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A Tool designed to predict and analyze mental health for

College Community

Project-I—Report submitted to

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology


Computer Science and Engineering


Deepthi Sowmya Sri Sirigibathula


Under the supervision of

Professor Pabitra Mitra

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Autumn Semester, 2023-24

November 3, 2023

I certify that

(a) The work contained in this report has been done by me under the guidance of
my supervisor.

(b) The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for any degree or

(c) I have conformed to the norms and guidelines given in the Ethical Code of
Conduct of the Institute.

(d) Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, figures, and text)
from other sources, I have given due credit to them by citing them in the text
of the thesis and giving their details in the references. Further, I have taken
permission from the copyright owners of the sources, whenever necessary.

Date: November 3, 2023 (Deepthi Sowmya Sri Sirigibathula)

Place: Kharagpur (20CS30050)



This is to certify that the project report entitled “A Tool designed to predict
and analyze mental health for College Community” submitted by
Deepthi Sowmya Sri Sirigibathula (Roll No. 20CS30050) to Indian Institute of
Technology Kharagpur towards partial fulfilment of requirements for the award of
degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering is a record
of bona fide work carried out by her under my supervision and guidance during
Autumn Semester, 2023-24.

Professor Pabitra Mitra

Date: November 3, 2023 Department of Computer Science and
Place: Kharagpur Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Kharagpur - 721302, India


Name of the student: Deepthi Sowmya Sri Sirigibathula Roll No: 20CS30050
Degree for which submitted: Bachelor of Technology
Department: Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Thesis title: A Tool designed to predict and analyze mental health for
College Community
Thesis supervisor: Professor Pabitra Mitra
Month and year of thesis submission: November 3, 2023

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Declaration i

Certificate ii

Abstract iii

Strategy iv

Contents v

1 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Main Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Specific Attributes of the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.6 Tools, Frameworks and Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.7 What is Mongodb? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.8 Front End Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.9 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

Mental health is a critical aspect of the well-being and academic success of college
students. The challenges and pressures faced during the college years, including
academic demands, social transitions, and personal growth, can significantly
impact the mental health of individuals within the college community. Recognizing
the importance of supporting student mental health, educational institutions are
increasingly turning to innovative solutions to address this vital aspect of student

In this era of data-driven insights and technological advancements, a new and

transformative approach is emerging—a tool specifically designed to predict and
analyze mental health within the college community. This tool leverages the power
of data analytics, predictive modeling, and digital resources to provide a
comprehensive and proactive strategy for mental health support.

With a focus on early detection, personalized assessment, and preventive measures,

this tool aims to create a supportive and resilient environment for college students.
It is not only a means of identifying those who may be at risk but also a vehicle for
delivering targeted interventions and resources to empower students to thrive
emotionally and academically.

Chapter 1. 2

This tool goes beyond traditional reactive mental health services. Instead, it
represents a paradigm shift in the way educational institutions approach and
prioritize the mental well-being of their students. In the following sections, we will
explore the multifaceted uses and benefits of this innovative approach, as well as
the ethical considerations and best practices for its implementation.

Join us on this journey as we delve into the transformative world of a tool designed
to predict and analyze mental health for the college community—a tool that has
the potential to redefine the landscape of student well-being in higher education.

1.2 Main Goal

Certainly, here are the main goals and benefits of the tool designed to predict and
analyze mental health for the college community:


Individual Assessment: To provide personalized mental health assessments for each

student, recognizing their unique needs and emotional well-being.


Early Detection of Mental Health Issues: To identify and intervene in mental health
concerns at an early stage, before they escalate into more severe problems.


Preventive Measures: To proactively implement measures and interventions that

prevent mental health issues from occurring in the first place, promoting a positive
and supportive campus environment.

Chapter 1. 3

Analyzing the Root Issue: To delve deep into the root causes of mental health
challenges, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the factors affecting students’


Predicts Whether to Consult a Counselor or Not: To guide whether a student should

seek professional counseling based on the assessment and analysis of their mental
health status.


