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Zaporizhzhia National University 25/01/24

to Design Grant Organization

Recommendation letter for Olesko Ivan

Dear Selection Committee,

I am, Kardashov Mykola, the group curator and project supervisor at

Zaporizhzhia National University, and I am delighted to provide a recommendation
letter for my student, Olesko Ivan, who has expressed the desire to apply for a grant
to pursue studies in your program.

In my role as the group curator and project supervisor, I have had the
opportunity to closely observe Olesko Ivan. Throughout his time at our university, he
has distinguished himself not only with a high level of dedication and hard work but
also with impressive creative achievements. I am his mentor in design projects, and I
can attest to his high initiative, ability to work in a team, and contribution of ideas
that enhance the innovation of projects.

Olesko Ivan possesses remarkable skills in the field of design. His

professional achievements include the successful realization of creative ideas in
projects and a high level of aesthetic understanding. He has a strong command of
graphic and web design skills. One of his main strengths is his exceptional talent in
solving complex design challenges. Ivan demonstrates leadership qualities in
teamwork, and his contributions always add value to projects.

On a personal level, Ivan is polite, communicative, and responsible. He easily

communicates with colleagues and can work under tight schedules. His ability to
accept constructive criticism demonstrates a high level of professional maturity.

I believe Olesko Ivan possesses all the necessary characteristics and talents
for successful study in your program. His commitment to achievements in the field
of design, a desire to develop new concepts, and a profound understanding of his
path in this field make him an ideal candidate for the grant.

I am grateful for the opportunity to recommend Olesko Ivan and am confident

that his inclusion in your program would be a wise investment in the development of
a young and talented designer. Please feel free to contact me for any additional
questions or information.

Sincerely, lecturer, Kardashov Mykola


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