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ICOI 2016 #071 - Universitas Airlangga



Finita Sekararum Sari and Trias Setiawati

Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia and


This research title was “Student Entrepreneur: Motivation, Achievement and Globalization,
A Case Study of Students Entrepreneurs Who Run Business Online and Offline” The
purpose of this research were to know the student motivation description to run business, to
find the students business development description, to explain the students benefits as
entrepreneurs, to picture the students' academic achievement description as entrepreneurs,
to find the student’s parents support description as entrepreneurs, and to find the barriers
description of which faced as entrepreneurs. This research was a qualitative with case study
approach. The research collection methods were interview and documentation. The key
resource person were students who run online and offline business as entrepreneurs in
Economics Faculty of Universitas Islam Indonesia in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. They were
Rosa Akhirunnisa, Iqbal Rizwanda, Galuh Fairuz and Hairul Umam Bento. In order to
determine the data validity it used the credibility and transferability. The research
credibility examination used triangulation while the data analysis method use reduction
data, display data, and conclusion drawing or verification.

This research found that there are two motivation types that dominate and encourage
students to become young entrepreneurs which are not only independence and financial
motive but also business opportunities, hobbies and family background. The business
increasing effort were done differently among entrepeneur students. The students motive
who run business online use marketing terms strategy business which is communications
through information technology. They run business without touching its boundary with
globalization while offline students looked for the business opportunities strategy. Their
businesses opprtunity can be searched from the surrounding environment through their
friends, hobbies and lineage. The business communication strategy through various media
marketing trend were more dominant than looking for business opportunities from the
surrounding environment. The students' academic achievement were high and have the
grade point average above three (Scale 1-4) and they had their parent’s support. The
student entrepreneur’s barrier was the external organization problem which are
environmental and competitors.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, students, motivation, academic achievement, business


Field of Research: Human Resource Management-Entrepreneurship

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Background. Motivation determines the job achievement result. Students and entrepreneurs
are closely associated. The students as the future generation should continue to be given
provision and entrepreneurship motivation. They do not need to think any longer to prepare
themselves for looking any job. The student can create many jobs widely as entrepreneurs.

Siswanto, Armanu, Setiawan and Nimran (2013) found that entrepreneurship can be run by
anyone including any students of Islamic boarding School Sidogiri, Pasuruan, East Java, in
the six students who had worked more than one year. The research stated that the
entrepreneurs motivation of the students in Islamic boarding school Sidogiri, East Java were
the external and internal environment. The external environment motives were the students
concern on bank interest to develop the business and entrepreneurship. The internal
environment was a will to provide the students and the community needs who want to
consume from lawful sources and the desire to build character-based education system.

Entrepreneurs is pursuing a suitable opportunity for theirselves, and believe that success is
something possible to be achieved. Sabrina and Hanjung (2013) with their research obtained
that a private company in China find its independently business opportunities in the early
phase of their business development, then the entrepreneur had dependent heavily on political
connections to seek and seize opportunities. As goes time by the entrepeneurs coud catch the
opportunities independently. The entrepreneurship was the same that businessman can evolve
as time goes by entrepreneurial activity itself and opportunities can be pursued or captured
over time.

The change of thecnology had affected the mindset of women, women are not just thinking
that its obligations not only taking care of their husband and children as general women do it,
but also women can become a leader through run business. In 1995 Adler (1996) stated that
approximately five percents of the nation leaders were female leaders (eg, prime minister,
president). In the circumstances there was no discrimination based on gender, women exist in
executive positions, business and government that close to 50 percent (Yukl, 2005:491). In
the research context which is conducted by Sihombing (2010) how to see the female student
motivation in entrepreneurship, the results found that the research main findings was
financial independence as the primary motivation for female students to become

