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BSc (Hons) in Information Technology

Specializing in *********

Department of Information Technology

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Sri Lanka

month year



Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science
Special (Honors) in Information Technology

Specializing in ***** *****

Department of Information Technology

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Sri Lanka

month year

I declare that this is my own work, and this proposal does not incorporate without
acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any other
university or institute of higher learning, and to the best of our knowledge and belief, it does
not contain any material previously published or written by another person except where the
acknowledgement is made in the text.

Name Student ID Signature

Signature: Date:

Signature of the Supervisor: Date:


The purpose of this component is to provide assistance to children and adolescents who have
learning disabilities. Using digital technology that can create environments that are both
realistic and amusing is one way that their education can be made more accessible and
enjoyable. The construction of a comparable picture identify component that takes use of the
functionality of Google Lens to recognize photographs is going to be a primary focus of the
inquiry. Enhance the functionality of the component by using Google Lens to locate
additional pertinent photographs based on the students' image selections that are comparable
to those of other students. Make time lapses for selecting photographs that are related to each
other based on how far along the student selection process analysis has gotten. According to
the findings of certain studies, one way to get the attention of younger children is to get them
involved in activities that the youngsters find to be both entertaining and intriguing. An
image that has been selected by the user is shown by the system. After a delay of half a
minute, the system will begin to display a series of images in a scrolling format. In order for
the students to move on to the next round, they need to correctly identify the photograph that
was shown earlier and choose the appropriate photograph from the group. The subsequent
step entails analyzing how the child reacted to the previous activity and modifying the
degree of challenge so that it is appropriate for the child's level of skill. It's possible that a
child will have a hard time picking a picture; if this happens, the amount of options available
to them in the next round will be limited.


Before I get started with this proposal, I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone
who assisted me with my study. Without your active participation, cooperation,
involvement, and assistance, I would not have been able to make any advancements
in my research. People like my supervisor are the ones that keep me focused on
maintaining my professionalism and doing the right thing, and I want to express my
gratitude to them for being the ones who do that for me when things get tough.
Without her dogged assistance, we never would have been able to accomplish what
we set out to do with this endeavor. I was able to successfully complete this proposal
paper in a timely manner thanks to the assistance and direction of my co-direction

In particular, I would want to express my appreciation to my research colleagues,

who have provided assistance to me in a wide variety of different methods in order to
ensure the success of this project. In addition, I would want to express my heartfelt
gratitude to everyone, and in especially to my parents and other members of my
family, who have always been there for me in terms of providing both spiritual and
financial support. In closing, I would want to express my profound gratitude to
everyone of my closest friends who have contributed in some way to the production
of this project report.


TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................................v
1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND & LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................5
1.2 RESEARCH GAP......................................................................................................11
1.3 RESEARCH PROBLEM.............................................................................................12
1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................13
1.4.1 MAIN OBJECTIVE...........................................................................................13
1.4.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................13
2 METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................14
1.1. System Architecture..............................................................................................14
2.1 Development Process............................................................................................15
2.1.1 Tools and technologies..................................................................................15
2.2 Component............................................................................................................21
2.3 COMMERCIALIZATION ASPECTS OF THE PRODUCT...............................................22
2.4 TESTING & IMPLEMENTATION..............................................................................23
2.4.1 Testing...........................................................................................................23
3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION................................................................................................26
3.1 RESULTS.................................................................................................................26
3.2 RESEARCH FINDINGS.............................................................................................27
3.3 DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................28
4 SUMMARY OF EACH STUDENT’S CONTRIBUTION.........................................................29
5 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................30
6 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................32
7 APPENDICES..................................................................................................................34

Table 1.1 Research Gap Analysis...........................................................................................11
Table 2.1 TEST CASES........................................................................................................25

Figure 1.1 Google Lens............................................................................................................9
Figure 1.2 CamFind...............................................................................................................10
Figure 2.1 SCIPY.....................................................................................................................16
Figure 2.2 Features of numpy...............................................................................................18
Figure 2.3 Matplotlib.............................................................................................................20


