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Miguel Joaquin E.

Napule GROUP - 2
PATHFIT 301-2 ARNIS 2022-37043
dagger is used; the solo baston (single
stick) in a single long muton or baston (wooden
stick or rattan cane hardened by drying or
heating) is used; and the sinawali, a native term
applied because the intricate movements of the
two muton resemble the weave of a sawali
(crisscross fashion), the bamboo splits weave
pattern used in walling and matting. The lives of
Filipino heroes are linked with the awesome
power of the martial art of Arnis. They
triumphantly waged their heroic battles for
freedom and liberty as a testimony of the power
and effectiveness of Arnis. Their successful stand
against their superiorly armed adversaries in
Arnis History mortal combat in the arena of battle is now held
in immortal inviolability by history of the 16th
The Philippines is an island nation rich in century. Kali (Arnis) became so popular during
both culture and history, The Filipino martial art the early days that it was known as the sport of
of Kali. Kali was an ancient Malayan word that kings and of the members of the royal blood. The
implies a large, bladed weapon longer than a first and foremost experts of the art were the rajah
knife. has contributed to both the history and and Maharlika of the Visayas and Tagalog
diversity in the Philippines. There are an regions, Amandakwa in Pangasinan, and
abundance of styles and systems of Baruwang of the Cagayan Valley region.
Arnis/Kali/Escrima that are taught throughout the
world to this day, that have survived and
developed throughout the different regions, PRE-COLONIAL
families and teachers who have preserved what is Before the Colonial Period. Arnis was
sometimes called a complete martial art. This art originally called Kali. Kali was an ancient
was practiced primarily for self-defense by the Malayan word that implies a large-bladed
pre-Spanish Filipinos who were noted for their weapon longer than a knife. Kali was used as a
friendly nature and legendary hospitality. weapon to hunt down or defend oneself. It was
The art of hand-to-hand combat has also used when there are conflicts between
always been an integral part of the Filipino in his Filipino tribes. was originally developed by the
long, turbulent, and bloody history. By force of people of the natives to the islands using simple
necessity and self-preservation he became an impact and edged weapons such as kampilans,
expert in fighting with his hands, either bare or rattan swords daggers, spears and other assorted
with a stick and a bladed weapon. Even before the weaponry for combat and self-defense. These
weapons were also sometimes used as farm
The arrival of Ferdinand Magellan’s
introduction of the bladed weapon, the
forces on April 27, 1521, was met in battle with a
early Filipinos were already a fighting people
group of islanders, led by Raja Lapu-Lapu, who
using the bow and arrow or the longbow. The
defeated Magellan using only a bladed weapon.
primitive Negritos, coming from Central Asia
Magellan’s Armored and music bearing
during prehistoric times, were experts in these
conquistadors were overpowered by the fierce
weapons. Arnis de mano is the best known and
fighters and retreated.
the most systematic fighting art in the
Philippines. It is a perfected art after a long SPANISH
historical development from the kali systems The Spanish returned in the 1570’s and
designed to train the student to defend himself this time, the Philippines came under the Spanish
against armed or unarmed attacks. Arnis, as it is Rule unable to contend with the modern
commonly called, has also been known in other weaponry and Spanish used. Kali was now called
dialects as estacada among the Tagalog provinces Arnis in the Era, Arnis from the word Arnes
and estoque or fraile in other regions. As a which means armor. This armor was used in the
fighting art, Arnis has three forms of play. They Moro-Moro theatrical play, it is a mock battle
are the espada y daga ("sword and dagger") in between Christians and Moors and is performed
which a long wooden sword and a short wooden. in every village festival in the Philippines. The
practice of Arnis was prohibited, but continued
and was preserved through native ritual dances,
Filipinos used the Moro-Moro mock battle to
continue to hone their skills on the martial art. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENTS
Arnis was also called Escrima/Eskrima from the FACILITIES
Spanish term for fencing, engsrima. While
enhancing their performance, and mock battles
Thus the art were pass down in Families from
generation to generation, honing their skill,
speed. Accuracy and agility.
While earlier Filipino martial arts were
influenced by the Spanish colonization, the
modern forms have been affected by the country’s Competition Area: refers to the area by which