When the student is studying in unversity while run business is the right choice to be self-
sufficient in achieving success. That choice required motivation so that the students are brave
enough to plunge into the entrepreneurship world. Aryandha (2014) found that there were
three motivations types that dominate and encourage students to become young
entrepreneurs. Those motives were the ideals of becoming entrepreneurship in the future,
inspiration from the family and financial reasons. In addition there were motivational support
such as business opportunities, do not like to be managed by other people, and extend

Young people who study while entrepreneurship has a big responsibility, in addition to the
academic running of course also on the efforts under taken. This study shows that young
people who have entrepreneurship motivation also has a field of academic achievement. Not
easy college while entrepreneurship, young people have to rack my brain to continue to
develop the business undertaken, according Salvatore (2014) Globalization as a means of

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increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial
flows, but also through the free flow of ideas and people who made easy with the
communications and vehicles revolution. The idea and the communications revolution makes
it easier for young people to develop businesses that followed, with the advancement of
technology today's era, young people more easily develop their business through online
which you can reach the whole world and do transaction selling without having to meet
directly. Globalization is not just talking about big questions such as economic and political
liberalization, but also globalization issues in everyday life, for example only the more
intense the relationship among culture, social norms, interests and ideology among
nations. This means that globalization brings consequences of modernity tso that people face
the transformation from the traditional life into modern life, Anthony Giddens (2001).

One of the faculty of the oldest private universities had some students who run their business
and pioneering their efforts since they was in college that is the Economics Faculty of
Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). It was established by Waqf Board of UII on March 10,
1948 and then confirmed by deed of Notary RM. Wiranto No. 9, dated December 21, 1951.
Economics Faculty of UII had three departments, namely the Management, Accounting and
Economics. This research had been conducted in all those departments. Entrepreneurship in
the present era is considered as an important matter because it has been able to face the
problem of limited job opportunities. The employment opportunities of entrepreneurship can
improve the State's economy. Based on those mentioned above, this research conducted in
terms of student entrepreneurs, student motives to become entrepreneurs and what their
achievement in their business.

Research Purpose. The purpose of this research were to know the student motivation
description to run business, to find the students business development description, to explain
the students benefits as entrepreneurs, to picture the students' academic achievement
description as entrepreneurs, to find the student’s parents support description as
entrepreneurs, and to find the barriers description of which faced as entrepreneurs.


Previous research.
Within the scope of the student entrepreneur’s motivation, the researcher drew on research
that has been done before. One of them is a sudy that had been conducted by Nordiana (2014)
with its title the role of social networks as a medium for enhancing interest in students
entrepreneurship to run business online (Studies in Student from Science Department of
Economics, University of Brawijaya), the purpose of this study was to determine the role of
social media in increasing interest in entrepreneurship students and knowing the phenomenon
online entrepreneurship students. that research results found that the role of social networks
significantly influence the interest in entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurial world can be cultivated by anyone that is included women. The research that
had been conducted by Sihombing (2010), entitled “Understanding Motivations of Female
Students to Become Entrepreneurs: A Qualitative Approach,” it found that main result was
that financial independence as the primary motivation for female students to become
entrepreneurs. Another research that counducted by Sabela, Ariati and Setiawan (2014)
entitled “Toughness of Students Entrepreneurship,” showed that the toughness played an
important role in dealing with stressful situations because a dual role as a student and as an
entrepreneur. Toughness makes students more confident entrepreneurs to establish self-

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employment as a way of life and eager to do business developments efforts until they started
the business to be great.

Kaplan (2003) had found that 85 percent of businesses failed to survive for longer than five
years. It means that running business is not easy and it may be harder for the student who are
studying in university and running business in the same time.The types of a successful
entrepreneur or a successful businessman is very difficult to understand including Bugis
ethnic entrepreneurs in South Sulawesi. The research that conducted by Munizu (2010)
suggested that the determinants of success for Bugis ethnic businessman in starting and
maintaining the business consisted of five topics/main themes namely: (1) family and its
influence, (2) autonomy, (3) the active involvement in running business and have a clear
purpose, (4) endurance, perseverance, and optimism, and (5) personal sacrifice.