Abbreviations Description


Institutional arrangements that prevent "parity of participation" for students with
special needs in school activities are influenced both by economic and cultural
factors, in accordance with the concept of "recognition," which takes into account the
economic, cultural, and political dimensions of social justice. After looking over the
study, it is abundantly evident that cultural standards of superiority and inferiority, as
well as prejudices regarding children with disabilities, have a substantial impact on
the way in which schools educate students who fall into these categories. It is
impossible to make improvements to certain essential features of inclusion as long as
the emphasis is placed more heavily on academic knowledge and grades than on
criteria of recognition and representational character. Examples of these
characteristics include arbitrary boundaries between programs, participation in
activities, a voice for children, and visibility for children as a result of their
achievements. In addition, theories are utilized in order to investigate the many
actions that may potentially be made in order to increase inclusion. A strategy that
would be effective in bringing about change is one that involves the creation of
transformative conditions for the recognition and balancing of redistribution,
recognition, and representation.

Students are able to learn how to communicate with people and make sense of the
world around them when they are in an educational environment because of the
assistance and visual aids that are available to them. Visuospatial aids are utilized in
the educational environment to cater to a wide variety of students' individual
requirements. These include having a comprehension of the rules, acquiring
independence, being able to make decisions, interacting with others, being organized,
enabling transitions from one activity to another, providing clarity on what specific
work has to be completed, and giving pupils good feedback. Supports for
problematic behaviors can be utilized in a number of different ways to either prevent
or lessen the problematic behaviors, and they can also be utilized to assist in the
reduction of feelings of annoyance, frustration, and worry.

Learning difficulties are among the most frequent childhood and adult disabilities. In
low- and middle-income nations, where resources, methods, and supports are in short
supply, identifying students with learning difficulties in school can be a challenging
endeavor. This book provides an overview of learning issues as well as a description
of the techniques and procedures necessary to diagnose them. There is also a
discussion of an evaluation of the existing screening and evaluation services, as well
as a determination of the steps that need to be taken in order to construct, strengthen,
or build support systems for pupils who have difficulties learning. Intervention
options for teachers and school leaders at each level of the system's growth are also
offered. The lessons that may be learnt from this guide can be applied to better
recognize a variety of disabilities that are often found in educational settings. [01]

The origin of an edited image can be deduced from the degree to which it resembles
a large number of unrelated photographs. Moderating content, such as that which is
fraudulent or spreads disinformation or violates copyright, can be accomplished with
the help of this technology. The discipline of computer vision has paid very little
attention to picture similarity detection, despite the fact that this technique is
becoming increasingly important for pinpointing instances of manipulation and
improving identification of data provenance. Models that were developed for other
purposes, such as classification or object instance recognition, perform poorly when
confronted with the daily deluge of photos and videos. Researchers are limited in
their participation because there is not a large and consistent data set to evaluate
picture similarity algorithms. [04]

Your brain appears to be able to interpret the words almost instantly, even as your
eyes skim over them fast. Considering that sound may have been the first form of
communication, the invention of writing greatly expanded our capacity to create and
understand words even when we were unable to hear them. Educators have relied on
this strategy for a long time to aid their students in their studies. The importance of
pictures in aiding people's memorization of words is an area that has not gotten
extensive study in the scientific world. Visual information combined with verbal
information facilitates the construction of mental images during the encoding
process. Both visual and verbal cues are used to convey the meaning of this image. In

the brain, the codes are processed and stored in a way that varies depending on
whatever portion of the brain is involved. When retrieving a word, the user has the
choice of using both the visual and the translation into their local language. They
have the option to go this route. The visual representation of the code can be
obtained even if the written code is lost. The Dual Code Theory might be grounded
in the brain. The authors concluded that visual cues were more effective than merely
reading and listening when it comes to retaining new vocabulary. It's been found that
the brain's language and visual processing centers are physically separate. Therefore,
ideas can be compared to extensive neural networks that communicate with one
another. Collective knowledge in these networks can be preserved and strengthened.

