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BSc (Hons) in Information Technology

Specializing in *********

Department of Information Technology

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Sri Lanka

month year



Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science
Special (Honors) in Information Technology

Specializing in ***** *****

Department of Information Technology

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Sri Lanka

month year
I declare that this is my work. This proposal does not incorporate without acknowledgement
any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any other university or institute
of higher learning. To the best of our knowledge and belief, it does not contain any material
previously published or written by another person except where the acknowledgement is
made in the text.

Name Student ID Signature

Signature: Date:

Signature of the Supervisor: Date:


Due to dexterity concerns, this component is suited for individuals who have trouble
drawing and writing using typical drawing and writing instruments. It is also helpful
for those with vision problems because they are able to zoom in on the photo by
selecting the zoom option within the accessibility settings on their device. This
makes it easier for them to see the image. The image that is displayed on the screen
is drawn in the same fashion as the graphic that represents the system. There are two
different kinds of categories, and those are shapes and numbers. A graphical
representation of the shapes or numbers is displayed in the design. It should be drawn
by the students in the same manner as the representation of the system. Find out the
degree to which the picture that the student drew and the picture that was provided
by the system are comparable to one another. When the similarity score is
considered, students may be able to scan a snapshot made on paper if they achieve a
score of more than fifty percent on the test. Observe the ways in which the picture
that was drawn with the help of the student and the picture that was given by the
machine are comparable. The student development will be analyzed by using the
facility that has been designed to incorporate the drawn designs that students have
created for their systems. Parents are able to learn more about their children by
computing the overall analysis of the total number of students using the assignments
provided. This will provide the parents with an opportunity to learn more about their
children. The increasing demand for the item and its image of pattern recognition
processing-based approach to anticipate the degree of resemblance between the
shown image and the image sketched by the student.


Before I begin this proposal, I'd like to thank everyone who helped me out during my
research. I would not have made progress in my research without your active
participation, cooperation, involvement, and assistance. When the going gets
difficult, it's people like my boss that keep me focused on professionalism and doing
the right thing, and I want to convey my gratitude to them for that. The goal of this
endeavor would not have been achieved without her constant assistance. Thanks to
my co-direction supervisor's and support, I was able to finish this proposal document
in a timely manner.

In particular, I want to convey my gratitude to my research colleagues, who have

assisted me in various ways in order to make this project a success. In addition, I
want to convey my sincere appreciation to everyone, including my parents and other
family members, who have always provided spiritual and financial support for me.
Finally, I'd want to extend my sincere thanks to everyone of my close friends who
have contributed in some way to the completion of this project report.



TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDICES..............................................................................................................vii
1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND & LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................6
1.2 RESEARCH GAP......................................................................................................12
1.3 RESEARCH PROBLEM.............................................................................................13
1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................14
1.4.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE...........................................................................................14
1.4.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................14
2 METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................15
2.1 System Architecture..............................................................................................15
2.2 Development Process............................................................................................16
2.2.1 Tools and technologies..................................................................................17
2.3 Component............................................................................................................18
2.4 COMMERCIALIZATION ASPECTS OF THE PRODUCT...............................................19
2.5 TESTING & IMPLEMENTATION..............................................................................20
2.5.1 Testing...........................................................................................................20
3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION................................................................................................23
3.1 RESULTS.................................................................................................................23
3.2 RESEARCH FINDINGS.............................................................................................24
3.3 DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................25
4 SUMMARY OF EACH STUDENT’S CONTRIBUTION.........................................................26
5 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................27
6 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................28

7 APPENDICES..................................................................................................................30

Table 2.1 TEST CASES........................................................................................................12

Figure 1.1 Brain Identify what is the shape.............................................................................3
Figure 1.2 Google Quick Draw...............................................................................................8
Figure 1.3 Let'
Figure 1.4 Designing Drawing Apps for Youngsters: Artistic and Technological Factors - UI
Figure 1.5 HOW TO DRAW APP UI...................................................................................11
Figure 2.1 System Overview Diagram....................................................................................15


Abbreviations Description


Students who have learning challenges or disabilities that make it more difficult for
them to learn than it is for the majority of other children their age are referred to as
having "special educational needs" in a legal meaning of the term. A child who has
special educational needs is one who suffers from a handicap or learning impairment
that makes it significantly more difficult for them to learn than it is for the vast
majority of their classmates. Problems with schoolwork, communication, or behavior
are all possibilities. Assistance and direction can be offered to parents by a wide
variety of experts, educators, and organizations that are not-for-profit.