The world of entrepreneurship can be done by anyone including women. The study that had
been conducted by Safitri and Hatammimi (2013) entitled the analysis of the factors that
motivate women entrepreneurship through online business (Studies in Student of Business
School in Bandung) where the purpose of this study was to determine factors that motivate
women entrepreneurship through online business. In addition, researchers also wanted to
know the most dominant variable in each of the factors that motivate women
entrepreneurship through online business factor analysis techniques. The results of this study
found seventh factors which motivate the female entrepreneur those were family, tools and
facilities, awards and punishment, personal interest, self-actualization, and self-potential.

This research focused on students entreprenuer who run business online and offline, male and
female entrepeneurs while they are studying in unversities. This research would be conducted
in Yogyakarta-Indonesia. It had been done using qualitative research with multiple case
study while the others research were different because they focused on Bugis ethnic
entrepeneur, female students only and in China. This research would give new perspective in
students entrepreneurs study in university with the different type of business which are online
and offline.

Theoretical Background

Human Resource Management, according to Dessler (2006), human resource management

can be stated with an experience that most of us; Most of us has experience in some form of
employment, most of us have 'managed'. In that context, not all of us captivated when dubbed
'human resources' (Chris and Keith 2012).

Motivation Theory. The motivation theory in this study was used as a reference on the
research of college students while they run their entrepreneurship. Handoko (1984) stated that
motivation theory can be divided into two types those are content theory and process theory.
Sometimes content theory is more known as a need theory that was pleasing to the question
of what causes the behavior or focus on statement "what" from motivation. Theories that was
known was the theory of Maslow's needs (Kadarisman, 2012). This theory explained that
every human being has a need (need) that the emergence relies heavily on individual
interests. Based on this, Maslow divided human needs into five levels needs so often called
'the five hierarchy of needs'. The fifth need are, physiological needs, safety needs, social
needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs.

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There was another motivation theory which is known as ERG theory that divided into three
categories of individual needs, namely the existence, connectivity (or relatedness), and
growth. According to Aldefer (Kadarisman, 2012) the contents of the ERG theory is: (1)
Existence needs to sustain life, physical needs; (2) Connectedness requirement is the need to
connect with others who are helpful such as family, friends, employer, membership in the
society: (3) Growth needs is the need to be productive and creative, for example, be
empowered in particular potential and evolve continuously.

Achievement motivation theory that stated by McClelland (in Suryana and Bayu, 2010:89),
there are three human needs, namely: (1) the need for companionship (Need for Affiliation)
that indicated by a strong desire to be friends, desire to gather, and scarry to be broken in
their friendship. (2) The need for power that indicated by a strong desire to rule, love the
vertical relationship, feeling pride of the position and recognition. 3) The need for
achievement (Need for Achievement) that indicated by holding responsibility, risk taking,
creatives and innovative.

Motivation process theories as to describe a person's desire to show a certain attitude and
make decisions in starting a business. Process theory respect to how the behavior is started
and executed or explain the "how" of motivation. Process Theories are some theories those
are the expectancy theory, the formation of behavior (operant conditioning), theory porter-
lawyer and a theory of justice. (Handoko 1984).

The benefits of Entrepreneurship. Student businessman when they study in college would
deliver many benefits and opportunities to change their welfare condition and can explore the
student talent. Zimmerer (2005) formulated the benefits of entrepreneurship as follows:
giving the opportunity and the freedom to control the destiny itself; gives the freedom and
opportunities to achieve the goal of their life, gave the opportunity to make changes, gave the
opportunity to achieve their potential fully, had opportunities for finding benefit, had the
opportunity to play an active role in their society and the recognition of their efforts, had the
opportunity to do something they like and foster a sense of pleasure in doing their business,

Enterprise Development. The way to develop business as proposed by Rianse (2011) was
developed from the strategy theory of early business development. It consisted of some
factors such as starting a business, looking for business opportunities, the needs of capital for
starting business, business communication strategy, a business choosing strategy, marketing
strategy, finance strategy, and competitive strategy.