When it comes to learning a new language, humans have a much higher aptitude than
other primates. In their early twenties, native speakers of a language have a
vocabulary of at least 20,000 words, including both simple words and their more
complex morphological forms. However, other estimates put this number
significantly higher. Fast-mapping exemplifies how newborns can make connections
between new words and concepts rapidly, giving the impression that they are picking
up language easily and swiftly. The undeniable superiority of young humans as word
learners has inspired researchers to examine the process of word acquisition in
newborns and children independently and to approach the mechanics of word
learning in a manner that is distinct from how they approach the acquisition of other
components of mental computation.

Throughout the course of the school day, students engage in a number of oral
language activities meant to expand their understanding of key concepts and words.
During this time, teachers also read aloud to the class, both fiction and nonfiction.
Spelling and word recognition instruction are included in both comprehensive
reading programs and more specialized phonics and word-recognition training
programs. As part of their instruction in phonics and word recognition, many
educators employ a basal reading program provided by the school. The term
"curriculum" is generally understood to refer to a package of resources, such as a
manual for educators, textbooks for students, and other supplementary materials, all

tailored to the specific needs of a given grade level. It is crucial to provide kids a
chance to practice and master a wide range of reading-related skills and concepts as
you introduce them to phonics and word-recognition techniques. The alphabet,
phonemic awareness, sound-symbol links, word-identification tactics, spelling and
writing connections, relevant reading practice, and reading fluency are all reading-
related skills and concepts. [03]

Voice recognition and speech-to-text software has several uses that are useful for
people with and without impairments. People who have trouble writing have found
help with speech-to-text software, while people with physical disabilities have gained
a new way to interact with computers. The study of foreign languages, voice-
activated products for the visually impaired, and a plethora of additional uses can all
be found in the realm of mainstream technology, thanks to the advancements made in
speech recognition. Recent technology developments have propelled to the fore
many well-known applications in the customer service industry. There isn't a single
person alive who doesn't make use of some form of voice recognition technology on
a daily basis. Mobile phone voice dialing, automated phone directories and menus,
and integrated voice commands are just a few examples. Professionals in the
domains of law and medicine utilize voice recognition software on a regular basis to
transcribe dictation notes and other crucial information[12]. The military, navigation
systems, speech recognition in automobiles (like Ford SYNC), "smart" homes
designed with voice command devices, and video games like End War, which allow
the player to give orders to their troops using only their voice, are all relatively recent
examples of the technology's widespread utility.


Image recognition has undeniably become an indispensable component of our

everyday lives as a direct result of advances in technology. Artificial intelligence and
machine learning are at the forefront of a significant factor that contributed to this
invention. Currently available on the market are a wide variety of solutions and
programs, all of which are designed to evaluate and recognize particular items
contained inside graphical representations. In today's world, biometrics has become
an essential component of security, utilized not only by businesses but also by
people. This idea is now fully applicable and contributes to the control of false
arrests, the diagnosis of genetic abnormalities, and the reduction of malware attacks,
cybercrimes, and other such offenses. Every application is unique in terms of its
performance, working techniques, other programs, and so on. Users have the option
of selecting the product in accordance with our prerequisites. We have provided a list
of some of the most popular and top image recognition applications here.

Since the original CAPTCHA was developed, numerous automated methods that
make use of machine learning have been developed. Bots that have been trained in
pattern recognition do a better job of recognizing traditional CAPTCHAs. As a result
of this advancement, more recent CAPTCHA systems rely on more complicated
testing. For example, in order to pass the reCAPTCHA test, you are required to click
in a particular location and then wait for the countdown to reach zero. CAPTCHAs
are a need for any website that prioritizes visitor experience over automated content
generation. It is possible to employ CAPTCHAs to ensure that only real people are
casting votes in online polls, which helps deter attempts to rig the results. People are
less likely to vote many times on the same issue when they know it will take longer
for each vote to be processed. Services can make use of CAPTCHAs in order to
prevent automated registration systems from generating fake accounts and using
them. By putting a cap on the number of new accounts that can be created, a service
is able to protect its existing resources and reduce the risk of fraudulent activity. If
the ticketing system uses CAPTCHA, scalpers will be unable to purchase large
amounts of tickets for the purpose of reselling them. With its assistance, fraudulent

sign-ups for events that are free to attend can be stopped. By using CAPTCHAs, you
prevent automated spam from being posted on message boards, contact forms, and
review websites. By adding an extra step to the process, CAPTCHAs can also assist
minimize the amount of harassment that occurs online. [02]