Art therapy and other creative activities can be beneficial to people who have Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a variety of ways, including enhancing their sense of
control and mastery of their surroundings, as well as improving their ability to
express themselves, their awareness of themselves, and their level of self-esteem. On
the other hand, due to the fact that these children typically suffer from "sensory"
issues or sensory processing disorders, their reactions to the various types of art
materials may be different. Children may have difficulty in one or more sensory
domains, the most commonly recorded inadequacies being in the areas of visual
processing, auditory processing, and "tactile defensiveness" (aversion to touch).
Children may also have multiple sensory domain impairments simultaneously (an
aversion to certain textures and touching). When children work with an experienced
therapist, they are often able to break through these obstacles in a way that is
enjoyable and does not threaten them. This paves the way for them to explore new
and creative ways in which they can express themselves. [01]

Children who have difficulty processing visual information may require changes,
concrete phases, and clues in order to properly follow along with arts and crafts
activities. Since these are visual pursuits, these children may require them. It's
possible that using a page border will help you maintain better control over the
image-making process. It's likely that using dark colors on white paper or white
chalk on black paper may help you achieve the highest possible contrast between the
two. It's possible that creating a more distinct visual emphasis could be helped by

using crayons and markers with a thicker consistency. The therapist also has the
option of use dashed lines as a "starting" for the child to use when drawing around
shapes or lines. This is an alternative approach.

Children can benefit from the arts in more ways than just as an enjoyable pastime on
the surface level to keep them occupied. Art activities can help children with learning
disabilities in a variety of different ways, particularly in the early stages of the
process when they are still struggling to overcome the challenges they have when
learning. To be clear, having a learning disability in no way precludes a person from
having exceptional artistic abilities. Quite the contrary, in fact. However, children
who have learning difficulties may benefit from participating in hobbies such as
music, art, crafts, and dance since these pursuits give them the opportunity to express
themselves via a variety of mediums while also helping them acquire confidence.
One of the most important aspects of the educational process is developing an
appreciation for one's own skills and the realization that they are capable of
accomplishing certain tasks. Children who have learning problems frequently have
the misconception ingrained in them that they are unable to acquire new information
because of the difficulties they face on a regular basis at school. The utilization of
novel tools for the purpose of self-expression, such as a paintbrush, a costume, a
drum, or paper, scissors, and glue, can contribute to an increase in one's level of self-
assurance while simultaneously presenting opportunities for education and training.

Students who have difficulty with the conventional methods of instruction could
realize that learning through the arts introduces them to a whole new realm of
educational possibilities. The arts are intellectual disciplines that challenge students
to engage in intricate thinking and problem solving while also allowing them to
deepen their awareness of the world around them. The administration of timed
examinations and the completion of take-home reports are two common academic
assessment procedures that can be especially demanding for kids who struggle
academically. These students have the option to display their knowledge through the
use of creative projects, which free them from the limitations of demonstrating their
knowledge through the use of printed text. A fantastic alternative to conventional

examinations and homework can be providing students with the opportunity to
demonstrate their mastery of the content that they have been studying through the
creation of artistic projects or multi-media presentations.

If you have ever participated in a structured art class, then there is a good chance that
your instructor has instructed the students to "draw what you see." It doesn't appear
to be too difficult. But how can you sketch something if you don't grasp what you're
looking at in the first place? The process that takes place is that our left brain
[Figure1.1]gives us an explanation of what the thing that we are viewing actually is.
We make an effort to remember a technique that may be used to draw that particular
object, and as a result, the drawing that we end up with is one that both vaguely and
precisely represents the object. After that, we are left completely bewildered as to
why our drawing does not resemble the subject at all. Even more extreme, we can
utter phrases such as "I can't draw" or "I wish I knew how to draw." The difficulty is
that our logical, left-brained thinking is getting in the way here. It's not that I don't
like our left brains—we need them to be able to do math, after all—but in order to
have a complete comprehension of what we see, we need to learn how to prevent the
information coming from our eyes from reaching our left brains and instead learn
how to process it in the right brain first[10].

