interactions within the community. Understanding the
sentiment analysis of user-generated content can provide insights into the
overall perception of the brand and community, guiding strategies to address
concerns or capitalize on positive feedback.
Tracking community growth metrics can help identify periods of accelerated
growth or stagnation, informing outreach and retention efforts.
Additionally, analyzing response time data can highlight opportunities to
improve the speed and quality of interactions with community members.
Lastly, measuring the impact of influencers within the community can provide
valuable insights into the effectiveness of advocacy and the reach of influential
community members.

In both customer service and community management analytics, the data

analysis process is crucial for identifying actionable insights that can drive
improvements in customer satisfaction, community engagement, and overall
business success.
Similarities between social customer service and community

One of the issues when trying to make the choice is that the definitions don’t
always seem so distinct. A lot of the time, social customer service and
community management overlap so much that they sound just about the same.
We’ll start by showing you how their roles overlap.
Both CS specialists and community managers need to make sure that users
have a positive interaction with the brand and other users on their profile or in
the group. They both need to make sure that:
people follow the community guidelines,
users get answers to their questions or issues,
everyone feels safe in the space,
and that everyone will gain value from following or being part of the
company’s community.
The second point can be confusing, since they sound like the same thing.
However, there’s a difference between answering more general questions about
the product or service and a problem that is highly specific. The rest of this
overlap is pretty easy to understand, though.
Sometimes you can have people who have both roles, though! A smaller
company might not have the budget to pay for both, or the company might not
get much interaction on its profile. How you go about picking one totally
depends on your needs and budget!

Differences between social customer service and community

Now we’re going to focus on what makes each of these unique.
Basically, community managers need to make sure that there’s a positive and
safe environment for the users to share their opinions, talk, and ask questions.
Community managers also have to come up with content to keep users
interested in their company and community.
If you’re running a Facebook Page, there’s a way to make the distinction easier.
A CS specialist only really needs to have the “moderator” role for the Page. On
the other hand, a full-time community manager might need to be an “editor”.
The difference is pretty much that a moderator can answer comments,
messages, and delete/hide comments, but they can’t create or delete posts on a
Page. You can learn more about Facebook Page Roles here if you’re interested.
On the other hand, a social customer service specialist needs to make sure
nobody is dissatisfied. If you have multiple people complaining on your profile,
the CS specialist needs to do something about it. They could resolve the
problem over a comment thread by offering simple solutions or ways to
overcome a problem. If the issue requires more attention, they can ask the user
for permission to contact them privately to help them out. There are plenty of
ways to provide good social customer service, just follow the best practices and
you’ll be fine!
Customer Service Analytics vs. Community Management Analytics:

Customer Service Analytics:

Customer service analytics primarily focuses on the analysis of data related to

customer interactions with a company's support services. This includes metrics
such as first response time, resolution time, customer satisfaction scores, ticket
volume, and customer effort score.
The analysis of these metrics provides insights into the efficiency and
effectiveness of customer service operations. For example, analyzing first
response time and resolution time can reveal patterns in customer wait times
and the overall effectiveness of support processes.
Customer satisfaction scores offer valuable feedback on the quality of support
provided, while ticket volume data can highlight trends in customer inquiries
and areas requiring additional attention.
Additionally, customer effort scores provide insights into the ease or difficulty
customers experience when seeking support, guiding efforts to streamline the
customer service experience.
The ultimate goal of customer service analytics is to improve the overall
customer experience, increase customer satisfaction, and drive customer loyalty
and retention.

Community Management Analytics:

Community management analytics involves the monitoring and analysis of data

related to a company's online community or social media presence.
Key metrics in community management analytics include engagement rate,
sentiment analysis, community growth, response time, and influencer impact.
The analysis of these metrics aims to understand the effectiveness of
community management efforts, identify opportunities for engagement, and
address concerns raised by community members.
For instance, analyzing engagement rate data can reveal the impact of content,
discussions, and interactions within the community, while sentiment analysis
provides insights into the overall perception of the brand and community.
Community growth metrics help identify periods of accelerated growth or
stagnation, guiding outreach and retention efforts.
Additionally, analyzing response time data can highlight opportunities to
improve the speed and quality of interactions with community members, while
measuring the impact of influencers within the community provides valuable
insights into the effectiveness of advocacy and the reach of influential
community members.
The ultimate goal of community management analytics is to build a strong and
loyal community around the brand, foster positive brand sentiment, and drive
advocacy and word-of-mouth marketing.

In summary, while customer service analytics focuses on improving the overall

customer experience and increasing customer loyalty and retention,
community management analytics aims to build and nurture a strong and
engaged community around the brand, fostering positive brand sentiment and
driving advocacy. Both forms of analytics are essential for understanding and
improving customer interactions and community engagement, ultimately
contributing to the overall success of the business.

In conclusion, this research sheds light on the significance of customer service
analytics and community management analytics in today's digital landscape. By
leveraging data analysis in these areas, businesses can gain valuable insights
into customer interactions, community engagement, and brand perception.

Customer service analytics provide a comprehensive view of customer support

operations, enabling companies to optimize response times, enhance issue
resolution processes, and improve overall customer satisfaction. Through
metrics such as first response time, resolution time, and customer effort scores,
organizations can identify trends, make informed decisions, and ultimately
drive customer loyalty and retention.

Similarly, community management analytics offer insights into online

community dynamics, including engagement rates, sentiment analysis, and
community growth metrics. By monitoring these key indicators, businesses can
tailor their community management strategies, identify opportunities for
engagement, and address concerns raised by community members, fostering a
positive brand sentiment and driving advocacy.

Moreover, the document highlights the overlap and distinctions between social
customer service and community management, emphasizing the shared goal of
ensuring positive user interactions and experiences. Both roles play a crucial
part in maintaining brand reputation, addressing customer inquiries, and
fostering a sense of community among users.

Overall, the document underscores the importance of data-driven decision-

making in customer service and community management, emphasizing the role
of analytics in driving improvements in customer satisfaction, community
engagement, and overall business success. By harnessing the power of analytics,
businesses can adapt to evolving customer needs, strengthen relationships with
their audience, and position themselves for long-term success in the digital era.

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