Despite the fact that your class operates in a highly controlled, restricted, and
password-protected online environment, there is no assurance that the objects your
students make will always remain confidential. Those parents who are delighted with
their child's work may publish it on social media, those students who are pleased
with their work may place it in a digital portfolio for future use, and visitors who
come to the house may eventually discover what is contained within that supposedly
"closed" setting. As a consequence of this, it is rational to conduct business on the
basis of the assumption that all digital objects would eventually be made accessible
to the general public. Is there a day in the not too distant future when these limits will
have more severe repercussions? It will be to the students' great advantage to have
received training in the appropriate and legal utilization of images before they leave
high school and enter the workforce. This training will be incredibly useful to them.
In addition, the ethical treatment of others and the prevention of plagiarism are
intimately connected to the lawful utilization of images. [03]

When it was first released, Google Lens could only be accessed through the
company's Pixel smartphones because it was considered to be one of the company's
most important announcements from 2017. As a direct consequence of this
development, Google Lens can now be downloaded on the vast majority of Android
devices. You may ask Google Assistant a question about whatever it is that you are
pointing your phone at, such as a particular flower, and it will respond with
information on whatever it is that you are pointing at. You will not only get the
solution, but you will also get options depending on the thing, such as local florists if
the object is a floral arrangement. In addition, you will obtain the answer. Within
Google Photos, Google Lens is able to identify structures and landmarks, such as
buildings and landmarks, and present users with information about those structures,
such as driving directions and business hours. Additionally, the system will be able
to present information regarding a well-known piece of artwork. The debate of

whether or not the Mona Lisa is smiling may finally be settled as a result of this, if
only temporarily. [05]

It is not an easy process to conduct research and build software and solutions for people with
disabilities. There aren't many individual research initiatives carried out in the Arab
world, thus the results that are obtained aren't particularly impressive. A large
number of teachers of students with special needs have specially prepared Arabic
tutorials for students who have difficulties. On the other hand, these instructional
walkthroughs are really basic and lack any kind of appeal. They are primarily
developed using the Microsoft Power Point software, and the photos used are of poor
quality. Even though 10% of the global population is living with some kind of
disability, the majority of Arabic software engineering companies do not develop
educational software for special users because they do not see significant financial
benefits from this market. This is the case despite the fact that many people around
the world are living with disabilities. It is anticipated that within the next ten years,
this rate will climb to greater than 15%. According to the findings of one study,
3.73% of Saudis are estimated to have intellectual impairments. In the Middle East
and North Africa region, there are no statistics that are precise, official, or up to date
regarding the number of people who live with a disability (MENA region). On the
other hand, the note that follows provides an excellent survey of people who are
disabled in the MENA region. It predicts that over the next two decades, the already
significant burden that disability places on the economic growth of nations in the
MENA region would continue to grow. In addition, the inclusion of people with
disabilities in all facets of social and economic life, such as education, vocational
rehabilitation, and employment, will be beneficial not only to the individual but to
society as a whole. This is because these activities will help people with disabilities
become more independent. Educational systems in the MENA region continue to
exclude the majority of the disabled school-aged population at the primary level, and
almost the entirety of this population at the university level. This is a problem
because the majority of disabled school-aged people are children with learning
disabilities. According to the findings of the survey presented in, the prevalence is
found in between 1 and 10 percent of the total population. And for the ten nations

that make up MENA, which have a combined population of 250 million people, the
projected number of people with disabilities falls somewhere in the range of 9
million to 27 million people.