contact with both the United States and Japan the conduct of the competition shall be set or held
after gaining independence in 1898. Arnis including the free zone around it.
continued to be practiced clandestinely during the Dimensions: The playing is a square measuring
American Colonial Period. It has begun to gain 8.0 meters by 8.0 meters with a two (2) meters
recognition and acceptance as the Philippines minimum free zone around it, and a clear space
moved towards independence in the Early-20th without any obstruction up to a height of not less
Century. than 5 meters above from the playing surface.
* Lines of the Playing Area - All lines of the
playing surface are 5.08 cm (2 inches) and must
National Arnis Association of the be of a different color from that of the floor and
Philippines was formed by Rev. Gregorio other lines previously drawn for other purposes.
Aglipay and Major Favan Ver. With the * Boundary Lines - Four lines mark the
perseverance of Remgio Amador Presas and his boundary of the playing area. The free zone
brother Ernesto, Modern Arnis was founded and distance measuring 2.0 meters are drawn outside
just over a century later, on December 11, 2009, the playing area.
the government of the Philippines declared Arnis * Match Lines - Two lines of 1.0 meter long and
to be the martial art and national sport of the 2.0 meters apart mark the horizontal match line.
Philippines. The horizontal match lines are drawn 3 meters
from the boundary lines that run perpendicularly
PRESENT to the official’s table, and 3.5 meters from the
In the present era, Arnis has undergone a boundary line that run parallel to the official’s
remarkable resurgence, reemerging as a symbol table.
of national pride and cultural heritage in the
Philippines. With its official designation as the
national martial art and sport of the country in
2009, Arnis has solidified its place in the hearts
1. Weapon – The padded stick shall be
of Filipinos. This resurgence has been marked by
the official weapon of the player, called a cane or
a blending of tradition with modernization,
baston (baton). The specification of which shall
resulting in the evolution of Modern Arnis, a
be in accordance with the I-ARNIS standard. The
testament to art’s adaptability. Arnis has also
length of padded stick shall be 27 inches for boys
transcended borders, finding a global community
and girls. Each padded stick shall be properly
of practitioners and enthusiasts. It has influenced
foam-cushioned and shall have a maximum grip
other martial arts and self-defense systems,
diameter of not more than 3.81cm. Both padded
contributing to its relevance in contemporary
sticks shall be color-coded, one red and the other
combat training. Beyond its martial aspects, Arnis
blue. It must not have sharp edges or pointed
plays a crucial role in preserving Filipino culture,
with traditional dances and rituals associated with
2. Scoreboards - A pair of scoreboards,
the art being performed to ensure its cultural
either manually or electronically operated. The
continuity. In popular culture, Arnis has made
specifications of which shall be in accordance
appearances, further sparking interest and
with the I-ARNIS standard. Two scoreboards per
curiosity. As Arnis continues to thrive in
contest shall be placed diagonally opposite
academia, education, and international
corners outside the playing area inside the
competitions, it stands as a living testament to the
competition within the free zone, right where the
resilience and enduring legacy of Filipino martial
judges are positioned.
arts in the modern world.
3. Flags – Two sets of red and blue flags,
the size of which is 30cm by 25cm, are used by
the judges in declaring decisions or asking for
consultations. One set of yellow flags of the same
size as red and blue, used by the timers to signal Arnis techniques were incorporated and
the start and the end of each round and to declare practiced.
a time-out and resumption of the game.
Escrima or Eskrima: Alternative names for
Arnis, derived from the Spanish term for fencing,
4. Stopwatch – Used to keep the two-minutes
"engsrima." These names reflect the influence of
per round. This includes interruptions such as
Spanish colonialism on the martial art.
injury changing of broken stick.
Prohibition: Refers to the period during Spanish
5. Gong and Mallet – or other similar audible
rule when the practice of Arnis was discouraged
substitutes such as whistle, bell or buzzer shall be
and sometimes banned due to the perceived threat
provided for the timer to indicate the start and end
it posed to Spanish authorities.
of the round
Armor: The use of armor in the Moro-Moro play,
6. Table – Shall be provided for the Timer and
influencing the renaming of Arnis from Kali,
Recorder which shall be situated one (1) meter in
reflecting the martial art's connection to the mock
front of the playing area so that time signals are
audible enough to both players and referee.

