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Instruksi soal:
Mahasiswa wajib mengubah struktur kalimat dari simple present berikut menjadi simple past tense.
Boleh menambahkan timesignal
Tidak boleh mengganti subject
Silakan menyesuaikan kata kerja (verb)
No Simple Present Simple Past Tense
1. I go to school by bus.
2. Romeo gets up at 5 a.m. every day.
3. Robin writes a letter.
My grandmother buys apple every three days.
4. She laughs loudly.
5. They meet every Monday.
6. My father goes to mosque on Friday.
All birds have wings.
7. Water boils at 100°C.
My father is a teacher.
8. We learn English.
My friend and I rarely go on vacation.
9. She drinks eight glasses of water a day.
10. Jakarta is the largest city in Indonesia.
11. My house stands next to the drugstore.

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