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Unidad Educativa Thomas More - Samborondón

Top Week – HISTORY – Third Trimester - Row 1

Names Carlos Proaño

Date: Score:
and Last
3Row C Teache Robins
r: on
Course Cardo
: na


● Read the instructions carefully.

● Please, write your answers with a pen.
● Any case of academic dishonesty will be reported to the director.
● You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to finish the evaluation.
● Raise your hand if you have any questions.
● Speaking during the exam is not allowed.

1. Curricular Component (4 points)

This first part of the test is composed of 8 questions, remember no amendments and it must be
solved entirely with a blue pen.

1. The Wilmot Proviso, proposed in 1846, aimed to: (0.5 point)

a. Establish the principle of popular sovereignty in new territories
b. Ban slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico
c. Extend the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific Ocean
d. Allow the expansion of slavery into the Oregon Territory

2. Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (1852) is credited with: (0.5 Point)
a. Promoting the abolitionist cause
b. Advocating for states' rights

Elabora Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
do por: n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:
c. Supporting the Fugitive Slave Act
d. Arguing in favor of the expansion of slavery

3. The Compromise of 1850 included provisions such as:(0.5)

a. The admission of California as a free state
b. The Fugitive Slave Act
c. Popular sovereignty in the territories
d. All of the above

Elabora Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
do por: n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:
4. The Underground Railroad was: (0.5)
a. A network of secret routes and safe houses for escaped slaves
b. An abolitionist political party
c. A system for transporting goods between Northern and Southern states
d. A method of communication used by Confederate spies

5. The Hartford Convention (1814) was a response to (0.5)

a. The War of 1812
b. The Louisiana Purchase
c. The Embargo Act
d. The Alien and Sedition Acts

6. The Monroe Doctrine was issued in response to concerns about (0.5)

a. European colonization in the Americas
b. Native American uprisings
c. The expansion of slavery
d. Territorial disputes with Canada

7. The Treaty of Ghent (1814) ended which conflict?(0.5)

a. The War of 1812
b. The American Revolution
c. The Mexican-American War
d. The French and Indian War

8. The Missouri Compromise line (36°30') was established to address the issue of slavery in the territories acquired
from (0.5)
a. France
b. Britain
c. Mexico
d. Spain

Elabora Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
do por: n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:
2. Metacognitive Component (Critical Thinking – Communication) (4 points)

For the following activity you have to read the following text about the founding fathers, understand that with the
information you will have to create a timeline that helps you out understand in a better way all of this process of
the creation of the constitution and what was the role of the founding fathers

Title: The Founding Fathers and the Creation of the United States Constitution


The Founding Fathers of the United States, a group of visionaries and statesmen, played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's
destiny. As the thirteen American colonies sought to forge a stronger and more unified government, the Founding Fathers
convened in Philadelphia in 1787 to draft the Constitution, laying the foundation for the democratic republic that would
become the United States of America.

1. The Need for a Stronger Government:

In the aftermath of the Revolutionary War, the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation became apparent. The Founding
Fathers recognized the necessity of a more robust central government to address issues such as interstate trade disputes,
national defense, and economic stability. This realization prompted the convening of the Constitutional Convention in

2. Debates and Compromises:

The Constitutional Convention, held from May to September 1787, was marked by intense debates and compromises.
Visionaries like James Madison, often hailed as the "Father of the Constitution," and Benjamin Franklin, the elder statesman,
contributed their intellect and wisdom. The Connecticut Compromise, blending elements of the Virginia and New Jersey Plans,
resolved the debate over representation in the legislative branch, ensuring a bicameral legislature.

3. Drafting the Constitution:

The drafting of the Constitution was a collaborative effort. The Preamble, outlining the purpose of the Constitution,
reflected the Founding Fathers' commitment to establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility, providing for the
common defense, promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty. The document's structure,
delineating the powers of the three branches of government, reflected a delicate balance aimed at preventing tyranny.

4. Ratification and the Bill of Rights:

Once the Constitution was drafted, it faced the challenge of ratification. The Federalists, led by figures like Alexander
Hamilton and James Madison, argued for its approval, while Anti-Federalists, fearing an overreaching government,
demanded a Bill of Rights to safeguard individual liberties. The compromise led to the inclusion of the Bill of Rights as the

Elabora Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
do por: n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:
first ten amendments, securing fundamental freedoms and appeasing concerns about federal power.

Elabora Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
do por: n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:
1. 1787 - Constitutional Convention Convenes:
Mark the start of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, highlighting the debates and compromises that occurred
during the months-long deliberations.