Figure . Brain Identify what is the shape

Object perception develops soon after birth. Babies can tell the difference between
their parents, as well as between a dog and a cat, from the time they are just a few
weeks old up until they are around 18 months old. Babies can tell the difference
between different kinds of items, even if they can't identify the objects or explain the
differences between them. Babies also have the ability to recognize an item despite a
shift in perspective, distance, orientation, or degree of visibility. For example, a baby
can recognize her mother whether she is seated, lying down, totally or partially
obscured, or anywhere in between. By the end of infancy, a child's ability to
recognize common objects and navigate their environment improves significantly.
However, there is still a lot they need to learn, especially in terms of shape analysis,
or grasping a shape's fundamental properties. The names of the shapes are simple to
learn. On the other hand, dissecting them is a challenging task. As a result, teachers
of elementary students should stress conceptual comprehension over memorization
of formulas and proofs[08].

Taking up a pencil and drawing is one of the earliest activities a youngster may
engage in. New technologies are making the acquisition of critical creative skills
accessible to children and their families in unprecedented ways. We consider
sketching to be one of the most fundamental of these abilities. When words and
gestures fail, children often turn to sketching as a means of expression. Your kid's
artwork might tell you a lot about how they're feeling. A child's emotional
intelligence grows with their verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Your
child's creativity can flourish when they start drawing. When they draw, they're able
to tap into their creative faculties and give concrete form to mental images. All the
things we use and see around us every day are the product of human ingenuity. Many
of our favorite books are published by our sibling firms, Nobrow and Flying Eye
Books; one of our favorites is "Nightlights" by Lorena Alvarez. Beautiful drawings
accompany a touching tale about a young girl's unbounded imagination. One of the
earliest steps toward developing logical or abstract thought is engaging in the
practice of drawing. Drawing is an excellent way to help your kid get ready for
school, whether they're still at home with you or already there. A child who starts
school prepared to learn and use these imaginative strategies has a far better chance

of succeeding. Give your children a wide selection of drawing mediums to
experiment with, including traditional media like crayons, paint, and chalk, as well as
more modern options like tablets and other digital media creation software[09].

It can be challenging to picture certain kids with special needs overcoming their
impairments so that they, too, can express themselves creatively. Yet every learner
has the potential to become an artist given the right resources and guidance. Students
who are blind or have low vision will benefit from a heightened emphasis on
auditory and tactile cues. Teachers can assist by describing the items and methods
available to them. Focusing on tactile art forms, such as finger painting or sculpture,
can also be beneficial. On the flip side, visual aids will play a crucial role in the
education of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. The best way to assist these
children discover their own artistic footing is to demonstrate how to utilize the
materials or to let them see other students at work. Even if a student is unable to use
traditional art materials like clay or paint brushes, they can still enjoy the creative
process by making their own works of art. A tutor or instructor can work side-by-side
with a student to help them realize their vision for a finished work of art. Each
student at Education Alternatives will be given the opportunity to express themselves
artistically with our help. Providing students with opportunities to express their
artistic side is important to us, and we'll do what we can to make that happen[11].


Children's grasp of shape identification needs to move away from rote memorizing
and toward aiding children in forming meaningful understandings of complicated
subjects. This shift is necessary since children learn best when they are actively
engaged in the learning process. Early geometry education must take into account
how children build a knowledge of the concepts connected with shape recognition in
order to produce a grasp of the qualities that shapes possess. This is necessary in
order to construct early geometry training that is effective. In order to accomplish
this, the purpose of this literature review is to summarize the general mathematics
education research on how young children learn to recognize shapes, as well as to
identify the most effective instructional strategies for teaching form recognition.
Even though the vast majority of this content does not pertain specifically to children
with disabilities, it does provide an overview of the limited research that has been
conducted on teaching shape recognition to children with disabilities. This research
has been limited to teaching children with visual impairments how to recognize
shapes. [03]