There is a need to shift the emphasis on children's shape recognition skills from
memorization to the development of deep conceptual understandings. Kids learn best
when they're having fun, so this change is essential. In order to produce an
understanding of the attributes that shapes possess, early geometry instruction must
take into account how youngsters construct knowledge of the ideas related to shape
recognition. For effective early geometry education, this is a prerequisite. This
review aims to accomplish this by providing a summary of the general mathematics
education research on how and why young children learn to recognize shapes, and by
identifying the most successful instructional strategies for teaching form
identification. Although the great bulk of the material does not address the unique
needs of children with disabilities, it does include a summary of the scant studies that
have been undertaken on the topic of educating children with disabilities in the area
of shape identification. Teaching youngsters with visual impairments to recognize
shapes has been the exclusive focus of this study. [03]

The National Education Association (NEA) reports that in the previous ten years,
there has been a 30 percent increase in the number of pupils in the United States who
are enrolled in special education programs. In addition, according to the NEA,
students with disabilities may be found in almost every general education class
across the country. In fact, three out of every four kids with disabilities spend at least
some portion of their school day in a general education class. On the other hand,
despite the rise in the number of students participating in special education programs,
the pool of available special education teachers has not kept pace. According to the
Teacher Shortage Area Nationwide Listing maintained by the Department of
Education for the 2014–2015 school year, 47 different states were in need of special
education teachers.

One of the testing tools that is currently all the rage and is utilized by a large number
of people uses the camera on a smartphone to do an image-based search and

determine what the subject is. It provides in-depth information regarding an image
and its accompanying text, and it can also translate language. In order to fire the
camera and traverse the choice language, all you have to do is keep the camera's
focus on the thing you want to photograph and hold down the button for a few
seconds. The final product reveals all available details, connections, and other
relevant resources that are associated with the image. It also enables you to take

Figure . Google Lens

snapshots for the purpose of storing data such as a contact, address, name, or the
URL of a website, which saves you the time that would have been spent typing the

The CamFind app also enables users to conduct a visual search by photographing
objects, which are subsequently detected by the software, and the app will then tell
you what the object is. Images, videos, and advertisements for nearby businesses are
presented as part of the search result. CamFind is a mobile application that is
powered by an image recognition search engine. It gives users the ability to
recognize, share, and preserve the data or its discoveries, as well as create a social
feed that connects users.

Figure . CamFind


Systems similar Analyze the Suggest Analyze Increasing
image selection more student time laps
selection similar image according to
pictures selection the difficulty
progress level of

    

Learn With



Pumpic App


The Sounding
Out Machine

Super Why

Table 1.1 Research Gap Analysis


The term "inclusion" is used frequently in the field of education to describe a process
that puts the pupil at the center of attention and lays an emphasis on mutual respect
for the distinctive qualities and requirements of the individual. On the other hand, the
educational system should make an effort to solve the issues that all students,
including those with special needs, are confronted with. Inclusion in educational
opportunities for individuals with impairments will be the primary emphasis of this
research project. To be more specific, study and practice are required. Students who
have disabilities absolutely require learning environments that can be accessed
easily. In the contemporary society, the social life and the system are two of the most
significant things that we worry about. As a result of the outcomes of the study, we
were able to discuss the perspectives and experiences that we have gained regarding
educational reform initiatives for children who have special needs. This study, which
incorporates document analysis case studies, focuses on children with disabilities and
special educational needs in elementary and middle school. The children in question
attend elementary and middle school. The educational possibilities available to
children with disabilities and special needs should be equivalent to those options
available to children without impairments. According to the conclusions of this
research project, it has been demonstrated time and again that educational apps can
be helpful to students who have various kinds of impairments.



 Develop a similar picture identify component and uses the google lens feature
to suggest more similar images to give a good identification of images


 Develop image preview option with similar image selection

 Analyze the similar image selection of students.

 Develop the component with using of google lens for more similar image

 Develop the time laps for selecting similar images by using student selecting
progress analysis.


