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Experiment 2

I. Aim : To study the process of diffusion

II. Materials Required:
1. Blue Dye.
2. 3 X 500 mL Beakers.
3. Water
4. Heat Source (Burner, tripod stand, wire mesh)
5. Cooling Source. (Freezer)
III. Procedure:
1. Take three beakers and fill them with water.
2. Place beaker A in a cooler for 10 minutes
3. Place beaker B in normal room temperature.
4. Place breaker C on heat source for 5 minutes.
5. After the mentioned time has passed, place all three beakers next to each other
and gently drop in a few drops of the blue dye.
6. Leave the three beakers undisturbed for 10 minutes and record your
The blue dye spreads the fastest in Beaker C, followed by Beaker B and last in
beaker A.

V. Inference:
Diffusion occurs in all three beakers with the rate of diffusion being directly
proportional to the increase in temperature.
VI. Precautions:
1. Be careful when around heat sources.
2. Gently drop the dye in the water, taking care not to disturb the water inside.
Fig: Diffusion

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