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Student’s Name: MTAJWAHA Felinus, K

Student’s Registration No: NIT/BIT/2018/671



Academic year: 2020/2021.

This Project Report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Bachelor degree in Information Technology

supervised by :

supervisor Name: Ms. NEEMA BHALALUSESA.

The undersigned certifies that they have read and hereby recommended for
acceptance by the National Institute of Transport on project titled Maintenance
schedule in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the bachelor degree of
information technology

Project supervisor: Ms. Neema Bhalalusesa



I, MTAJWAHA Felinus, K, hereby I declare that this project report is my own
original work such that I have note copied from any source and it had never been
presented to any other degree or academically award.


MTAJWAHA felinus, K.



Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my project supervisor Ms.
Neema Bhalalusesa for the continuous support of this project and his patient
guidance, enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques, motivation, and immense

I would like to thank our project’s coodnator Mr. Peter Mwakalinga and Mr. Rodric
Mero for their guidance helped, insightful comments and encouragement, also for the
hard question which incited me to widen my research from various perspectives.

Other thanks go to all the staff members of the department for the valuable
information provided by them in their respective fields. We are grateful for their
cooperation during the period of our project.

Finally, I would like to thank my family for supporting me spiritually during working
on the project and my friends who gave me moral support and encouragement
throughout the project study.

This work is whole heartedly dedicated to my beloved parents, who supported me in
both morally, spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically and economically on my
studies since I started primary school till to date when am going to graduate in
bachelor degree of Information Technology at National Institute of Transport.

Also, I dedicate this project to all of my teachers who supported me to reach this
stage of completion of my project work.

This paper presents the development of Maintenance schedule system, where it
implies the use of computerized system to manage the whole process of electronic
devices management and caring, the system helps to schedule tasks by scheduling
time where technicians will be making a periodic check up of electronic devices that
will include all kind of maintenance such as preventive, predictive, and collective

The system will provide notification when the scheduled time reaches, so this will
help technicians to pay attention for performing general check up on the electronics
devices together with network infrastructures found within the organization,

Also, the system includes sub system which is a mobile application that used to
perform data entry into the system by performing text recognition of the registration
number of assets and store them on the database.

CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................... 12
DECLARATION and copy ..................................................................................... 13
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... 14
DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... 15
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. 16
LIST O FIGURES ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 19
1.1 Introduction and Background. ...............................................................................19
1.2 Problem statement. ..................................................................................................19
1.3 significance of the project .......................................................................................20
1.3a Advantages of the Project ......................................................................................20
1.3b Disadvantages of the project .................................................................................20
1.4 scope of the project.......................................................................................................20
1.5 . Project objectives ...................................................................................................20
1.5.1. Main objective ...................................................................................................20
1.5.2 Specific objectives................................................................................................20
Chapter 2. literature review .................................................................................... 22
2.2. Literature Review........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.1. Existing Related Systems .........................................................................................22
2.2.3. Preview of the Proposed System .............................................................................22
CHAPTER 3. ............................................................................................................ 23
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGIES. ............................................ 23
3.1.Data collection ..............................................................................................................23
3.2 Data analysis ............................................................................................................24
3.3. Description of System Development Lifecycle ..........................................................24
4.1. Functional Requirements ...........................................................................................25
4.2. Nonfunctional Requirements .....................................................................................25
CHAPTER 5: SYSTEM DESIGN .......................................................................... 26
5.1 Use Case Diagrams .......................................................................................................26
5.2. Activity Diagram ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.3. Sequence Diagram .......................................................................................................27
5.6. ERD Diagrams/Tree diagram ....................................................................................27
5.8. Interface Design ...........................................................................................................28
CHAPTER 6. ............................................................................................................ 30
6.1. Technologies used in Implementation .......................................................................30
Different technologies were used during the implementation of maintenance
schedule system are as follow: .............................................................................................30
7. 2. Testing Techniques .................................................................................................30
Functional Testing ............................................................................................................30
Non-functional Testing ....................................................................................................30
CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 32
7.1. System Limitation....................................................................................................32
7.2. Recommendation for Future enhancement of your project ................................32


1.1 Introduction and Background.

The MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE system is based on electronic devices

maintenances .the system is designed in a such way that it shows automatic
notification (reminder notification) when reaches the targeted time or on periodic
time of performing general check-up of electronics devices such as desktop
computers, printers, projectors, laptops, Air condition machines and other
electronics devices that are most used within the organisations .therefore the system
helps to remind the maintenance technician after a period of time to perform general
checks, serving, equipment, build infrastructure together with software installation
on electronic devices.

The system involves the mobile application that helps to capture the registration of
an asset and store them in the database.

The system is designed to be used by employees or workers within the organisation,

it is mostly targeted to be used by electronics technicians on their maintenance

1.2 Problem statement.

The existence of manual system of performing check-up and maintenance on
electronic devices within the organisation that requires technician to remember time
of performing general check on the devices, the situation results to the following
i. The use of papers on creating time table.
ii. Failure to schedule preference task during maintenance time.
iii. Un sufficiency communication between other employees and technicians
when they face problems when using their electronic devices.
So due to that issue I suggested to come up with the computerized system to
minimize these problems by increasing effective communication where all

employees will be organized together with the technicians in the single system this
help technician to schedule their tasks on a digital way when reaching the time of
performing maintenance.

1.3 significance of the project

1.3a Advantages of the Project

i. The system minimizes down time due to un expected equipment failure.

ii. Increase life expectance of essential equipment and an asset.
iii. Decreases energy consumption for an organisation asset
iv. Cost serving.
v. Reduces emergence maintenance order.
1.3b Disadvantages of the project
i. The system requires interment for its operation.