2. 1789 - Ratification of the Constitution:

Note the ratification of the Constitution by the required nine states, officially establishing the United States of America as a
constitutional republic.

3. 1791 - Bill of Rights Ratification:

Indicate the ratification of the Bill of Rights, underscoring the protection of individual liberties and the completion of the
constitutional framework.

4. 1804 - Twelfth Amendment Ratification:

Include the ratification of the Twelfth Amendment, which modified the process of electing the President and Vice President,
providing insight into the evolving nature of the Constitution.

Category 4 3 2 1
Points—Maste Points—Profic Points—Appro Point—Unsatisf
red ient aching actory

Subject Includes Basic Includes Basic Content Minimal or

Presented in Knowledge about Information About Factual Errors;
Quality of Depth with Subject; Content Subject; Factual Focus of
Content Attention to Knowledge Errors; Focus of Presentation
Detail; Great Good; Presentation Unclear
Content Emphasizes Somewhat Clear
Knowledge; Important
Emphasizes Concepts

Elabora Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
do por: n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:
Presentation Presentation Presentation Product Shows
Exhibits Great Exhibits Fair Shows Little Minimal Amount of
Amount of Effort and Time Effort and Fair and Little Amount Time Spent;
Effort Spent; Neat and Amount of Time of Time Spent; Disorganized
Clean Spent; Neat and Somewhat
Clean Disorganized

Elabora Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
do por: n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:
Excellent Use of Fair Use of Little Use of Lack of Color,
Color, Color,
Color, Effects, Effects, Pictures Effects, Pictures, Effects, Pictures,
Quality of Pictures, etc. in etc. in the etc. in the etc. in the
Appearance the Presentation; Presentation; Presentation; Presentation;
Enhances Enhances Detracts from the Detracts from the
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Lacks

Exhibits Deep Exhibits Lacks Original Original Thinking;
Amount of Thinking and Originality and Thinking; Ideas Ideas Not
Originality Originality; Great Creativity; Attributed to Attributed to
Creativity and Exhibits New Proper Sources Proper Sources
New Ideas Ideas

Proper Correct 1-4 Errors in 5-9 Errors in 10+ Errors in

Grammar Grammar, Grammar, Grammar, Grammar, Spelling,
Punctuation, & Spelling, and Spelling, and and Punctuation
Spelling Punctuation Punctuation

Elabora Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
do por: n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:
3. Component for Self-reflection
3.1.- How did I apply what I have learned during this grading period in my interdisciplinary
project? Explain in 25 words as a minimum. (1 point).
1 0,75 0,50 0,25
Response clearly explains how Response partially explains the Response lacks clarity or detail in Response does not effectively
learning from this grading period application of learning from this explaining the application of address the application of learning,
was applied in the interdisciplinary grading period and partially learning, also response lacks of and also the response does not
project and provides a clear and explains the application of learning clarity or detail in connecting effectively address the connection
comprehensive explanation of how from this grading period. content to prior knowledge. between content and prior
the content connects with prior Student reached 80-90% of Student reaches 70-80% knowledge.
knowledge. word count of word count. Student reaches less than
Student reaches 100 – 90% of 70% of word count.
word count

Studying the Founding Fathers in History provided a crucial understanding of Constitution-making. It empowered me to
confidently tackle the quiz, enhancing my knowledge of America's foundational principles and governance.
3.2.- How does the content reviewed during this term connect with what I already know? Explain in
25 words as a minimum. (1 point)
1 0,75 0,50 0,25
Response clearly explains how Response partially explains the Response lacks clarity or detail in Response does not effectively
learning from this grading period application of learning from this explaining the application of address the application of learning,
was applied in the interdisciplinary grading period and partially learning, also response lacks of and also the response does not
project and provides a clear and explains the application of learning clarity or detail in connecting effectively address the connection
comprehensive explanation of how from this grading period. content to prior knowledge. between content and prior
the content connects with prior Student reached 80-90% of Student reaches 70-80% knowledge.
knowledge. word count of word count. Student reaches less than
Student reaches 100 – 90% of 70% of word count.
word count

It is connected to the fact that I had previously researched the founding fathers and the history of the United States and state
secrets since it is a topic that catches my attention and I think there are very interesting things in the history of the United States

of America. may he live

Elabor Robinso Revisad Dani Aprob Farr Aprobad Maria
ado n o por: ela ad o ah o por: Auxiliadora
por: Cardona Quint por: Rosa Campos
ero do
Firma: Firma: Firma: Firma:

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