Improving Mental Health Services: To enhance the quality and effectiveness of men-
tal health services by using data-driven insights to tailor support and interventions.


Research and Data Collection: To collect valuable data for research purposes, helping
colleges better understand mental health trends and improve their support systems.


Privacy and Confidentiality: To prioritize and ensure the privacy and confidentiality
of students’ mental health information, creating a safe space for students to seek help
without fear of judgment.
Chapter 1. 4

1.3 Advantages

Proactive Support: Students receive early and proactive support, reducing the
severity of mental health issues.

Personalized Care: Individualized assessments lead to tailored care and

interventions, addressing specific needs.

Positive Campus Environment: Preventive measures contribute to a

supportive, mentally healthy campus environment, reducing stressors.

Informed Decision-Making: Data analysis helps in making informed

decisions about when to consult a counselor or seek additional support.

Effective Services: Improved mental health services ensure that students receive
the help they need to thrive academically and emotionally.

Research Insights:Data collection enables research and insights that can inform
policy and support improvements.

Confidentiality: Prioritizing privacy and confidentiality fosters trust,

encouraging students to seek help without hesitation.

Incorporating these goals and benefits into the tool’s design and implementation
can lead to a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing mental health
within the college community.

1.4 Specific Attributes of the Project

In the ever-evolving landscape of mental health support for college communities,

innovation plays a pivotal role in addressing the unique challenges faced by
students. Our tool, dedicated to predicting and analyzing mental health within the
college community, harnesses the power of advanced technologies, with two distinct
Chapter 1. 5

and remarkable attributes at its core: Reinforcement Learning and Decision

Trees. Reinforcement Learning: Nurturing Proactive Mental Health

Reinforcement learning is a groundbreaking machine learning technique that

operates on the principle of learning through interaction. It empowers our tool to
adapt and evolve as it interacts with a wealth of student data, enabling it to make
informed decisions and provide proactive support.

Personalized Interventions: Through reinforcement learning, our tool tailors

interventions for each student. It observes student behavior, their interactions with
support resources, and their responses to various interventions. As a result, it
fine-tunes its approach to best suit individual needs.

Early Intervention: One of the hallmark features of reinforcement learning is its

capacity to recognize patterns and early signs of distress. By detecting subtle shifts
in behavior, our tool can intervene swiftly, offering support before issues escalate.

Dynamic Adjustment: Mental health is not static, and our tool understands
that. It continuously adjusts its strategies based on real-time data, creating a
responsive and dynamic support system that grows with the evolving needs of

Decision Trees: Unraveling the Complexity of Mental Health

Decision trees are a vital component of our tool, providing an interpretive and
structured approach to assessing mental health.

Transparent Decision-Making: Decision trees are renowned for their

transparency in decision-making. By following a logical sequence of criteria, our
tool clarifies how it arrives at particular recommendations or interventions. This
transparency fosters trust and understanding between students and the tool.

Root Cause Analysis: Decision trees help identify the root causes of mental
health challenges. By breaking down complex issues into manageable segments,
Chapter 1. 6

our tool can pinpoint the underlying factors contributing to a student’s well-being,
guiding targeted interventions and support.

Customized Recommendations: Decision trees facilitate customized

recommendations. As they assess a student’s profile and specific challenges, they
offer advice and resources tailored to address their unique situation.

Together, reinforcement learning and decision trees are the guiding forces behind
our innovative tool. They ensure that the college community receives a level of
mental health support that is proactive, personalized, and deeply informed. By
embracing the power of these two attributes, our tool stands at the forefront of the
mental health landscape, ready to transform the well-being of college students.

