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1a) Expand the binomial expansion ¿ [3]

b) If 1 ≡ A(x −3)(x +3)+ Bx (x +3)+ Cx(x −3) find the values of

A,B,C and D [4]

c) Rationalise the denominator in the expression [3]
2− √ 3

2. a) Complete the square on the expression x 2 − 5 x +1 and hence write down its
maximum/ minimum value and the value of x when it occurs. [4]

b) Show that the equation 4 x −2 x+1 −3=0 can be written as u2 −2 u −3=0 where u=2x
hence solve the equation giving the value of x as a mixed number. [3]

c) Simplify e ln 3 x [2]

3a) Find by performing long division the remainder when x 3 +3 x 2 −6 x +2

is divided by x +2 [3]

b) The expression k + ℎx − 4 x 2 +8 x 3 gives a remainder of -19 when divided by x +1 and a

remainder of 2 when divided by (2 x −1 ). Find the values ofℎ and k [6]

4a) Given f : x →2 x − 3 and g : x →

find i) fg [2]

ii) f −1 [2]

b) Draw on the same axis the graphs of y=f (x ) , y=x and y=f − 1(x )

c) What relationship can be deduced from your graphs? [1]

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d) Sketch on separate axes the graph of y=¿ f ( x )∨¿ [2]

e) State the domain of g and range of f [2]

5a) Solve the inequality ¿ 2 x −3∨¿ 5 [4]

b) Find the range of values of c for which the equation x 2 − cx + ( c +3 )=0 has real roots

6a) The points A and B have coordinates (3; -1) and (7;1). Find the equation of the
perpendicular bisector in the form ax +by =c [4]

1 2
b) The curve y= x − 1 and the line 2 y=x +10 intersect at the points A and B, and O is
the origin. Calculate the coordinates of A and Band hence show that OA and OB are
perpendicular [6]

7a) Sketch the graph of y=sinx for − 90° ≤ x ≤ 90 ° [2]

sin 2 x
b) Prove that ≡ tanx
1+ cos 2 x

c) Given that 3 sinx −cosx ≡ R sin ⁡(x − a) where R>0 and 0< α < , find the value of R and 𝛼
correct to 1dp [2]

Hence solve the equation 3 sinx −cosx =2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 π [4]



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P and Q are two points circumference of a circle centre O and radius 7cm. Angle
POQ=θ and the length of the chord AB is 6cm .

a) Show that θ ≃1,287 rad [2]

b) i) Find the length of the major arc [3]

ii) Calculate the area of the minor segment bounded by PQ and the circle [4]

9a) Find

dy 1 4
if y= −3 x +6 [2]
dx x

d x
b) Simplify 2
(co s x − e )


c) If x=cosθ and y=sinθ are parametric equations of f(x) find and the gradient of
the curve when θ= [3]

3 x −1
d)Differentiate with respect to x
1 −2 x


e). i) Find ∫ ( x 5 −2 x −3 +5 ) dx


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2 1
ii).Evaluate ∫ cosx dx+∫ e x dx
0 0


10a)Evaluate ∑ r (r −1)


1 7 5
b) The first three terms of an arithmetic series are −3 ,− 1 ,− , find the sum of the 70
8 8 8
terms of this series.

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