Piaget and Inhelder (1967) were pioneers in the study of how children become
capable of recognizing various shapes. The work that they did was directed by two
main guiding principles. The first idea that I wanted to present was that children do
not pick up a knowledge of shapes by merely observing the world around them;
rather, children pick up an understanding of shapes by active engagement with the
world around them. The second guiding premise was that young children first
acquire the ability to differentiate between different types of shapes based on the
topological characteristics of those shapes, and then later on the basis of the
Euclidean characteristics of such shapes. The first premise, which maintains that
infants learn by actively altering the environments in which they find themselves, is
still supported by the research; however, there is significant dispute over the second
concept. The idea developed by Inhelder and Piaget was investigated by a number of
researchers, who came to contradictory conclusions. [04] The work that van Hiele
has done in this field of research has received a lot of attention throughout the years.

According to van Hiele, children could benefit from having their geometric thinking
structured in a hierarchical form so that they might have a better understanding of
shapes. Van Hiele's levels are versatile enough to be used to a broad variety of other
geometric concepts than forms. The levels that are being described here, on the other
hand, are broken down in terms of shape recognition. During the visual stage of
development, children construct their first mental images of various contours. At this
point, children do not yet have the cognitive capacity to dissect shapes into their
component parts or analyze their characteristics. Students must demonstrate an
excellent command of the concepts covered at the level immediately preceding them
in order to go on to the subsequent level. van Hiele's levels of recognition serve as
the foundation for or inspiration for much of the research done on shape recognition.

Hannibal got a variety of fresh insights into the factors that determine the levels of
geometric thinking throughout the course of his research. The stimuli that were
utilized in the initial classification had an effect on the results of the subsequent
classification. Children had a greater chance of correctly identifying uncommon
triangles when they were shown a variety of triangles alongside other shapes that
were quite dissimilar from triangles, such as squares and circles. This was in contrast
to the situation in which the triangles were typically presented alongside figures that
appeared to be similar to triangles, such as pentagons and certain quadrilaterals that
small children could describe as pointy. The second finding was that when children
were asked to justify their classifications, they tended to provide classifications that
were more correct. This was the result of the challenge that was given to the children.
When children are given the opportunity to defend a shape classification that they
believe is incorrect, the majority of the time they are able to correct their own errors.
[06] However, despite the fact that it is essential for all students, including those with
disabilities, to gain a basic understanding of geometry, there is very little research
accessible for instructors to draw upon in the classroom. Both Berla and Butterfield
had an interest in devising a method for instructing visually impaired primary school
kids in the recognition of various shapes. Their study concentrated on getting
students to match the shapes of countries rather than geometric objects; however,

their findings can be applied to shape identification as a whole. They found that
pupils who were blind had three deficiencies that hindered their capacity to perceive
shapes in their surroundings. These deficiencies affected their ability to read braille.
They had trouble tracing lines and had not evolved any cognitive methods to help
them with tactual exploration, thus their approach to examining figures through
touch was not systematic, and they also lacked the ability to explore figures through
touch. The researchers ran an experiment in which they taught students to feel each
shape and look for three crucial elements in each shape, which resulted in increased
shape matching abilities on the part of the students. [07]

Figure 1.2 Google Quick Draw

Google Quick Draw[Figure 1.2] is a straightforward sketching game that is a
component of Google's ongoing research on artificial intelligence. The user begins to
sketch a shape, and the computer makes an educated guess as to what it is. The more
you draw, the more the computer is able to learn from your example and improve its
ability to estimate your designs. Students can practice their drawing abilities in
situations that are both entertaining and engaging with the help of AutoDraw. The
program will also save their drawings in order to contribute to the advancement of AI
research. The process of recognizing organized patterns within freeform handwritten
input is what constitutes online handwriting recognition. Although this technique is
used by Google products such as Translate, Keep, and Handwriting Input to

recognize handwritten text, it is applicable to any predetermined pattern for which
sufficient training data is available and can work with that pattern. The same
technology that allows you to digitize handwritten text may also be used to improve
your sketching abilities and develop virtual worlds. This represents an intriguing
research direction that examines the potential of handwriting as a human-computer
interaction mode of communication[12].

