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Storytelling tips


EXERCISE: Match the paragraphs with the correct heading.

1. Opening and closing the curiosity gap
2. Emotional connection
3. Use good pacing
4. Conflict and resolution
5. Make your gestures easy and calm
6. Evoking VAK

A) Have you identified a problem and explained how your product

brings a solution? Shawn Coyne says a common mistake for
entrepreneurs is presenting heavily from the developer’s angle and
ignoring a consumer’s perspective. Approach problem and

resolution like a consumer, and tell your product’s story like a

satisfied consumer.
B) What if I told you, your income could be tripled in less than a month?
Storytellers call it an inciting incident. Catch attention from the
beginning with a question that can open many other ones.
C) When you are confident, you will not be in a hurry. You want to
speak slow enough so that the story is easily absorbed by the
audience but do not speak so slowly that their minds check out of
the room.
D) Take some time before going on stage to prepare your gestures,
how would you do them and when. In this way you will gain
confidence and you’ll express yourself naturally.
E) Psychologists and therapists use VAK- visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic modalities to immerse a person into a desired
experience or state. When the mind begins to imagine and think
through emotional and sensory experiences, parts of the brain light
up as if they’re actually happening. Using these cues by describing
the adrenaline racing through our body, or the tragedy that brought
you to tears, will immerse a person from passively listening to the
story, to feeling like an active participant
F) I am sure you’ve felt the same sometimes in your life, don’t you?
Expressing our emotions and feelings at the time our story had
happened is fine, but transferring these emotions to the public and
make them feel the same feeling, is a huge victory. Once you have
their emotions attached to yours, you can sell them the Titanic if
you want.

ANSWERS: (do not read this part until finish the activity)

1-b ; 2-F; 3-C ; 4-A ; 5-D ; 6-E

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