Barriers to Entrepreneurship. According to Mattuju (2013) the most often barriers that was
faced by young people who want to be independent as an entrepreneur were (1) how to
manage the time between schools and businesses; (2) Surrounding factors or significant
others who were less supportive so they will takes effort to convince them; (3) Excessive
worry or mental harm so as to make them more hesitant to move; 4) Feelings of shame, pride,
and easy to give up to face much challenges.

Globalization, Giddens (2001:54) revealed that globalization was not only said that treated
to the great aspects such as the liberalization of the economy and politics, but also the
globalization in daily life such as its strength the space of personal expression with
increasingly intense relationship between culture, social norms, interests and ideology among
nations. This means that globalization brings many consequences of modernity which bring
people to transform from traditional life into modern life.

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The research approach. The research approach used a qualitative approach that is
descriptive data in the form of words or images obtained from interview, field notes and other
documents. This research was qualitative study with multiple case these are 4 students of
Economics Faculty of Universitas Islam Indonesia in Yogyakarta-Indonesia.

Research Key Informant. This research had 4 key student as informants. Active as a
undergraduate student of the Economics Faculty of UII that consist of 3 departments:
Accounting Department, Management and Economics. Key informants were taken from three
departments that can show how students are actually closely related to the economics of
entrepreneurship in creating jobs for others or for themselves. The informants must had at
least three grade point average. in order to become motivation for other students to plunge
into the world of entrepreneurship, since it does not interfere with the process of
entrepreneurship and students' academic achievement. Students achieved the business omzet
or sales volume per month IDR $ 3,500,000 per month. That sales volume was a great
income for students. The study took two female and two male students with different
department and different business types, its namely online and offline or conventional. The
department origin differences was choosen in order to find if there is any different
achievement in their business. By these criteria, the research can be focused on the
entrepreneur process while the students study in the university.

The Research Location. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Economics, University
of Islam Indonesia (UII FE). FE UII Waqf Board established by the Islamic University of
Indonesia on March 10, 1948 and then confirmed by deed of Notary RM. Wiranto No. 9,
dated December 21, 1951. It has three departments, Management, Accounting and
Economics. This study will be conducted for all three departments.

Research Instruments
According to Sugiyono (2004) in a qualitative study, which became the instrument or tool of
research is the researchers themselves. Therefore, the researcher as an instrument must also
"validated" how far qualitative researchers are ready to conduct research then enter into the
field. Validation of researchers as instruments include the validation of the understanding
qualitative research methods, mastery of knowledge to the field under study, researchers
readiness to enter the object of research, both in terms of academic and logistics. Party that
performs the validation is the researchers themselves, through a self-evaluation of how much
understanding of qualitative methods, understanding theory and insight of the area concerned,
as well as readiness and supplies entering the field. This research focus on some concepts
which are related to entrepreneur motivation, academic achievement, business development
and barriers in balancing between study and run business.

Data Collection Method

This data collection method in this research used interview, observation, and documentation.
The interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information and ideas through
questions and answers that can be constructed meaning in a particular topic (Sugiyono,2009:
317) and the interviews, researchers will knowing things more deeply about the participants
in interpreting situations and phenomena that could not be found through observation.
(Sugiyono, 2009) divides the three forms of the interview is a structured interview, based on
semi-structured, and unstructured interview. This study using semi-structured interviews. In

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semi-structured interviews, researchers used a list of questions as a guideline, but the

discussion will be developed using spontaneous questions.