1.5 Boundaries

Certainly, here’s content highlighting some limitations of the tool designed to

predict and analyze mental health for the College Community, specifically
addressing the potential challenges related to students not seeking counseling
despite the results of the personality test and the possibility of incorrect answers:

*Limitations: Seeking Counseling and Potential Incorrect Answers*

While our tool offers a transformative approach to enhancing mental health

support within the college community, it’s essential to acknowledge the inherent
limitations that come with any data-driven and technology-based solution. Two
significant challenges warrant our attention: the potential reluctance to seek
counseling despite personality test results and the risk of incorrect answers during
Chapter 1. 7

1. Reluctance to Seek Counseling:

Even with the insights and support our tool provides, some students may still
hesitate to reach out to counseling centers. Several factors contribute to this

Stigma Surrounding Mental Health: Despite the progress made in reducing

stigma, some students may still feel apprehensive about seeking help for mental
health concerns. They might be concerned about judgment or the potential impact
on their academic or social standing.

Self-Reliance: College students often exhibit a sense of self-reliance and a desire

to manage their issues independently. They might believe they can cope with their
challenges without external support, even when our tool indicates a need for

Lack of Awareness: Some students may simply not be aware of the availability
of counseling services or how to access them. Efforts to promote awareness of
support resources remain vital.

2. Risk of Incorrect Answers:

Another limitation is the potential for incorrect or misleading answers during

assessments. This can pose challenges in delivering accurate predictions and

Social Desirability Bias: Students may provide answers that they believe are
socially desirable, rather than completely honest. This can skew the results of
personality tests and assessments, leading to inaccuracies in predicting mental

Misunderstanding Questions: Some students may misinterpret or

misunderstand questions within the assessments. This can result in responses that
Chapter 1. 8

do not accurately reflect their mental state, potentially leading to inappropriate


Variability of Mental Health: Mental health is complex and varies over time.
A student’s responses during an assessment might not fully capture the dynamic
nature of their mental well-being. Therefore, predictions may not always align with
their current state.

Addressing Limitations:

While these limitations are worth noting, they do not diminish the value of our
tool in supporting the mental health of the college community. Instead, they
emphasize the importance of a comprehensive approach that combines technology,
data analysis, and human support. Counseling centers, mental health
professionals, and the educational institution itself play a pivotal role in bridging
the gap and addressing the limitations by providing tailored assistance, awareness
campaigns, and a nurturing and empathetic environment that encourages students
to seek help.

Our tool is a powerful asset in the journey toward improved mental health
support. By recognizing these limitations and continuously working to mitigate
them, we can ensure that its potential to transform the well-being of college
students remains both effective and meaningful.

This content acknowledges the limitations related to students’ reluctance to seek

counseling and the potential for incorrect answers in assessments, while also
emphasizing the importance of addressing these challenges within the broader
context of mental health support in the college community.
Chapter 1. 9

1.6 Tools, Frameworks and Databases

Technology Stack:
Front-End Tools: HTML,CSS and Java Script are being used.
Back-End Tools:

Backend Language: Node.js: Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to

run JavaScript on the server side. It’s known for its non-blocking, event-driven
architecture, making it efficient for handling I/O operations and requests. Node.js
is a suitable choice for server-side logic in web applications.

Framework: Express.js: Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web

application framework. It simplifies the process of building robust and scalable
web applications and APIs. Express.js provides a range of features and middleware
for routing, handling requests, and managing application logic.

Database Driver: MongoDB Node.js Driver: When working with MongoDB as

the database, you can use the official MongoDB Node.js driver to interact with the
database. This driver provides an interface for connecting, querying, and managing
MongoDB data from your Node.js application.

In this tech stack, HTML, CSS, and Vue.js are used for the front end, focusing on
creating a visually appealing and interactive user interface. On the back end,
Node.js with Express.js serves as the server-side framework for handling requests,
processing data, and interfacing with the MongoDB database using the MongoDB
Node.js driver. This combination allows for the development of a full-stack web
application with a modern and efficient technology stack.
Chapter 1. 10

1.7 What is Mongodb?

MongoDB is a popular, open-source, NoSQL (non-relational) database

management system designed for efficient and flexible data storage, retrieval, and
management. MongoDB’s unique features and architecture make it well-suited for
a variety of applications, particularly those with dynamic and unstructured data.
Here are some key aspects of MongoDB:

Document-Oriented: - MongoDB stores data in a format known as BSON

(Binary JSON), which is a binary representation of JSON documents. It uses a
flexible, document-oriented data model that allows you to store data in a way that
closely resembles the structure of objects in your application.

