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Submitted to:
Madaam Khawlbiakching

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course


Due date: 30/09/2021 Date of submission: 30/09/2021

Expected pages: 1 pages Actual pages: 1 pages

Submitted by:

Suanmuanlian, B.Th 2
Regd. No 1522
From chapter 8-12, we learn that Jesus is the master teacher for every generation of
Christianity. Jesus main purpose of coming to earth was to bring salvation and to die
for the sinners, as it is the Father’s will. He also did many other miracles during his 3
years ministry. He is also described as “Rabbi” which means “teacher” in the books of
gospel. He made 12 disciples and trains them as witness, and they accompanied him
in his 3 years ministry. He became a living example for the believers to have a good
perspective by teaching us the truth. Jesus taught us faith and hope. He came to bring
peace. Jesus taught us that there is no discrimination in the gospel. He is also known
as The Prince of Peace.
We also learn how Jesus builds relationship with others. Jesus love and have
compassion for the people. Like wise we should love and show other that we care for
them and understand them in our ministry. And, as a teacher or as a Christian whose
involve in a ministry we should always keep close contact with God by praying and
having a quite time just as Jesus did during his ministry. Jesus live out what He taught
and is recognized as a teacher. Jesus made every place His classroom because He is
always ready to teach. He taught the 12 disciples continually to prepare them to carry
on His work and spread the Gospel around the world after He left.
For a teacher preparation is very important mentally, physically and spiritually as we
are dealing with different types of children of different stages. A teacher should
always pray for his or her class and children. Cultivating the right attitude in class and
encouraging them with sympathy and understanding. The teacher also must create a
lively atmosphere in the Sunday school by using visual aid for the student to
understand better.
When we talked about Sunday school, Robert Raikes first founded Sunday school in
1780, in England. When Raikes show the children uneducated and roaming the streets
without their parents, he feels pity and have compassion towards poor and orphans
children in Gloucester because of the Industrial Revolution in England, many children
are forced to work in factory to meet their needs and they are also called “White
Slaves”. He used his father printing press to print books for the children and teaches
them about Jesus along with math, reading and writing skills. By 1800, 2lakhs
children were enrolled for his school. It grows rapidly and religious training are given
to children on Sunday.
The significant of Sunday school is that through this the church help parents trained
their children about salvation, Christian principle and ethic that is important to live a
Christian life and help them up in the nature of Christ.

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