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Robert Jensen

Dec 22, 2017, 5:19 PM

Dear Don-

I had a magical dream last night. Hard to say when, but if I had to guess I'd say around
4am ish.

In the dream I was in a subterranean temple of stone. I was alone. I was dead silent.
Candles lite the entire space. the Candles were on the ground. In the silence and
darkness I heard whispers and voices. As I was trying to figure out where I was and
how I got there, it occurred to me that I was the sole inhabitant. That somehow I was
the caretaker of this space for a short time. The voices and whispers stopped into dead
silence again.

Then, what I call "the little voice" guidance if you will began to speak to me.
it said, "while you are here, you must take the opportunity to do a Working before you
leave. You seek the Crooked Path. Seek and yea shall find. Call and it shall come.
Knock and it shall open."

Then, I approached the alter. A bee hive type of enclosure opened. Inside it, there was
a large ceramic heart. similar to the flaming hear in Virgin Mary paintings. It opened as
well and inside this a Kephra Dung Beatle with blue flames surrounding it. From the
silence as this was happening this began playing:

I heard a voice. not from the darkness. and not from inside. but separate. it asked
"Why are you here?. What do you want?"

I had no answer. I was simply in awe and enchanted. These questions remain. I'm
giving them some heavy thought for careful answers.

It's hard to describe the feeling. It's not quite like I was visited. Almost as if I paid a visit
to an inner sanctum that I was invited to stay at for a period of time. To find answers to
those questions. Knowing I will walk away with more questions than answers. I didn't
feel in any way disturb, wyrd or strange upon waking and remembering, which I didn't
right away. it wasn't until I was awake for about 10-15 min that it came back to me.
some of the details just came back as I was writing dreams are want to do. I
remembered the visuals clearly. and the music. the voice came to me as I was writing
this. not the internal "little voice" that was clear in the dream. the external questions.
clarity and wonder and the best words I can come up with to describe the effect.

Happy Solstice of His Majesty. I'm house and cat sitting in Seattle for little less than a
week. just me in the green, quiet and three cats in an old friends house. looking
forward to some reflections. and a Working does seem in order when I get some
privacy. not sure what form that will take.

anyway, I hope this finds you well. I thought you might find this dream of interest.
especially given the time of it on the night of His Majesties Solstice.


Don Webb
Dec 27, 2017, 2:45 PM

Dear Bob,

These are the correct Questions.



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