7. Head Protector or Head Gear – Refers toa FILIPINO INFLUENCE:

pair of protective head gear to include an impact
worthy fac mask, the specifications of which shall Kali: The ancient Malayan term from which
be in accordance with the I-ARNIS Standard, Arnis originated, signifying a large, bladed
both headgears must be color-coded, one red and weapon longer than a knife, reflecting the
the other blue, to match the padded stick of the indigenous Filipino roots of the martial art.
player. Espada y Daga: A traditional Filipino Arnis form
8. Body protector/Armor – Refers to a pair of that involves the use of a long wooden sword
protective body protectors, properly cushioned, (espada) and a short wooden dagger (daga)
the specifications of which shall be in accordance simultaneously, highlighting Filipino weapon
with the I-ARNIS standard. Male and female proficiency.
player must both wear body armor and groin Solo Baston: A fundamental form of Arnis
protector. Both shall be color coded to match the focusing on the use of a single long stick or rattan
color of the player. Forearm and shin guards are cane, representing the practicality and
compulsory and must be the color of the player. adaptability of Filipino martial arts.
9. Leg Guards – can be used to protect both thigh
and the shin area. Not only designed for Sinawali: A native Filipino term describing the
protection but also for comfort. intricate weaving or crisscrossing movements of
two sticks, emphasizing the art's fluid and agile
10. Arm Guards – the Arm Guards provide nature.
complementary protection to the other arnis battle
gear. They can be used for both upper arm and Kampilan: A type of Filipino sword with a wavy
forearm protection. blade, historically significant in tribal and
11. Hand Gloves – Hand Gloves are thick rubber Filipino martial culture, representing indigenous
protection that serves as a protection form strikes. weaponry.
The open palm design ensures a stable grip.
Rattan Sticks: Traditional training weapons used
12. Groin Guard – Is a special padding for the in Arnis, typically made from rattan wood,
lower abdomen. It has a groin cup to provide reflecting the resourcefulness and adaptability of
complete protection to the groin area. Filipino martial arts.



Arnes: The Spanish word for armor, from which Respect - The cardinal principle in arnis is respect
the term "Arnis" originated, reflecting the for one’s opponent as a person and as a fighter,
influence of Spanish colonialism on the martial and as a sportsman. It should always be
art. remembered that an opponent is a human being
with a dignity as you have and worthy of respect.
Moro-Moro: A socio-religious play introduced
Also do not under rate his/her figh ng ability
by Spanish friars, featuring mock battles between
overconfidence would be costly, if not, fatal,
Christian Spaniards and Muslim Moors, where
therefore never underes mate the ability of an
opponent. Victory is not a stamp of
invulnerability but rather a reason for

Humility – A student must learn to accept

Character – A ruffian has no place in Arnis let his/her strengths and limita ons without
alone in sports. Refinement in character is defensiveness of judgment. The laurels of victory
important. A student must be taught the moral should never be worn with superiority but with
(and religious) values of everything. It is an humility. Also, even if the aim of art is already
obliga on of the teacher of Arnis to mold the achieved by a student that he can now manage
character of the student in such a way that his on his own, he should never forget the teacher
behavioral structure would be mo vated by who labored for him.
righteous desire.
Commitment – Arnis requires the discipline to
Sincerity – Sincerity for victories sake is not the a end training sessions regularly and to prac ce
all-consuming end of an Arnis player. It is the the techniques again and again to fully sharpen
sincerity in him to his fellowman and to his art their skills. Students must persevere and
that makes him shine in the array of men. The overcome complacency and physical limits.
will to win may be inculcated, but such tutelage Training does not only happen inside the gym but
should never end a er the ck of the ul mate also outside. It demands pa ence since mastery
second in the game but beyond the canvass and does not come overnight.
the arena of compe on.
Accountability – Students need to model the
Discipline – Arnis is a molder of discipline. The behaviors that they want to see in the
kaleidoscopic invita ons and tempta ons of life organiza on they belong to. They need to walk
should never undermine man in his obliga on to the talk if they want others to follow the same
his art, to himself and his fellowman. A student path. One must be accountable for any failures,
should learn to control himself in the pursuance as well as any successes that his/her organiza on
of his goal, not only in this art but also in life in may have.

