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~ do pe;ple ge~eral know a~out Leonardo Da Vinci?
He painted tht Morta Lisa, The Last Supper and Toe Virgin o f the
Rocks. He was a great painte,~ but he was an architect,
\, enginee,~ mathernaticían and philosophe1¡ tqo. He was ),,¡,;:_ : ..;y..
~~:~~~::~:entor, and he rnade marvellous deSigr¡s of his ,iI~t~t~Gr:
Leonardo lil<ed writing in a specíal way: he used :';../ 1\:.X11/t!,d 1·ht- 1

1mirror wntin9 wrote from right to left. VVhy do you

• He
think Leonardo wrote backwards?
Leonardo was fascii1~ted with nature .and human·.
a n atomy. But .h.e .. had t.o ir~vestigateor?ü/i'ihlctl;., .
because he could .not use human bodies. He .
produced b.rilliant-rnodelswhich showecJ ,how the
hecirt works. , ~ _.. , . · __ . ·' _ ·
' "' 1 .
_, ,. ~. _: :--
. -- ....
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Leo,ía,~dd also 'studíed botany, · and he 'oq_s~t\Y ,, ..

~q:·(h. at . - ' ~

there are exact patte,ms in nature. :At pres~nt,/ sciéhtists ·are :1:/¡ 1 :
still díscoyering patt;ems oif.e1;' ó_t,1_n{cr9_s2opiq' lev~t 1

A 119 L~,onardo this aboÚt :50O years agoJ :

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ji) Read again and write T (true)· oi l ( (false). · -
! ,, . ,, '' ~ '
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1 The Virgin oflhe Rocks is a painting . [TI

2 Leonardo liked mathernatics.

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3 He always u sed mirror writing . O

. . ,_;• ~- t:. ~- ~§~~~,
4 Leonardo didn 't like human anatomy · .. -·!8r· :) - · s: Ask que::.Ho ~, 0-
.· Ill'1:agine you can spec, k w i : I· ,
very much. O What questions can you n -1 :11

5 He discovered patterns in nature. O ExamfJ/e I Whe n were )" J'-' ·

; Twentv-four
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