Schema-less: - Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB is schema-less,

meaning you don’t need to define a fixed schema in advance. This flexibility allows
you to adapt your data model as your application evolves, making it easier to work
with dynamic and changing data.

Collections and Documents: - Data in MongoDB is organized into collections,

which are groups of related documents. Each document is a self-contained unit of
data and can have its own structure. Collections can hold documents with varying
fields, providing great flexibility.

Indexing: - MongoDB supports indexing, allowing for efficient data retrieval.

You can create indexes on specific fields within documents to speed up queries and
optimize performance.

Query Language: - MongoDB provides a powerful and expressive query

language for filtering and retrieving data. You can use queries that closely
resemble JSON to find, update, and delete documents.
Chapter 1. 11

Scalability: - MongoDB is designed for horizontal scalability. You can distribute

your data across multiple servers or nodes, making it suitable for applications that
require high availability and large amounts of data.

Replication and High Availability: - MongoDB supports replication, allowing

you to create copies of your data on multiple servers. This provides redundancy
and high availability in case of server failures.

Sharding: - For applications with extreme data growth, MongoDB offers

sharding, which involves partitioning data across multiple servers. Sharding
enables horizontal scaling for very large datasets.

Aggregation Framework: - MongoDB includes a powerful aggregation

framework that allows you to perform complex data transformations, filtering, and
computations directly within the database.

Community and Enterprise Versions: - MongoDB is available in both

community and enterprise versions. The community version is open source and free
to use, while the enterprise version offers additional features, support, and services
for organizations.

MongoDB is commonly used in a wide range of applications, including content

management systems, e-commerce platforms, social media platforms, and real-time
analytics. Its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use have made it a popular choice
for developers working on modern web and mobile applications.
Chapter 1. 12

1.8 Front End Design

Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2
Chapter 1. 13

Figure 1.3

Figure 1.4
Chapter 1. 14

1.9 Conclusion

Conclusion: Pioneering a New Era of Student Well-Being

In the pursuit of advancing mental health support for the college community, our
innovative tool stands as a beacon of hope and progress. It represents a significant
leap forward in our commitment to nurturing the well-being of college students, as
it combines technology, data analysis, and human empathy to create a holistic
support system.

Our tool’s journey has taken us through the realms of reinforcement learning and
decision trees, the acknowledgment of limitations, and the recognition of the
unique challenges faced by each student. It embodies the spirit of adaptability,
responsiveness, and customization, recognizing that each student’s mental health
journey is a personal and evolving story.

As we conclude, it is essential to highlight the transformative power of data-driven

insights, personalization, and early intervention. Our tool empowers students to
embrace their well-being, offering a guiding hand to those in need and a proactive
companion to those on their path to emotional growth.

The limitations we’ve acknowledged serve as stepping stones rather than stumbling
blocks. They encourage us to keep refining our tool, bolstering our efforts in
reducing stigma, increasing awareness, and enhancing the precision of assessments.

Ultimately, our tool is a testament to the dedication of educational institutions

and the entire college community to fostering a nurturing and supportive
environment. It is a statement of our unwavering commitment to prioritizing the
mental health and emotional well-being of every student.

As we continue to evolve, adapt, and learn from each interaction with our tool, we
move ever closer to a brighter future for the college community—one where mental
health is not just a consideration but a central pillar of the student experience.
Chapter 1. 15

In the embrace of this future, we reiterate our commitment to creating a college

community where well-being is paramount, students are empowered, and no one is
left to journey alone through the labyrinth of mental health challenges. With our
tool leading the way, we embark on a new era of student well-being—a future
where emotional growth and academic success go hand in hand, and where the
college community thrives in harmony.

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