Self-Control – Losing one’s head means defeat. GIVE 5 ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS OF
One should learn to control one’s temper if he PRACTICING ARNIS IN EACH ASPECT:
hopes to achieve success in every endeavor. In
Arnis, self-control is important because without
it, life, and the good health of another may be
lost. The possession of an ability to kill or main a
person should be handled with extreme cau on
and prudence. Man’s clear percep on of things PHYSICAL ASPECT:
is anchored in his ability to control the outbursts
Improved Coordination: Engaging in Arnis
of his inner self. Provoca on is dishonorable but
enhances coordination by requiring adeptness in
hasty reac on to it is just as dishonorable if not,
hand-eye synchronization, footwork, and weapon
despicable. handling.
E que e – One’s norm and standard should Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: Regular
never be imposed upon others. One should learn Arnis workouts contribute to cardiovascular
how to respect others. Giving credence to the fitness, fostering endurance and increased
standard and ability of another person should or stamina.
will best prepare anybody in any endeavor.
Strengthened Muscles: Consistent Arnis
Student’s Loyalty – Loyalty should be practice fortifies muscles, particularly in the
emphasized to the student, loyalty to the art, to arms, shoulders, and core, leading to increased
a fellow player. And to his teacher. Ingra tude to physical strength and enduring power.
one’s ingra tude to the other. A student should
Increased Flexibility: The dynamic nature of
be loyal to a fellow player because any disloyalty Arnis movements promotes flexibility, reducing
to him is disloyal to the art itself. More the risk of injuries and improving overall
importantly, a student should be loyal to his mobility.
teacher; everything one has learned is owed by
him to his teacher. Personal whims should never Weight Management: Active participation in
cause him to be ungrateful where he owes Arnis sessions aids in calorie burning and weight
management, supporting physical fitness and
everything he knows.
Networking Opportunities: Participation in
Arnis facilitates networking with individuals
from diverse backgrounds and professions,
Heightened Focus and Concentration: Arnis expanding social connections.
demands intense focus and concentration, honing
Leadership Abilities: Advanced Arnis
mental sharpness and the ability to remain fully
practitioners often assume leadership roles within
the martial arts community, refining their
Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Engaging in leadership and mentoring capabilities.
Arnis fosters problem-solving abilities and quick
decision-making as practitioners adapt to various
scenarios and opponents. SPIRITUAL ASPECT:
Memory Enhancement: Learning and retaining Inner Harmony: Arnis practice can instill a
Arnis techniques and patterns enhances memory sense of inner peace and equilibrium, establishing
and cognitive function. a connection between the mind, body, and spirit.
Stress Alleviation: Involvement in Arnis Mindfulness: Arnis training promotes
provides a constructive outlet for stress relief, mindfulness, enabling practitioners to remain
assisting individuals in effectively managing fully present and cultivate spiritual awareness.
daily pressures.
Appreciation for Tradition: Learning the
Cultivated Discipline: Arnis instills discipline, historical and cultural facets of Arnis nurtures a
encouraging consistent training and a strong work deeper reverence for tradition and heritage.
ethic that extends to other areas of life.
Self-Reflection: Arnis can serve as a journey of
self-exploration, encouraging individuals to
contemplate their values and beliefs.
Holistic Well-Being: Arnis' holistic nature
Boosted Self-Confidence: Mastery of Arnis
promotes overall well-being, nurturing the
techniques and self-defense skills elevates self-
spiritual dimension of life in harmony with the
assurance and self-esteem.
physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects.
Emotional Regulation: Arnis instruction
includes emotional control, equipping
practitioners to maintain composure and focus,
even in high-stress situations.
Stress Reduction: Routine Arnis practice
reduces stress and anxiety, promoting emotional
well-being and mental clarity.
Empowerment: Arnis empowers individuals by
imparting self-defense skills, resulting in
heightened self-belief and a greater sense of
Positive Mindset: The sense of accomplishment
and camaraderie within Arnis fosters a positive
outlook on life, enhancing emotional resilience.

Community and Companionship: Arnis offers
a supportive community of fellow practitioners,
cultivating enduring friendships and a sense of
Collaboration: Partner drills and sparring in
Arnis encourage collaboration and teamwork,
strengthening social aptitudes.
Respect and Courtesies: Arnis places a strong
emphasis on respect for instructors and training
partners, fostering good manners and social

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