1.1. System Architecture

Figure . System overview Diagram

2.1 Development Process

2.1.1 Tools and technologies


SciPy is an open-source library written in Python that is utilized for the purpose of
resolving mathematical, scientific, engineering, and technical issues. A large variety
of high-level Python commands are made available to users, enabling them to alter
data as well as visualize it. NumPy is an extension of Python that serves as the
foundation for SciPy. It's possible to say "Sigh Pi" when you're referring to SciPy.
Numpy is an extension for Python that serves as the foundation for SciPy, which is a
collection of mathematical methods and convenience functions. It does this by
presenting the user with high-level commands and classes that can be used to
manipulate and visualize data. This provides a huge boost to the capabilities of the
interactive Python session. SciPy is a scientific Python open source library that is
published under the BSD licensed umbrella and is used to carry out mathematical,
scientific, and engineering computations. The name is pronounced as "Sigh Pi."

NumPy, which enables straightforward and efficient manipulation of N-dimensional

arrays, is required for the SciPy library. The SciPy library was designed to be
compatible with NumPy arrays and offers a wide variety of numerical procedures
that are both user-friendly and efficient. Some examples of these procedures include
routines for numerical integration and optimization. All together, they are compatible
with the most common operating systems, can be set up in a short amount of time,
and don't cost anything. Both NumPy and SciPy are user-friendly, but they are also
strong enough that some of the most accomplished scientists and engineers in the
world rely on them. The NumPy module is responsible for providing SciPy with its
fundamental data structure, which is a multidimensional array. There are certain
functions in NumPy for linear algebra, fourier transforms, and random number
generation; however, these functions do not have the same degree of generality as
their SciPy equivalents.

Figure . SCIPY


NumPy is the essential package for carrying out computational tasks in the scientific
community using Python. A multidimensional array object, various derived objects
(such as masked arrays and matrices), and an assortment of routines for fast
operations on arrays are all provided by this Python library. These operations include
mathematical, logical, shape manipulation, sorting, selecting, I/O, discrete Fourier
transforms, basic linear algebra, basic statistical operations, random simulation, and a
great deal more. The ndarray object is the fundamental building block of the NumPy
library. This wraps n-dimensional arrays of similar data types, and for optimal
efficiency, many operations are carried out in compiled code.

The term "vectorization" refers to the absence of any explicit looping, indexing, or
other similar operations in the code. These operations are, of fact, still taking place,
but they are doing so "behind the scenes" in optimized, pre-compiled C code. NumPy
provides complete support for an object-oriented methodology, beginning once more
with the ndarray data structure. As an illustration, ndarray is a class that includes a
variety of different methods and characteristics. As a result of the fact that many of
its methods are mirrored by functions in the NumPy namespace's outermost
namespace, the programmer is free to write code in whichever paradigm best suits
their needs. Because of this versatility, the NumPy array dialect and the NumPy
ndarray class have become the standard language for the interchange of multi-
dimensional data in Python.

The use of NumPy is becoming more commonplace in a wide variety of business

applications as its popularity grows. As a consequence of this, it is absolutely necessary to
have an understanding of what it is that this library is going to provide. Because of its syntax,
which is not only strong but also concise and expressive all at the same time, NumPy is
considered to be one of the most powerful Python modules. In addition to being used for
array computation, it gives users the ability to handle data stored in vectors, matrices, and
arrays of larger dimensions. It is also widely used in the business world. This article will
provide an overview of what NumPy is in Python as well as the fundamental capabilities of
the NumPy module. NumPy is an acronym that stands for numerical Python. It refers to a
library that contains multidimensional array objects as well as a set of functions for

manipulating those arrays. Due to the fact that it enables users to execute mathematical and
logical operations on arrays, it is one of the Python packages that is utilized the most for
scientific computing. NumPy is a scripting language that is written in Python. In 2005,
Travis Oliphant developed NumPy by extensively altering the predecessor program Numeric
and adding features from the rival program Numarray. The forerunner to NumPy was a
program called Numeric, which was created in 1995 by Jim Hugunin with the assistance of a
number of other programmers. A developer for NumPy named Travis Oliphant was
successful in uniting the community in support of a single array package; thus, he moved the
functionality of Numarray to Numeric and released NumPy 1.0 in the year 2006. Now that
we have an understanding of What is NumPy in Python, let's look over its history. Let's
move on to the next topic and talk about why we use it. Python provides us with lists that can
function as arrays, however the processing of these lists is rather slow. NumPy's array object
should be up to 50 times faster than Python's standard list object, according to the project's
stated goal. A diverse set of mathematical procedures based on arrays are all within the
scope of its applicability. It extends Python with advanced analytical structures that ensure
fast computations with arrays and matrices, as well as a large library of high-level
mathematical functions that work with these arrays and matrices. Additionally, it adds fast
computations with arrays and matrices to the capabilities of the Python programming
language. Unlike lists, NumPy arrays are stored in memory in a single continuous area,
making it easier for
programs to swiftly
access and change the
data contained
within them.

