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Book Idioms


1- Match the idioms with the correct meaning:

1. Be an open book
2. Do everything by the book
3. Has someone’s nose in a book
4. You can’t judge the book by its cover
5. I’m in someone’s good books


a) Somebody that appreciate you a lot

b) With no secrets
c) Don’t judge only for the appearances
d) Someone very fanatic of the books

e) Follow the rules

2- Complete the sentences with the correct idiom

1. My wife and I are both an ______________ to each other. We don’t keep

any secrets.
2. I did all the homework, so I suppose I’m in the teacher’s
______________, at least for today.
3. Yeah he looks like a player, but you can’t judge ______________________,
you need to give him an opportunity.
4. My friend Alondra has always her __________________. I can’t
understand how can she read so fast.
5. Carlos is a person that always does __________________. I’m tired of
that attitude, he has to be a little rebel sometimes.

3- Complete the questions with the correct idiom.

a) Is it okay to be an ____________ and let everyone know your secrets?

b) Have you ever had a situation in which you had judged
___________________ but you were wrong once you met that person or
c) Do you try to do everything _____________ or would you like to change
some rules sometimes?

4- Discuss the questions with your teacher.




1-b ; 2-e ; 3-d ; 4-c ; 5-a


1- open book

2- good books

3- the book by its cover

4- nose in a book

5- everything by the book


a) open book

b) the book by its cover

c) by the books

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