Observation is a series of steps for setting research sites, identifying what will be observed,
determining the role of observer, designing protocols observation as a method of recording
and recording in the field, recording or documenting a subject or activity, and is involved in
the activity (Creswell, 2007). In addition to interviews, information can also be obtained
through the facts stored in the form of letters, diaries, pictures archival photographs, the
meeting results, souvenirs, journal activities and so forth. Data in the form of a document like
this can be used to dig up information that occurred in the past. Researchers need to have a
theoretical sensitivity to interpret all these documents that are not just items that are not
meaningful. (Rahardjo,2011)

Triangulation. Triangulation is done with the aim to ensure that data involving different
speakers, different techniques, different time and credible. This study uses triangulation,
triangulation techniques, and triangulation of time that the data obtained can be trusted.

Transferability is external validity in qualitative research. External validity indicate the

precision degree, so that others can understand the qualitative research results. The researcher
in making the report must provide a detailed description, clear, systematic and trustworthy.
Accordingly, the reader becomes clear over the results of these studies so that they can decide
whether or not applied elsewhere (Sugiyono, 2012:276). Once the data is reduced then the
data will be displayed. Such data can be incorporated into the research results to strengthen
the data so that data into detailed, clear, systematic, and trustworthy so that the reader
becomes clear.

Data Analysis Method

This research used data analysis through qualitative research that conducted prior to entering
the field, on the field during and after in the field. I details such as follows:
1) Before Data Analysis in Field: The qualitative research was to analyze the data before
investigators entering the field. The analysis conducted on the results of preliminary
studies or secondary data that will be used to determine the focus of research. However,
the focus of research, each temporary and will evolve when researchers were in the field
and after the field. (Sugiyono, 2012, p 245);
2) Analysis of Data in the Field: Data analysis in qualitative research, carried out at the time
of data collection takes place, and after the completion of data collection in the certain
period. In time of the interview, researchers have conducted an analysis of the answers
were interviewed. If the answer were interviewed after analysis was not satisfactory, then
the researchers will continue the questions again, to a certain extent, the data obtained are
considered credible (Sugiyono, 2009: 246).

Activities in the data analysis includes data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.
1) Data Reduction: The data obtained from the field needs to be recorded in detail and more
carefully. To become longer the researchers in the field, then the amount of data will be
more to be found. Therefore, the need to analyze the data reduction. Data reduction means
summarizing, choose things that are the principal focus on the important things, look for
themes and patterns. Thus the reduced data will provide a clearer picture, and facilitate
researchers to conduct further data collection, and look for it when needed (Sugiyono,
2009: 247). Once the data is obtained from various sources, then the research match that
data in accordance with the needs of the fulfillment of the purpose of research is

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summarized in a table of data reduction. This is done by the researchers that the problems
being analyzed can be matched to the right data to answer subject matter in a more
focused presentation of the data.
2) Data Display (Data Presentation): In qualitative research data presentation can be done in
the form of tables, graphs, pie charts, pictogram and the like. Through the presentation of
these data, it will be organized, arranged in a pattern of relationships, so it will be more
easily understood. With the display of data, it will be easier to understand what is
happening, to plan further work based on what has been understood that (Sugiyono,
2009:249). After performing data reduction, the authors present the reduced data into the
form of a table. This is done to make clear the relationship pattern data obtained from
primary sources and sources of support. Data obtained during the research is very broad
and should be narrowed down in a table that contained the data of relevance to the subject
matter studied.
3) Conclusion Drawing / Verification (taking Conclusion / Verification): The third step in the
analysis of qualitative data is the conclusion and verification. Preliminary conclusion
expressed still provisional, and will change if no strong evidence supporting the next
phase of data collection. Thus the conclusion in qualitative research may be able to answer
the problem formulation formulated from the beginning, but maybe not, because, as has
been stated that the problem and the problem in this research type which still provisional
and will be developed after the research is in the field (Sugiyono, 2009:252). After the
reduced data is presented in tabular form, then it can be seen the pattern of the relationship
between the formulation of the problem with the data obtained from primary sources or
supporting informants. Then the researcher draw conclusions from these findings that have
been focused on the formulation of research problems.