Figure . Features of numpy


Matplotlib is a data visualization and graphical plotting toolkit that can be used with
Python and its numerical extension NumPy. It is compatible with multiple platforms.
As such, it provides a feasible open source alternative to the software package
MATLAB. Developers also have the option of utilizing the Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by matplotlib in order to incorporate plots
within GUI programs.

Because of the way a Python matplotlib script is organized, the generation of a visual
data plot can typically be accomplished with only a few lines of code in the vast
majority of cases.

Two application programming interfaces, such as and, are covered by the matplotlib
scripting layer. The matplotlib library sits atop the pyplot application programming
interface (API), which is a hierarchy of Python code objects. pyplot in addition to an
Object-Oriented Application Programming Interface (OO API) collection of objects
that may be assembled with more flexibility than pyplot. This application
programming interface (API) gives users access to the backend layers of Matplotlib.
The pyplot API offers a user-friendly stateful interface that is modeled after
MATLAB. In point of fact, matplotlib was first conceived of and developed as an
open-source alternative to MATLAB. It is considered to be more difficult to use,
despite the fact that the OO API and its interface offer greater levels of customization
and power than pyplot.

Uncompiled source files for Matplotlib are also available for download. In order to
compile from source, it is necessary for your local system to have the correct
compiler for your operating system, as well as all dependencies, setup scripts,
configuration files, and patches that are necessary. Because of this, the installation
can end up being really difficult. You may also think about utilizing the ActiveState
Platform, which will automatically generate matplotlib from its source code and
package it for your operating system. A user interface (UI) and menu structure are
built whenever matplotlib is used to make a plot. The user interface allows for
customization of the plot, as well as the ability to pan, zoom, and toggle different

sections. Data manipulation and analysis are the primary purposes for which
matplotlib makes use of the Pandas package. Dataframe is the name of the object that
represents a 2D data table that is stored in memory by Pandas. pandas, on the other
hand, is not a mandatory dependency of matplotlib like numpy is.

Figure . Matplotlib

2.2 Component

Figure . Component Diagram

The development of a similar picture identify component that takes advantage of the
Google Lens function to offer more related images in order to give accurate image
identification is the focus of the component. After that, conduct an analysis of the
students' choices of related images and enhance the component by making use of
Google Lens to locate additional ideas for similar images. Create time laps for
selecting images that are comparable while also assessing the progress that students
are making in the selection process.


Chatbots Image recognition can help teach and study primary and secondary
languages. Conversational tales can be used to increase writing expression, reading
comprehension, speaking, and listening. Conversational tales can improve
communication and language abilities. Students can use them as mobile tutors for
topics and skills that require frequent practice and teacher feedback. They're scalable
and adaptable to different learning cycles and styles. They can also be integrated into
virtual learning contexts, creating adaptive and open teaching scenarios. This
resource pertains to microlearning research and allows students to engage in a
conversational exercise that can spark their interest in studying. Nano-contents as
punctuation may be achieved with open and flexible chatbots, which require a
continual learning process. Chatbots are a cutting-edge technology having
commercial, social, and educational applications. Open tools chatbots that employ
"drag and drop" builder platforms make it possible to design a chatbot with minimal
technical experience. Its widespread use on mobile devices is another great potential.
A chatbot's learning analytics setting offers teachers enormous options. This allows
the teacher to quickly assess each student's academic performance. Student can use
feedback to monitor learning.