1.4 scope of the project

The maintenance schedule system is a web-based system used to perform task

scheduling and provide automatic notification on time of making general check-up of
electronics devices of an organization. The system will help organization team to
make online communication with their electronics technician.

This system helps the organization to manage their assets where the system
comprises the subsystem which is mobile application that helps to perform text
recognition of the registration number of an asset and store them in the database such
that it will help technician to identify where that asset is an organizational asset or

1.5 . Project objectives

1.5.1. Main objective
To develop the electronic maintenance scheduling system.
1.5.2 Specific objectives.
1. To develop Subsystem that scan registration number of an asset and add to

2. To develop a subsystem to perform scheduling and send automatic
notification on time of maintenance.
3. To develop a subsystem for customers of the system to make a request for
maintenance service.

Chapter 2. literature review

2.2.1. Existing Related Systems

The existing system was not a computerized system where by the system used
before was different weakness such as:
• Manually system lacks effective communication where by each member of
organization must possess the organization technicians phone numbers so in
case found number busy it leads to slow down of organization performance in
case any devices fail to operates and found that technician is off line.
• The system doesn’t track the quality of services provided by technicians.

2.2.3. Preview of the Proposed System

Maintenance schedule system performs time and maintenance scheduling of
electronics devices where it produces reminder notification on the time of
maintenance. The system also tracks s the quality of services provided by those
technicians where customers have to send request for maintenance which should
varies within two days after that time where there will be no responses the request
should go to another level of administration where by it will show where it comes
from and who was responsible with that task.



3.1.Data collection
The methodology used to collect data was interview that conducted at the National
Institute of Transport, and different questions were asked and answered as follows
1. what system is used on accomplishing electronic and network infrastructure
maintenance of the organization?
The system used is manually where we remember the previous time of
performing check-up for all devices that are found within the organization.

2. How do you manage to make maintenance all devices of the whole

Our number of technicians helps us to manage to perform and complete the
task on time where we divide tasks according to our number such that two of
us should start with administration offices, other to in registral office, other in
cct department, so we do so until we finish the task.

3. Which type of maintenance do you prefer to use?

We prefer most to use collective maintenance together with scheduled

4. Why?
This is because we perform scheduled maintenance so as to reduce un
necessary cost of buying new machines and also, we do so to reduce
downtime performance of these devices and also, we use scheduled
maintenance to clean some devices such as printers so as to increase their
quality of performance.
Also, we perform collective maintenance when emergence failure of the
device occurs.

5. At which time do you perform maintenance?

We always perform scheduled maintenance on every three months.

6. What are challenges that are facing during maintenance?


a. Lack of computerized system to organize all assets,
b. Technological advancement,

3.2 Data analysis

Data analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning
to examine each component of the data provided. The proposed project is preferred
to use MS office excel tool to analyze the data because Microsoft Excel is one of the
top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular
analytic tool.

3.3. Description of System Development Lifecycle (the system development

model to be used should be described and defended

e.g. Waterfall, Spiral, Agile and etc.)

Hints: *Should defend the selection of the method.

*Should go through each and every stage of the SDLC and explain what have you
done and what should be done as related to your projec

4.1. Functional Requirements
• The system allow admin to manage system users.
• The system allow customer to send request for maintenance.
• The system allow technician to receive /view request sent by customer
and replay on it.
• The system proves the notification according to time scheduled.
• The system allows to sent list of requirements among system users.
• The system allows communication among system users.

4.2. Nonfunctional Requirements

• For user interfaces we take in consideration that they should has a
standard look and being user friendly at the same time to make sure that
users' attention will not be distracted and interface to provide more
flexibility and scalability.
• The program will be in the English language
• The program must be fast in processing
• All function must be works well then system will be a high quality

5.1 Use Case Diagrams

5.3. Sequence Diagram

5.6. ERD Diagrams/Tree diagram

5.8. Interface Design
I, log in page

Admin dashboard design

Customer request interface design



6.1. Technologies used in Implementation
Different technologies were used during the implementation of maintenance
schedule system are as follow:
• The use of and html languages to develop the system interfaces or front
end of the system
• Application of PHP language in developing the back-end side of the
• Also, the use sublime text3 editor were used during system development
• Also, the use of flutter in developing a mobile application which is a
subsystem of maintenance schedule system.

7. 2. Testing Techniques

Functional Testing
During software testing I used this approach to verify every functionality of the
software and each function if it complies with the given requirement. Under this
approach I used unit test as a kind of functional testing.

Unit Testing
In unit testing, each component or individual units of the software was tested. The
aim of performing unit testing is to check conditions for input and output data as per
the design.

Non-functional Testing
The non-functional attributes of software such as performance, usability, security,
reliability, and quality are tested in non-functional types of testing. The quality and
performance of the software can be enhanced with non-functional testing. Under this
approach the following types were used:

Usability testing

Here I check for usability and user-friendliness of the software. This test is
performed to determine if the software is seamless to use by any user.

Security testing

Security experts use the security level of testing to ensure that the system and
application are protected from all types of loopholes. This testing provides security to
the application and protects the loss of here I tested authentication to
verify if system cannot be accessed by non-authorized users

7.1. System Limitation
The system will work only under the internet connection

7.2. Recommendation for Future enhancement of your project

Due to daily development in science and technologies the system will need some
changes due to the weakness that will be observed and in case the system need
additional features any developer will be allowed to make modification on it for
effective performance.


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