Motivation. The study found that there are two kinds of motivation that dominates and
encourages students to become young entrepreneurs from each source, namely independence
and financial reasons. The student desire is arguably the motivation to do something, Rosa is
a student who wanted to be independent with no troublesome both parents in financial terms.

"In one hand running business had high Influence because I must do this business,
now my expenses were so many, I am young people, we want to buy clothes, also
others thing. In the other hand I did not want to disturb my parents because they had
paid study tuition fee. I was in college, and I was spending a lot so I want to be
independent. So how do I find the way that I can still have good life but do not use
Mom and Dad’s money "(Rosa, 24/11 / 2015.10:00AM)

My personal needs was so much, then I did not want to disturb my parents which become the
reason or motivation why Rosa want to become entrepreneur while she was in college. It was
inevitable if I got the money from the sweat itself is very satisfying.

Second informant in establishing his businesses which was exhibiton shop, Iqbal had
motivation that could be considered very high, this motivation that makes Iqbal spirit in
managing his business, his desire to be able to become one person who had a major influence
in the world globally are highly motivated others to possessed huge desire.

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"My role was very great yea because I had high ideals that I want to have a high
influence in the world, is only the first step. This step had a big role." (Iqbal, 26/11 /
03, 21:00 PM)

Students as an entrepreneur had very big influence on this country. In addition it can provide
jobs for the community, it can also give effect for others person, the first step to establish a
business was properly applied for Iqbal to be able to have high influence in the world

Being independent was perceived by Galuh to become an entrepreneur. Some students might
still be rely on money from their parents to carry their individual needs. In contrast, Galuh,
her effort to run online shop, she had desire to be able to fulfill her needs with her own

"Because the business gave me profit so that I can add my pocket money. When so
let's say I want to buy something then I do not need to ask my parents again." (Galuh,
23/11 / 15, 11:20 AM)

Bento as the fourth key informant had financial motivation as the main one. Bento did not
come from a rich family that can be cover finacially from all of his needs. His parents
experience who had failed in business which make the Bento ideals initially want to become
a manager. Because of urgency cost need had made Bento demanding racked his brain for
opening a business.
"His ideal become a pilot as a kid. When I was in college, I had an ideal to be a
manager. I think if I want to be a manager so I must be graduated from college and
applying for jobs, and long time. I had been urged to earn money while I was living
outside of my city. Going outside of my city if I have no money how I can cover my
food. Because of an emergency then I try to open the business." (Bento,
25/11/2015.20: 10).

In addition their motives were motivational support such as business opportunities, hobbies
and family backgrounds.The student entrepreneur’s motivation can be viewed from
motivation theory. The motivation of the students entrepreneurs were looked like two
theories, namely the content theory and process theory. The the contents theory that were
looked like similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Aldefer's ERG theory, and the need for
achievement and power that was introduced by David McLelland. The student entrepreneur’s
motivation were also looked like to the process expectancy theory. Financial reasons and
independence can be categorized in the process theory which is Expectancy theory. While
ideals, like in a person can be categorized as both the Satisfaction theory or Content and
Process Theory.

Business Development. The business development effort is expected to be continued to be

the best and will be trained to increase the potential students. Students who have a business
online and non-online or offline have different way in increasing their business. The
entrepreneurs students who have online businesses, they run their business development in
terms of marketing with pursuing a business communication strategy through information
technology or e-commerce (trading which use communication services via the internet). They
conducted business without geograpical area limits with touch globalization. The non-online
students developed their business with a seeking business opportunities strategy. They looked
for consumers from the surrounding environment such as friends, hobbies and lineage. It can

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be stated that in developing their business the students entrepreneurs use a business
communication strategy through a variety of marketing media trending and search for
business opportunities from the surrounding environment.