2.4.1 Testing

Test Test case Test input Values Test Expected Actual Test
case Name Procedure Output Result Resul
ID t






Table 2.2 TEST CASES



A design that incorporates rich media such as text, photographs, and videos gives
students the opportunity to learn through the channels of their choosing, giving them
more control over their educational experience. Their interest in learning can be
stimulated rather effectively thanks to the adaptability of the setting in which it takes
place. In addition to this, it provides a greater number of opportunities for cognitive
reinforcement from a variety of different perspectives. As a result, elevating a
learner's level of interest in the process of learning leads to an increase in the
learner's level of enjoyment of the process. Learning using chatbots is more akin to
having a personal instructor who can answer questions through dialogues, administer
tests, and provide fast and affective feedback, all of which can help to maintain a
learner's interest in the subject matter. Because the classes in traditional teaching are
concentrated on the instructor, the instructor naturally assumes the role of authority.


The following step, which you should take once you have completed the design of
your system, is to upload it to a hosting server. The server in question not only offers
database storage space, but it also offers a domain name for the system that is being
hosted on it. Through the utilization of that domain, individuals are able to connect to
the system and make use of it to carry out responsibilities. There will be a database
that will keep and record everything that you do while using the system. This
information will be kept for future reference. Using this domain as your login
information allows you to access the system from virtually any location in the world.
When a user logged into the system and examined the activities of their own
children, the information about that session would be recorded in the database. This
information would be accessible to the user in the future. The procedure is as
described below: Due to the fact that this is a unique idea, it is recommended that the
component of the new system that pertains to kids with special needs be trialled in
the beginning by the students' parents.


Member  Components  Tasks 

 Develop image preview option

with similar image selection

 Analyze the similar image

selection of students.

 Develop the component with

using of google lens for more
similar image suggestion

Develop the time laps for

selecting similar images by
using student selecting progress

In this study, we compared how kids drew on paper and with mobile sketching apps.
It will be interesting to compare the drawings kids of different ages made using apps
to others. The research didn't take into account variations between male and female
drawings of the same age or how these differences evolve with age. The
investigation also involved youngsters from a structured group. Children's drawings
when they are at ease and in their natural context, such as at home, may show their
creative side and the excellent drawings they generate. These sketches could help
measure children's drawing talents by age and medium. Children sketch on their
phones when they desire a change or have no other mediums. Children's drawings
vary by media. We recommend designing drawing apps for kids with their talents
and interests in mind. Well-planned drawing apps can help children's artistic
progress. Special needs children's drawing app capabilities vary by age. We've listed
features for kids' sketching applications. Special needs youngsters need sketching
apps with an accessible user interface. Apps should meet their needs. There are
several aspects to consider while using chatbots in education. Do you want a chatbot
to help students with curriculum or staff with admissions? AI Chatbot platforms and
service providers evaluate how beneficial chatbots are for users and constantly
improve and build new ones. Students in today's schools are tech-savvy and rely on
Google for research. You're helping their education by supplying chatbots. Student
surveys don't require paper forms. A bot that asks pupils questions after they answer
can speed up the process. Hiring a virtual assistant is a great method to help your
workers, but you should consider the expense first. Hubspot offers certain of its
services for free, while others provide a variety of bundles. Educational chatbots help
students, teachers, and staff. Investing in a bot that relieves learning strain lets you
focus on what's important. Artificially intelligent chatbots can help both students and

It would be unreasonable to blame instructors, pronunciation experts, or academics

for the current state of pronunciation. Despite its theoretical and practical value,
pronunciation has gone out of favor. When possible, teachers should incorporate

pronunciation into oral skills and other classes, focusing on segmental and supra-
segmental aspects, with a special eye on students with special needs of varied levels
and abilities. It's not enough to focus on individual words. It should be a part of
scholarly study and debate. Teachers can help pupils with sounds, syllables,
emphasis, and intonation. Understanding how these elements work can help students
focus their efforts. Teachers can use class time to teach and practice proper
pronunciation. Because changing pronunciation habits is time-consuming, teachers
should encourage students to assess their own pronunciation and practice speaking in
and out of the classroom. Students can acquire confidence in their interactions with
native speakers by practicing formal and casual listening and speaking. Improving
pupils' pronunciation can improve their communication skills if they put in the time
and effort.


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