Figure 1.3 Let'

‘Let's Draw’ is another excellent drawing website that teachers can utilize with their
pupils[Figure 1.3]. Drawing games and lessons are available on both the website and
the mobile app that goes along with it, and they are designed to help students of all
skill levels learn and grow their drawing abilities. For example, in the "How to
Draw" area of the site, users can learn how to draw a variety of shapes and objects
with the assistance of guided video tutorials as well as the assistance of other site
users. Students have the opportunity to make entertaining things to save as pictures
or SVG animations using the Simple Draw game, which is a drawing and animation

According to the findings of a study titled "Designing Drawing Apps for Youngsters:
Artistic and Technological Factors," today's children begin engaging with
smartphones at an average age of about two years old, and many of them find
enjoyment in using drawing applications. We looked into how youngsters utilize
drawing apps and compared the drawings they drew using those apps to those they
made using traditional drawing sheets. We observed that toddlers aged two and three
years old preferred apps with a more straightforward user interface, which allowed
them to scribble with glowing colors while listening to background music that was
timed with the movement of their fingers. The children aged four to six were able to
use the "eraser" feature of the applications to remove their drawings and could create
simple shapes using various colors. The children between the ages of seven and eight
were able to draw landscapes using "brushes" of varying thickness, make use of the
"flood fill" and "undo" capabilities, and open previously saved paintings. The
children aged nine and ten were also able to use the "redo" and "zoom" functions,
although they were dissatisfied with the limited space available on the "canvas." The
children aged eleven and twelve were allowed to use "erasers" of varying widths.
This research suggests that different sketching apps be developed according to the
aesthetic and technical skills of children of different age groups. The researchers feel
that such applications can aid in the process of fostering creativity in youngsters[14].

Figure 1.4 Designing Drawing Apps for Youngsters: Artistic and

Technological Factors - UI

How to Draw is yet another drawing software that guides users through the process
step by step. The program's description recommends it for children aged 4 to 7 years
old, which means that users should have the capacity to draw simple shapes from a
demonstration and align them with some degree of precision. Designed for use on
iPhones and iPads, it may be downloaded for free until the 30th of April. According
to the review of the app, it can be difficult to draw on an iPhone. However, using
your iPhone or iPod touch, you could provide these visual step-by-step directions
from the app to your student or child as instruction to draw it on paper, white board,
or chalkboard (then take a picture of it or photocopy the production!), if you are
working with students who are able to copy from a model. When using the app on an
iPad, working directly within the app gives users the opportunity to trace on
animated lines (arrows) that are supplied in a step-by-step way. In order to provide a
manner of training that incorporates several senses, spoken instructions are also



Systems Sketch Upload Show Percentage Progress of all the
Shape sketched of given vs students in Shape
Drawings Shapes sketched sketching

   

Learn With



Pumpic App


The Sounding
Out Machine

Super Why


In the context of education, "inclusion" refers to a process that centers on the student
as the focal point of mutual respect for the distinctive qualities and requirements of
each individual learner. On the other hand, the educational system should address the
challenges that all students confront, including those with special educational needs.
The major purpose of this research is to evaluate the factors that contribute to the
success of educational inclusion for children who have disabilities. More
specifically, academic study and professional experience Education for students with
disabilities and their integration into regular classrooms The world's societal life and
its political structure are two of its key concerns. As a consequence of this, within the
scope of this research, we contributed our opinions and experiences concerning
different methods of educational reform geared toward children who have special
needs. The purpose of this study is to investigate how children in elementary and
middle school who have disabilities or special educational needs are affected by
changes in social and educational policy via the use of document analysis and case
studies. The takeaway from this is that children who are disabled or have special
needs should have equal access to educational opportunities as their classmates who
do not have disabilities. There is an increasing body of evidence suggesting that
adopting educational apps can benefit students with disabilities.



 Educate children on the importance of drawing shapes and evaluate their

development by comparing their drawings to the shapes that have been


 Identify the similarity between the picture drawn by the student and the
picture given by the system.

 Develop an uploading facility to upload the drawn designs of students

 Develop to calculate the overall analysis of the total number of students by

using the tasks percentages.