How the way to develop the business is like stated by Rianse (2011) which is developed from
the strategy theory in business to be initiated, such as starting a business, looking for business
opportunities, capital, entrepreneurship, strategic business communication, strategy for
choosing the location, marketing strategies, financial strategies, and competitive strategy.
From the eight ways to develop a business, two of them had been implemented by the
entrepreneur students which are strategic business communications and explore business

Academic achievement. All of the students entrepreneur had good academic and non-
academic achievement which was shown with their GPA that was above three (Scale 0-4).
They also achieved accomplishments in non-academic area. They had shown that students
entrepreneurship can balance their study and their business. They could live in college and
reached something quite satisfactory. The research results that had done by Pandu (2005)
showed that there are significant differences in academic achievement between entrepreneur
students and non entrepreneur students in Economic Education Faculty or FKIP in Univesitas
Sebelas Maret (UNS). The difference was mainly found in the learning achievement of 2
groups of subjects MKPK and MKBB where the students achievement are higher than non
entrepreneurs students. This illustrates that entrepreneurs student can reach high achievement
in academic side.

Parents Support. The parent’s help was needed by the student entrepreneur who run
business while they are studing was very important. Most of the parents students wanted their
children prioritize their efforts to finish their study. The barriers that arise in students
entrepreneurs were time management, the environment that do not support the students
business effort, and new competitors. Rosa’s mom and dad never impose Rosa to become
someone in the future. Her parents just drive and see the development efforts that was done
by Rosa. Her parent saw the Rosa potential within herself in entrepreneurship, they continue
to support.

"Nowadays Running business as businessman (entrepreneur) was particularly very

populair among the students. I saw that Rosa has rich potential in this field, and I was
as her parents just stay for pushing and directing. The young people had limititation, I
was her parents who cover her weaknesses in entrepreneurship. Our family
background was entrepreneurs too, his father was also entrepreneur. It might be
different that be sold, but in business I needed to direct her. "(Mrs. Salami, Rosa’s
Mom, 24/11 / 2015.11:40AM).

Potential is an ability that possible to be developed, such as strength, ability, and power. The
point is that simple, the potential is something that you can develop (Majdi, 2007:86). Rosa’s
parent understood that Rosa’s potential can be developed to become an entrepreneur and she
support her.

A business can be run and it does not interfere when the lecture time was on-going. It was an
evidence that was done by Galuh as her responsibility form for her education. The lesson
learn that was obtained by Galuh, it reflects her achievements is also good.

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"It was ok as long as she can be responsible for her study. She could do that business
as long as her study is good and her business is success too. Her business could give
her additional experience. As long as her experience can be understood and influence
her study to be move forward. "(Mrs. Eva, Galuh’s Mom, 24/11 / 2015.08:30 PM).

The other student entrepreneur who always be supported by his parents who was Iqbal. His
parents always support and accompany him to become more creative in managing his

"I loved when He run his business because my son can do something to increase his
creativity. I also advised him to do not forget his study. Iqbal had become earn a little
income. "(Sri Hayati, Iqbal’s Mom, 28/11 / 2015.09:50AM).

The more students who have creativity in the business field, they can become a real
entrepreneur for the future that can be develop this nation to become more advance. Although
Bento strongly be supported to run his business while he was studying in college, Bento’s
parents also expected his full responsibility in completing his study.

"I was, as his parents, support him very complete what he was doing. Indeed, if he
was capable to run the business in the same time with his study, he could manage his
time. The important thing was education, it remains the Number One" (Ms Jannah,
Bento’s Mom, 26/11 / 2015.09:30 AM).

Support from the nearest person was helpful in giving impetus to move forward, especially
the support from their parents who can deliver his fatherly success.