 Developing the relevant part of the application

 Developing an object recognition and pattern recognition Image Processing

based algorithm to predict the similarity score for the displayed image and
student sketched image


2.1 System Architecture

Figure . System Overview Diagram

2.2 Development Process

2.2.1 Tools and technologies


SciPy is an open-source library written in Python that is utilized for the purpose of
resolving mathematical, scientific, engineering, and technical issues. A large variety
of high-level Python commands are made available to users, enabling them to alter
data as well as visualize it. NumPy is an extension of Python that serves as the
foundation for SciPy. It's possible to say "Sigh Pi" when you're referring to SciPy.
Numpy is an extension for Python that serves as the foundation for SciPy, which is a
collection of mathematical methods and convenience functions. It does this by
presenting the user with high-level commands and classes that can be used to
manipulate and visualize data. This provides a huge boost to the capabilities of the
interactive Python session. SciPy is a scientific Python open source library that is
published under the BSD licensed umbrella and is used to carry out mathematical,
scientific, and engineering computations. The name is pronounced as "Sigh Pi."

NumPy, which enables straightforward and efficient manipulation of N-dimensional

arrays, is required for the SciPy library. The SciPy library was designed to be
compatible with NumPy arrays and offers a wide variety of numerical procedures
that are both user-friendly and efficient. Some examples of these procedures include
routines for numerical integration and optimization. All together, they are compatible
with the most common operating systems, can be set up in a short amount of time,
and don't cost anything. Both NumPy and SciPy are user-friendly, but they are also
strong enough that some of the most accomplished scientists and engineers in the
world rely on them. The NumPy module is responsible for providing SciPy with its
fundamental data structure, which is a multidimensional array. There are certain
functions in NumPy for linear algebra, fourier transforms, and random number
generation; however, these functions do not have the same degree of generality as
their SciPy equivalents.

Figure . SCIPY


NumPy is the essential package for carrying out computational tasks in the scientific
community using Python. A multidimensional array object, various derived objects
(such as masked arrays and matrices), and an assortment of routines for fast
operations on arrays are all provided by this Python library. These operations include
mathematical, logical, shape manipulation, sorting, selecting, I/O, discrete Fourier
transforms, basic linear algebra, basic statistical operations, random simulation, and a
great deal more. The ndarray object is the fundamental building block of the NumPy
library. This wraps n-dimensional arrays of similar data types, and for optimal
efficiency, many operations are carried out in compiled code.

The term "vectorization" refers to the absence of any explicit looping, indexing, or
other similar operations in the code. These operations are, of fact, still taking place,
but they are doing so "behind the scenes" in optimized, pre-compiled C code. NumPy
provides complete support for an object-oriented methodology, beginning once more
with the ndarray data structure. As an illustration, ndarray is a class that includes a
variety of different methods and characteristics. As a result of the fact that many of
its methods are mirrored by functions in the NumPy namespace's outermost
namespace, the programmer is free to write code in whichever paradigm best suits
their needs. Because of this versatility, the NumPy array dialect and the NumPy
ndarray class have become the standard language for the interchange of multi-
dimensional data in Python.

The use of NumPy is becoming more commonplace in a wide variety of business

applications as its popularity grows. As a consequence of this, it is absolutely necessary to
have an understanding of what it is that this library is going to provide. Because of its syntax,
which is not only strong but also concise and expressive all at the same time, NumPy is
considered to be one of the most powerful Python modules. In addition to being used for
array computation, it gives users the ability to handle data stored in vectors, matrices, and
arrays of larger dimensions. It is also widely used in the business world. This article will
provide an overview of what NumPy is in Python as well as the fundamental capabilities of
the NumPy module. NumPy is an acronym that stands for numerical Python. It refers to a
library that contains multidimensional array objects as well as a set of functions for

manipulating those arrays. Due to the fact that it enables users to execute mathematical and
logical operations on arrays, it is one of the Python packages that is utilized the most for
scientific computing. NumPy is a scripting language that is written in Python. In 2005,
Travis Oliphant developed NumPy by extensively altering the predecessor program Numeric
and adding features from the rival program Numarray. The forerunner to NumPy was a
program called Numeric, which was created in 1995 by Jim Hugunin with the assistance of a
number of other programmers. A developer for NumPy named Travis Oliphant was
successful in uniting the community in support of a single array package; thus, he moved the
functionality of Numarray to Numeric and released NumPy 1.0 in the year 2006. Now that
we have an understanding of What is NumPy in Python, let's look over its history. Let's
move on to the next topic and talk about why we use it. Python provides us with lists that can
function as arrays, however the processing of these lists is rather slow. NumPy's array object
should be up to 50 times faster than Python's standard list object, according to the project's
stated goal. A diverse set of mathematical procedures based on arrays are all within the
scope of its applicability. It extends Python with advanced analytical structures that ensure
fast computations with arrays and matrices, as well as a large library of high-level
mathematical functions that work with these arrays and matrices. Additionally, it adds fast
computations with arrays and matrices to the capabilities of the Python programming
language. Unlike lists, NumPy arrays are stored in memory in a single continuous area,
making it easier for
programs to swiftly
access and change the
data contained
within them.

Figure . Features of numpy


Matplotlib is a data visualization and graphical plotting toolkit that can be used with
Python and its numerical extension NumPy. It is compatible with multiple platforms.
As such, it provides a feasible open source alternative to the software package
MATLAB. Developers also have the option of utilizing the Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by matplotlib in order to incorporate plots
within GUI programs.

Because of the way a Python matplotlib script is organized, the generation of a visual
data plot can typically be accomplished with only a few lines of code in the vast
majority of cases.

Two application programming interfaces, such as and, are covered by the matplotlib
scripting layer. The matplotlib library sits atop the pyplot application programming
interface (API), which is a hierarchy of Python code objects. pyplot in addition to an
Object-Oriented Application Programming Interface (OO API) collection of objects
that may be assembled with more flexibility than pyplot. This application
programming interface (API) gives users access to the backend layers of Matplotlib.
The pyplot API offers a user-friendly stateful interface that is modeled after
MATLAB. In point of fact, matplotlib was first conceived of and developed as an
open-source alternative to MATLAB. It is considered to be more difficult to use,
despite the fact that the OO API and its interface offer greater levels of customization
and power than pyplot.

Uncompiled source files for Matplotlib are also available for download. In order to
compile from source, it is necessary for your local system to have the correct
compiler for your operating system, as well as all dependencies, setup scripts,
configuration files, and patches that are necessary. Because of this, the installation
can end up being really difficult. You may also think about utilizing the ActiveState
Platform, which will automatically generate matplotlib from its source code and
package it for your operating system. A user interface (UI) and menu structure are
built whenever matplotlib is used to make a plot. The user interface allows for
customization of the plot, as well as the ability to pan, zoom, and toggle different

sections. Data manipulation and analysis are the primary purposes for which
matplotlib makes use of the Pandas package. Dataframe is the name of the object that
represents a 2D data table that is stored in memory by Pandas. pandas, on the other
hand, is not a mandatory dependency of matplotlib like numpy is.

Figure . Matplotlib

2.3 Component

First, identify the similarity between the picture drawn by the student and the picture
given by the system. Using the developed facility to upload the drawn designs of
students’ system will analyze the student progress. By calculating the overall
analysis of the total number of students by using the tasks percentages parents can
get an idea about their children. Developing an object recognition and pattern
recognition Image Processing based algorithm to predict the similarity score for the
displayed image and student sketched image.


Students who have disabilities can benefit from the use of technology in a number of
ways, including the enhancement and improvement of their independence in
academic and employment tasks, their participation in classroom discussions, and the
assistance they can receive in completing some challenging academic tasks. In this
study, the role of employing assistive technology in the Universal Design for
Learning, in academic skills, and in transition services is discussed, as well as the
benefits of using such technology. The following provides a synopsis of the
significant guiding principles that need to be taken into consideration when
incorporating technology into the education or training of children who have
disabilities. Because technology has changed and will continue to change the way
people manage things in their lives, both privately and in their professional lives, the
natural extension of that is to see the impact of technology and the integration of
technology in education for students with disabilities in the same way that it has been
in other areas of life. Students who have disabilities can benefit from the use of
technology in a number of ways, including the enhancement and improvement of
their independence in academic and employment tasks, their participation in
classroom discussions, and the assistance they receive in completing some
challenging academic tasks.