Motives. Those entrepreneur students had shown their motives to run their business which
were to become independent, financial reasons, hobbies and family backgrounds support.
One side motives that related to internal motives which were to become independent and
financial reasons such as stated in content theory from Maslow, Alderfer and McCleland. The
other side motives which were friend hobbies and family backgrounds support that come
from external influence as stated in process theory. Their internal and external motives had
influenced them to be entrepreneurs. This finding are same with Munizu (2010) who stated
that in Bugis etnic businessman had family and its influence, and autonomy. This research
findings was also the same with Safitri and Hatammimi (2013) who stated that family,
personal interest, self-actualization, and self-potential had influenced the student

Achievement. There were differences in the business development way that was done by the
students who have the business in the field of online and non-online. Students who have
online businesses, they did their business development in terms of marketing. They
conducted strategic business communication through information technology or e-commerce
(trading using communications services through the Internet) while the student non-line
developed their business through business opportunities which can be found by the
environmental condition such as watching business, friend hobbies and lineage. The student
entrepreneur also had show their academic achievement as their GPA were above three
(Scale 0-4). They had shown their achievement in term of their effort to develop their
business and in their academic world. Their achievement made them more tough as it had
been stated by Sabela, Ariati and Setiawan (2014).

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Globalization. They also have wider thought than common students who only study in their
university time. They thought about independence life, friend’s hobbies, their family
background, competitors, this globalization world. Their thought expressed that they were not
egoistic to think ony about themselves but they also think about their life surroundings. Some
of them had used internet as their business based that express in their online business which
can reach broader area as Nordiana stated (2014). It means that they had global thought and
global action in this globalization era.


Based on the analysis that has been done before, the following is the conclusion of this study:
First. There were four dominating motivation of an individual entrepreneur as wanted to be
independent, financial reasons, hobbies and family backgrounds support. When those motives
were classified by the theory of motivation into two theories, namely the theory of the
contents of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs (Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory), Theory
ERG Aldefer), and the need for achievement and power of David McClelland and the theory
of the process of the Expectancy Theory. Financial reasons and independence motives can be
categorized in the content theory which is Maslow and Alderfer needs. While hobbies and
family background support can be categorized in Process Theory.

Second. There are differences in the business development way that was done by the
students who have the business in the field of online and non-online. Students who have
online businesses, they did their business development in terms of marketing. They
conducted strategic business communication through information technology or e-commerce
(trading using communications services through the Internet) while the student non-line
developed their business through business opportunities which can be found by the
environmental condition such as watching business, friend hobbies and lineage.

Three. The entrepeneur students had the academic achievement and non-academic which
were shown through their GPA score that they were above three. They also achieved
accomplishments with the non-academic achievements. They could demonstrate high
performance in quite satisfactory. They also had thought to run business in the globalization
era that need more soft and hard skills.

Fourth. The parent of student entrepreneurs gave full support to their kids in form of
financial and non financial support. The non financial support was advice and assistance for
running their children business. The parent thought that the student were young men who
need to be suggested from other peope. Their parent felt to have duties to encourage their
children to become success in the business world.

Fifth. The entrepreneurs students had their own barriers that different one another in running
their business. The most high barriers that are faced by the entrepreneur student were difficult
to run their time management between study and business time. The others barriers for
student entrepreeurs were seen by the community as unproper condition to run business when
they were studens student and the new competitors who appear in their business area.

Research limitations. This research had been done completely it is onlly for the students
who come from business background. For further research it can be done for the students who
have not business background such as engineering students or other background. The other

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research that can be done that related to the new field such as in a creative industry for
exploring the new type of business in digital era.

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Finita Sekararum Sari. The student of Management Department of Economics Faculty of
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta-Indonesia.

Trias Setiawati. The permanent lecturer of of Management Department of Economics

Faculty of Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta-Indonesia.

We thank so much to the Director of Management Research Center of Management

Department of of Economics Faculty of Universitas Islam Indonesia which had supported
some part of this research fund to be finished. It will be incuded the publication of this
research findings to the conference proceeding and or article journal.

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