2.5.1 Testing

Test Test case Test input Values Test Expected Actual Test
case Name Procedure Output Result Resul
ID t






Table 2.1 TEST CASES



The disparity in the quality of the drawings produced by the children using the
various levels increases as their individual requirements change. During the course of
our study, we had some of the children use the "zoom" function of the application;
nevertheless, they did not utilize this function very frequently. It's a favorite pastime
of many students to use a variety of colors to sketch simple real-world objects and
geometric shapes. When they were drawing with apps, the various objects that they
included in their drawings were positioned in relation to a baseline. Children at this
stage exhibited a more developed knowledge of color schemes and worked toward
improving the aesthetic quality of their drawings. The majority of the children in this
class enjoyed drawing scenes that included things like mountains, birds, flowers,
clouds, rainbows, rivers, and cars. They endeavored to create a picture that was as
true to the actual setting or item being portrayed as they possibly could. These kids
exhibited a natural skill when it came to sketching shapes, even though some of them
had a hard time drawing smooth curves and shapes. The majority of the time, when
these pupils are sketching human figures and coloring them in, they do so using
sketches. When drawing with both mediums, they have trouble drawing detailed
landscapes and filling the spaces with colors that are appropriate for the settings.
They enjoyed drawing simple structures such as houses, boats, fish, and other aquatic
life, as well as landforms such as mountains and forests, lakes, and rivers. They
found great enjoyment in sketching and depicting movement to communicate the
action that was taking place in a scene.


Apps for mobile devices are becoming increasingly common among today's youth as
they progress through their developmental stages. The quality of the user interface of
the apps has a significant impact on how well children are able to use the apps. On
the basis of our qualitative and quantitative data, we provide some recommendations
about the user interface of drawing apps for children. In order for the students to
finish the artwork, they required constant prodding and encouragement from their
teachers. These children frequently shown a reluctance to utilize any hue other than
the one that they had selected first as their preferred option. These youngsters had
difficulty drawing with one hand while simultaneously operating a smartphone with
the other. When drawing using the smartphone app, individuals often only used their
index finger the vast majority of the time. When the youngsters are drawing with the
apps, it will be easier for them to relax and concentrate on their work if the
applications play soothing music in the background. It's possible that the apps will
use textual information very little and instead focus on employing emoticons and
audio responses. When the youngsters begin a new drawing or exit the app, the
applications should automatically save the drawings they have already completed.
Students enjoyed the opportunity to voice their thoughts and feelings while drawing
on each of the different mediums.


Member  Components  Tasks 

 Identify the similarity between

the picture drawn by the student
and the picture given by the

 Develop an uploading facility to

upload the drawn designs of

 Develop to calculate the overall

analysis of the total number of
students by using the tasks

 Developing the relevant part of

the application

 Developing an object
recognition and pattern
recognition Image Processing
based algorithm to predict the
similarity score for the
displayed image and student
sketched image


We compared how youngsters drew with different shapes on drawing sheets and how
they drew using drawing apps for their mobile devices in this study. It will be
interesting to compare the drawings that children of various age groups have done
using apps to the drawings that other children have made. In addition, the research
did not take into account the disparities that exist between the drawings made by
male and female youngsters of the same age, nor did it examine how these
differences change as the children grew older. In addition, the research was carried
out on children who were part of a specific group that provided for a more structured
setting for them. The drawings that children of each age group make when they are at
ease and in their natural setting, such as at home, may offer a view into the more
creative side of children and, as a direct result of this, may also offer a glimpse into
the superior drawings that children produce. These drawings could then contribute to
a more accurate assessment of children's drawing talents in relation to age and across
different mediums. When they want a change or there are no other mediums
accessible, children choose to sketch using applications on their phones. We
discovered that children's drawings take on a variety of forms depending on the
medium. We suggest that drawing apps for children be designed with their talents
and interests in mind from the beginning of the process. Children's artistic growth
can be significantly aided by the use of drawing applications that are thoughtfully
planned and developed. The capabilities of the drawing applications that can be used
by special needs range widely depending on their ages. We have compiled a list of
the features that should be included in sketching apps geared for youngsters. We
suggest that several sketching applications with an appropriate user interface be
developed for children who have special needs. These apps should cater to their
specific demands.


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